Monday, February 4, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 5 2019



被外界視為是在為參選 2020 總統大選鋪路




卻仍堅定認為「 2020 蔡英文能夠勝過柯文哲」



王世堅在昨( 1 )日播出的政論節目《新聞深喉嚨》中提到

如果要避免柯文哲 2020 讓政黨輪替的話




蔡英文完成這 8 年來應該有的司法改革、




檢視相片 ▲總統蔡英文。




28) 平秀琳則進一步提問「你覺得小英贏得了柯文哲嗎?」犀利提問讓資深媒體人陳揮文都當場大讚「對


王世堅聞言不加思索地說了 2 次「可以」





































(民進黨籍民代姚文智) 民進黨民代姚文智說他一直都在準備



(國民黨籍民代曾銘宗) 另外藍營也有人選開始被熱議。







(台灣行政部門負責人張善政) 張善政雖然否認














人民網6月9日電 據台灣今日新聞網報道





























(網絡圖) 中國台灣網6月12日消息 據台灣媒體報道




























































(中國台灣網 朱煉) 柯文哲大吃滷肉飯。

(圖片取自台媒) 據台灣《中時電子報》報道
































」 自稱光明磊落的台北市長參選人柯文哲。

(圖片來源:台灣東森新聞) 中國台灣網9月18日消息 綜合台灣媒體報道


















(中國台灣網 王思羽)

For more infomation >> 王世堅稱2020小英贏柯P!她「一句話」神吐槽⋯全場笑翻 - Duration: 10:32.


2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement

For more infomation >> 2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement


132 Vickers, Ella v Blue, S. (Independence (Girls)) 01-26-19 L PIN 4:54 - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> 132 Vickers, Ella v Blue, S. (Independence (Girls)) 01-26-19 L PIN 4:54 - Duration: 6:37.


Nightcore RESISTER[SAO Alicization OP.2/ASCA]Sub - Duration: 3:46.

In places where your voice does not reach,

Distorted rules that no one taught.

I strongly hoped for it when I was young.

The journey to find the location of a dream has just begun.

I do not need time to mourn,

Break down the limits wall right now!

Strong memories wither, brilliant pride

Memory that does not change even if any pain is touched

Because I will connect you with the odds that I chose with cloudless eyes,

holding the oath that I expanded my vision.

Let your voice resonate and resist against destiny.

Stop breathing forever as it is

I will not change, I will continue to glare at the future I do not want to live

Collecting a heart full of hearts

Jump right into the sea of ​​passion!



Pride that I gave to my weak self I fulfilled

Wish not to change even if swallowed by the waves of virtuous!

Embracing ideals and embracing the hope found

I will tell you a smile that will not be seen yet tomorrow

Pierce the fate until the voice reaches

Holding a trembling shoulder and laughing

I will keep singing because you are here

Strong memories wither, brilliant pride

Memory that does not change even if any pain is touched

Embracing oaths that expanded visibility and found them

I will connect you with the road I chose with cloudless eyes!

Echoing the voice to cut through adversity!

Fight against destiny


Subtitles translated from : 33 00:03:36,260 --> 00:00:00,000 Translated by : Just A Anime Weeb

For more infomation >> Nightcore RESISTER[SAO Alicization OP.2/ASCA]Sub - Duration: 3:46.


這個老外很狂妄:誰敢動我?李鴻章大手一揮:給我弄S他! - Duration: 9:26.

For more infomation >> 這個老外很狂妄:誰敢動我?李鴻章大手一揮:給我弄S他! - Duration: 9:26.



How about to find one so this is fairy dust 11:11 and this is the masculine read

from masculine Monday's so do part in my voice I

Did have like a little bit of a cold as

Well as my children have pink guy then they gave it to me so my eyes are like I

looked like I was pop doing both of my eyes


Anyways so hmm okay so these two cards actually came out I post like these little mini reads over on Instagram

And these two cards came out yesterday, okay?

I'm from when you're watching this so give me a second all right so this is about the DNA in ascension

Ascension but it's so many different messages in just these two cards

Okay, so give me a second let me see what the spirit, wants me to exactly start, okay?

In addition to that for those that are new to the channel to the ministry I'm a spirit lead reader meaning that I use these

cards numbers

Etc as divination

tools to convey the messages that the Spirit has for the collective the connected and sometimes there may be

messages specifically for several waves of the collective or maybe just for a group of the of the collective

Or either just individual messages so I do channel messages as well so just you know

Roll with it it could be individual and I try to cute and try to cue you guys

When it's like a group of individuals or one single person as it comes

So give me a second, okay?

Alright so okay

here, we do have masculine energy but I'm more so feel like this is the logical mindset of the collective like this is like the

collective what they call consciousness

okay, so

If you check out the feminine Friday's reading which I will post down below the spirit

Was talking about the hierarchy of the twins and divine partners of the collective period and so

you have like this I want to say like a

five-tier it almost looks like a five-tier cake if you will you know how like a wedding cake looks

we have like the base and then it builds up to like the top with the two

individuals like like they're holding hands like this they're like oh yeah at the top of the cake

Okay, so it's like you have a group of the divine partners Twin Flames like that are at

the base and they're very very close to regular humans

And so they do work very closely with like the regular

Humans that's the best way how to say it

I know it may sound silly but anyways um and so what's going on it's like as the information comes comes

through so the information will come through to the elect divine ones okay and

so think of that wedding cake with the with the the


Individuals at the top okay so this is like the top of the end of the cake

where you have like the bride and the groom if you will and so

This will represent those and so this will be like the elect of the divine ones okay and so the information

You see these two cups will come

Through them and it's not just two individual source it's like I don't know how many, okay?

it's just like a group of them for simplicity sakes and so the information will come through to them and so they have a

specific mission and so as a

collective the connected we do have a mission all together but however no different than how you may have a

president and they have a vice president and then you have like

the branches of the government and then you have like the the masses and so this is the same

Hierarchy but it's within a divine one it's okay?

Within like when I say divine ones I'm talking about Twin Flames indigo star seeds etc. The whole gamut all right

okay, so you had this group of the

Elect ones and so they will receive the information directly from the divine source and then therefore it will trickle down

So imagine these cups that are being filled and then they're so filled the information the activations

will overflow

Okay, and then it comes down to the to the rest of the collective okay and so

What I was saying about the base of the collective the connected their work a very hand-in-hand like with

With the overall populace of the humans it's like that they will help to raise

them they will help to raise the consciousness of

The humans and ushering in the new earth and a new information and stuff but

However it has to be it's almost like a parent that tastes the food and then they I used this example before

Chew it up then make it more digestible

for the child if you will and so it will be

Handed down and so in the biblical text where Paul was talking about

Like the babies the babes they drink milk and then the adults they

They, eat solid food and so they eat solid food because they are

More spiritually mature and I paused on that because I'm not trying to be I may be saying that I'm one you know

Who knows where I could be at the bottom?

but you know

excuse me but what I'm saying is that like they were

spiritually challenged and spiritually mature and so therefore they will be considered the

Adults if you will in the analogy okay and so therefore they take the information and they break it down to make it more digestible

For the collective to connect it and then therefore from the base the actor goes down through

imagine this is like one whole big body and so like the mouth that takes the food and

Chews it up and then it goes through the digestive system to be pushed out okay if you if you follow that whole analogy

okay, so at the base then therefore it's broken down enough to hand off to

regular humans and so therefore it would raise the

Collective consciousness altogether as all 3d beans period regardless if you were indigo star seed

or just a regular human it's the rate that raised the collective

Consciousness the vibration all together and then it will in going from just being the consciousness will be the super consciousness, okay?

Okay, so I have to say that um let me see, what the spirit, wants me to go from here

Okay, so this is what this represents this man right here

it represents the collective

And the collective the connect and I call it the connected because it's the spirit has been showing me veins

And it also shows me like a tree and though they have been coming to me for a while and so you know how veins

they, branch out you know and then it carries the information which would be the blood flow throughout the entire body


all the way from the tip of your finger all the way to the tip of your toe to the top of your head if

you will and so that's what the veins are the collective the

Connective we are all connected all right so these also reminds me of a remind me of veins as well bring the information


Give me a second so with this masculine or with this male energy

This is the logical mind and this is also the concrete if you will like like the physical

Okay, and so this is grounding so it's come

it's coming from the higher the

Superconsciousness the superhighway if you will or

whatever you want to call it okay from the higher realms and from the

heavenly realms okay go through the heavenly realms through the spiritual the energetic plane and then it grounds and then

It grounds into the physical so this is grounding into the physical and with this heart right here so

For those that may not know we have three hearts, okay?

So, we have our physical heart that carries the DNA the DNA activation system prescience and information and heretic heretic and genetic

information to

Throughout us. Okay the physical and then you have your emotional

Which is your energetic field what they would call like maybe your aura and stuff and then you have your higher heart

Which would count as like your higher self and when they align then that's when

The the information can flow and so with these select ones it's like they are in alignment

like they're all three of their hearts are in full alignment and I hear jackpot I see like

Seven seven seven I don't know if you. Actually that's an emoji on my phone so

you know how that you go to this slide I never been

For but like if you go to the slot machines and then you hit the little jackpot thing and go

777 jackpot so seven seven seven seven is about divine angelic and celestial communication

alright and so with them they

they, receive they mingle with angels if you will

They they have a special connection with the spiritual

realm and actually even beyond that the heavenly realms okay and so therefore

With them their their travels may not be may not always be easy if you will and so

That's why you would have?

Twins that their union may come like that or even

it's not

necessarily based on the physicality so you may have some that are the elect it may come like that and then you may have some

down towards the base that they may have to you know go through quite a few

Activations it just depends on their a specific journey but what I'm saying like their

Responsibility is so heavy

because they have to they have to I

Here mediate the realms if you will and it's so much is so much information

With these divine partners and so it's not just

About a woman and a man this could be a man and a man and a woman and a woman

and they they're bringing such a vast amount of information to the collector that connected and

What I was going to say about the base and the ones that are closer towards the base of this

the wedding cake if you will

For the analogy it's like that their journeys could very much

Mirror, a lot of the human Germany's their

Understanding is very close to humans understanding and so they can be judgmental at times but see with

them they have a certain amount of

Divine wisdom and

Love and so how I've been saying the love and wisdom go hand in hand

And so with that it's like that they can see from a higher perspective and so therefore they


judgmental they have a certain type of on human judgment and

This is the reason, why some may understand


certain, type of information

a little better and I'm

Slowing down on this part because I don't want to be offensive to anyone like. Oh some of these so they're higher than

somebody else

But this is the information that this fairy gives me so I have to give give it out I have to send out the call

Because some I felt like some are

wanting I see what I'll tell you what I see I see lifeboats in

In like the ocean or something and then I see some that are sitting in the lifeboats and I see some that are in bigger

like those bigger

Speedboats and they're throwing out like those little life savers to some of the divine ones that are in the water

because they feel like they're being I'm submerged or they're going under

And they could something may be bored with the information that's being

fed it's almost like an assembly line and

Then like you you receive like a plate and then you eat the same thing every day

if you will and so some are getting bored with the type of information

because there there are there they're being pushed through the

Go through a higher realm or the higher tier of the cake I'm just gonna use the cake as an analogy

You know to go up you know to send to a higher level and so therefore they are

Like okay, maybe this journey isn't for me I'm bored or like I need a challenge if you will it's because they're their

Activations their mental is opening up and it's going from the suppressed

Consciousness the suppressed mental and it's open opening up and this some may want to walk away from the journey because of the information that

they have heard and

And then they feel discouraged about that and it's not out of the out of the class of boredom I guess of water

Excuse me it's not for boredom it's from

discouragement and so they're going I see the water and the water is trying to brush them down or take them under

And with the water represents it represents

the resistance and so the resistance is anything that's pushing against you

It could be a here bill so it could be this journey all together it could be anything that's part of the 3d experience

that is pushing against you and it's almost like as soon as you want to catch your breath and the wave comes and

it splashes against you and so the

The Spirit is sending out a call okay and those life, what do they call life savers are being tossed out for to help

the ones of the collective the connected they feel like they are

discouraged or they may be ready to go to the next level but they don't know where it's exactly how to do it exactly

or where to go

They, may have reached a pinnacle or reach the ceiling and it's because they want to have access to new information

Okay, um give me a second okay?

All right so we're here with this some with these two snakes if you will they're mating all right and

What they're doing they're creating the third energy so in the Old Testament the manifested Christ?

Actually you know he wasn't technically quote-unquote not in the Old Testament per se but with my boy Moses

And they had they put a snake one this on a spike and so the snake on a spike

Represented the manifest of Christ in the future you know being crucified and and then the Ascension okay so as they

Comp you late as they?

engage in sexual energy that they're creating the third energy and so the twin by

That's my speaker the swim body the third energy the Christ Zoe's energy

And that is strengthening a bond as well as

as well as the new information they're unlocking DNA so if you know how DNA how they say DNA look

This almost looks like that DNA and then the DNA and so their DNA physically yes it's mixing together you know

DNA as far as this but they're unlocking a lot of the DNA suppressions, okay?

And you may say

Oh, I might I haven't been with my twin either physically before or in a long time but this is sexual energy

Okay, so you're sending the energy back and forth

through it could be Astro you know through dream state

Fantasy is it's the energy through even masturbation whatever maybe okay

And you're sending that information back and forth with your twin and it's strengthening the twin body the third energy the Christ dose energy

Okay, and so the spirit that means to do this

Move this over real quick I've what these things at the dollar store a while ago okay and so we have here faith and love

all right and so I

Really felt like putting with his faith okay, even knowing it's like just as a physical reminder

that to keep going you know not to lose faith but knowing because like

When you know something you just know it


When you go to sit down in a chair you know that the chair is gonna catch your butt and hold you up and so

That's what the Spirit is saying and so love faith and love and wisdom

Hand in hand okay it's like a cycle alright so um we love we love

Like really love and then it will keep your faith in your hope and your drive alive okay and so it's this relationship

it's built off of

faith love and

And wisdom and so with many of us that with our ascension

Ascension journey this connection has really tested our ascension journey as well as strengthen our ascension new journey, okay?

And so if it wasn't for

you know the me finding out that I was a twin and


That I wouldn't even be doing this you wouldn't even know who I am you wouldn't even be seeing my ashy hands right now but

Excuse me okay and so this has really I'm just jump started me on my

Spiritual ascension journey so I was sort of kind of on one but I was like real elusive with it you know let me go

put my toe in that water of

Truth for a minute


It's too cold let me go back over there you know just tiptoeing around it but then I'm on this journey

The spirit just pushed me right on in that water and

so here I am and so this is for a lot of us this is what has really really pushed us and

You know with our sentient journey because it's a lot of activations to go through this activation so great joy

Also activations of the opposite end which can be you know painting if you will okay, sometimes see what the sphere wants me to go

Give me a second, okay?

These cars right here

And okay

So give me a second all right

yes, so this is just I'm just saying this is not for everybody okay so some you do have Valentine's Day coming up so

Some could be some masculine could be reaching out to the divine partners to spend some time

to kick back whatever you know to talk for some and they could be you know doing a little bit of this yeah like

For some okay

All right so that's not for everyone but you know how the way

I look at it I would I would gladly skip over this one birthday you have a lifetime of Valentine's Day you know

Okay decided they want to fall down over here

Alright sit down

Okay and then playfulness past life relationship, okay?

I'm some I hear

something maybe confused

They like am I or am I not what the crap is going on

I don't know what's going on it's oh this feels like both like

Not just the masculine and a feminine let me get some more water

Not just a masculine

But, also the feminine you know it's not that they don't love each other

Yes, it's like they may be confused about what in the world is going on you know

One minute they feel like they're really sure the next minute they feel like I am really really confused, okay?

But as a side note just in case for those that may not know as a twin okay as a twin flame

You're destined to come and say. Here because of the work that you have to do so I have been writing the material

to be to put together excuse me a

twin flame essentials info playlist


one of them is about going in deep deep deep detail about Twin Flames and their connections and

So part of that information is is that like you're destined to come into the Divine Union because

You have work to do once you come up to you again you have work to do so like

of course you know you're working on yourself now and stuff and

Regardless if your partner is aware of it

like in the 3d Men so if they're aware of it or not they're working on themselves as well okay and

With, when you guys come together it's like okay now you go out you go do your ministry go do your work for the for?

The collective the connected as well as for Humanity all right and so some may just be confused


so you know going back to that that vision that analogy of some of the divine partners maybe in some of the little small lifeboats

okay, because they may have just been pulled out of the water okay and so now they're going in to

Go help

To go help some of the other ones so they're sending out life jackets you know the little life

savers to help pull some of the other ones in and so this feels like

the energy of some of them to me it does jump jump ship if you will and so

then you have some other divine partners going out there to go help them you know to pull them back in

I got my little mini thing, okay?

Okay so a couple different messages alright so with this with this separation like I was saying like some maybe this is for a

group of

Divine ones some may have been in quote-unquote separation so imma pause right there

you know you have never been separated from your divine partner because you have been in partnership since the creation of

whoever you are

Well you know your soul okay?

excuse me so

laughs ants it's like you're already in the heavenly realms you already

Divinely paired and so you ground into the physical and so as you go through your physical existence

it's like you guys are working your way towards each other and

Mirroring the way how you are in the heavenly realms okay so you never been such excuse me you never been

Separated from your divine and partnership

At all alright and so with that said unpause on that note so for those that may a quote-unquote

Been separated it's like they even come together with your divine partner for some little playtime okay? Yeah

So whatever that may mean for you it could just be you know taxing it could be I here rendezvous

it could be you guys actually going out

or actually you know spending some time together or this could be like the big like get together and like

Coming this feels like a party or something as well or

some type of public atmosphere

And some could just be having I here dinner as well

And that dinner could be in a public place or it could be like at, someone's actual house, or something for some

For some you could be sending that information like back and forth some type of flirtation back and forth with your divine partner

Yeah you know what I see I see of someone that's playing music and their act like they're singing to their divine partner I

Don't really see a sex. I just see someone like their energy like they're like yeah baby, I love you so much

Like that or something in the back what they're singing towards like dancing for them and they're just being really playful and silly

And even if they're do my partner isn't there they can still feel that energy, okay?

all right I don't want to go too far into it let me see if the okay so

You know as you?

For example before you started to go on your ascension journey

it's sometimes you may just

For example you may just chuckle to yourself about

It may just been a random chuckle or something me it came to your head too, chuckle okay? I use that example to

Tell you and to give like an example of how you could be sending energy to your divine partner and you didn't even meet them


So imagine if you didn't meet you to my partner you just had met them and you had these instances where you may just chuckles

To yourself or me a funny random thought may come see ahead of chuckle that could be your divine partner either

Chuckling at that same time or saying, something that's really

funny that if you were there you would have you would have laughed for example and this is the same thing with like

sexual energy like and you could have been feeling like these jolts at

Times and what happens as you continue to ascend you realize you start to recognize your divine partner's energy

their energetic thumbprint if you will so you know like how they

take the thumbprint and they roll it and that stuff and then you roll it on the paper and they run there a

Person's fingerprints and be like. Oh yeah that's John. Doe right there we recognize them by their unique fingerprint, okay?

And so that's the same thing with your divine partner

it's like you start to recognize their energy

So, when you dream you mean?

I see the person's face you could recognize their energy the energetic thumbprint if you will

You could recognize like when you feel a certain way


Any kind of way you may feel you may feel like a little bit of anger or you may feel like really really romantic

Or whatever the case may be silly goofy or whatever you can tell if that is activated by your twin, okay?

and as well to

We're healing

Like your divine partner, even if they're if even if the one of their spiritual gifts isn't healing

They can still send you healing back and forth, okay?

Yeah so as well - with this I feel like the Spirit is saying the things will come together

When things are supposed to come together, okay?

You know you ever you ever go waiting on a check or some money


Was like like the people were supposed to pay me a week ago what's good where's my money you know or whatever maybe?

Late and maybe hung up or you'd even realize you were having some money coming in but when it came in it came in right

On time it came in right when it was most needed or right?

When you were about to go on vacation or whatever the case may be but it happened right

When it's supposed to happen and the more that you

Recognized the flow of the spirit the more and more that you will realize that things happen

when and how they're supposed to happen and you get this type of

Playfulness to yourself you get this type of this laid-back type of energy and so the more

uptight or the more desperate

Someone is the more

Or even you can recognize this for yourself this is just like a pointer I

recognized this by myself and you know the spirit it's been working with me and so I'm giving this to you not to

You know um make somebody feel bad but just to you know just sharing information you know and so

the more if you find yourself being really anxious about

Something then you should take a step back and this change your thoughts

And your energy about that and just be laid back and know that everything will come when it's supposed to come and

that will help you with anything that will help you to be able to

Notice the flow of the spirit of how it's almost like a game like oh you know how is the spirit

Gonna work things out?

What is this going to come together let me try to figure it out or even not even try to force it to figure it

Out but you start to use it as a divination tool that's what I'm trying to say you know

With certain things like you could test yourself and you know work with the spirit on like what time is this gonna happen

Or all right I'm gonna guess that number or whatever so you didn't learn and

How how to learn how the Spirit works with you and your energy?

And so that's what I really feel like. What this is not just like the laid-back but, also to

Using using your surroundings to not play with the spirit. I guess that's probably not the

best word

Not test the spirit. I guess you couldn't use those words or whatever but

you know the same

Also with other spiritual gifts that you have whether talents and skills that you that you have some of them are changing too

That's another thing that came through in another reading about spiritual gifts that are changing or

Signs and synchronicities that are changing for it for example for


And so I'll share a quick one just to give you an example so like with my right foot has always been

traveling like paid travel work forever like since

maybe about three four weeks ago

The spirit, was telling me that it's that that's changing like

It's actually the movement of money instead of me moving for money it's like the movement of money is different

for example

Like for example this is my healing hand it's also my money hand but money for work this, also is changing

For example I just share that with you you know just to give an example

Just to let people know not to brag or anything like that okay

And so the spirit seemed like another thing to just to share real quick like I used to get upset and

Because I'm so passionate about things I'll be like

Oh, my gosh

I want this to happen right now

And that's what I wanted to happen and then when it wouldn't happened and then I was like God why are you playing with me

like in the world

like why are you playing and you keep playing all the time but

But anyways this spirit it, was saying that it

Was it was sharpening me you know and I shed that mentality you know and it's not about

playing like oh like it's playing like poking fun at you or anything like that so it may be somebody out there that may think

that at times I'm just sharing what I feel that I should be sharing okay um

and it's like the Spiritist poking fun at you were playing with you as sharpening your your intuition if you will into

Your intuitiveness what's inside of you already you know a lot of us actually when?

We were born we had it but through those energetic blockages I hear even clouds

cloudy judgment like clouds that were placed on us in place within us through coming into the 3d experience

That some through heredity and then some through actually

growing up

you know in

Observing things and so that cost is disalignment within within us okay and so what the spread is doing it's like

Sharpening sharpening your senses so you can know exactly

right then and there you can recognize the energy out of the way the spirit flows so the spirit is that gonna flow always the

same way okay so it is a it is um

In the new the old test many ways somewhere in the Bible. Okay where

The God is always never changing and so of course God is never gonna be changing because God is the author of

everything so if everything exists it exists how can it change

okay, so and with the that's what they really meant by that scripture but people try to to use it like in a way to

Hold people in a certain mindset okay so the way how this spirit will the spirit never will change when I was a baby

Okay, so the Spirit will never change because the spirit can't can't change because everything it created

Everything that exists is exists, okay?

But the way how the spirit displays itself to you will change so I how I was seeing like a baby that drinks milk

eventually that baby's gonna eat solid food and so that's what the Spirit is doing it's also mature you and

mature your senses so at first it will give you the

11:11 look 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 did it I did it a 3 3 3 all this stuff like that

but then guess what the spirit would do and we'll take those signs and synchronicities

And flip them flip the number sequences for you or either flip like the way how it?

I'm take take those number sequences away for a while change them up you know

Pair that number sequence with a animal spirit

So therefore when you see the animals fear you can associate it with a number, or however the way the spirit may work for you

Specifically so with that playfulness it's like that new information is coming through this is

Also like the logical mind recognizing the way how the spirit is moving and moving in their life okay, because so this is like

This is like um I hear an investigator. Okay, that has received some new evidence and

So they opened up this package like wow some new evidence here

And they open it up and they're like ah

Oh, that's. What the spirit

meant, when when that happened all that time I was pissed at that time but guess what the Spirit, was moving then and

Excuse me and now I know how the spirit is going to when that happens I know how how the spirit is moving, okay?

It's like going back and looking over over the evidence okay?


Give me a second, okay?


Yeah, so I hear someone someone this is a whole another message okay? That is a personal someone is jealous

Okay, someone is in their lower energy and they're jealous. Okay, someone is watching someone else and

They they're I hear in the side wing

And it off on the side and they're I'm cutting over like almost like cutting their eyes over

This, seems like someone's eyes looking over like imagine it's like looking over like huh

what are they doing you know and this could be like some divine partners that have came together and

I hear their age difference or some like some very very

Vivid difference like either age difference varicose veins. Sorry, I'm not making funny anybody

I just estimate just what I hurt you in and out like that

That's um one thing

And or either they could be like a different complexion like two very very different complexions and it's something that's really stands out

you know so either one of that like a really drastic age difference or either a really big difference between the two

Complexions or something a really short short short and really tall something but

I'm also feel like it's

Somebody that's old and young and somebody that's like really really light skinned and really really dark skinned or something like that

And if someone is jealous of it and so I hear bigoted so someone may actually use

the veil the mask of bigotry

because they're really jealous and envious of this kind of connection how can someone love someone so much that it's so different than them

When they this person you know this person feels like it feels like, someone


tries to be a likable person

Because they figure if they could be likable that people will really love them

Or like them and so when they see someone a pair that

Is so drastically different and they just don't care what people think that that dress this person up the wall drives them mad

like mad like it can be crazy mad like they're so ticked off like okay, I do I do this for the please people and

to look this way this could be a really heavily people-pleasing type of individual

excuse me and

When they look at someone that is just too keeper so opposite of each other that really burns them up because

this means these people don't care about what other people think

Why this person is on the complete opposite end they care about what people think too to a degree this could be someone's

Caring or someone's influencer I here so

Somebody, that's related to these two these twins these design partners so it doesn't necessarily have to be like

someone's mother it can be

It doesn't even have to be someone that's really closely related it can just be like somebody that's a friend of a friend

or something like that but they they know these individuals

Into a degree excuse me I'm sorry my throat

Gosh all right so let me see what else give me a second

I hope I hope dusty oh

Yeah something about I hope that's


yeah, okay um

Yes, someone is really really missing somebody okay so they could have been distance apart that could have been what the distance is

it's not necessarily good distance like someone's trying to purposely stay away from somebody or trying to purposely avoid them it can literally have been

Distance like mouths apart and they've really been missing each other and so when they come together

This is them like I was telling you about that third energy over there creating that third energy

when they come together so it may not necessarily be like actually

mating like that you know it could just be like the energy that they create

Their vibes are gonna be so high

Okay, in when they come together

Give me a second and

this could be another situation with this proposal of some some sort it's like some type of

Proposal okay and so I know this has came through not this card but this type of energy

where's like some type of proposal or something

And this has came through a couple of times is like a penis pizzas head in and out

several times and so it feels like

This, was a couple of different individuals and so someone could have been like. Oh it hasn't happened yet

it's because like sometimes what the spirit does to keep this going

To keep this going

That faith not knowing that the spirit will send out messages to let you know what was coming

so that way it's not to teach you like how I was saying like

That playfulness like they're teasing it's not the tea's use to keep you going

Like everything is to keep you with sending to keep you going

So that way you can't finish the marathon and go to the next one you know the first part of this marathon is you finding

Yourself by now who you are the second part is for you fulfilling it

part of that is your divine

Partnership and then when you come in here divine partnership guess what you both were going off to a whole nother marathon together

It's almost like you were you ran it's a really a relay race you ran

You ran over to the sacks

Y'all we're both individuals ran over to the sacks and then you know you guys got both into the sack

what's that a race like a relay race

Either that's how your foot together you have to run together

Or even both get inside a potato sack

You have to hop or something but anyways it's like if first you were running the relay race by yourself but then you came impaired

like somehow this happened on with my hand bumped into it by anyways

and then you guys both came together and now you guys have to run this really race together together

not like

Oh, you over here you over here

that already happened but we guys come together is like you guys got to move together as one unit throughout this relay race

that they call life, okay

All right so if you guys could give this video a thumbs up as well as leave a comment

That you see will push this information to more divine ones and I try to do as much teaching as


for the collective the connected okay I hear Stacie

awesome here Adam

it could be Stacy Adams really

It could be so I could be getting dressed that. I'm going on a shopping spree

But ya heard Stacy that I heard Adam that could be a couple or air or something

That's, also be a movie

Or some of the characters in the movies almost favorite movie


excuse me my voice so if you guys want to join the patreon family

You can find that link down below and for those that given

Excuse me the 613 hard with some higher knowledge energetic exchange that it's also down below

Thank you guys and thank you guys for even tuning in and pardon me so much for my voice oh


Excuse me let me see this for has anything that's the same

Okay, one other thing is that the spirit of saying this separation don't last forever

like literally you know like when you get on a certain I hear

it's like at the time speeds up

For certain things but slows down for other things so for example um you know it seemed like

Everything was slowed down for a divine union but then

When you took your attention off a divine union you focus your attention on something else and before you know you came to divine union

And so this has reminded me of like something that Abraham Hicks would say and I saying I'm gonna put it as eloquently as

she he it does but

Pretty, much when you change your focus

That the thing that you took your focus off of will come like so quickly

Alright and so take your focus off a divine partnership and put it on to something else

so with that something else is it was going to be

something different from me for each

Individual so you got to sell ask the spirit

where are you supposed to put your attention to

and then before you know it divine union won't come about you know you will be like this you guys will be

Important in each other's air looking into each other's eyes well they actually almost look like they're looking up a little bit

Okay, so you guys thank you so much for tuning in I will link that feminine Friday's as well as the last masculine Monday's reading

Down below and any other information that's per tells me to do it when. I do it, okay?

I thought see you later all right peace

For more infomation >> 🤴DIVINE MASCULINE MONDAY'S, REORGANIZING LOVE FOR UNION💍 - Duration: 43:41.


Best Slow Rock Songs - Greatest Slow Rock Ballads 70's 80's 90's Playlist - Duration: 1:12:03.

Thanks for watching my video! Participate in my channel on social sites (Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc ...) so more people can hear and have fun! Thank you for reading and having a great day!

For more infomation >> Best Slow Rock Songs - Greatest Slow Rock Ballads 70's 80's 90's Playlist - Duration: 1:12:03.


Lagana Lacunata - Duration: 3:27.

Hi guys

Today in Coquamus, breakfast


But this is not a simple or everyday breakfast

and so we need coffee


The ingredients are: flour, corn flour, and flour from teff.

Interlude about teff

Teff is a grain that is grown in Africa

Here in Ethiopia.

These Africans are harvesting the teff

whose grains are very small.

Nice. The other ingredients are two eggs,

a cup of milk,

and melted butter.

Woot! Now grab a bowl

We've got a bowl and a whisk

First, we break the eggshells

I'm breaking it

Put the shells here

I'll break an egg

and we add the milk

and now I whisk and mix it

I'm adding the butter

And I'll whisk and mix it again.

Nice. Now we add the flours

Flour, corn flour, and teff

Whisk, whisk, whisk

and it's well mixed.

This is the waffle iron

This is a spray can and there is oil in it

This is the batter, and this is a place that I'll put the waffles on.

I spray the waffle iron and take a cup of batter

and pour it in the machine

pour, pour, pour.

Now I close the lid and wait.

It's boring.

You wanna play slap-hands?


I open the waffle iron and

Look the waffle is waffled!


I'll grab a plate for you and you lift the waffle with the spatula.

Yay! Let's cook more.

Lots of waffles are ready.

And look! We have fruit and toppings.

I like my waffle with syrup

made from maple and butter

I like to add whipped coconut cream

and syrup and berries.

Nice. Syrup over the whipped cream

and berries

These are blueberries

and the others are blackberries.

Why not add three?

Nice. Until next time...


For more infomation >> Lagana Lacunata - Duration: 3:27.


Karine Ferri humiliée par Camille Combal, la vérité éclate -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Karine Ferri humiliée par Camille Combal, la vérité éclate -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 1:51.





FREE LUNAR NEW YEAR CONTENT TOMORROW! The Sims Info/Thoughts - Duration: 5:30.

Hey folks! How's it going? It's Iron Seagull here, back with another Sims Info

/Thoughts video. So today marks the 19th anniversary of The Sims! I did not

think that when I saw this intro video for The Sims 1 for the first time, that I

still be playing this series so many years later. I can't believe how much of an

impact just this one series has had on's quite interesting looking back

from my days just casually playing The Sims 1 to creating content for The Sims

almost every single day now. And today we did end up getting some new content

announcements after all, both on The Sims 4 on PC and The Sims Mobile. So I'm gonna

start off with this tweet from SimGuruKate, where shortly before Maxis Monthly

she announced that we are getting a patch tomorrow, and it's going to include

some big bug fixes, such as the stinky leaf piles, and we're also getting some cool

Lunar New Year-themed goodies! And said Lunar New Year goodies were shown off

on the Maxis Monthly livestream, and yeah here you can see some of the new

clothing items that are going to be in it so even toddlers are getting

something, which is pretty nice. There's some stuff for the adults as well

including some fan-shaped earrings which I really like, because just the other day

I was making a new sim and I was thinking oh it would be nice if we got

some more earrings, because I feel like most of the ones that we have right now

don't look that great. Most of the ones that I like using are custom content, but

even though I am pretty big on Create A Sim, I gotta say, the objects really stole

the show for me. I absolutely love this pig statue. In case you didn't know, it is

year of the pig for 2019. Those citrus trees I think are pretty nice as well, but I

think my favorite object is the new round table. I think...correct me if I'm

wrong, but I think this is the first one ever that's going to be available for

free, because there was one that came in Laundry Day Stuff, and then we

got the first two with Backyard Stuff, but I don't think there's any

available yet to people who have just bought the base game and nothing else, so

that's a really nice bonus as well, and yeah I love these cute decorations as

well. Oh yeah that's right there was one that also came with the Jungle Adventure

game pack, but yeah none for free from what I can recall. In addition there are

two new recipes yes for food, so we got mud carp which requires cooking level

seven and then there's vegetable dumplings which you can make at level

one so that's pretty awesome too. I wasn't expecting even more food this

soon after we got a couple more recipes back in the December update, but reunion

dinners are supposed to be a big part of Lunar New Year, so they did want to

include more food to go with that. And I think the food looks really great as

well, so looking forward to having that and the rest of the update in my game

tomorrow. So once it comes out I will

"Get to Work" on doing a dedicated video just

going through all of the items myself. Another thing that happened today was

that the Sims official Threadless store added a couple of new designs related to

the 19th anniversary of The Sims. So you do have this one where it's just like

the green plumbob, and then you also have this one with

Sims 4's packs contained within that plumbob...also I just-I really like how

the My First Pet Stuff icon is very tiny at the bottom of it. Moving on to The

Sims Mobile, we got some new stuff that's out now, as well as stuff that is coming

in the near future. So there's this popup here where it's just wishing us a

Happy Lunar New Year, and there's a one step quest related to this theme where

it does give you that free pig decoration, and yeah it's pretty adorable!

All you need to do is just have your sims clean objects three times and then

you get it. Very easy. And in addition to that, they also talked about a

Valentine's Day-themed event that's coming soon and there's some new offers

that will be out as well, so yeah some more stuff to look

forward to. And that wraps up another Sims Info/Thoughts video. So feel free to

let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. How long have you been

playing The Sims, and are you looking forward to the new content for The Sims

4, and The Sims Mobile? And be sure to leave a like or a comment or even

subscribe! Because it lets me know that you really like my content, and it helps

you keep up to date more easily with my latest stuff from The Sims, Sonic the

Hedgehog, and more! So I will talk to you all later, and have a great day!

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> FREE LUNAR NEW YEAR CONTENT TOMORROW! The Sims Info/Thoughts - Duration: 5:30.


Caja en Acetato con forma de Corazón - Duration: 21:23.

Hello Art Friends in Your Hands, for today we are going to make this box made in

acetate and with a decorative ribbon we they suggested a project for valentine

and although we do not celebrate it for this date we wanted to do it with a lot

taste for you, we hope that you like it and to put it into practice today

we want to say hello especially to 2 members of the channel they are ENMA Cardona

and Mila Vargas, they always they are there supporting us thank you very much,

we also want to send hugs and thanks to all the people who

They see us here in Colombia, in Mexico in El Salvador, the Latin colony that is in

USA, we also thank all the people who see us in Venezuela, in

Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Brazil,

They also see us in Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Italy, Russia are many

the countries we want to thank very much for the support we hope to continue

sharing ideas they like for that you can put them into practice

then we start with this simple project here in Arte en Tus Manos

these are the materials that we need then to make the box this

acetate as you can see what you sell so by sheet, in sheets but also what

sold by eighths or by letter size, you depending on the size of the

box they are going to do then in the amount of acetate they need or of

this sheet that I do not know really like they call her from other countries we

we say acetate, I'm going to do it here to that sees it and so they can look for it

suddenly recognizing the texture we're going to use masking tape, from

carpentry, paint sometimes also they tell you this is a tape that comes like this

silver is liquid silicone adhesive and hot light rule these are like

a kind of stiletto tools they sell them as they can see plastics or

metallic this has no edge, they are to make kind of carving

to also mark a skewer stick a little bit of crepe paper or

It can be silk paper to decorate and we started

well first thing I'm going to

to do is the heart so that we stay symmetrical what I do is take a sheet

normal I put it in the middle and would draw the heart depending on the

size you want it where we in this case when he does not cut it then

it would be symmetrical is the same on the sides I do it the size that you

you want and the little people more big the decision of each one of


this is the known form so I I would choose and you do it the most

nice rounder or like each one I want it and that I am going to transfer it to

acetate here what I've done is that everything taken two pieces of acetate look at the

here are the two pieces that I have stuck or they have adjusted you with the tape

of masking this to allow no move then taken the heart I've

stuck also in some points in some ends with the same tape and what

What I have done is that it has helped me with these tools if they do not have them

the skewer stick is also useful we have to make it stronger but this

it also helps us we take this stick of this tool

and we begin to carve without trespassing piece, I start to carve it to give it

the mark of the heart is to the piece of in front of the acetate to which it is

the back I do not do it anymore margin but that of approximately 2

millimeters because the idea is that this part is going to be the lid and this part is going to

be the base of the box then I'll explain more

detailed so that they understand

here I have as explained now the

blade now with this tool I'm going to start to mark

around the contour of the heart well doing

firmness so that the acetate that I have on top

remember that I have 2, then in the one above I'm carving well outside the

heart and then turned the piece and I am using the same heart of

but I will not mark it in the same line as I did with the acetate to

this side but I'm going to leave 2 millimeters approximately because

remember that the boxes for you to splice my top box the top cover should

be a little bit bigger so that this I close perfectly

and from the box because this one I'm going to make 2 millimeters further from the mold

initial or if you can also take out or they want to take out a mold they can take it out

a little bigger and they do the same process then

this is going to do all around when I'm done doing that then

here you can notice if the marks here the brand also after it can

make another parallel mark of 1 centimeter on both acetates both in the

from above like in the one that is here to the I will also mark with

the same stiletto with the same tool I'm going to mark a centimeter

and already there if I'm going to cut and they were carved the heart of the upper acetate

the bottom one and I'm going to mark all the outline the centimeter on both acetates

and then I'm going to cut

well here then I already cut them both pieces in both I have left the lashes

and I can also take the tool and I need to fix it well to make it

as a kind of break in the acetate then I can review what

you have done previously we have to have very good light too

because how is this transparent because I'm working on this table that

it's white then yes and sometimes running the lines a bit then

well reviewing the brand they had already made


this why is it to allow us allow to bend the acetate

I do not give exact measurements of him because they can do it the size that

want but the box the base will be of 14 centimeters this box for example

will be 14 centimeters wide, from end to end of what

conforms the heart will be 12 centimeter, then you already decide

what size do you want to do now let's start doubling here I've already done it

little with the cap we're going to start double where the brand is

and later when we already have completely folded this tab them

we will make some cuts that allow us stick to the sides of the heart of the box

and so we do with the two caps have the part that always the base but in my

case this is my base that of the box and this is the lid

a part for the can bend both

here as you can see already double all the eyelashes and tends to stay with courses

so that this curve removes what We are going to do approximately every 3 ... two

centimeters we are going to cut the lashes

cut all around

only in the tab

this allows when we paste the acetate to the small side sheets and not what

I'm going to be curved the piece and so less and cut them all the same in this

and the cuts all now I'm going to take a measure to know what is the

outline and so take out the height of the blade of the sides and at that height

It also depends on what you want save if they are sweet chocolates flowers

or dolls to what you need then they look at the height I'm going to

take about 4 centimeters you everything you look at

long and tall 4 centimeters I already have the piece from the sides

cut a piece in 4 centimeters of width and length is 50 centimeters

then in the part here where they are the curves I made some more cuts

take the scissors and cut them a little more because the curve makes us

press wrinkles us to say it like that we are curved the acetate much more

before pasting if we want to take it as tool let's take the tape from

mask here for example I'm going to use it, they can cut more pieces

small ones that I'm going to use here but then it is to give a guide and

avoid that suddenly move a lot

I'm giving it the form

the angle with the tapes so that he allow and see how it looks

helping us to shape the box then this they do for all the


and it's going to also allow the joining the two pieces are more even

so that is more even then then I can take liquid silicone or

hot I recommend more the liquid one delays more the process in pasting but the

acetate does not lose its shape instead with the silicone gun, with the silicone

hot we have to handle a lot temperature because the heat tends to

deform the acetate then that's why I helped with these tapes if you manage

heat if you already know how to handle the gun so that it is not too hot that they are

connecting and disconnecting then there can use the gun with the

hot silicone for now I'm going to do all these folds I'm going to paste

the tape around the contour and already simple then how is it located and

how we started to paste well here then I already have the box with

the tapes as you can see the ubiqué also here in the center of the excess what

short and here in this part you join also with a ribbon of this same

mask then still not stuck I have it here only to have it

list and I'm going to start working too with which is the lid I cut a piece of

2 centimeters wide and long 50 centimeters the same is also going to

over 50 centimeters but that it's always good to cut a little more

remember that in the part that is very curve if we're going to cut the tabs a

little more smaller ones shorter

allow to stick from the curve of the heart best

and now I'm also going to start

to put the masking tape

all around

the table serves as a guide allows us let it be more

aligned the acetate

and so we continue doing it is the curve remains

we continue working then

these tapes allow that in this part if suddenly it has not been very good

aligned or can not be released and adjusted and so we stay in one more way

and see that couples are left you feel then now I can take the silicone

liquid as maybe space then I can apply

silicone all around

I withdraw the excess what does not work or what that does not look so nice

and towards it all around that outline and it's going to be very well presented

I start here better

and here as you can see then I applied the silicone we can do it for

the inner part here lifting the tabs or also on this part what

It happens that it's a little bit more complicated for here, if it's easier, let's open

the lashes we apply the silicone and we go together while dry because as

the liquid silicone is much slower to dry then let's start

decorate this is an adhesive tape they come in many colors at this time

I have it in silver, then what is going to start is

to stick it in this part where you see

like the imperfections of the silicones and then I'm going to join her here to

cut it right

I'm going to start paste it here on the entire shore

I do the same then with this box but I'm going to do it in the

bottom part always trying to cover imperfections

If you want to apply it in the whole box perfect they can do it or buy from

Various colors and decorate the acetate box in various colors

after doing it for the external part As you can see, it is very nice but for the

interior we also want it to be same then while it dries well the

lower part I'm going to decorate the upper part with the same tape

well that way it's decorated in the inside, if I want I can also

put in the lower part so that it is more decorated and we already removed the tape

mask because I already totally hit the silicone now let's do the same

with this other, as here we can not decorate yet because the ribbon was very

wide then let's start to withdraw the masking tape and we will do the same

process we decorate inside that it's like that too

well presented, how is the box, how there is the base

and so then also that in the interior we try not to get wrinkled

so much because it's that in the part interior is a little harder to

locate but with more time they do it and they have left

perfect how is it

the lid and this is the box here they can save what they want

chocolates, chocolates, flowers what want to enter or introduce into it what can

do, here I am going to take a piece of the crepe paper and I'll make it the way

this is a not very large piece of 50 centimeters by 20 I'm going to

enter inside the box

giving a little bit that the shape of the heart does not have to be perfect just to give

a texture an effect, a This is how the boxes are going

I'm going to take some candy here they call moritas

delicious you can put chocolate is that you like it

chocolates, some flowers, whatever you want you can put inside it and then

so it is, I also made a flower on paper I creped this flower I taught her to do in a video

previous, here on the top I leave the link so they learn to

do it, this can be put here paste it with a card and so on then

would be the presentation of the box for this valentine date that so much

they asked, here in Colombia we do not we celebrate, we celebrate Love and

Friendship in the month of September, some they have already welcomed the date but it is not

normal from so much celebrating it here in my country, I know that in other countries, if

celebrate in the USA and Mexico that they celebrate then here a simple

idea for you to apply it I hope that you like to put it into practice

give us your comments and suggestions remember to subscribe to the

red button if you have not done it yet and activate the little bell that with her you

the notifications of all arrive new ones that we made and give us that Like and

share the video, see you in a next video here in your

channel Art in Your Hands

For more infomation >> Caja en Acetato con forma de Corazón - Duration: 21:23.


Wild Waters: The Fight to Protect the Great Australian Bight - Duration: 21:18.

My name is Sue Haseldine.

I'm a first nation's Kokatha woman

from the far West coast of South Australia.

This is my country, and I love it very deeply.

I will fight for it.

Back in the old days when our people roamed the country,

the old people would, in winter they'd be out

in the bush, out in the scrub.

Come summer time, they would always come down here

to the coast because Ceduna is actually Chedoona.

It's a Kokatha word for place to sit down by water.

They had all the seafood during the summer,

plus what they could get off the land behind them,

and they have been doing this forever,

and we're still doing it, we still go out to the bush.

We collect bush medicines and bush tucker,

and we come down here every summer

and we live off the ocean, and we look after the country

and oceans, and they look after us.

The ocean is our backyard.

I've never ever earned a dollar off the land,

and a lot of these people around here are exactly the same.

That's all they've ever done.

I've been a lobster fisherman since I was 14 years old.

I've spent my entire life on the sea.

It's all I'll ever do, it's all I've ever done.

It's beautiful, it's ours.

When you live there and you look out there

and see what's out there, it's our special,

we have ospreys, we have sea eagles,

we have the whales come through there.

I've spent a bit of time kayaking around the islands

of this area and seeing just how wild and rugged they are.

We know the power of the Great Australian Bight

in the southern ocean.

The Great Australian Bight is the really amazing ocean

ecosystem that stretches all the way

from Western Australia in the west to Tasmania in the east.

I've grown up next to the beach, I'm a keen surfer.

I've spent most of my life here at Port Willunga.

I've had lots of close encounters

with wildlife while in surf.

Lots of dolphins have come through and are really playful.

Wanna surf with you when you get on a wave,

and they're ride alongside you.

Further down the coast in winter,

there's whales coming through, which is really amazing.

You can be sitting in the lineup and a few

hundred metres away there's a whale and its calf

playing around and splashing and stuff

which is, yeah, magical. - One of the things that

The Great Australian Bight is the most famous for

is its whales.

It's a critical whale sanctuary and it's been established by

state and federal governments over the years to protect,

especially southern white whales, but also blue whales,

sperm whales, humpback whales. All of the whales that we see

travelling up and down the east coast of Australia

have at some time hung out in the Bight.

It's a really important area for whales, and actually are

37 different species of whale and dolphin in the bight.

Probably the craziest thing I've seen during this job

was one day when we didn't have many sea lions

swimming with us in the bay at Hopkins Island,

so the skipper sent me around to the next bay along

just to see if there are any there, and as I swam back,

I had 20 Australian sea lions following me,

I felt like the Pied Piper, having these animals that are

all endangered following me for a swim felt really special.

This island is just a zoo without fences isn't it Dave.

It, a zoo without fences.

There's an enormous subantarctic zone

full of all sorts of amazing marine life,

and the most productive fisheries in the whole of Australia.

Here in Lincoln, we have the biggest

multi-species fishery in the southern hemisphere.

This whole town, well it's not a town now, it's a city,

survives, virtually, and always has

mainly on the fishing industry,

and virtually the whole coastline does as well.

It's the most amazing coastline, what do they reckon

there's more diversity along this coastline

than the Great Barrier Reef.

The majority of ocean life found in the Bight, 85%,

is found nowhere else on the planet.

You just can't see those animals in any other ocean

of the world, that's what makes it so unique.

The risk to the Great Australian Bight

is that oil companies, as early as next summer,

could have their drilling rigs just a few hundred kilometres

off this pristine coastline, putting those hundreds

of kilometres of cliffs and beaches and towns and ocean life

at risk of a catastrophic oil spill.

I mean, between us now and Antarctica,

there is nothing but the wild and woolly waters.

Any oil spill or anything out there

is just gonna impact this whole coastline.

You got to watch the whales, that's a beautiful time

out there, and you're looking at the whales

swimming below the cliffs, and you look out at the ocean

and you think, if an oil slick's coming,

they've got nowhere to go.

There'll be oil behind 'em and cliff in front.

They'll just be dead. - The potential of a spill

around here makes me feel sick,

sick in the stomach, to be honest.

If a spill was to happen here,

then the area would never recover.

Imagine all of Kangaroo Island coastline,

if there was an oil spill,

the shoreline is the most important part.

That title zone is where the most diversity of life is.

You smother it all with oil, forget it.

I think the surfing community's become active

in this campaign because not only do we really

love the ocean and have a strong connection to it,

but we know these waters, you know?

We have really big swells come through here.

It's really unpredictable and really rough,

so the idea of putting your rig here is just, yeah, absurd.

There's no precedent for drilling in that depth of water

in potentially catastrophic wave heights.

I can't believe that anyone would even contemplate

risking that because I've seen what happened

in the Gulf of Mexico. - Two years ago,

oil giant BP, the company responsible for one of the worst

oil disasters in history, tried to drill and found that

community opposition was so great that it had to turn away.

We've seen Chevron, a US company, do the same, and companies

like Santos have delayed their plans year on year.

So, when you tell customers that these places

that we love so much and that they love during the day

are at risk, it really hits home for them.

Often, people tell us how beautiful the sea lions were,

how awe inspiring the sharks were, and when you tell them,

imagine if they were at risk, they suddenly feel personally

invested in the issue because they've had

that first-hand experience. To think of all the places

I've been on my sea kayak being covered in oil,

or to think of the poor Australian sea lions

that I've got to work this close with, to imagine them

being lost forever is just devastating.

If a spill were to occur in The Great Australian Bight,

oil company modelling shows that oil could wash up

on any shore, any coastline, all the way

from WA to Tasmania in the east.

If there was a spill, it not only affects

the Bight region and us next door, but has the potential

to affect places like Bells Beach

and really iconic surf spots further along the east coast,

so it's not just an issue for south Australians,

it's gonna affect the whole southwest

and southeastern coastline. Oil companies have already

drilled the easy to reach oil all over the world,

and that's why they're turning on hard to reach

risky places, like The Great Australian Bight.

Every year, the Australian government opens up

new passes of the ocean for oil companies to bid on.

Currently, dozens of permits are held by international

oil companies right across The Great Australian Bight,

but the most urgent threat is Norwegian company Equinor,

which has plans to drill as early as next summer.

Equinor, which recently changed its name from Statoil,

is a giant Norwegian oil company with a real taste

for drilling in high risk areas.

The first stage of oil exploration is seismic testing.

Seismic testing involves oil companies dragging air canons

that can fire enormous explosions, as loud as a grenade,

every 10 seconds, seven days a week, into the seabed

to find out where they want to drill.

The things that threaten our industry are seismic survey.

Seismic survey is a big concern for us and has been

for a long time, and there's pretty strong evidence

that any seismic survey damages lobster,

and we don't even know what it does to the puerulus,

and the puerulus is the little baby lobsters.

They're talking about doing their drilling

out in the head of The Bight.

The seismic survey has taken place

up and down those lines here,

and one of our main fishing areas is right there.

One of the biggest producing zones in the industry

is right here, and they're talking about

doing their survey right in here.

What damage are they doing to the ocean marine life

while they're even testing?

It's scary.

Are they damaging things beyond repair already

before they even start drilling?

After seismic testing,

the next stage is exploration drilling, and that's where

the highest risk of an accident occurs.

It's the first time an oil company will sink its drills

into a seabed, and it's so dangerous because they never know

what sort of pressure or temperature to expect.

When BP had its disaster in Deep Water Horizon,

it was doing its exploratory drilling.

It's two, three kilometres deep they have to go

to the bottom of the sea, and then they've gotta go

another couple of kilometres down under that.

They don't even know what they're going to hit.

It could explode in front of them.

No company can say we are 100% safe.

Any company that does is absolutely misleading the public.

What they can say is, look, there are risks here,

we believe we have those risks under control.

Sometimes they'll go further than that and say,

we have reduced risks to an acceptable level,

but to say we have reduced risks to an acceptable level

is really an indication of acknowledgement

that they haven't eliminated a risk,

so there are always risks.

With both the major spills that have happened in the US,

the flow-on effects have been very, very long term,

so even when they think that they've had the spill

cleaned up, the really, really tiny concentrations of oil

that are still in the ecosystem are affecting marine life.

I can only imagine the devastation that would happen

if there was some sort of spill.

We'd be out of business overnight.

Not in the lobster industry, it's every industry

that's gonna suffer, from the mechanic to the tyre repair,

to the people who sell us bait to the people who weld

the boats up, not to mention the tourism business as well.

That would devastate these communities.

And, the problem with our coastline here

is so much of our coastline is so inaccessible

that if you had a spill, you would only be able

to mop up certain parts of it,

the rest of it you could never get to it.

The Great Australian Bight is wild and remote,

with no access to oil infrastructure,

like emergency services or rescue vessels.

Where Equinor wants to drill is more than

300 kilometres from the Australian coastline,

at the very edge of helicopter capabilities.

The permit areas are in waters as deep as 4,000 metres.

Without access to equipment, to boats, to the people

necessary to mount a cleanup, dealing with a spill

in The Great Australian Bight would be near impossible.

The concentrations that we've been working with

in a laboratory and with some of our experiments are in

the order of a drop in an Olympic sized swimming pool.

These are concentrations that are affecting fish

in a detrimental way, but might be profound in ecosystems

for a long period of time after we think

we've already cleaned up the oil spill.

In the Gulf of Mexico, there were many small boats

around close that they could come in

and help try and stem the flow.

Here, because we're so wild out here,

there isn't anybody to come out there.

They'd have to travel hundreds of miles

into the wild, wild sea to try and fix it!

Cleaning up an oil spill is a myth.

In the Gulf of Mexico, less than 3% of the oil

that found its way into the water column

was recovered by oil companies.

It's just not worth the risk because if anything

goes wrong, my council, Elliston, in the modeling,

will be hit 100%, and I think it's our duty to make sure

we look after this world we live in.

There's plenty of oil and gas in the world,

and we all drive cars.

We're on a boat that uses fuel.

But technology's moving on at a great rate.

The scientists tell us we can't afford to burn the oil

we've already discovered if we're gonna confront

catastrophic change and limit warming to 1.5 degrees.

So, pursuing new oil in pristine places

like The Great Australian Bight is utter madness.

My vision for the future of Fort Lincoln is a place

where we don't rely on fossil fuels for our electricity.

There's so much potential in this area

for solar, wind, hydro, wave power, and a place where

fishing can continue for generations to come

with sustainable oceans where people wanna come to see

the great white sharks and see the Australian sea lions,

and really treasure the amazing endemic spaces

that we have here. I'm really worried

about climate change, I think everyone should be.

It's a threat that is gonna affect everyone

if we don't do something about it in the pretty near future.

Stopping drilling in the Bight is just one, yeah,

step in the really big picture.

We need to be focusing on renewables and sustainable energy,

not where we can drill next. Stopping oil drilling

in The Great Australian Bight is not just

about protecting our coastlines,

it's about halting runaway climate change.

From the Arctic to the Amazon Reef, all over the world,

communities are standing up to big oil

and drawing a line in the sand to protect

their most important beaches,

their most important coastlines.

From coastal councils to farmers and fishermen,

surfers, moms and dads, you name it,

the people of Southern Australia have said no

to oil drilling in The Great Australian Bight.

When they're modeling says

Elliston's gonna be hit 100%.

Councils unanimously no, we're not gonna support it, and

that's the end of it, we're not supporting it, full stop.

That no is not negotiable.

It's just not negotiable.

Money doesn't come into this, money does not enter it,

and bribery won't work either, it's a big fat no.

Everyone has to get together and say no.

It has to be stopped.

- I think that the first time that I found out about

the issue of oil drilling in The Great Australian Bight

was probably only a few years ago,

and back then I just thought, well,

of course, that's never gonna happen.

I knew about the marine parks that had been fought for

to be put into place, I knew about

the amazing wilderness that's in this area,

I just couldn't even imagine that oil drilling

off this coastline was a possibility.

And then, as I learned more about the campaign

and saw how serious it was, there was no way

that I could not get involved.

This campaign is about protecting my home.

It's easy to read articles about oil spills

and horrible disasters happening around the world,

but when they wanna come and it's threatening your beach

and the places you surf, then I think you have

a decision to either stand back and watch it,

or you have to stand up and protect what you love.

The future's not mine, it always belongs to

the next generation, so if we win this fight,

we've actually won for the next generation.

Our actions today will define

what our future generations inherit.

I mean, won't be long and I won't be here,

I won't give a bugger, but this, I do now because

I've got grandkids and I want them to be here on the island.

It is not gonna be the same.

These mob are out to ruin it.

Just because of what, their bank balance.

People around Australia don't know what's at stake

in The Great Australian Bight.

It's not as famous as The Great Barrier Reef,

even though it's home to more unique species

than just about anywhere in the world.

We need to share the stories of the people

who are in that community, who are fighting

to protect The Great Australian Bight.

We need to tell people about the amazing work

that scientists are doing to uncover a new species.

We need people all around Australia who love the oceans

and who care for our climate to let the world know

this is a place they truly care about.

If we do all that, the politicians will be forced

to make the right decision and protect

The Great Australian Bight for good.

The oil company executives sitting in London and Houston

or Oslo, will know that the community in Australia

is never gonna accept oil drilling on their doorstep.

People power will win this campaign.

It's the only thing we have,

and I think it's getting stronger and stronger.

Winning this campaign and protecting the coastline

would feel amazing, just as a show of people power

that once the community really bands together

to protect our home, then we can make really big changes.

Speak up, don't just sit back and say no, no, no,

speak up, let your politicians know that

you might live on the other side of Australia,

but you care about what happens down there

with your other country cousins, speak up.

In the face of massive community opposition,

two of the world's biggest oil companies, in BP and Chevron,

have already abandoned their plans to drill

The Great Australian Bight, proving that communities

working together can really have an impact.

Our politicians need to know

about the strong coastal communities.

The industries that have prospered for generations,

and the beauty and biodiversity

that makes The Great Australian Bight truly unique.

They need to know we won't allow risky oil drilling

to put our extraordinary southern coastline at risk.

I think we're globally coming to a point in time where

we either sit back and ride out this whole

global warming thing and watch our homes

and the animals and the places we love deteriorate,

or we stand up and fight for these places that we love.

So yeah, kind of at a tipping point

where you have to choose if you're on the sidelines

or if you're gonna do something to protect your home.

Drilling for oil can only mean disaster.

It would be a catastrophe if anything happened

to our pristine waters and our way of life.

I am now putting my hand up across the oceans

to invite other nations to join us in our fight

against stopping big oil companies from devastating

our beautiful Great Australian Bight.

Not here. Not anywhere.

For more infomation >> Wild Waters: The Fight to Protect the Great Australian Bight - Duration: 21:18.


You and Us - Duration: 4:42.

I joined the freckles and traced us along the waves of your spine

back to simpler days when your body didn't rest up against mine

I've been warned by the dawn still she keeps me in fear

that if I roll across this bed and back again you'll have disappeared

don't say it's clear

don't tell me we're

somewhere between Friday nights and weekends

somewhere between doubt and trust

somewhere between who is he and I don't care

somewhere between you and us

I asked you where we were and you said Paddington but you knew what I meant

then bought a ticket going anywhere where we could stay content

I've been told by the cold of your wandering eyes

that if more than fine was stood beside this line you'd let it pass you by

don't say it's clear

don't tell me we're

somewhere between Friday nights and weekends

somewhere between doubt and trust

somewhere between who is he and I don't care

somewhere between



somewhere between holding on and jumping

somewhere between could and must

somewhere in the space beneath these sheets

somewhere between you and us

don't make promises you can't keep

and don't say I think we're heading to deep cause

who says that that can't be a good thing

am I overthinking

somewhere between Friday nights and weekends

somewhere between doubt and trust

somewhere between who is he and I don't care

somewhere between you and us

somewhere between Friday nights and weekend

somewhere between doubt and trust

somewhere between who is he and I don't care

somewhere between you and us

somewhere between you and us

For more infomation >> You and Us - Duration: 4:42.


Astuces anti cambriolage pour dissuader les voleurs - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Astuces anti cambriolage pour dissuader les voleurs - Duration: 4:12.


Klopp dismisses suggestions Liverpool are feeling title pressure - Duration: 3:35.

 Jurgen Klopp is confident Liverpool won't crack under the pressure of the Premier League title race despite another frustrating setback

  An injury-hit Reds side missed the chance to move five points clear at the top when were held to a 1-1 draw at West Ham United on Monday night

  Sadio Mane scored a controversial opener on 22 minutes only for Michail Antonio to equalise with a well-worked set-piece six minutes later

  Liverpool, who drew 1-1 at home to Leicester City last week , are now three points clear of Manchester City, who will go top with a win at Everton on Wednesday

See how we rated the players against West Ham here  But Klopp has dismissed suggestions his team will crumble in the face of the challenge from City and Tottenham Hotspur, who are five points behind in third

 "I am confident about that," said the Reds boss, who was without skipper Jordan Henderson and midfielder Gini Wijnaldum

 "Since five or six weeks ago we have spoken about a two-horse race, now Tottenham have come from behind

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  "They have had a very difficult situation and have dealt with it brilliantly

All credit to (Mauricio) Pochettino and his team how they did it, winning games late and with a lot of injury problems

 "For me they are 100% in the race.  "If you want to be at the top of the table then you have to deal with much tougher situations than we had tonight

That's always clear.  "But of course you need players fit and available. That helps a bit

Midfield players tonight, apart from Shaq (Xherdan Shaqiri), would have been 18 years old

If needed we'd have played them, but that's not perfect at the moment.  "We have to fight

It's not about pressure. It's about enjoying the situation we are in. We have 62 points, have lost one game and that's very positive

But I can see in your (the media) faces that you are sorry for us, but we are fine

Everything is good.  "Tonight was just a tough game. If you have a day like that, when we had problems yesterday, then you get a point, for me that's absolutely fine

 "Tonight was a tough game and it's going to get tougher. That's clear. That not a surprise

For all of us, if you want to win big things you have to be ready for these tight races


For more infomation >> Klopp dismisses suggestions Liverpool are feeling title pressure - Duration: 3:35.


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[FREE] Lil Baby x Gunna Type Beat - Cold

For more infomation >> [FREE] Lil Baby x Gunna Type Beat - Cold - Duration: 4:25.


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For more infomation >> Ozarks Tonight: Vaping and Its Effect on Teens - Duration: 5:22.


(FREE) Lil Baby x Roddy Ricch Type Beat 2019 - "Fab" | @noahcuzaudio - Duration: 2:46.

(FREE) Lil Baby x Roddy Ricch Type Beat 2019 - "Fab" | @noahcuzaudio

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