Monday, February 4, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 5 2019

Great job, Hank.

It's my first time to be at a UNT event where people settled down, so wow.

Well, welcome.

I am David Wolf, Vice President for University Advancement here at the University of North


You can cheer for that.

And what a marvelous, amazing day it is to have all of us here together as a family and

via the internet.

We are streaming live, so behave.

But I want to thank you for joining us today for this very historic moment for all of us

together and for our university.

We are glad so many of you could be here with us.

I would like to point out a few special people.

Representative Richard Pena Raymond is here with us.

Thanks for joining us today, Richard.

Chancellor Lesa Roe, Chancellor of the University of North Texas System is here.

Chairman Brint Ryan is with us today.

Chairman Ryan.

Regent Mary Denny is with us.


Regent A.K.

Mago is with us today.

And Regent Carlos Munguia is with us today.

Also joining us are several of our best donors.

I can't name them all, but our President's Leadership Board and others.


Thank you all for coming.

A standing room only crowd.

This is fantastic.

And you're all looking really good.

You know, universities are places that change people's lives and help them to get a leg

up in the world, find a job, find their path, give them a sense of well-being through the

supportive and caring education that we give and that we are so proud to be entrusted with.

And here at the University of North Texas, we really take pride in the fact that we go

the extra mile.

We really help our students.

We help them through thick and thin.

We teach them if they're gonna fail, fail faster so that they can move ahead.

And we also hope that they will become the creative leaders of tomorrow.

In this crazy world, we need students who have grit and determination, students who

can weather challenges and difficulty.

And it is so wonderful when we get help in helping our students.

We have 38,000 students, and with a little luck we'll teach them all how to be nimble,

agile, and prepared to face whatever adversity they meet as they graduate.

Our campus is full of all kinds of people.

You heard our harp folks out here.

We have budding musicians, entrepreneurs, teachers, scientists, accountants, and people

who understand that education isn't just a way to change yourself -- it's a way to change

your whole family tree.

Because when you get a degree from a university, your brothers and sisters are more likely

to go to the university.

Your nieces and nephews will have a role model.

Your mothers and fathers will live a better life.

And in general, you are going to pay it forward serving as an exemplar.

And that's what we do here.

And it makes me incredibly proud of our university.

Now, our alumni have been so generous to us in the past.

And they've created a merge of excellence.

But we have one incredibly driven and accomplished man who is in the audience today, someone

who has made a huge difference.

But like most of our students who are hardworking, passionate contenders who want to make a difference

in the world, we enjoy the contributions that our alumni make when they figure out that

they didn't just get a job certificate but that they got their lives changed when they

came to this university.

So, at this time, we're going to allow a little bit of musical pomp and circumstance and a

selection from the College of Music festival brass ensemble.

And I would like to invite up two very special people, people who we are honored to have

here today.

I would like to invite up our Chairman, Brint Ryan, and his wife, Amanda Ryan to please

come to the stage along with Dean Wiley.

And fanfare, it's time to go.

Wow ... Thank you so much to the College of Music and to our wonderful brass ensemble.

Terrific job, and just a sample of the incredible things that are going on.

Well, what are we here for today?

We've been teasing you for awhile.

And here we are in the College of Business with Brint Ryan standing on the stage.

Gee, I wonder what's coming next.

Today, it gives me incredible pleasure to announce the largest gift that we have ever

received in our entire university's history, even adjusting for inflation.

A gift from our friend, a prestigious alum, and Chairman of the UNT System Board of Regents,

Brint Ryan and his family.

So first, big round of applause.

You are probably going to want to stay standing.

When you hear that, because of his generosity, Brint has agreed to present a gift of $30

million to the UNT's College of Business.

Now we need the fanfare.

Now, given that we have a non-majority of the Board of Regents here, I will say, pending

approval next week by our Board of Regents, we intend to name this college the G. Brint

Ryan College of Business.

So, for a man who's pushed us all hard to make us better, I couldn't ask for a better

gift or a better naming opportunity or a better name to name this college.

And all I can do now is see if Brint would like to say a few words and make sure he knows

he has my heartfelt thanks for everything that he does.

Oh, and we should have- Here it is.


And we'll invite you all back later when it's up in fancy letters all over the place.

Brint, would you like to say a few remarks?

Thank you, President Smatresk.

You know, Amanda and I are thrilled to be among so many friends and supporters today

on this momentous occasion for UNT and the Ryan family.

I'm thrilled to have Chairman Richard Raymond, my good friend, here today.

And Chancellor Roe, thank you for coming.

I also have a number of the Board of Regents that David mentioned earlier, Carlos Munguia,



Mary Denny is here.

Thank you all for coming out.

Just so you know, this is proof that I put my money where my mouth is.

So when I'm complaining all the time, it's for the better of the university.

Also, I'm thrilled to have with me, of course, my wife Amanda who approved this gift.

Thank you, honey.

And I have with us today, also, three of our five lovely daughters, Annabelle Ryan, Victoria

Ryan, and Mary Rae Ryan.

I believe they are here representing their inheritance.

Just kidding, girls.

Just a joke.

When I arrived at North Texas State in the fall of 1982, I could not have imagined being

here today.

I was wild and undisciplined, and frankly more suited for the ranches of West Texas

than I was for the halls of academia.

I had no idea where I was going and no idea how to get there.

I came here with a lot of growing up to do, and it happened right here on this campus.

My eyes were opened to incredible possibilities.

I was challenged by some of the best minds in accounting and taxation.

Professors like Horace Brock, who very quickly disabused me of the idea that I was the smartest

kid in the room.

Professors like Hershel Anderson, who really lit the fire of creativity for me in tax,

really in a way no one has before or since.

It was professor Tom Klammer, and I'm thrilled that Professor Klammer is with us in the audience


He was the one who patiently put up with my struggles in Intermediate II.

Dr. Klammer, I hope you know that I had nightmares about that class well into my 40's.

But folks, it was this experience that enabled me to start a small tax services firm, attract

some incredibly talented people like our COO Ginny Kissling who's here with us today, also

a UNT grad, our seventh employee by the way.

And it gave me the skills to lead that team from the beginning to the top of the tax services

and software industry.

Today, Ryan LLC is the largest firm in the world dedicated exclusively to business taxes,

with more than 2,500 professionals and associates serving over 14,000 clients in 50 countries

around the world.

It is this opportunity that I want to support for current and future students at UNT.

I want them to have an even better experience than I had.

I want to see them go out and change the world and, in the process, make UNT proud.

You know, Dr. Smatresk said, and I agree, that education is the great equalizer.

It not only changes the lives of graduates, but it changes the lives of their entire families

and, in some cases, even generations of families.

It brings people out of poverty.

And it propels our civil society.

Amanda and I believe there is no greater investment that we can make.

We've both lived it firsthand, and we're thrilled to be able to invest in the incredible mission

of the UNT College of Business.

And Dr. Smatresk, Board of Regents, I am profoundly grateful that the university has decided to

name the college in my honor.

You know, I couldn't begin to thank all of the people that made this possible.

I do, however, want to give special thanks to one very important individual, my father

George Alden Ryan.

His health doesn't permit him to be with us today, but his contribution was the most valuable

of all.

When I decided to defer coming to North Texas State to wait for my girlfriend at Big Spring

High, his response was a simple, "Hell no."

It was "go to college or get a job at the refinery."

And, you know, that wasn't a hard choice.

And for that, Amanda and I both thank him very much.

When my partying got a little out of control, and I got in some trouble with Denton's finest,

it was Dad that took care of it.

Without Dad, I wouldn't have been here, and I wouldn't have been able to stay here.

So, Dad, if you're watching on Facebook, thank you very much.

Finally, I want to thank those major donors that are here with us today, that have also

given generously of their time and treasure.

They give to make UNT a better place.

Ernie Kuehne, Jim McNatt, C. Dan Smith, Don Potts, Frank Bracken, Bryan Milner, Bob Sherman,

I want you to know I'm proud to be in your company.

Go Mean Green.

Thank you, Brint.

And as a token of our gratitude, I will say a very small token but it's just the beginning,

we would like to present you with this certificate of appreciation.

Thank you.

Thank you.

The naming of a college is a very important and special signal.

And to us, this naming conveys four things.

First, it's a very important symbol of support and commitment that signifies our value to

the world.

It brings resources that immeasurably increase our impact on the lives of our students and

of the corporate community we serve.

It recognizes the tremendous leadership and business success demonstrated by Brint Ryan,

one of our own graduates.

And because his name will lead the college, it inspires our students to reach higher,

to see what he has done, and to believe that their own opportunities are achievable.

So on behalf of the college, all of our faculty and students and staff, thank you for this

supreme act of generosity which will surely transform the future for our business students,

faculty, and alumni.

Thank you, Dean Wiley.

I noticed Brint was looking at the certificate.

It's the first diploma with his own college name on it, and we wanted to make sure he

got to be the first for that.

Well, thank you all for being here with us today.

It is an amazing day to be a part of the Mean Green family.

And we are so appreciative of all of you for sharing in this experience with us.

I want to especially say thank you to Brint and Amanda.

Thank you for your leadership and your generosity.

You are difference-makers.

This has been a highlight of the things that we accomplish every day, University Advancement,

and I appreciate you allowing me to be a part of the ride.

I would like to give a couple of shout-outs to some campus partners that have helped us

so much today.

First of all, to the UNT System Office of General Counsel.

Nancy Footer and Alan Stucky, thank you for all your help.

To the UNT Foundation Board, specifically Mike Mlinac and Bob Sherman, thank you for

your teamwork.

To Dean Wiley and the College of Business, University Facilities for helping us today,

and Dean Richmond and the College of Music for providing the excellent music today.

And lastly, to my colleagues in University Advancement, thank you for putting up with

me for the last couple of months and not knowing what I was doing.

Again, today marks a very important day in the history of the University of North Texas.

I hope you will share and tweet and repost things, 'cause I want the world to know that

today we have a named College of Business, the G. Brint Ryan College of Business.

The housecleaning part is we will be conducting some media interviews after this is over.

So please stick around, enjoy the refreshments.

And thanks again.

And what do we do when we end something?

There's three magic words.

Go Mean Green.

Go Mean Green.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> $30M gift – largest in UNT history – will create G. Brint Ryan College of Business - Duration: 20:26.


Modern Luxury Alexander Park Model on 0.75 Acres For sale $68K - Duration: 2:32.

Modern Luxury Alexander Park Model on 0.75 Acres For sale $68K

For more infomation >> Modern Luxury Alexander Park Model on 0.75 Acres For sale $68K - Duration: 2:32.


Absolutely Cozy Beautiful Cedar Tiny House - Duration: 2:12.

Absolutely Cozy Beautiful Cedar Tiny House

For more infomation >> Absolutely Cozy Beautiful Cedar Tiny House - Duration: 2:12.


13 Fishing Concept C vs. Shimano Curado I - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 13 Fishing Concept C vs. Shimano Curado I - Duration: 4:47.


80公里=80迈=80码?分不清楚小心吃罚单! - Duration: 6:17.

For more infomation >> 80公里=80迈=80码?分不清楚小心吃罚单! - Duration: 6:17.


Caja en Acetato con forma de Corazón - Duration: 21:23.

Hello Art Friends in Your Hands, for today we are going to make this box made in

acetate and with a decorative ribbon we they suggested a project for valentine

and although we do not celebrate it for this date we wanted to do it with a lot

taste for you, we hope that you like it and to put it into practice today

we want to say hello especially to 2 members of the channel they are ENMA Cardona

and Mila Vargas, they always they are there supporting us thank you very much,

we also want to send hugs and thanks to all the people who

They see us here in Colombia, in Mexico in El Salvador, the Latin colony that is in

USA, we also thank all the people who see us in Venezuela, in

Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Brazil,

They also see us in Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Italy, Russia are many

the countries we want to thank very much for the support we hope to continue

sharing ideas they like for that you can put them into practice

then we start with this simple project here in Arte en Tus Manos

these are the materials that we need then to make the box this

acetate as you can see what you sell so by sheet, in sheets but also what

sold by eighths or by letter size, you depending on the size of the

box they are going to do then in the amount of acetate they need or of

this sheet that I do not know really like they call her from other countries we

we say acetate, I'm going to do it here to that sees it and so they can look for it

suddenly recognizing the texture we're going to use masking tape, from

carpentry, paint sometimes also they tell you this is a tape that comes like this

silver is liquid silicone adhesive and hot light rule these are like

a kind of stiletto tools they sell them as they can see plastics or

metallic this has no edge, they are to make kind of carving

to also mark a skewer stick a little bit of crepe paper or

It can be silk paper to decorate and we started

well first thing I'm going to

to do is the heart so that we stay symmetrical what I do is take a sheet

normal I put it in the middle and would draw the heart depending on the

size you want it where we in this case when he does not cut it then

it would be symmetrical is the same on the sides I do it the size that you

you want and the little people more big the decision of each one of


this is the known form so I I would choose and you do it the most

nice rounder or like each one I want it and that I am going to transfer it to

acetate here what I've done is that everything taken two pieces of acetate look at the

here are the two pieces that I have stuck or they have adjusted you with the tape

of masking this to allow no move then taken the heart I've

stuck also in some points in some ends with the same tape and what

What I have done is that it has helped me with these tools if they do not have them

the skewer stick is also useful we have to make it stronger but this

it also helps us we take this stick of this tool

and we begin to carve without trespassing piece, I start to carve it to give it

the mark of the heart is to the piece of in front of the acetate to which it is

the back I do not do it anymore margin but that of approximately 2

millimeters because the idea is that this part is going to be the lid and this part is going to

be the base of the box then I'll explain more

detailed so that they understand

here I have as explained now the

blade now with this tool I'm going to start to mark

around the contour of the heart well doing

firmness so that the acetate that I have on top

remember that I have 2, then in the one above I'm carving well outside the

heart and then turned the piece and I am using the same heart of

but I will not mark it in the same line as I did with the acetate to

this side but I'm going to leave 2 millimeters approximately because

remember that the boxes for you to splice my top box the top cover should

be a little bit bigger so that this I close perfectly

and from the box because this one I'm going to make 2 millimeters further from the mold

initial or if you can also take out or they want to take out a mold they can take it out

a little bigger and they do the same process then

this is going to do all around when I'm done doing that then

here you can notice if the marks here the brand also after it can

make another parallel mark of 1 centimeter on both acetates both in the

from above like in the one that is here to the I will also mark with

the same stiletto with the same tool I'm going to mark a centimeter

and already there if I'm going to cut and they were carved the heart of the upper acetate

the bottom one and I'm going to mark all the outline the centimeter on both acetates

and then I'm going to cut

well here then I already cut them both pieces in both I have left the lashes

and I can also take the tool and I need to fix it well to make it

as a kind of break in the acetate then I can review what

you have done previously we have to have very good light too

because how is this transparent because I'm working on this table that

it's white then yes and sometimes running the lines a bit then

well reviewing the brand they had already made


this why is it to allow us allow to bend the acetate

I do not give exact measurements of him because they can do it the size that

want but the box the base will be of 14 centimeters this box for example

will be 14 centimeters wide, from end to end of what

conforms the heart will be 12 centimeter, then you already decide

what size do you want to do now let's start doubling here I've already done it

little with the cap we're going to start double where the brand is

and later when we already have completely folded this tab them

we will make some cuts that allow us stick to the sides of the heart of the box

and so we do with the two caps have the part that always the base but in my

case this is my base that of the box and this is the lid

a part for the can bend both

here as you can see already double all the eyelashes and tends to stay with courses

so that this curve removes what We are going to do approximately every 3 ... two

centimeters we are going to cut the lashes

cut all around

only in the tab

this allows when we paste the acetate to the small side sheets and not what

I'm going to be curved the piece and so less and cut them all the same in this

and the cuts all now I'm going to take a measure to know what is the

outline and so take out the height of the blade of the sides and at that height

It also depends on what you want save if they are sweet chocolates flowers

or dolls to what you need then they look at the height I'm going to

take about 4 centimeters you everything you look at

long and tall 4 centimeters I already have the piece from the sides

cut a piece in 4 centimeters of width and length is 50 centimeters

then in the part here where they are the curves I made some more cuts

take the scissors and cut them a little more because the curve makes us

press wrinkles us to say it like that we are curved the acetate much more

before pasting if we want to take it as tool let's take the tape from

mask here for example I'm going to use it, they can cut more pieces

small ones that I'm going to use here but then it is to give a guide and

avoid that suddenly move a lot

I'm giving it the form

the angle with the tapes so that he allow and see how it looks

helping us to shape the box then this they do for all the


and it's going to also allow the joining the two pieces are more even

so that is more even then then I can take liquid silicone or

hot I recommend more the liquid one delays more the process in pasting but the

acetate does not lose its shape instead with the silicone gun, with the silicone

hot we have to handle a lot temperature because the heat tends to

deform the acetate then that's why I helped with these tapes if you manage

heat if you already know how to handle the gun so that it is not too hot that they are

connecting and disconnecting then there can use the gun with the

hot silicone for now I'm going to do all these folds I'm going to paste

the tape around the contour and already simple then how is it located and

how we started to paste well here then I already have the box with

the tapes as you can see the ubiqué also here in the center of the excess what

short and here in this part you join also with a ribbon of this same

mask then still not stuck I have it here only to have it

list and I'm going to start working too with which is the lid I cut a piece of

2 centimeters wide and long 50 centimeters the same is also going to

over 50 centimeters but that it's always good to cut a little more

remember that in the part that is very curve if we're going to cut the tabs a

little more smaller ones shorter

allow to stick from the curve of the heart best

and now I'm also going to start

to put the masking tape

all around

the table serves as a guide allows us let it be more

aligned the acetate

and so we continue doing it is the curve remains

we continue working then

these tapes allow that in this part if suddenly it has not been very good

aligned or can not be released and adjusted and so we stay in one more way

and see that couples are left you feel then now I can take the silicone

liquid as maybe space then I can apply

silicone all around

I withdraw the excess what does not work or what that does not look so nice

and towards it all around that outline and it's going to be very well presented

I start here better

and here as you can see then I applied the silicone we can do it for

the inner part here lifting the tabs or also on this part what

It happens that it's a little bit more complicated for here, if it's easier, let's open

the lashes we apply the silicone and we go together while dry because as

the liquid silicone is much slower to dry then let's start

decorate this is an adhesive tape they come in many colors at this time

I have it in silver, then what is going to start is

to stick it in this part where you see

like the imperfections of the silicones and then I'm going to join her here to

cut it right

I'm going to start paste it here on the entire shore

I do the same then with this box but I'm going to do it in the

bottom part always trying to cover imperfections

If you want to apply it in the whole box perfect they can do it or buy from

Various colors and decorate the acetate box in various colors

after doing it for the external part As you can see, it is very nice but for the

interior we also want it to be same then while it dries well the

lower part I'm going to decorate the upper part with the same tape

well that way it's decorated in the inside, if I want I can also

put in the lower part so that it is more decorated and we already removed the tape

mask because I already totally hit the silicone now let's do the same

with this other, as here we can not decorate yet because the ribbon was very

wide then let's start to withdraw the masking tape and we will do the same

process we decorate inside that it's like that too

well presented, how is the box, how there is the base

and so then also that in the interior we try not to get wrinkled

so much because it's that in the part interior is a little harder to

locate but with more time they do it and they have left

perfect how is it

the lid and this is the box here they can save what they want

chocolates, chocolates, flowers what want to enter or introduce into it what can

do, here I am going to take a piece of the crepe paper and I'll make it the way

this is a not very large piece of 50 centimeters by 20 I'm going to

enter inside the box

giving a little bit that the shape of the heart does not have to be perfect just to give

a texture an effect, a This is how the boxes are going

I'm going to take some candy here they call moritas

delicious you can put chocolate is that you like it

chocolates, some flowers, whatever you want you can put inside it and then

so it is, I also made a flower on paper I creped this flower I taught her to do in a video

previous, here on the top I leave the link so they learn to

do it, this can be put here paste it with a card and so on then

would be the presentation of the box for this valentine date that so much

they asked, here in Colombia we do not we celebrate, we celebrate Love and

Friendship in the month of September, some they have already welcomed the date but it is not

normal from so much celebrating it here in my country, I know that in other countries, if

celebrate in the USA and Mexico that they celebrate then here a simple

idea for you to apply it I hope that you like to put it into practice

give us your comments and suggestions remember to subscribe to the

red button if you have not done it yet and activate the little bell that with her you

the notifications of all arrive new ones that we made and give us that Like and

share the video, see you in a next video here in your

channel Art in Your Hands

For more infomation >> Caja en Acetato con forma de Corazón - Duration: 21:23.


Capsule 4 : Pourquoi j'ai écrit ce livre? - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> Capsule 4 : Pourquoi j'ai écrit ce livre? - Duration: 7:02.


Modern Luxury Alexander Park Model on 0.75 Acres For sale $68K - Duration: 2:32.

Modern Luxury Alexander Park Model on 0.75 Acres For sale $68K

For more infomation >> Modern Luxury Alexander Park Model on 0.75 Acres For sale $68K - Duration: 2:32.


Hundreds of law enforcement line up in support of K-9 Chucky - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Hundreds of law enforcement line up in support of K-9 Chucky - Duration: 1:51.


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For more infomation >> BCSO K-9 Chucky remembered as hero - Duration: 1:40.


Man arrested in connection to Central Freeway Walmart shooting - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Man arrested in connection to Central Freeway Walmart shooting - Duration: 1:29.


13 Fishing Concept C vs. Shimano Curado I - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> 13 Fishing Concept C vs. Shimano Curado I - Duration: 4:47.


Best Slow Rock Songs - Greatest Slow Rock Ballads 70's 80's 90's Playlist - Duration: 1:12:03.

Thanks for watching my video! Participate in my channel on social sites (Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc ...) so more people can hear and have fun! Thank you for reading and having a great day!

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