Latin America is composed of the majority of the countries of the American continent with
exception of the United States and Canada, due to its many riches many members
of our audience have asked us if it is possible to invade each and every one of your
countries, the question is: is it possible to invade Latin America ?, the short answer is NO,
but if you want more details then ... Let's talk about war.
This is the channel where we treat everything referring to military technology and scenarios
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Before starting, we want to establish that this video is for educational purposes, and that
does not intend in any way to encourage or relive any kind of conflict between nations,
races, social ideologies or beliefs, and that we have no commitment to any
of them. The other thing is, what you have to keep in mind is that
because of the broadness of the subject we have put an index in the description of the video so you can
see it in parts and finish it later if Your time is limited.
Necessarily so that we can understand the scenario of the video we must take into account
The following definitions:
An invasion is the appropriation of the land of one nation by members of another,
so that to invade, people must get to take over the land and resources,
it is not enough to make missile attacks or bombings, do not count the nuclear attacks because
there would be no benefit in invading or taking over of a nation destroyed.
The second is that the concept of "America Latina "brings together, as we already mentioned, all
the countries of languages that come from Latin, these are the Spanish spoken in the majority
of their countries, Portuguese Spoken in Brazil, and French or more exactly the dialect
Creole spoken in Haiti. However, also It should be noted that although in the United States
The official language is English, there are several states where the predominant language is
Spanish in close proximity to Mexico to part of Puerto Rico, and in Canada there are several
states that its official language is French.
All this means, that to invade America complete latina would have to conquer
the territory of 20 countries, including that they might have problems defending themselves
are Costa Rica and Panama that have no army and depend on international agreements, and
finally Haiti that although it has strength military are very small for their precarious
economic situation.
Finally, we must remember that Puerto Rico it is not a country, it is a free associated state
to the United States, so strategically because of its geographical position I would have very
important role in this whole scenario, not be that Puerto Rico decides to separate from States
United and join the countries threatened by the invasion.
We must bear in mind, that for the great extension of terrain no superpower alone could
conquer complete Latin America, not even United States with its geographical proximity,
because the number of active military Latin America exceeds it, and the amount of
military reserves is five times greater. To all this, you add the civilians with weapons
legal or illegal that would lend resistance to the invaders. We must also have in
account that no other superpower would dare to such a feat without the support or participation
of the United States, because the Americans they will not allow their rivals to conquer
on your own continent.
United States could not in an operation that it would take months or years to conquer one
for one the Latin American countries, because the wear would be too great. Further,
we must consider that an important part of the American armed forces, is
conformed by people of Latin origin of first and second generation, that is, they have
your close relatives (parents and grandparents and children) in the countries that would be conquered
by force. This situation would reduce considerably the number of military
active and in reserve of united states that they would participate in the invasion.
Then we must also consider, that both the military of Latin origin and
immigrants from Latin American nations they would be a big problem for stability
of the United States, since demonstrations against the invasion would be made
throughout the country, and many of them would end in riots that should be controlled
by the police and the national guard, which a significant amount is also
of Latin origin.
Finally, although the president of states united can order a military intervention
by executive order, so that the United States can undertake or participate in similar
feat and that involves occupying so many countries together with the objective of attaching them, the order
must be given by the president and have the support of the congress, a situation that is very
unlikely, because by the time of the publication of this video, the congress of
America was dominated by opposition, added to that in the final elections
of 2018, 41 of its 535 members were of origin Latin.
An extremely unlikely alliance between
the first four superpowers that are United States, Russia, India and China would be
necessary to overcome Latin American forces in number, at least by a factor of 2 to 1.
These alliances would be behind the backs of the nations united, that would have to be dissolved or be
ignored in all its resolutions when dealing to prevent the invasion.
We must also understand that the countries of the invading alliance strategically not
will bring all their military power to the invasion, because they would be vulnerable in turn from their
enemies, neglecting the work of defense, internal control and disaster mitigation.
As a final point we must understand, that the social composition of the United States is
almost impossible that the plan to conquer all of Latin America is kept secret by
a lot of time, so on our stage all Latin American countries would be
on alert and waiting to be attacked.
We must then establish what benefits they would get the invaders if they succeeded
in invading Latin America. First we have that although the invading powers
they are oil producers, the reserves Latin American oil companies are more than double,
to this is added the mining of metals that the invaders need for their industries,
like Lithium to make batteries whose world reserves are owned by Argentina,
Bolivia and Chile at 85%, we also have Silver and Zinc from Mexico and Peru, which
are the world's largest producers, A part that Chile and Peru are the producers and
largest copper reservists. By last in the case of Brazil, apart from its Diamonds,
an important wealth are the so-called "metals of rare earths ", which are essential
for the manufacture of high items technology like mobile devices or disks
hard, apart from that they have great applications for livestock and agriculture.
The beginning of the war would seriously disrupt world trade and the economic consequences
would be devastating, not only for Latinos but for the invaders, and although
the economy of the United States only exports to Latin America 14%, imports
they are 24%, so this important deficit of the Americans would have to be covered
by one of the allies, and in turn, States United would have to cover the deficiencies
of the remaining invading nations.
From all this we must consider that Mexico would be the nation most affected, because it depends
in 80% of the trade with the United States, However, a commercial blockade to all of America
Latina would not work 100%, since the invaders would have to use almost
all his army to maintain the naval blockade monitoring the retaliation of Latinos,
because it is to be expected that submarines are used and other ships available, to attack the
Commercial ships on the way to the United States and its allies, which would reduce the flow
maritime trade towards the nations invaders
Another commercial exchange that would be seriously deranged is the Air, with its constant flow
of people and cargo, which represents only for the US economy 1.3 trillion
of dollars each year, North American airlines they would lose a part of their profits by leaving
to travel to the 20 Latin countries, and also the rest of the world air transport be
would be seriously threatened, because when seen prevented from carrying out their air operations,
Some countries such as Brazil or Argentina could convert your civil aircraft into aircraft
of rudimentary combat, which would threaten air transport to and from states
united, and would force the Americans to use a large part of their military aircraft
to protect and escort civil aircraft of passengers and cargo, which obviously implies
significant wear on fuel, vehicles and personal.
The most logical thing is for the invaders to use its medium and long range missiles in
a first stage, and its furtive aircraft and tactical bombers in a second stage,
all this to destroy the oil wells, dams, power plants and airports
Latinos, however, remember that Latinos are adapted to live in extreme situations,
with little or no electricity, and also are favored by the climate near
Ecuador, which allows them to have agricultural resources enough and you do not need energy to
heating in the winter. So that bomb the energy infrastructure
would weaken Latino resistance but not It would be decisive, because clandestine refineries
can be established for the process and fuel trade, taking the guerrillas
enough experience in this line. In conclusion, we have to although Mexico and
the islands of the Caribbean would be the most affected commercially, South America will survive
because their countries are interconnected by land and for having enough wealth
agricultural and mining.
Obviously at the beginning and during the invasion the invaders will not allow any advantage
technology to the nations pending by invade, so that the first actions
it would be the denial of access to systems of global positioning, so that weapons
Latinas will not be able to access the GPS of states together, GLOSNASS of Russia and Beidou of
Chinese, although some weapons bought in Europe they could still access the Galileo system.
We also have to consider the denial in access to telecommunications as
submarine cables and satellite communications, this means that from that moment
nations to invade would not have access to Services in the network of companies
Americans, and they would not have access to Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email,
WhatsApp and other social networks.
The only communication alternatives for Latinos would be Radio and television
local for civilians, and communicators of Radio Frequency for the military, these
they can be easily intervened, but to do so it is necessary that the device
of interference that in most of the cases is short-range and needs to be taken
by a vehicle, regularly an airplane, which means that by the great extent
of terrain and the number of devices available interference, these would only be
used in active combat zones and for protect high-value equipment and personnel,
which means that the invaders would not have ability to neutralize all communications
soldiers during the invasion, leaving Latinos the ability to communicate for
regroup, support and attack when necessary.
The greatest advantage of the invaders over the Latinos is in the quantity and quality of their
military aircraft, because the United States, Russia and China are the leaders in the design
and construction of aircraft, this without counting that much of the combat aircraft
Latinas are bought precisely to these nations, we must also consider that
the superpowers do not sell their aircraft of last generation to maintain advantage
strategic, in addition to that for reasons of cost most military aircraft
Latinas are more than 30 years old.
The inconveniences that the invaders would have in the air campaign is that obviously the
air bases in the Latin countries would not be used, leaving only Puerto Rico with
the all-important tactical position in the center of the Caribbean for refueling
Aerial and Naval, so that Puerto Rico decide not to participate they would have to depend
of the bases in the United States and aircraft carriers. To this is added that by the beginning of 2018
Russia had its only aircraft carrier under repair, which would cause their aircraft to have
to use the two aircraft carriers that china has in operation. What makes things worse
is that the range of Chinese carriers is limited because they use conventional fuel,
what would cause them to have to be recharged of fuel several times before arriving
at a usable distance for the invasion, so we should consider that the support of
India, China and Russia could focus on tactical and strategic bombing, more
some attack missions using their multipurpose aircraft.
Impose an air restriction zone It is also very difficult, especially in the
case of South America, due to its great extension of terrain and mountain ranges, so
which small and medium-scale flights will be made in South America, and part
of the civilians will be the flights of transports of the Latin military. After passing the
first and second stage of the air attacks, combat aircraft, multipurpose
and bombing will go on to support the campaigns maritime and terrestrial.
We must keep in mind that neither States United would be safe in their territory,
that in Latin America there is knowledge enough to develop rudimentary missiles
of medium alance to attack their cities, so that anti-missile shields should
be installed mainly in the south and border with Mexico and the East Coast to
protect its citizens, which would increase the internal crisis when seeing some activities
everyday affected by the war. Maritime Campaign
In the maritime campaign the invaders would use his army to locate and destroy the majority
of the Latin ships, of these vessels near of half are small scale and dedicated
for coastal patrol and defense. Without However, in the case of South America, things
they are more difficult, because the navies of Chile, Peru and Brazil would present an important
resistance to the invading army, with the possibility of the sinking of some of their ships with
the support of their respective air forces and units of naval aviation, The Latin Navy
it would also be formed by Argentina, country who has experience in naval warfare.
It is also necessary to consider, that a Once the invasion operations begin
and Central American countries feel threatened and South America, tactical bulges and attack
with cannons and missiles can be directed to the Panama Canal, with the destruction of
channel, the invading army could not cross the oceans to regroup.
Anyway, the invading army decimated the Latin Navy, and participate with the
bombing of civilian and military targets with the launching of missiles and cannonades
at a distance, although as we mentioned earlier the invading army would have to take part
of your vehicles and resources in the location of the Latin submarines, and in the protection
of freight ships from regular trade to and from the United States and allies, and
especially the ships that will transport the personnel and equipment for the land campaign.
The most difficult part is the land campaign, since none of the invading nations possess
the ability to transport large quantities of equipment and personnel in a single operation,
so it would have to be transported by Air command units with sufficient equipment
to occupy and secure commercial ports, which would then be used for the disembarkation
of regular troops and equipment using boats of the merchant marine. This would not be either
easy task because apart from the ports the ground must be secured kilometers to
the round to avoid being targeted by artillery latina In addition to these transport vessels
could be preyed upon by Latin submarines on the high seas, if any one comes to outwit
the defensive perimeters of the fleets.
Obviously the only exception to this rule is Mexico, that with its closeness to States
United presents the greatest risk, incredibly Mexico does not have tanks or combat aircraft,
which would make it impossible to prevent states united will dominate the heavens and destroy the
most of its armored combat vehicles in the clashes, however the process
to dominate all the Mexican territory not it would be so easy because of the difficulties of
ground, so that the invaders chasing the goal of conquering all of Latin America,
they would concentrate on seizing and defending the oil production and mining areas
to continue financing the invasion. The inconveniences of the invaders in Mexican soil
would be the guerrilla movements which would be greatly strengthened, so
that a good amount of personnel should stay to monitor and defend the zones
Mexicans conquered.
The countries of Central America could be conquered with personnel deployments and
equipment from the armies, so small of the terrain would not have major difficulties,
however, also a good amount of personnel and equipment would have to be assigned
to watch over and defend the Panama Canal, both by land, sea and air with the possibility
that an anti-missile shield is installed.
The islands of the Caribbean with the exception of Cuba would not present major problems for
Invaders, The Cuban armed forces would offer good ground resistance to the invaders,
with the possibility of some movements guerrillas, but in the end they would also be
defeated by besieging the island everywhere and establish searches and elimination with
drones both day and night.
If Puerto Rico decides to stay as part of the United States, would play a key role
in the replenishment of aircraft and ships of the navy, as well as in the maintenance
of equipment subject to wear by the invasion, which means that all the
island would become a military base of high logistical value for the invasion, as well
that also in Puerto Rico an important Team quota and personnel must be
assigned to monitor and protect, especially to the maintenance and logistics staff
whose service and knowledge is invaluable for the invasion.
When deciding to conquer America of the South is that things start to get
difficult, as you enter with the army from the Pacific Ocean is not convenient, because
the land of Peru, Chile and part of Argentina It is very rugged with a wide area of
mountain ranges and deserts, which would reduce speed of vehicles and make them vulnerable
to artillery fire, so that this side, the most convenient thing is to carry out the operations
airlines having this same barrier as protection.
The other thing that complicates things is Guyana French, which by definition is part of
the European Union and it's the territory of France, in it is the spaceport of
Kourou, operated by the European Space Agency, what could force France to send a
military contingent to defend it and demand to the invading forces the conservation of
its facilities intact.
The country with the greatest power to face it to the invaders is Brazil, which is the first
Latin American military power, manufactures weapons and has a considerable amount of
active and reserve military, apart from that the land of Brazil is Immense. The military
Brazilians added to the other military forces remnants of South America would face
the invaders in urban and rural areas and the guerrilla movements that have already
decades of experience would be the nightmare for the establishment of chains of
supply, without them sooner or later Invading forces would be exhausted and weakened.
So in conclusion, although the Invaders can conquer Mexico, Central America
and the islands of the Caribbean, South America Never Will fall.
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