Monday, February 4, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 4 2019

I am dancing on the floor with you

And when you touch my hand

I go crazy‚ yeah

The music tells me what to feel

I like you now‚ but is it real?

By the time we say goodnight

I will know if this is right

And I feel you

Coming through my veins

Am I into you?

Or is the music to blame?

Who owns my heart?

Is it love or is it art?

′Cause the way you got your body moving

It is got me confused‚ and I can′t tell if It is the beat or sparks

Who owns my heart?

Is it love or is it art?

You know‚ I wanna believe that We are a masterpiece

But sometimes It is hard to tell in the dark

Who owns my heart?

The room is full‚ but all I see

Is the way your eyes just blaze through me

Like fire in the dark

We are like living art

And it hit is me

Like a tidal wave

Are you feeling me?

Or is the music to blame?

Who owns my heart?

Is it love or is it art?

′Cause the way you got your body moving

It is got me confused‚ and I can′t tell if It is the beat or sparks

Who owns my heart?

Is it love or is it art?

You know‚ I wanna believe that We are a masterpiece

But sometimes It is hard to tell in the dark

Who owns my heart?

So come on‚ baby

Keep provoking me‚ keep on roping me

Like a Romeo‚ baby‚ pull me close

Come on‚ here we go‚ here we go‚ here we go

And it hit is me

Like a tidal wave

Are you feeling me?

Or is the music to blame?

Who owns my heart?

Is it love or is it art?

′Cause the way you got your body moving

It is got me confused‚ and I can′t tell if It is the beat or sparks

Who owns my heart?

Is it love or is it art?

You know‚ I wanna believe that We are a masterpiece

But sometimes It is hard to tell in the dark

Who owns my heart?

Who owns my heart?

Who owns my heart?

For more infomation >> 34 Who Owns My Heart - Duration: 3:40.


Learn From The Pros & Become A FAA Certified Drone Pilot. Enroll Online Today.

For more infomation >> Learn From The Pros & Become A FAA Certified Drone Pilot. Enroll Online Today.


✅ "Jarňáky" na severu Moravy: Lidé vybrali sklady půjčoven s lyžemi i běžkami - Duration: 1:53.

 Na počátku února mají půjčovny lyžařského vybavení žně. V Moravskoslezském kraji jarní prázdniny odstartovaly v Ostravě

Školáci a studenti na Karvinsku se můžou na jarní prázdniny těšit už příští týden

 Následovat bude okres Frýdek-Místek, o týden později Nový Jičín, dále Bruntál a v polovině března týdenní prázdniny zakončí na Opavsku

Zájem o půjčení lyžařského vybavení je větší než loni. Na nejlepší kousky berou půjčovny rezervace

 Díky sněhové nadílce v Beskydech si letos sportovci půjčují i běžky

„Je výrazně větší zájem, je to opravdu poznat. Lidé si půjčují většinou celé sety

Letos jde více i běžkařina, která loni nešla, protože na běžky nebyl sníh," řekla Ivana Králová z půjčovny v Odrách na Novojičínsku

  Do Alp chtějí lyžaři lepší vybavení  Všichni provozovatelé půjčoven se shodují, letos jde půjčování lyži na dračku

„Zájem je větší než loni. Sníh je všude, tak je samozřejmě velký zájem o půjčování," řekla Hana Kubánková z ostravské půjčovny

 Lidé si nejčastěji půjčují celou výbavu, tedy lyže, přilbu, hůlky i boty

„Do Alp se půjčují lepší lyže. Na hory u nás se většinou půjčují standardy

Teď se půjčuje nejvíce na týden a víc, do Rakouska nebo do Itálie taky na týden nebo víkendy, a pak samozřejmě na lyžařské kurzy," řekla Kubánková

  V Mostech si půjčíte lyže i běžky na sjezdovce  I v Mostech u Jablunkova na Frýdecko-Místecku zaznamenali nárůst zájmu o půjčení vybavení

„Půjčuje se to stejné, co v minulých letech - lyže, dětské lyže, snowboardy

Lyže a snowboardy se půjčují tak rovným dílem, teď se zvýšil zájem o běžky, protože na ně dlouho nebyl sníh," řekl vedoucí půjčovny Tomáš Solowski

 Půjčení lyžařského nebo snowboardového kompletu včetně seřízení vázání tam na týdenní lyžařský kurz stojí 700 korun a běžkařský komplet na jeden den 300 korun

Cely jsou ve většině půjčoven srovnatelné.  VIDEO: Václava Klause uvěznila v Alpách kalamita

Sníh mu znemožnil vrátit se do Prahy    Video délka: 00:40 1080p 720p 360p REKLAMA  Václava Klause uvěznila v Alpách kalamita

Sníh mu znemožnil vrátit se do Prahy Institut Václava Klause

For more infomation >> ✅ "Jarňáky" na severu Moravy: Lidé vybrali sklady půjčoven s lyžemi i běžkami - Duration: 1:53.


803 spruce st - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> 803 spruce st - Duration: 4:44.


Invadir America Latina : Es posible? - Duration: 23:29.

Latin America is composed of the majority of the countries of the American continent with

exception of the United States and Canada, due to its many riches many members

of our audience have asked us if it is possible to invade each and every one of your

countries, the question is: is it possible to invade Latin America ?, the short answer is NO,

but if you want more details then ... Let's talk about war.

This is the channel where we treat everything referring to military technology and scenarios

of invasions, so subscribe if you're again activating the bell so you do not get

miss any of our videos, and when commenting do not use bad words or insults to

that we can approve your comment.

Before starting, we want to establish that this video is for educational purposes, and that

does not intend in any way to encourage or relive any kind of conflict between nations,

races, social ideologies or beliefs, and that we have no commitment to any

of them. The other thing is, what you have to keep in mind is that

because of the broadness of the subject we have put an index in the description of the video so you can

see it in parts and finish it later if Your time is limited.

Necessarily so that we can understand the scenario of the video we must take into account

The following definitions:

An invasion is the appropriation of the land of one nation by members of another,

so that to invade, people must get to take over the land and resources,

it is not enough to make missile attacks or bombings, do not count the nuclear attacks because

there would be no benefit in invading or taking over of a nation destroyed.

The second is that the concept of "America Latina "brings together, as we already mentioned, all

the countries of languages ​​that come from Latin, these are the Spanish spoken in the majority

of their countries, Portuguese Spoken in Brazil, and French or more exactly the dialect

Creole spoken in Haiti. However, also It should be noted that although in the United States

The official language is English, there are several states where the predominant language is

Spanish in close proximity to Mexico to part of Puerto Rico, and in Canada there are several

states that its official language is French.

All this means, that to invade America complete latina would have to conquer

the territory of 20 countries, including that they might have problems defending themselves

are Costa Rica and Panama that have no army and depend on international agreements, and

finally Haiti that although it has strength military are very small for their precarious

economic situation.

Finally, we must remember that Puerto Rico it is not a country, it is a free associated state

to the United States, so strategically because of its geographical position I would have very

important role in this whole scenario, not be that Puerto Rico decides to separate from States

United and join the countries threatened by the invasion.

We must bear in mind, that for the great extension of terrain no superpower alone could

conquer complete Latin America, not even United States with its geographical proximity,

because the number of active military Latin America exceeds it, and the amount of

military reserves is five times greater. To all this, you add the civilians with weapons

legal or illegal that would lend resistance to the invaders. We must also have in

account that no other superpower would dare to such a feat without the support or participation

of the United States, because the Americans they will not allow their rivals to conquer

on your own continent.

United States could not in an operation that it would take months or years to conquer one

for one the Latin American countries, because the wear would be too great. Further,

we must consider that an important part of the American armed forces, is

conformed by people of Latin origin of first and second generation, that is, they have

your close relatives (parents and grandparents and children) in the countries that would be conquered

by force. This situation would reduce considerably the number of military

active and in reserve of united states that they would participate in the invasion.

Then we must also consider, that both the military of Latin origin and

immigrants from Latin American nations they would be a big problem for stability

of the United States, since demonstrations against the invasion would be made

throughout the country, and many of them would end in riots that should be controlled

by the police and the national guard, which a significant amount is also

of Latin origin.

Finally, although the president of states united can order a military intervention

by executive order, so that the United States can undertake or participate in similar

feat and that involves occupying so many countries together with the objective of attaching them, the order

must be given by the president and have the support of the congress, a situation that is very

unlikely, because by the time of the publication of this video, the congress of

America was dominated by opposition, added to that in the final elections

of 2018, 41 of its 535 members were of origin Latin.

An extremely unlikely alliance between

the first four superpowers that are United States, Russia, India and China would be

necessary to overcome Latin American forces in number, at least by a factor of 2 to 1.

These alliances would be behind the backs of the nations united, that would have to be dissolved or be

ignored in all its resolutions when dealing to prevent the invasion.

We must also understand that the countries of the invading alliance strategically not

will bring all their military power to the invasion, because they would be vulnerable in turn from their

enemies, neglecting the work of defense, internal control and disaster mitigation.

As a final point we must understand, that the social composition of the United States is

almost impossible that the plan to conquer all of Latin America is kept secret by

a lot of time, so on our stage all Latin American countries would be

on alert and waiting to be attacked.

We must then establish what benefits they would get the invaders if they succeeded

in invading Latin America. First we have that although the invading powers

they are oil producers, the reserves Latin American oil companies are more than double,

to this is added the mining of metals that the invaders need for their industries,

like Lithium to make batteries whose world reserves are owned by Argentina,

Bolivia and Chile at 85%, we also have Silver and Zinc from Mexico and Peru, which

are the world's largest producers, A part that Chile and Peru are the producers and

largest copper reservists. By last in the case of Brazil, apart from its Diamonds,

an important wealth are the so-called "metals of rare earths ", which are essential

for the manufacture of high items technology like mobile devices or disks

hard, apart from that they have great applications for livestock and agriculture.

The beginning of the war would seriously disrupt world trade and the economic consequences

would be devastating, not only for Latinos but for the invaders, and although

the economy of the United States only exports to Latin America 14%, imports

they are 24%, so this important deficit of the Americans would have to be covered

by one of the allies, and in turn, States United would have to cover the deficiencies

of the remaining invading nations.

From all this we must consider that Mexico would be the nation most affected, because it depends

in 80% of the trade with the United States, However, a commercial blockade to all of America

Latina would not work 100%, since the invaders would have to use almost

all his army to maintain the naval blockade monitoring the retaliation of Latinos,

because it is to be expected that submarines are used and other ships available, to attack the

Commercial ships on the way to the United States and its allies, which would reduce the flow

maritime trade towards the nations invaders

Another commercial exchange that would be seriously deranged is the Air, with its constant flow

of people and cargo, which represents only for the US economy 1.3 trillion

of dollars each year, North American airlines they would lose a part of their profits by leaving

to travel to the 20 Latin countries, and also the rest of the world air transport be

would be seriously threatened, because when seen prevented from carrying out their air operations,

Some countries such as Brazil or Argentina could convert your civil aircraft into aircraft

of rudimentary combat, which would threaten air transport to and from states

united, and would force the Americans to use a large part of their military aircraft

to protect and escort civil aircraft of passengers and cargo, which obviously implies

significant wear on fuel, vehicles and personal.

The most logical thing is for the invaders to use its medium and long range missiles in

a first stage, and its furtive aircraft and tactical bombers in a second stage,

all this to destroy the oil wells, dams, power plants and airports

Latinos, however, remember that Latinos are adapted to live in extreme situations,

with little or no electricity, and also are favored by the climate near

Ecuador, which allows them to have agricultural resources enough and you do not need energy to

heating in the winter. So that bomb the energy infrastructure

would weaken Latino resistance but not It would be decisive, because clandestine refineries

can be established for the process and fuel trade, taking the guerrillas

enough experience in this line. In conclusion, we have to although Mexico and

the islands of the Caribbean would be the most affected commercially, South America will survive

because their countries are interconnected by land and for having enough wealth

agricultural and mining.

Obviously at the beginning and during the invasion the invaders will not allow any advantage

technology to the nations pending by invade, so that the first actions

it would be the denial of access to systems of global positioning, so that weapons

Latinas will not be able to access the GPS of states together, GLOSNASS of Russia and Beidou of

Chinese, although some weapons bought in Europe they could still access the Galileo system.

We also have to consider the denial in access to telecommunications as

submarine cables and satellite communications, this means that from that moment

nations to invade would not have access to Services in the network of companies

Americans, and they would not have access to Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email,

WhatsApp and other social networks.

The only communication alternatives for Latinos would be Radio and television

local for civilians, and communicators of Radio Frequency for the military, these

they can be easily intervened, but to do so it is necessary that the device

of interference that in most of the cases is short-range and needs to be taken

by a vehicle, regularly an airplane, which means that by the great extent

of terrain and the number of devices available interference, these would only be

used in active combat zones and for protect high-value equipment and personnel,

which means that the invaders would not have ability to neutralize all communications

soldiers during the invasion, leaving Latinos the ability to communicate for

regroup, support and attack when necessary.

The greatest advantage of the invaders over the Latinos is in the quantity and quality of their

military aircraft, because the United States, Russia and China are the leaders in the design

and construction of aircraft, this without counting that much of the combat aircraft

Latinas are bought precisely to these nations, we must also consider that

the superpowers do not sell their aircraft of last generation to maintain advantage

strategic, in addition to that for reasons of cost most military aircraft

Latinas are more than 30 years old.

The inconveniences that the invaders would have in the air campaign is that obviously the

air bases in the Latin countries would not be used, leaving only Puerto Rico with

the all-important tactical position in the center of the Caribbean for refueling

Aerial and Naval, so that Puerto Rico decide not to participate they would have to depend

of the bases in the United States and aircraft carriers. To this is added that by the beginning of 2018

Russia had its only aircraft carrier under repair, which would cause their aircraft to have

to use the two aircraft carriers that china has in operation. What makes things worse

is that the range of Chinese carriers is limited because they use conventional fuel,

what would cause them to have to be recharged of fuel several times before arriving

at a usable distance for the invasion, so we should consider that the support of

India, China and Russia could focus on tactical and strategic bombing, more

some attack missions using their multipurpose aircraft.

Impose an air restriction zone It is also very difficult, especially in the

case of South America, due to its great extension of terrain and mountain ranges, so

which small and medium-scale flights will be made in South America, and part

of the civilians will be the flights of transports of the Latin military. After passing the

first and second stage of the air attacks, combat aircraft, multipurpose

and bombing will go on to support the campaigns maritime and terrestrial.

We must keep in mind that neither States United would be safe in their territory,

that in Latin America there is knowledge enough to develop rudimentary missiles

of medium alance to attack their cities, so that anti-missile shields should

be installed mainly in the south and border with Mexico and the East Coast to

protect its citizens, which would increase the internal crisis when seeing some activities

everyday affected by the war. Maritime Campaign

In the maritime campaign the invaders would use his army to locate and destroy the majority

of the Latin ships, of these vessels near of half are small scale and dedicated

for coastal patrol and defense. Without However, in the case of South America, things

they are more difficult, because the navies of Chile, Peru and Brazil would present an important

resistance to the invading army, with the possibility of the sinking of some of their ships with

the support of their respective air forces and units of naval aviation, The Latin Navy

it would also be formed by Argentina, country who has experience in naval warfare.

It is also necessary to consider, that a Once the invasion operations begin

and Central American countries feel threatened and South America, tactical bulges and attack

with cannons and missiles can be directed to the Panama Canal, with the destruction of

channel, the invading army could not cross the oceans to regroup.

Anyway, the invading army decimated the Latin Navy, and participate with the

bombing of civilian and military targets with the launching of missiles and cannonades

at a distance, although as we mentioned earlier the invading army would have to take part

of your vehicles and resources in the location of the Latin submarines, and in the protection

of freight ships from regular trade to and from the United States and allies, and

especially the ships that will transport the personnel and equipment for the land campaign.

The most difficult part is the land campaign, since none of the invading nations possess

the ability to transport large quantities of equipment and personnel in a single operation,

so it would have to be transported by Air command units with sufficient equipment

to occupy and secure commercial ports, which would then be used for the disembarkation

of regular troops and equipment using boats of the merchant marine. This would not be either

easy task because apart from the ports the ground must be secured kilometers to

the round to avoid being targeted by artillery latina In addition to these transport vessels

could be preyed upon by Latin submarines on the high seas, if any one comes to outwit

the defensive perimeters of the fleets.

Obviously the only exception to this rule is Mexico, that with its closeness to States

United presents the greatest risk, incredibly Mexico does not have tanks or combat aircraft,

which would make it impossible to prevent states united will dominate the heavens and destroy the

most of its armored combat vehicles in the clashes, however the process

to dominate all the Mexican territory not it would be so easy because of the difficulties of

ground, so that the invaders chasing the goal of conquering all of Latin America,

they would concentrate on seizing and defending the oil production and mining areas

to continue financing the invasion. The inconveniences of the invaders in Mexican soil

would be the guerrilla movements which would be greatly strengthened, so

that a good amount of personnel should stay to monitor and defend the zones

Mexicans conquered.

The countries of Central America could be conquered with personnel deployments and

equipment from the armies, so small of the terrain would not have major difficulties,

however, also a good amount of personnel and equipment would have to be assigned

to watch over and defend the Panama Canal, both by land, sea and air with the possibility

that an anti-missile shield is installed.

The islands of the Caribbean with the exception of Cuba would not present major problems for

Invaders, The Cuban armed forces would offer good ground resistance to the invaders,

with the possibility of some movements guerrillas, but in the end they would also be

defeated by besieging the island everywhere and establish searches and elimination with

drones both day and night.

If Puerto Rico decides to stay as part of the United States, would play a key role

in the replenishment of aircraft and ships of the navy, as well as in the maintenance

of equipment subject to wear by the invasion, which means that all the

island would become a military base of high logistical value for the invasion, as well

that also in Puerto Rico an important Team quota and personnel must be

assigned to monitor and protect, especially to the maintenance and logistics staff

whose service and knowledge is invaluable for the invasion.

When deciding to conquer America of the South is that things start to get

difficult, as you enter with the army from the Pacific Ocean is not convenient, because

the land of Peru, Chile and part of Argentina It is very rugged with a wide area of

mountain ranges and deserts, which would reduce speed of vehicles and make them vulnerable

to artillery fire, so that this side, the most convenient thing is to carry out the operations

airlines having this same barrier as protection.

The other thing that complicates things is Guyana French, which by definition is part of

the European Union and it's the territory of France, in it is the spaceport of

Kourou, operated by the European Space Agency, what could force France to send a

military contingent to defend it and demand to the invading forces the conservation of

its facilities intact.

The country with the greatest power to face it to the invaders is Brazil, which is the first

Latin American military power, manufactures weapons and has a considerable amount of

active and reserve military, apart from that the land of Brazil is Immense. The military

Brazilians added to the other military forces remnants of South America would face

the invaders in urban and rural areas and the guerrilla movements that have already

decades of experience would be the nightmare for the establishment of chains of

supply, without them sooner or later Invading forces would be exhausted and weakened.

So in conclusion, although the Invaders can conquer Mexico, Central America

and the islands of the Caribbean, South America Never Will fall.

Let us know in the comments if there are other reasons why it is not possible to invade

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For more infomation >> Invadir America Latina : Es posible? - Duration: 23:29.


Sirop naturel fait maison contre les quintes de toux - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Sirop naturel fait maison contre les quintes de toux - Duration: 1:54.


Does Depression Make You More Realistic? - Duration: 5:39.


I think I'm above average in a lot of ways—

I'm a better driver than most.

I'm pretty, like, hilarious, for example. Right?

But that just can't possibly be true of everyone who thinks so.

In fact, psychologists have shown that humans tend to be a little bit mistaken about themselves—usually they think that they're a bit better at things than they actually are.

But some people with depression are less likely to have this bias.

And for a long time, that fueled the idea that people with depression were more accurate judges of reality—a concept dubbed depressive realism.

In popular media, it's been used to claim that people with depression don't have a negative worldview, they're just more objective and 'see the world as it really is'.

But as psychologists looked further into this idea, it's become clear that depressed people aren't necessarily more realistic or objective in their assessments of things.

The phenomenon only happens under certain circumstances—ones where people who aren't depressed are generally positively-biased.

Depressive realism was first proposed in the late 1970s when researchers had 96 students try to guess whether a button they could press controlled a green light.

People who self-reported fewer symptoms of depression rated themselves as having more control over the light than they actually did, while those who reported more symptoms were more spot-on.

And since then, a lot of other research has found similar results.

For example, a 1987 study had 80 people pair up and have brief conversations.

Then, afterward, they had each person rate their own social competence.

The conversations were also viewed by outside observers, and it turned out the self-ratings from the people with depression were closer to the ratings of these observers, while everyone else rated themselves much higher.

And that's a pretty common thing people do.

Basically, we look at ourselves and our abilities with rose colored glasses.

But pulling off those glasses doesn't necessarily mean people with depression are actually seeing the world more objectively.

Lots of studies also support the cognitive distortion model.

That's the idea that depression distorts reality, so that people view themselves and their future prospects more negatively than they actually are.

You can see this in a study that gave 19 depressed patients and 12 without depression an identical sheet of feedback about a conversation they'd had.

Both groups thought the feedback was equally accurate, but a few minutes later, the group with depression remembered it being a lot more negative than it actually was.

As scientists dig deeper into depressive realism, they're finding that depressed people aren't super objective observers.

People with depression tend to be more biased about other people's abilities, for example—thinking everyone else is better at things than they actually are.

They aren't always more accurate about the world, or even themselves.

For example, in a 1991 study, researchers asked hundreds of their students to make predictions about what would happen to them over the next semester—things like whether they'd get an A, or be the victim of a crime.

In the end, fewer of the predictions made by students which scored high on a depression scale came true, even though they were just as confident as their peers when they made them.

A 2012 meta-analysis was able to find 75 studies on depressive realism to suss out when it happens and when it doesn't.

And they found that you're more likely to see depressive realism if there's no objective standard for reality, for example.

Like, in the study where people observed conversations, it's not like those observers were infallible.

Their ratings of social competence were just their opinions.

In studies where researchers can control the truth, the effect is usually smaller.

And it also makes a difference whether people self-report their symptoms or have a clinician perform a structured interview.

You're more likely to see the effect if people self-report their symptoms as opposed to have a clinician diagnose them.

And that's a bit weird, because clinicians should be better able to distinguish who really has depression from who doesn't.

So some psychologists think it may indicate there's something else at play—

something other than depression that both leads to people to report more symptoms and dials down their positivity bias, though it's not clear what that something would be.

All these caveats make it seem like the few cases of accuracy are a side effect of the cognitive distortions that typically appear with depression.

Like, most people think they have more control over the world than they really do —

that's why, when asked about whether some button controls a light, people without depression weren't as accurate as those with depression.

But researchers have found that they can make this effect go away by shortening the time participants have in between each test of the button, or by changing their expectations about whether it's going to work.

Depressed patients are only more accurate when they have time to think about it.

And giving them information that should lower their expectation of control—like, that they're testing old lab equipment—doesn't change their judgements.

That suggests that people with depression are actually not paying attention to all the relevant information rather than more objectively assessing the world as it is.

In the end, there isn't really evidence that being depressed gives you some reality-seeing superpower.

It just makes you see things a little more... depressingly.

And, on occasion, that view of things is more accurate.

But other times—a lot of the time—it's really not.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych!

If you liked learning about how depression affects the brain, you might be interested in our episode on 3 lesser-known symptoms of depression.

And to keep up to date with all of our psych episodes, be sure to click on that subscribe button!


For more infomation >> Does Depression Make You More Realistic? - Duration: 5:39.


Here & Now February 4 2019 - Duration: 1:05:46.

For more infomation >> Here & Now February 4 2019 - Duration: 1:05:46.


Invadir America Latina : Es posible? - Duration: 23:29.

Latin America is composed of the majority of the countries of the American continent with

exception of the United States and Canada, due to its many riches many members

of our audience have asked us if it is possible to invade each and every one of your

countries, the question is: is it possible to invade Latin America ?, the short answer is NO,

but if you want more details then ... Let's talk about war.

This is the channel where we treat everything referring to military technology and scenarios

of invasions, so subscribe if you're again activating the bell so you do not get

miss any of our videos, and when commenting do not use bad words or insults to

that we can approve your comment.

Before starting, we want to establish that this video is for educational purposes, and that

does not intend in any way to encourage or relive any kind of conflict between nations,

races, social ideologies or beliefs, and that we have no commitment to any

of them. The other thing is, what you have to keep in mind is that

because of the broadness of the subject we have put an index in the description of the video so you can

see it in parts and finish it later if Your time is limited.

Necessarily so that we can understand the scenario of the video we must take into account

The following definitions:

An invasion is the appropriation of the land of one nation by members of another,

so that to invade, people must get to take over the land and resources,

it is not enough to make missile attacks or bombings, do not count the nuclear attacks because

there would be no benefit in invading or taking over of a nation destroyed.

The second is that the concept of "America Latina "brings together, as we already mentioned, all

the countries of languages ​​that come from Latin, these are the Spanish spoken in the majority

of their countries, Portuguese Spoken in Brazil, and French or more exactly the dialect

Creole spoken in Haiti. However, also It should be noted that although in the United States

The official language is English, there are several states where the predominant language is

Spanish in close proximity to Mexico to part of Puerto Rico, and in Canada there are several

states that its official language is French.

All this means, that to invade America complete latina would have to conquer

the territory of 20 countries, including that they might have problems defending themselves

are Costa Rica and Panama that have no army and depend on international agreements, and

finally Haiti that although it has strength military are very small for their precarious

economic situation.

Finally, we must remember that Puerto Rico it is not a country, it is a free associated state

to the United States, so strategically because of its geographical position I would have very

important role in this whole scenario, not be that Puerto Rico decides to separate from States

United and join the countries threatened by the invasion.

We must bear in mind, that for the great extension of terrain no superpower alone could

conquer complete Latin America, not even United States with its geographical proximity,

because the number of active military Latin America exceeds it, and the amount of

military reserves is five times greater. To all this, you add the civilians with weapons

legal or illegal that would lend resistance to the invaders. We must also have in

account that no other superpower would dare to such a feat without the support or participation

of the United States, because the Americans they will not allow their rivals to conquer

on your own continent.

United States could not in an operation that it would take months or years to conquer one

for one the Latin American countries, because the wear would be too great. Further,

we must consider that an important part of the American armed forces, is

conformed by people of Latin origin of first and second generation, that is, they have

your close relatives (parents and grandparents and children) in the countries that would be conquered

by force. This situation would reduce considerably the number of military

active and in reserve of united states that they would participate in the invasion.

Then we must also consider, that both the military of Latin origin and

immigrants from Latin American nations they would be a big problem for stability

of the United States, since demonstrations against the invasion would be made

throughout the country, and many of them would end in riots that should be controlled

by the police and the national guard, which a significant amount is also

of Latin origin.

Finally, although the president of states united can order a military intervention

by executive order, so that the United States can undertake or participate in similar

feat and that involves occupying so many countries together with the objective of attaching them, the order

must be given by the president and have the support of the congress, a situation that is very

unlikely, because by the time of the publication of this video, the congress of

America was dominated by opposition, added to that in the final elections

of 2018, 41 of its 535 members were of origin Latin.

An extremely unlikely alliance between

the first four superpowers that are United States, Russia, India and China would be

necessary to overcome Latin American forces in number, at least by a factor of 2 to 1.

These alliances would be behind the backs of the nations united, that would have to be dissolved or be

ignored in all its resolutions when dealing to prevent the invasion.

We must also understand that the countries of the invading alliance strategically not

will bring all their military power to the invasion, because they would be vulnerable in turn from their

enemies, neglecting the work of defense, internal control and disaster mitigation.

As a final point we must understand, that the social composition of the United States is

almost impossible that the plan to conquer all of Latin America is kept secret by

a lot of time, so on our stage all Latin American countries would be

on alert and waiting to be attacked.

We must then establish what benefits they would get the invaders if they succeeded

in invading Latin America. First we have that although the invading powers

they are oil producers, the reserves Latin American oil companies are more than double,

to this is added the mining of metals that the invaders need for their industries,

like Lithium to make batteries whose world reserves are owned by Argentina,

Bolivia and Chile at 85%, we also have Silver and Zinc from Mexico and Peru, which

are the world's largest producers, A part that Chile and Peru are the producers and

largest copper reservists. By last in the case of Brazil, apart from its Diamonds,

an important wealth are the so-called "metals of rare earths ", which are essential

for the manufacture of high items technology like mobile devices or disks

hard, apart from that they have great applications for livestock and agriculture.

The beginning of the war would seriously disrupt world trade and the economic consequences

would be devastating, not only for Latinos but for the invaders, and although

the economy of the United States only exports to Latin America 14%, imports

they are 24%, so this important deficit of the Americans would have to be covered

by one of the allies, and in turn, States United would have to cover the deficiencies

of the remaining invading nations.

From all this we must consider that Mexico would be the nation most affected, because it depends

in 80% of the trade with the United States, However, a commercial blockade to all of America

Latina would not work 100%, since the invaders would have to use almost

all his army to maintain the naval blockade monitoring the retaliation of Latinos,

because it is to be expected that submarines are used and other ships available, to attack the

Commercial ships on the way to the United States and its allies, which would reduce the flow

maritime trade towards the nations invaders

Another commercial exchange that would be seriously deranged is the Air, with its constant flow

of people and cargo, which represents only for the US economy 1.3 trillion

of dollars each year, North American airlines they would lose a part of their profits by leaving

to travel to the 20 Latin countries, and also the rest of the world air transport be

would be seriously threatened, because when seen prevented from carrying out their air operations,

Some countries such as Brazil or Argentina could convert your civil aircraft into aircraft

of rudimentary combat, which would threaten air transport to and from states

united, and would force the Americans to use a large part of their military aircraft

to protect and escort civil aircraft of passengers and cargo, which obviously implies

significant wear on fuel, vehicles and personal.

The most logical thing is for the invaders to use its medium and long range missiles in

a first stage, and its furtive aircraft and tactical bombers in a second stage,

all this to destroy the oil wells, dams, power plants and airports

Latinos, however, remember that Latinos are adapted to live in extreme situations,

with little or no electricity, and also are favored by the climate near

Ecuador, which allows them to have agricultural resources enough and you do not need energy to

heating in the winter. So that bomb the energy infrastructure

would weaken Latino resistance but not It would be decisive, because clandestine refineries

can be established for the process and fuel trade, taking the guerrillas

enough experience in this line. In conclusion, we have to although Mexico and

the islands of the Caribbean would be the most affected commercially, South America will survive

because their countries are interconnected by land and for having enough wealth

agricultural and mining.

Obviously at the beginning and during the invasion the invaders will not allow any advantage

technology to the nations pending by invade, so that the first actions

it would be the denial of access to systems of global positioning, so that weapons

Latinas will not be able to access the GPS of states together, GLOSNASS of Russia and Beidou of

Chinese, although some weapons bought in Europe they could still access the Galileo system.

We also have to consider the denial in access to telecommunications as

submarine cables and satellite communications, this means that from that moment

nations to invade would not have access to Services in the network of companies

Americans, and they would not have access to Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email,

WhatsApp and other social networks.

The only communication alternatives for Latinos would be Radio and television

local for civilians, and communicators of Radio Frequency for the military, these

they can be easily intervened, but to do so it is necessary that the device

of interference that in most of the cases is short-range and needs to be taken

by a vehicle, regularly an airplane, which means that by the great extent

of terrain and the number of devices available interference, these would only be

used in active combat zones and for protect high-value equipment and personnel,

which means that the invaders would not have ability to neutralize all communications

soldiers during the invasion, leaving Latinos the ability to communicate for

regroup, support and attack when necessary.

The greatest advantage of the invaders over the Latinos is in the quantity and quality of their

military aircraft, because the United States, Russia and China are the leaders in the design

and construction of aircraft, this without counting that much of the combat aircraft

Latinas are bought precisely to these nations, we must also consider that

the superpowers do not sell their aircraft of last generation to maintain advantage

strategic, in addition to that for reasons of cost most military aircraft

Latinas are more than 30 years old.

The inconveniences that the invaders would have in the air campaign is that obviously the

air bases in the Latin countries would not be used, leaving only Puerto Rico with

the all-important tactical position in the center of the Caribbean for refueling

Aerial and Naval, so that Puerto Rico decide not to participate they would have to depend

of the bases in the United States and aircraft carriers. To this is added that by the beginning of 2018

Russia had its only aircraft carrier under repair, which would cause their aircraft to have

to use the two aircraft carriers that china has in operation. What makes things worse

is that the range of Chinese carriers is limited because they use conventional fuel,

what would cause them to have to be recharged of fuel several times before arriving

at a usable distance for the invasion, so we should consider that the support of

India, China and Russia could focus on tactical and strategic bombing, more

some attack missions using their multipurpose aircraft.

Impose an air restriction zone It is also very difficult, especially in the

case of South America, due to its great extension of terrain and mountain ranges, so

which small and medium-scale flights will be made in South America, and part

of the civilians will be the flights of transports of the Latin military. After passing the

first and second stage of the air attacks, combat aircraft, multipurpose

and bombing will go on to support the campaigns maritime and terrestrial.

We must keep in mind that neither States United would be safe in their territory,

that in Latin America there is knowledge enough to develop rudimentary missiles

of medium alance to attack their cities, so that anti-missile shields should

be installed mainly in the south and border with Mexico and the East Coast to

protect its citizens, which would increase the internal crisis when seeing some activities

everyday affected by the war. Maritime Campaign

In the maritime campaign the invaders would use his army to locate and destroy the majority

of the Latin ships, of these vessels near of half are small scale and dedicated

for coastal patrol and defense. Without However, in the case of South America, things

they are more difficult, because the navies of Chile, Peru and Brazil would present an important

resistance to the invading army, with the possibility of the sinking of some of their ships with

the support of their respective air forces and units of naval aviation, The Latin Navy

it would also be formed by Argentina, country who has experience in naval warfare.

It is also necessary to consider, that a Once the invasion operations begin

and Central American countries feel threatened and South America, tactical bulges and attack

with cannons and missiles can be directed to the Panama Canal, with the destruction of

channel, the invading army could not cross the oceans to regroup.

Anyway, the invading army decimated the Latin Navy, and participate with the

bombing of civilian and military targets with the launching of missiles and cannonades

at a distance, although as we mentioned earlier the invading army would have to take part

of your vehicles and resources in the location of the Latin submarines, and in the protection

of freight ships from regular trade to and from the United States and allies, and

especially the ships that will transport the personnel and equipment for the land campaign.

The most difficult part is the land campaign, since none of the invading nations possess

the ability to transport large quantities of equipment and personnel in a single operation,

so it would have to be transported by Air command units with sufficient equipment

to occupy and secure commercial ports, which would then be used for the disembarkation

of regular troops and equipment using boats of the merchant marine. This would not be either

easy task because apart from the ports the ground must be secured kilometers to

the round to avoid being targeted by artillery latina In addition to these transport vessels

could be preyed upon by Latin submarines on the high seas, if any one comes to outwit

the defensive perimeters of the fleets.

Obviously the only exception to this rule is Mexico, that with its closeness to States

United presents the greatest risk, incredibly Mexico does not have tanks or combat aircraft,

which would make it impossible to prevent states united will dominate the heavens and destroy the

most of its armored combat vehicles in the clashes, however the process

to dominate all the Mexican territory not it would be so easy because of the difficulties of

ground, so that the invaders chasing the goal of conquering all of Latin America,

they would concentrate on seizing and defending the oil production and mining areas

to continue financing the invasion. The inconveniences of the invaders in Mexican soil

would be the guerrilla movements which would be greatly strengthened, so

that a good amount of personnel should stay to monitor and defend the zones

Mexicans conquered.

The countries of Central America could be conquered with personnel deployments and

equipment from the armies, so small of the terrain would not have major difficulties,

however, also a good amount of personnel and equipment would have to be assigned

to watch over and defend the Panama Canal, both by land, sea and air with the possibility

that an anti-missile shield is installed.

The islands of the Caribbean with the exception of Cuba would not present major problems for

Invaders, The Cuban armed forces would offer good ground resistance to the invaders,

with the possibility of some movements guerrillas, but in the end they would also be

defeated by besieging the island everywhere and establish searches and elimination with

drones both day and night.

If Puerto Rico decides to stay as part of the United States, would play a key role

in the replenishment of aircraft and ships of the navy, as well as in the maintenance

of equipment subject to wear by the invasion, which means that all the

island would become a military base of high logistical value for the invasion, as well

that also in Puerto Rico an important Team quota and personnel must be

assigned to monitor and protect, especially to the maintenance and logistics staff

whose service and knowledge is invaluable for the invasion.

When deciding to conquer America of the South is that things start to get

difficult, as you enter with the army from the Pacific Ocean is not convenient, because

the land of Peru, Chile and part of Argentina It is very rugged with a wide area of

mountain ranges and deserts, which would reduce speed of vehicles and make them vulnerable

to artillery fire, so that this side, the most convenient thing is to carry out the operations

airlines having this same barrier as protection.

The other thing that complicates things is Guyana French, which by definition is part of

the European Union and it's the territory of France, in it is the spaceport of

Kourou, operated by the European Space Agency, what could force France to send a

military contingent to defend it and demand to the invading forces the conservation of

its facilities intact.

The country with the greatest power to face it to the invaders is Brazil, which is the first

Latin American military power, manufactures weapons and has a considerable amount of

active and reserve military, apart from that the land of Brazil is Immense. The military

Brazilians added to the other military forces remnants of South America would face

the invaders in urban and rural areas and the guerrilla movements that have already

decades of experience would be the nightmare for the establishment of chains of

supply, without them sooner or later Invading forces would be exhausted and weakened.

So in conclusion, although the Invaders can conquer Mexico, Central America

and the islands of the Caribbean, South America Never Will fall.

Let us know in the comments if there are other reasons why it is not possible to invade

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For more infomation >> Invadir America Latina : Es posible? - Duration: 23:29.


KU School of Business Ph.D. Program - Duration: 4:58.

So I did a bunch of searching around different schools and KU had the

faculty who I was most interested in working with.

I'm a graduate of our masters of accounting program and I had good working relationships with a lot of

them I knew it would be a place where as a doctoral student you'd get lots of

one-on-one attention.

There's one thing that I know for sure from interactions with other PhD students from other universities is that our faculty members are much more accessible.

We keep the cohorts pretty small and at least in

marketing we do not admit usually more than two or three people every couple of

years. And this allows us to spend more time with each individual student

especially earlier on when they need more training.

Relative to other institutions I feel like we have a really close relationship with our

faculty in the Ph.D program; we're a relatively small program and we get a

lot of good faculty attention that other schools wouldn't offer.

When I'm advising a student or mentoring a student I meet with them at least once a week because the

best way to make progress on a project is to force yourself to meet regular

deadlines and I like it because graduate students always bring a different

perspective to the research and they could come up with really interesting

new ideas that people who've been in the field or done research in the area

haven't thought of for a long time because they're so entrenched in what's already been done.

I work right across the hallway from a finance instructor

and so I get to hear and talk with them about some of the research and work that

they're doing which impacts and gives me a different way of looking at the world.

Research isn't really an individual sport so to have my put out my best

ideas my best writing, best analytics and then have it refined by a peer and by a

faculty member you know then what I'm doing what I'm creating is exponentially

better than what I would have done alone and so in then you see it sort of happen

and then you've got this this research project that's that's really cool and

something that could have only been that way because of everybody's unique contributions.

Since I've been involved with the

program I've written about half a dozen or more papers with doctoral students;

several of which I've been published one of the most important reasons why we

take that approach is that we have found that it not only improves the the body

of work that students do while they're here in the program but it also enhances

their ultimate placement I will say we're very proud of our placement over

the last few years over the years when I've been involved in the doctoral program.

Some students really want to go to research universities and we train

them well for that but if a student is more interested in teaching they also

have opportunities to practice that in the classroom they teach several times

before they graduate and so we've had students want to go down that path if

they discover research isn't for them.

Research is sort of the long it's a long feedback cycle so you write a great research paper and maybe years before it

gets actually even published the feedback you get from students is sort

of more, in the semester you know you see them graduate it's all happening

pretty pretty close so it's nice to have those sort of semester by semester wins

in the classroom to keep you going while you're working on the other things.

It does benefit our students but I would say it benefits the PhD students even

more because they get that interaction they get that experience and in some

programs you see students teaching perhaps one semester and that's all and

then they're turned loose on a student population without the close guidance

that you're going to have here where faculty cares so much about teaching and

they're really mentoring those doctoral students in their teaching and their

growth in teaching.

It's one of the reasons why I chose it as faculty and it's definitely one of the reasons why I would recommend it to doctoral students.

It's a great college town with a winning basketball program, with accessible faculty who are experts in their area.

When I chose my graduate school program

it was based on the people; the professors that were there that I knew

were willing to work with me and I knew how to experience working

with graduate students and enjoyed working with graduate students.

You know, KU PhD is gonna mean different things to different people but what I think

made my experience really standout was the people. It's one

of those intangible things about a program that you you can't really put it

on the balance sheet but it really matters it makes a difference


For more infomation >> KU School of Business Ph.D. Program - Duration: 4:58.


Quina 4893 - Resultado da Quina (04/02/2019) - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Quina 4893 - Resultado da Quina (04/02/2019) - Duration: 0:53.


Sirop naturel fait maison contre les quintes de toux - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Sirop naturel fait maison contre les quintes de toux - Duration: 1:54.


Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff on Aurora Rising (Long) - Duration: 1:01.

Hi, I'm Amie Kaufman.

And I'm Jay Kristoff, and together you may know us

as the authors of the Illuminae Files.

But today, we're here to talk to you

about our new young adult science fiction action adventure

set in space, of course, because it's us,

called Aurora Rising.

It's the story of the golden boy

of an interstellar military academy.

He ends up saddled with this squad

of losers, misfit, and discipline cases.

These are the cadets that nobody wanted in their squad.

And to make matters worse, he rescues a girl

who's been frozen in time for the past 200 years,

and it turns out that she may either hold the secret

to destroying or saving the entire galaxy.

No pressure.

No pressure.

So we loved writing this book and we're so excited about it

and we can't wait for you to read it.

We hope that you're joining us in counting down.

It's coming this May.

Hope you love it.

For more infomation >> Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff on Aurora Rising (Long) - Duration: 1:01.


Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff on Aurora Rising (Short) - Duration: 0:47.

Hi, I'm Amie Kaufman.

And I'm Jay Kristoff,

and together we're the authors of the The Illuminae Files.

But we're here today to talk to you about

a new young adult science fiction action adventure

set in space, of course, because it's us

called Aurora Rising.

It's the story of the golden boy

of an interstellar military academy

who ends up saddled with the squad of losers,

misfits, and discipline cases.

Together, they need to save the galaxy.

So, it's kinda like Guardians of the Galaxy

meets Six of Crows in space.

We're really excited about it

and we can't wait for you to read it.

It's gonna be on shelves in May,

so join us in counting down.

For more infomation >> Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff on Aurora Rising (Short) - Duration: 0:47.


Genetics and The Modern Synthesis: Crash Course History of Science #35 - Duration: 12:34.

By the end of World War Two and the beginning of the Cold War, physics had been revolutionized—again.

Much as Newton had done in 1666, Einstein did in 1905.

But once again, biology was late to the paradigm-shifting party.

Remember how Darwin and Mendel lived around the same time, but everyone forgot about Mendel

until 1900, and even then biologists saw Darwinism and Mendelism as two competing grand theories

about how life works?

The Darwin and Wallace people thought traits were blended, and they studied big populations

of different species, in the wild and in fossils. While the Mendelians studied roses or flies

in labs.

And they saw that some traits aren't blended, but jump around according to Mendel's laws.

And, meanwhile, the eugenicists studied variation in human populations, for creepy reasons.

Well, it's time to bring these threads together into a new paradigm for biology—one that

accounts for change over time in species through exacting quantitative analysis on different

real-world populations.

[Intro Music Plays]

Medicine changed a lot after 1900 due to the discovery of different therapies like antibiotics.

Likewise, biology changed a lot as scientists combined different ideas, from natural selection

to statistics, in new ways.

The result is a framework called the Modern Synthesis, or "neo-Darwinism." And even

today, biologists mostly work within it.

Basically, the Modern Synthesis uses Mendelian inheritance—Mendel's rules—to explain

how Darwinian natural selection works in real time.

So Darwin and Wallace's big ideas about change over long epochs, across vast continents,

provided a solid theory for different researchers to use when designing studies in quantitative

and population genetics, and when trying to make sense of their results.

What did the Modern Synthesis look like as it happened? From 1928 to 1942, different

people applied one theory across a bunch of forms of empirical science, gluing them together.

Hence, "synthesis!"

They also published influential books that knit together Darwinism with Mendelism—such

as English ecological geneticist E. B. Ford's 1931 classic, Mendelism and Evolution.

Now, there were too many Modern Synthesizers to shout out in one episode.

But you've met a couple of them before.

American geneticist and embryologist Thomas Hunt Morgan, for example, directed the Fly

Room at Columbia from 1911 to 1928—which we visited in Episode Twenty-Five.

Morgan trained a lot of biologists who contributed to the Modern Synthesis by exploring where

genes are physically located on the chromosomes of fruit flies—

members of the species Drosophila melanogaster.

They Fly Boys also created databases of different alleles, or versions of a gene.

For example, they figured out that the dominant allele controlling the color of a fly's

eyes makes it red, but recessive alleles exist for brown or white eyes.

In fact, the Fly Room scientists could inbreed flies with specific traits until these mutants

were pretty much new species.

But this didn't prove how species were created in the wild.

Maybe, using artificial selection, the scientists were doing something that Darwin and Wallace's

proposed mechanism, natural selection didn't do, or did a different way.

One of Morgan's students, Ukrainian-American geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky, resolved

this frustration by studying flies similar to the lab's Drosophila.

Traveling from Canada to Mexico, Dobzhansky demonstrated that natural groups of flies

have the same levels of genetic variation as mutants in labs.

In fact, Dobzhansky showed that, in the wild, variations are inherited pretty much as Darwin

would have predicted.

And most mutations aren't good or bad, which is why variation is so high! He joined the

worlds laboratory genetics, the realm of experimentation, and field naturalism, the realm of observation.

Dobzhansky published his landmark book, Genetics and the Origin of Species in 1937, which established

evolutionary genetics as a discipline.

In his book, Dobzhansky defined evolution as the "change in the frequency of an allele

within a gene pool." Which is pretty much how we teach it today.

Darwin's natural selection, culling certain alleles from a population and allowing others

to reproduce, is one of the main drivers of the evolution of species—along with completely

random mutation and some other forces called gene flow and gene drift.

Dobzhansky also spent much of his career trying to convince people not to think of humans

like inbred mutant flies: human "races" are not genetically defined, but socially


The biological features that people have associated with different races have changed over time,

and the boundaries between those races have been redrawn.

Dobzhansky was one of many scientists who hoped that people would read about human genetics

and suddenly change their views on human difference.

Turns out, we need more than just science.

Dobzhansky was not the only biologist to turn to statistics as a tool for describing variation

in living things.

Starting around 1918, English statistician Ronald A. Fisher made numerous contributions

to statistics and genetics, culminating in his banger, The Genetical Theory of Natural

Selection, in 1930.

He showed statistically that what looks like continuous natural selection is actually the

result of combined changes to many different genes.

Fisher's work provided much of the foundation for biostatistics, or how to apply statistics

to biology, including using statistical concepts to understand the results of experiments.

Unfortunately, Fisher was also a massive eugenicist who insisted that racial differences in humans

mattered scientifically.

Sort of the opposite of Dobzhansky.

English scientist, socialist organizer, and consummate natty dresser J. B. S. Haldane

also helped pioneer biostatistics, and a bunch of other stuff.

In a 1915 paper, Haldane published the first genetic linkage maps for mammals—showing

the order and relative distances of genes in guinea pigs and mice, and later chickens.

This was a big step, moving from flies to mice!

Haldane's work, like his 1932 book The Causes of Evolution, helped establish—with Fisher

and American geneticist Sewall Wright—population genetics.

This is the study of how genes vary in populations, including models of how different alleles

will change in a population over time.

Other scientists focused not on gene-by-gene change, but on whole species. German ornithologist

Ernst Mayr came up with the modern biological definition of a species:

not just a bunch of similar organisms, but a group that can only breed with each other.

Mayr published Systematics and the Origin of Species from the Viewpoint of a Zoologist

in 1942, helping establish evolutionary biology as distinct from genetics and the other life


Finally, British evolutionary biologist and eugenicist Julian Huxley published Evolution:

The Modern Synthesis in 1942.

This one was kind of the capstone to the whole Modern Synthesis: it summarized the research

uniting evolution and genetics up to World War Two.

And Julian Huxley coined many terms still used by evolutionary biologists, such as cline,

or the gradient of some trait—say, some gene—within a population across a geographical


Fun fact: Julian's little brother, Aldous Huxley wrote the dystopia Brave New World

in 1932, which argued that technology might not only not be the solution to the world's

problems—it might be a major source of them.

And we have to shout-out their grandpa, Thomas Henry Huxley, AKA "Darwin's Bulldog,"

who helped make Darwin the most famous scientist of the nineteenth century.

Just… a lot going on with the Huxley family.

So the Modern Synthesizers had links back to Darwin himself.

And with Julian Huxley's book, the work of figuring out the how of evolution was publicly

announced, a little less than a century after the Origin of Species.

In the public eye, biology gained credibility. After striving for decades to make their field

better resemble physics, biologists were finally using mathematics and massive data sets regularly

and convincingly.

It's important to note that the Synthesizers weren't really a clearly defined group,

and they didn't always agree with each other.

And while their work was transformative and still provides a basis for some of the day-to-day

work for biologists, not everyone was down with the Synthesis in the Forties, and new

ideas continue to reshape it today.

But still, by 1942, biology had become, by its own account, "modern."

Notice, the Synthesizers were mostly English and American dudes. Dobzhansky was born in

the Ukraine, but he immigrated to the United States at age twenty seven.

While they were meticulously using Mendelian genetics to explain natural selection, their

counterparts in the newly powerful Soviet Union faced a different intellectual landscape.

Science and technology were strongly prized in the Soviet Union.

After all, the country had been founded on Marxist principles: there is only one, material

world, and whoever controls the means of production—capital and technology—controls that world.

After the World War Two, elite schools pumped out many highly skilled engineers every year,

and Soviet scientists began to win Nobel Prizes.

They had to catch up on the whole atomic bomb fad, for one.

But in the life sciences, instead of competing with the Modern Synthesizers, the Soviets

focused on applications— agriculture.

The question facing Soviet geneticists was, how to improve varieties of wheat and other

staples so that they could grow longer, even in the harsh environments that made up a lot

of the Soviet Union?

ThoughtBubble, show us what happened next: Soviet agronomist Trofim Lysenko rose from

obscurity to become the director of the Soviet Union's Lenin All Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

all because he claimed that wheat subjected to cold would produce a next generation better

able to withstand even more cold.

This process was call vernalization, and it caught on, along with Lysenko's other ideas

for farming, faster than scientists could investigate whether they actually worked.

So now, promoted up to science boss, Lysenko focused on developing ideas similar to those

of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck,

the French evolutionary theorist who thought that organisms could inherit characteristics

based on their individual experiences.

This theory, in which experience mattered more than a competition among inherited genes,

was a better fit with Marxism.

Lysenko and his yes-men also made lots of unscientific claims about agriculture, including

that rye could transform into wheat.

He also used his power to destroy the careers of geneticists in the Soviet Union—all of


He had the real scientists fired and replaced with his lackeys.

This system of science-purely-for-politics'-sake became known as Lysenkoism.

Now, all systems of science are political—saying you're "apolitical" just means you're

for the status quo—but Lysenkoism wasn't even science any more.

It was a pure power play.

So in 1940, the leading Soviet geneticist, Nikolai Vavilov , was arrested.

Lysenko took up his post as director of the Institute of Genetics.

In 1941, Vavilov was put through a sham trial and found guilty of sabotage. Imprisoned,

he died of malnutrition in 1943.

Thanks Thoughtbubble.

And then, in 1948, Lysenko talked Joseph Stalin into banning population genetics and other

types of "bourgeois" biology entirely.

This meant no more artificial selection of crop varietals based on neo-Darwinian science.

The Soviet Union, already facing serious food shortages, lost an important tool for fighting


Lysenkoism only ended in the 1960s, after Lysenko's Stalin died, and three prominent

Soviet physicists spoke out against his pseudoscience and political manipulations.

But at least, thanks to scientists including Julian Huxley, Nikolai Vavilov's reputation

as a great geneticist was finally restored.

Next time—another bridge from World War Two to the Cold War: it's time to meet Alan

Turing and invent the computer.

Crash Course History of Science is filmed in the Dr. Cheryl C. Kinney studio in Missoula,

Montana and it's made with the help of all this nice people and our animation team is

Thought Cafe.

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with us, you can check out some of our other channels like Nature League, Sexplanations,

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