How about to find one so this is fairy dust 11:11 and this is the masculine read
from masculine Monday's so do part in my voice I
Did have like a little bit of a cold as
Well as my children have pink guy then they gave it to me so my eyes are like I
looked like I was pop doing both of my eyes
Anyways so hmm okay so these two cards actually came out I post like these little mini reads over on Instagram
And these two cards came out yesterday, okay?
I'm from when you're watching this so give me a second all right so this is about the DNA in ascension
Ascension but it's so many different messages in just these two cards
Okay, so give me a second let me see what the spirit, wants me to exactly start, okay?
In addition to that for those that are new to the channel to the ministry I'm a spirit lead reader meaning that I use these
cards numbers
Etc as divination
tools to convey the messages that the Spirit has for the collective the connected and sometimes there may be
messages specifically for several waves of the collective or maybe just for a group of the of the collective
Or either just individual messages so I do channel messages as well so just you know
Roll with it it could be individual and I try to cute and try to cue you guys
When it's like a group of individuals or one single person as it comes
So give me a second, okay?
Alright so okay
here, we do have masculine energy but I'm more so feel like this is the logical mindset of the collective like this is like the
collective what they call consciousness
okay, so
If you check out the feminine Friday's reading which I will post down below the spirit
Was talking about the hierarchy of the twins and divine partners of the collective period and so
you have like this I want to say like a
five-tier it almost looks like a five-tier cake if you will you know how like a wedding cake looks
we have like the base and then it builds up to like the top with the two
individuals like like they're holding hands like this they're like oh yeah at the top of the cake
Okay, so it's like you have a group of the divine partners Twin Flames like that are at
the base and they're very very close to regular humans
And so they do work very closely with like the regular
Humans that's the best way how to say it
I know it may sound silly but anyways um and so what's going on it's like as the information comes comes
through so the information will come through to the elect divine ones okay and
so think of that wedding cake with the with the the
Individuals at the top okay so this is like the top of the end of the cake
where you have like the bride and the groom if you will and so
This will represent those and so this will be like the elect of the divine ones okay and so the information
You see these two cups will come
Through them and it's not just two individual source it's like I don't know how many, okay?
it's just like a group of them for simplicity sakes and so the information will come through to them and so they have a
specific mission and so as a
collective the connected we do have a mission all together but however no different than how you may have a
president and they have a vice president and then you have like
the branches of the government and then you have like the the masses and so this is the same
Hierarchy but it's within a divine one it's okay?
Within like when I say divine ones I'm talking about Twin Flames indigo star seeds etc. The whole gamut all right
okay, so you had this group of the
Elect ones and so they will receive the information directly from the divine source and then therefore it will trickle down
So imagine these cups that are being filled and then they're so filled the information the activations
will overflow
Okay, and then it comes down to the to the rest of the collective okay and so
What I was saying about the base of the collective the connected their work a very hand-in-hand like with
With the overall populace of the humans it's like that they will help to raise
them they will help to raise the consciousness of
The humans and ushering in the new earth and a new information and stuff but
However it has to be it's almost like a parent that tastes the food and then they I used this example before
Chew it up then make it more digestible
for the child if you will and so it will be
Handed down and so in the biblical text where Paul was talking about
Like the babies the babes they drink milk and then the adults they
They, eat solid food and so they eat solid food because they are
More spiritually mature and I paused on that because I'm not trying to be I may be saying that I'm one you know
Who knows where I could be at the bottom?
but you know
excuse me but what I'm saying is that like they were
spiritually challenged and spiritually mature and so therefore they will be considered the
Adults if you will in the analogy okay and so therefore they take the information and they break it down to make it more digestible
For the collective to connect it and then therefore from the base the actor goes down through
imagine this is like one whole big body and so like the mouth that takes the food and
Chews it up and then it goes through the digestive system to be pushed out okay if you if you follow that whole analogy
okay, so at the base then therefore it's broken down enough to hand off to
regular humans and so therefore it would raise the
Collective consciousness altogether as all 3d beans period regardless if you were indigo star seed
or just a regular human it's the rate that raised the collective
Consciousness the vibration all together and then it will in going from just being the consciousness will be the super consciousness, okay?
Okay, so I have to say that um let me see, what the spirit, wants me to go from here
Okay, so this is what this represents this man right here
it represents the collective
And the collective the connect and I call it the connected because it's the spirit has been showing me veins
And it also shows me like a tree and though they have been coming to me for a while and so you know how veins
they, branch out you know and then it carries the information which would be the blood flow throughout the entire body
all the way from the tip of your finger all the way to the tip of your toe to the top of your head if
you will and so that's what the veins are the collective the
Connective we are all connected all right so these also reminds me of a remind me of veins as well bring the information
Give me a second so with this masculine or with this male energy
This is the logical mind and this is also the concrete if you will like like the physical
Okay, and so this is grounding so it's come
it's coming from the higher the
Superconsciousness the superhighway if you will or
whatever you want to call it okay from the higher realms and from the
heavenly realms okay go through the heavenly realms through the spiritual the energetic plane and then it grounds and then
It grounds into the physical so this is grounding into the physical and with this heart right here so
For those that may not know we have three hearts, okay?
So, we have our physical heart that carries the DNA the DNA activation system prescience and information and heretic heretic and genetic
information to
Throughout us. Okay the physical and then you have your emotional
Which is your energetic field what they would call like maybe your aura and stuff and then you have your higher heart
Which would count as like your higher self and when they align then that's when
The the information can flow and so with these select ones it's like they are in alignment
like they're all three of their hearts are in full alignment and I hear jackpot I see like
Seven seven seven I don't know if you. Actually that's an emoji on my phone so
you know how that you go to this slide I never been
For but like if you go to the slot machines and then you hit the little jackpot thing and go
777 jackpot so seven seven seven seven is about divine angelic and celestial communication
alright and so with them they
they, receive they mingle with angels if you will
They they have a special connection with the spiritual
realm and actually even beyond that the heavenly realms okay and so therefore
With them their their travels may not be may not always be easy if you will and so
That's why you would have?
Twins that their union may come like that or even
it's not
necessarily based on the physicality so you may have some that are the elect it may come like that and then you may have some
down towards the base that they may have to you know go through quite a few
Activations it just depends on their a specific journey but what I'm saying like their
Responsibility is so heavy
because they have to they have to I
Here mediate the realms if you will and it's so much is so much information
With these divine partners and so it's not just
About a woman and a man this could be a man and a man and a woman and a woman
and they they're bringing such a vast amount of information to the collector that connected and
What I was going to say about the base and the ones that are closer towards the base of this
the wedding cake if you will
For the analogy it's like that their journeys could very much
Mirror, a lot of the human Germany's their
Understanding is very close to humans understanding and so they can be judgmental at times but see with
them they have a certain amount of
Divine wisdom and
Love and so how I've been saying the love and wisdom go hand in hand
And so with that it's like that they can see from a higher perspective and so therefore they
judgmental they have a certain type of on human judgment and
This is the reason, why some may understand
certain, type of information
a little better and I'm
Slowing down on this part because I don't want to be offensive to anyone like. Oh some of these so they're higher than
somebody else
But this is the information that this fairy gives me so I have to give give it out I have to send out the call
Because some I felt like some are
wanting I see what I'll tell you what I see I see lifeboats in
In like the ocean or something and then I see some that are sitting in the lifeboats and I see some that are in bigger
like those bigger
Speedboats and they're throwing out like those little life savers to some of the divine ones that are in the water
because they feel like they're being I'm submerged or they're going under
And they could something may be bored with the information that's being
fed it's almost like an assembly line and
Then like you you receive like a plate and then you eat the same thing every day
if you will and so some are getting bored with the type of information
because there there are there they're being pushed through the
Go through a higher realm or the higher tier of the cake I'm just gonna use the cake as an analogy
You know to go up you know to send to a higher level and so therefore they are
Like okay, maybe this journey isn't for me I'm bored or like I need a challenge if you will it's because they're their
Activations their mental is opening up and it's going from the suppressed
Consciousness the suppressed mental and it's open opening up and this some may want to walk away from the journey because of the information that
they have heard and
And then they feel discouraged about that and it's not out of the out of the class of boredom I guess of water
Excuse me it's not for boredom it's from
discouragement and so they're going I see the water and the water is trying to brush them down or take them under
And with the water represents it represents
the resistance and so the resistance is anything that's pushing against you
It could be a here bill so it could be this journey all together it could be anything that's part of the 3d experience
that is pushing against you and it's almost like as soon as you want to catch your breath and the wave comes and
it splashes against you and so the
The Spirit is sending out a call okay and those life, what do they call life savers are being tossed out for to help
the ones of the collective the connected they feel like they are
discouraged or they may be ready to go to the next level but they don't know where it's exactly how to do it exactly
or where to go
They, may have reached a pinnacle or reach the ceiling and it's because they want to have access to new information
Okay, um give me a second okay?
All right so we're here with this some with these two snakes if you will they're mating all right and
What they're doing they're creating the third energy so in the Old Testament the manifested Christ?
Actually you know he wasn't technically quote-unquote not in the Old Testament per se but with my boy Moses
And they had they put a snake one this on a spike and so the snake on a spike
Represented the manifest of Christ in the future you know being crucified and and then the Ascension okay so as they
Comp you late as they?
engage in sexual energy that they're creating the third energy and so the twin by
That's my speaker the swim body the third energy the Christ Zoe's energy
And that is strengthening a bond as well as
as well as the new information they're unlocking DNA so if you know how DNA how they say DNA look
This almost looks like that DNA and then the DNA and so their DNA physically yes it's mixing together you know
DNA as far as this but they're unlocking a lot of the DNA suppressions, okay?
And you may say
Oh, I might I haven't been with my twin either physically before or in a long time but this is sexual energy
Okay, so you're sending the energy back and forth
through it could be Astro you know through dream state
Fantasy is it's the energy through even masturbation whatever maybe okay
And you're sending that information back and forth with your twin and it's strengthening the twin body the third energy the Christ dose energy
Okay, and so the spirit that means to do this
Move this over real quick I've what these things at the dollar store a while ago okay and so we have here faith and love
all right and so I
Really felt like putting with his faith okay, even knowing it's like just as a physical reminder
that to keep going you know not to lose faith but knowing because like
When you know something you just know it
When you go to sit down in a chair you know that the chair is gonna catch your butt and hold you up and so
That's what the Spirit is saying and so love faith and love and wisdom
Hand in hand okay it's like a cycle alright so um we love we love
Like really love and then it will keep your faith in your hope and your drive alive okay and so it's this relationship
it's built off of
faith love and
And wisdom and so with many of us that with our ascension
Ascension journey this connection has really tested our ascension journey as well as strengthen our ascension new journey, okay?
And so if it wasn't for
you know the me finding out that I was a twin and
That I wouldn't even be doing this you wouldn't even know who I am you wouldn't even be seeing my ashy hands right now but
Excuse me okay and so this has really I'm just jump started me on my
Spiritual ascension journey so I was sort of kind of on one but I was like real elusive with it you know let me go
put my toe in that water of
Truth for a minute
It's too cold let me go back over there you know just tiptoeing around it but then I'm on this journey
The spirit just pushed me right on in that water and
so here I am and so this is for a lot of us this is what has really really pushed us and
You know with our sentient journey because it's a lot of activations to go through this activation so great joy
Also activations of the opposite end which can be you know painting if you will okay, sometimes see what the sphere wants me to go
Give me a second, okay?
These cars right here
And okay
So give me a second all right
yes, so this is just I'm just saying this is not for everybody okay so some you do have Valentine's Day coming up so
Some could be some masculine could be reaching out to the divine partners to spend some time
to kick back whatever you know to talk for some and they could be you know doing a little bit of this yeah like
For some okay
All right so that's not for everyone but you know how the way
I look at it I would I would gladly skip over this one birthday you have a lifetime of Valentine's Day you know
Okay decided they want to fall down over here
Alright sit down
Okay and then playfulness past life relationship, okay?
I'm some I hear
something maybe confused
They like am I or am I not what the crap is going on
I don't know what's going on it's oh this feels like both like
Not just the masculine and a feminine let me get some more water
Not just a masculine
But, also the feminine you know it's not that they don't love each other
Yes, it's like they may be confused about what in the world is going on you know
One minute they feel like they're really sure the next minute they feel like I am really really confused, okay?
But as a side note just in case for those that may not know as a twin okay as a twin flame
You're destined to come and say. Here because of the work that you have to do so I have been writing the material
to be to put together excuse me a
twin flame essentials info playlist
one of them is about going in deep deep deep detail about Twin Flames and their connections and
So part of that information is is that like you're destined to come into the Divine Union because
You have work to do once you come up to you again you have work to do so like
of course you know you're working on yourself now and stuff and
Regardless if your partner is aware of it
like in the 3d Men so if they're aware of it or not they're working on themselves as well okay and
With, when you guys come together it's like okay now you go out you go do your ministry go do your work for the for?
The collective the connected as well as for Humanity all right and so some may just be confused
so you know going back to that that vision that analogy of some of the divine partners maybe in some of the little small lifeboats
okay, because they may have just been pulled out of the water okay and so now they're going in to
Go help
To go help some of the other ones so they're sending out life jackets you know the little life
savers to help pull some of the other ones in and so this feels like
the energy of some of them to me it does jump jump ship if you will and so
then you have some other divine partners going out there to go help them you know to pull them back in
I got my little mini thing, okay?
Okay so a couple different messages alright so with this with this separation like I was saying like some maybe this is for a
group of
Divine ones some may have been in quote-unquote separation so imma pause right there
you know you have never been separated from your divine partner because you have been in partnership since the creation of
whoever you are
Well you know your soul okay?
excuse me so
laughs ants it's like you're already in the heavenly realms you already
Divinely paired and so you ground into the physical and so as you go through your physical existence
it's like you guys are working your way towards each other and
Mirroring the way how you are in the heavenly realms okay so you never been such excuse me you never been
Separated from your divine and partnership
At all alright and so with that said unpause on that note so for those that may a quote-unquote
Been separated it's like they even come together with your divine partner for some little playtime okay? Yeah
So whatever that may mean for you it could just be you know taxing it could be I here rendezvous
it could be you guys actually going out
or actually you know spending some time together or this could be like the big like get together and like
Coming this feels like a party or something as well or
some type of public atmosphere
And some could just be having I here dinner as well
And that dinner could be in a public place or it could be like at, someone's actual house, or something for some
For some you could be sending that information like back and forth some type of flirtation back and forth with your divine partner
Yeah you know what I see I see of someone that's playing music and their act like they're singing to their divine partner I
Don't really see a sex. I just see someone like their energy like they're like yeah baby, I love you so much
Like that or something in the back what they're singing towards like dancing for them and they're just being really playful and silly
And even if they're do my partner isn't there they can still feel that energy, okay?
all right I don't want to go too far into it let me see if the okay so
You know as you?
For example before you started to go on your ascension journey
it's sometimes you may just
For example you may just chuckle to yourself about
It may just been a random chuckle or something me it came to your head too, chuckle okay? I use that example to
Tell you and to give like an example of how you could be sending energy to your divine partner and you didn't even meet them
So imagine if you didn't meet you to my partner you just had met them and you had these instances where you may just chuckles
To yourself or me a funny random thought may come see ahead of chuckle that could be your divine partner either
Chuckling at that same time or saying, something that's really
funny that if you were there you would have you would have laughed for example and this is the same thing with like
sexual energy like and you could have been feeling like these jolts at
Times and what happens as you continue to ascend you realize you start to recognize your divine partner's energy
their energetic thumbprint if you will so you know like how they
take the thumbprint and they roll it and that stuff and then you roll it on the paper and they run there a
Person's fingerprints and be like. Oh yeah that's John. Doe right there we recognize them by their unique fingerprint, okay?
And so that's the same thing with your divine partner
it's like you start to recognize their energy
So, when you dream you mean?
I see the person's face you could recognize their energy the energetic thumbprint if you will
You could recognize like when you feel a certain way
Any kind of way you may feel you may feel like a little bit of anger or you may feel like really really romantic
Or whatever the case may be silly goofy or whatever you can tell if that is activated by your twin, okay?
and as well to
We're healing
Like your divine partner, even if they're if even if the one of their spiritual gifts isn't healing
They can still send you healing back and forth, okay?
Yeah so as well - with this I feel like the Spirit is saying the things will come together
When things are supposed to come together, okay?
You know you ever you ever go waiting on a check or some money
Was like like the people were supposed to pay me a week ago what's good where's my money you know or whatever maybe?
Late and maybe hung up or you'd even realize you were having some money coming in but when it came in it came in right
On time it came in right when it was most needed or right?
When you were about to go on vacation or whatever the case may be but it happened right
When it's supposed to happen and the more that you
Recognized the flow of the spirit the more and more that you will realize that things happen
when and how they're supposed to happen and you get this type of
Playfulness to yourself you get this type of this laid-back type of energy and so the more
uptight or the more desperate
Someone is the more
Or even you can recognize this for yourself this is just like a pointer I
recognized this by myself and you know the spirit it's been working with me and so I'm giving this to you not to
You know um make somebody feel bad but just to you know just sharing information you know and so
the more if you find yourself being really anxious about
Something then you should take a step back and this change your thoughts
And your energy about that and just be laid back and know that everything will come when it's supposed to come and
that will help you with anything that will help you to be able to
Notice the flow of the spirit of how it's almost like a game like oh you know how is the spirit
Gonna work things out?
What is this going to come together let me try to figure it out or even not even try to force it to figure it
Out but you start to use it as a divination tool that's what I'm trying to say you know
With certain things like you could test yourself and you know work with the spirit on like what time is this gonna happen
Or all right I'm gonna guess that number or whatever so you didn't learn and
How how to learn how the Spirit works with you and your energy?
And so that's what I really feel like. What this is not just like the laid-back but, also to
Using using your surroundings to not play with the spirit. I guess that's probably not the
best word
Not test the spirit. I guess you couldn't use those words or whatever but
you know the same
Also with other spiritual gifts that you have whether talents and skills that you that you have some of them are changing too
That's another thing that came through in another reading about spiritual gifts that are changing or
Signs and synchronicities that are changing for it for example for
And so I'll share a quick one just to give you an example so like with my right foot has always been
traveling like paid travel work forever like since
maybe about three four weeks ago
The spirit, was telling me that it's that that's changing like
It's actually the movement of money instead of me moving for money it's like the movement of money is different
for example
Like for example this is my healing hand it's also my money hand but money for work this, also is changing
For example I just share that with you you know just to give an example
Just to let people know not to brag or anything like that okay
And so the spirit seemed like another thing to just to share real quick like I used to get upset and
Because I'm so passionate about things I'll be like
Oh, my gosh
I want this to happen right now
And that's what I wanted to happen and then when it wouldn't happened and then I was like God why are you playing with me
like in the world
like why are you playing and you keep playing all the time but
But anyways this spirit it, was saying that it
Was it was sharpening me you know and I shed that mentality you know and it's not about
playing like oh like it's playing like poking fun at you or anything like that so it may be somebody out there that may think
that at times I'm just sharing what I feel that I should be sharing okay um
and it's like the Spiritist poking fun at you were playing with you as sharpening your your intuition if you will into
Your intuitiveness what's inside of you already you know a lot of us actually when?
We were born we had it but through those energetic blockages I hear even clouds
cloudy judgment like clouds that were placed on us in place within us through coming into the 3d experience
That some through heredity and then some through actually
growing up
you know in
Observing things and so that cost is disalignment within within us okay and so what the spread is doing it's like
Sharpening sharpening your senses so you can know exactly
right then and there you can recognize the energy out of the way the spirit flows so the spirit is that gonna flow always the
same way okay so it is a it is um
In the new the old test many ways somewhere in the Bible. Okay where
The God is always never changing and so of course God is never gonna be changing because God is the author of
everything so if everything exists it exists how can it change
okay, so and with the that's what they really meant by that scripture but people try to to use it like in a way to
Hold people in a certain mindset okay so the way how this spirit will the spirit never will change when I was a baby
Okay, so the Spirit will never change because the spirit can't can't change because everything it created
Everything that exists is exists, okay?
But the way how the spirit displays itself to you will change so I how I was seeing like a baby that drinks milk
eventually that baby's gonna eat solid food and so that's what the Spirit is doing it's also mature you and
mature your senses so at first it will give you the
11:11 look 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 did it I did it a 3 3 3 all this stuff like that
but then guess what the spirit would do and we'll take those signs and synchronicities
And flip them flip the number sequences for you or either flip like the way how it?
I'm take take those number sequences away for a while change them up you know
Pair that number sequence with a animal spirit
So therefore when you see the animals fear you can associate it with a number, or however the way the spirit may work for you
Specifically so with that playfulness it's like that new information is coming through this is
Also like the logical mind recognizing the way how the spirit is moving and moving in their life okay, because so this is like
This is like um I hear an investigator. Okay, that has received some new evidence and
So they opened up this package like wow some new evidence here
And they open it up and they're like ah
Oh, that's. What the spirit
meant, when when that happened all that time I was pissed at that time but guess what the Spirit, was moving then and
Excuse me and now I know how the spirit is going to when that happens I know how how the spirit is moving, okay?
It's like going back and looking over over the evidence okay?
Give me a second, okay?
Yeah, so I hear someone someone this is a whole another message okay? That is a personal someone is jealous
Okay, someone is in their lower energy and they're jealous. Okay, someone is watching someone else and
They they're I hear in the side wing
And it off on the side and they're I'm cutting over like almost like cutting their eyes over
This, seems like someone's eyes looking over like imagine it's like looking over like huh
what are they doing you know and this could be like some divine partners that have came together and
I hear their age difference or some like some very very
Vivid difference like either age difference varicose veins. Sorry, I'm not making funny anybody
I just estimate just what I hurt you in and out like that
That's um one thing
And or either they could be like a different complexion like two very very different complexions and it's something that's really stands out
you know so either one of that like a really drastic age difference or either a really big difference between the two
Complexions or something a really short short short and really tall something but
I'm also feel like it's
Somebody that's old and young and somebody that's like really really light skinned and really really dark skinned or something like that
And if someone is jealous of it and so I hear bigoted so someone may actually use
the veil the mask of bigotry
because they're really jealous and envious of this kind of connection how can someone love someone so much that it's so different than them
When they this person you know this person feels like it feels like, someone
tries to be a likable person
Because they figure if they could be likable that people will really love them
Or like them and so when they see someone a pair that
Is so drastically different and they just don't care what people think that that dress this person up the wall drives them mad
like mad like it can be crazy mad like they're so ticked off like okay, I do I do this for the please people and
to look this way this could be a really heavily people-pleasing type of individual
excuse me and
When they look at someone that is just too keeper so opposite of each other that really burns them up because
this means these people don't care about what other people think
Why this person is on the complete opposite end they care about what people think too to a degree this could be someone's
Caring or someone's influencer I here so
Somebody, that's related to these two these twins these design partners so it doesn't necessarily have to be like
someone's mother it can be
It doesn't even have to be someone that's really closely related it can just be like somebody that's a friend of a friend
or something like that but they they know these individuals
Into a degree excuse me I'm sorry my throat
Gosh all right so let me see what else give me a second
I hope I hope dusty oh
Yeah something about I hope that's
yeah, okay um
Yes, someone is really really missing somebody okay so they could have been distance apart that could have been what the distance is
it's not necessarily good distance like someone's trying to purposely stay away from somebody or trying to purposely avoid them it can literally have been
Distance like mouths apart and they've really been missing each other and so when they come together
This is them like I was telling you about that third energy over there creating that third energy
when they come together so it may not necessarily be like actually
mating like that you know it could just be like the energy that they create
Their vibes are gonna be so high
Okay, in when they come together
Give me a second and
this could be another situation with this proposal of some some sort it's like some type of
Proposal okay and so I know this has came through not this card but this type of energy
where's like some type of proposal or something
And this has came through a couple of times is like a penis pizzas head in and out
several times and so it feels like
This, was a couple of different individuals and so someone could have been like. Oh it hasn't happened yet
it's because like sometimes what the spirit does to keep this going
To keep this going
That faith not knowing that the spirit will send out messages to let you know what was coming
so that way it's not to teach you like how I was saying like
That playfulness like they're teasing it's not the tea's use to keep you going
Like everything is to keep you with sending to keep you going
So that way you can't finish the marathon and go to the next one you know the first part of this marathon is you finding
Yourself by now who you are the second part is for you fulfilling it
part of that is your divine
Partnership and then when you come in here divine partnership guess what you both were going off to a whole nother marathon together
It's almost like you were you ran it's a really a relay race you ran
You ran over to the sacks
Y'all we're both individuals ran over to the sacks and then you know you guys got both into the sack
what's that a race like a relay race
Either that's how your foot together you have to run together
Or even both get inside a potato sack
You have to hop or something but anyways it's like if first you were running the relay race by yourself but then you came impaired
like somehow this happened on with my hand bumped into it by anyways
and then you guys both came together and now you guys have to run this really race together together
not like
Oh, you over here you over here
that already happened but we guys come together is like you guys got to move together as one unit throughout this relay race
that they call life, okay
All right so if you guys could give this video a thumbs up as well as leave a comment
That you see will push this information to more divine ones and I try to do as much teaching as
for the collective the connected okay I hear Stacie
awesome here Adam
it could be Stacy Adams really
It could be so I could be getting dressed that. I'm going on a shopping spree
But ya heard Stacy that I heard Adam that could be a couple or air or something
That's, also be a movie
Or some of the characters in the movies almost favorite movie
excuse me my voice so if you guys want to join the patreon family
You can find that link down below and for those that given
Excuse me the 613 hard with some higher knowledge energetic exchange that it's also down below
Thank you guys and thank you guys for even tuning in and pardon me so much for my voice oh
Excuse me let me see this for has anything that's the same
Okay, one other thing is that the spirit of saying this separation don't last forever
like literally you know like when you get on a certain I hear
it's like at the time speeds up
For certain things but slows down for other things so for example um you know it seemed like
Everything was slowed down for a divine union but then
When you took your attention off a divine union you focus your attention on something else and before you know you came to divine union
And so this has reminded me of like something that Abraham Hicks would say and I saying I'm gonna put it as eloquently as
she he it does but
Pretty, much when you change your focus
That the thing that you took your focus off of will come like so quickly
Alright and so take your focus off a divine partnership and put it on to something else
so with that something else is it was going to be
something different from me for each
Individual so you got to sell ask the spirit
where are you supposed to put your attention to
and then before you know it divine union won't come about you know you will be like this you guys will be
Important in each other's air looking into each other's eyes well they actually almost look like they're looking up a little bit
Okay, so you guys thank you so much for tuning in I will link that feminine Friday's as well as the last masculine Monday's reading
Down below and any other information that's per tells me to do it when. I do it, okay?
I thought see you later all right peace
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