I said that with a view that
I have celebrated my 23 this year.
I did 4 years in the USL,
two with Montreal when I was younger
<font color=#AAAAAAFF>And then when I got out, </font>
<font color=#AAAAAAFF>when I got out, </font> <font color=#AAAAAAFF>I went to Colorado</font>
<font color=#AAAAAAFF>and then Salt Lake</font>
and I think I am
at a mental and physical stage
where I think
I'm at my best
that I'm in control of on the field
And that I can be dominant
I know the league,
I played a lot in the league I played a lot of matches
i scored some goals, had some assists
So I'm going to say that this is really the year where
I think I feel best,
physically and mentally
So I'm going to try to consolidate both
to try to make a good year
I'll tell you, for an athlete,
in general,
all sports combined,
I think mental preparation
is more important, in my opinion
that's what made the difference in my career at a certain moment,
when you're younger it is a little more difficult,
but as we get older it becomes a bit more difficult,
priorities change,
you have to pay more attention to some details
I will speak of the mindset in general,
for me, this is something that is as important as the physical in my opinion.
<font color=#AAAAAAFF>IS IT IMPORTANT TO HAVE </font> <font color=#AAAAAAFF>A GOOD SURROUNDING ?</font>
it reflects a bit the person you are I will say
after, knowing people
and having friends is something different,
I knew it especially as a teenager
I'm going to speak in general
Yes it's very important,
because it reflects the person you are
The decisions you make
And also with whom you are seen
Your influences are also
part of your life
so yeah It's very important to have a good environment,
although being surrounded with some people you love and who loves you too
who wish you the best and help you
and that you also help
you must also share
The entourage is very important
<font color=#AAAAAAFF>GIVE US AN EXAMPLE OF </font> <font color=#AAAAAAFF>A MOMENT IN YOUR CAREER </font> <font color=#AAAAAAFF>WHERE MENTAL FORCE MADE </font> <font color=#AAAAAAFF>THE DIFFERENCE</font>
When you're not dominating
I remember at 16-17-18
when I was with the Impact Academy
I was still searching myself
I was a player who
dreamed to play professional
but who did not really,
I had a plan
because I was with a professional organization,
but when you say to yourself
"okay you're not in the best in this team
And then you see the best training with the first team already,
with a professional contract,
you see yourself always like ...
"I have a lot of work to do"
But you touch a point where you say
"I will work harder,
and what will happen, will happen,
like that you have no regrets"
So there is always a mental work
and for me, that was the difference
I never gave up, I persevered
even when the team ...
Our reserve team in Montreal
had stopped
They had decided to put aside the team
Well I was convinced that I was going to play elsewhere
and I had my chance
so yes a a certain moment,
the mindset forges with time
with the experiences
And at some point
It also comes naturally
There is obstacles in life Whether you're
a doctor, a student, anything
There will be obstacles
and my mindset made the difference for me.
I was born in Algeria, as you said
My older brother and my parents also
So we grew up there
at the age of 7 years..
My parents decided to immigrate to Canada
So we came in 2002,
and it was done quietly
We were very well received here,
it must be said. The people were very welcoming
so it was very good after
Then we went to school
We grew up in Montreal
Yes, we must give credit to schools and schools programs from here
Especially to the Montreal Impact Academy
It's something that has opened a lot of doors to young people
And that has also given a lot of chances to young people
Even if the purpose is not at the professional level ,
with a contract
But also the human development that is done
between school, sports
Performing in both
or trying to consolidate the two together
So I went to Édouard-Montpetit high school
So in the morning I went to school
And in the afternoon I went to my trainings
We had a overall average to respect
So we always had to
give as much importance to school as to sport
And it went very well during my high school
It's what also helped me to stay focus
I'll say 'the right path ''
To be able to finish my high school
I even went to college
Because they offer sport-study
I've been to Marie-Victorin for 2 years
Sport-study, I'll tell you is something that is
very beneficial and also very good
for the youth
I'm going to talk to you about myself,
I'll also talk to you about the band I worked with
when I was with The Montreal Impact Academy.
was about 18 years old,
we were told they were going to open a franchise
with the Impact reserve team
and that she was going to play in USL
So I was at the age of
going to this so level
its not all the players that were taken
that had a professional contract
We were in a league
where it is very competitive
but also with an age group
that was very young for us
but other teams we could play against
mens of 27-28, 30, years old
o we we were one of the youngest teams
if not he youngest in the league at the time,
I ' will tell you
it was not easy
because at 18-17 years old
you did not acquiert all your maturity,
physically, but also mentally
we made many mistakes on the field
myself also
I remember, it was not easy to win against
But it was
a chance and a vital experience
in my career
If I didnt go trough it,
it would have been very difficult for me
To know the high level,
and also know the professional world
and what it takes
to be good in the field,
and to develop a routine
with your sleep, your diet,
your rest, your workouts,
your training too,
so I'm gonna say is a whole baggage
it's something I've learned in my professional debut
After, when I went to Colorado
I learned also to live alone,
I also learned to prepare myself
to be less supervised,
to play with fathers
people who are much more mature than me
So you learn, it is a learning that never ends
the sport, especially soccer
So, my professional debuts were difficult
but were also vital to my career.
I'm going to be honest, from what I've known in the United States
It's kind of something that's special
Because in the United States,
it's part of their culture I think, to help each other
and succeed together
I 'm not telling you that here it's totally the opposite
But here we have a more individualistic mentality
We can take the music industry as an example
They will help each other,
if they have contacts they will talk about it
They want to go together at the top
Whereas here, according to me
What I see It is a little more i ndividualistic
But it is a culture also that we must develop
And I think it's up to us
Those who can influence the next generations
but also the musicians, the artists of today
The rappers, who should develop this culture
The good news is that in Canada
they just started
a professionnal league
of first division in Canada,
so they have invested a lot of money
They also invested time
Many infrastructure were implemented
so it's a very good thing that is happening
for soccer in Canada
and I think it will just go up
I really like basketball I like to watch basketbal
I think it's a very athletic sport
Very very impressive
practicing it, I'm not very good
But I really like basketball
it's LeBron James, with no hesitation
I even think that this is the best player
that ever existed in basketball
his constancy, his rigor
the way he pays attention to his body,
how he acts on the field
Looks like you can put him with any team, and
they will have a chance to win the championship
I look at a lot of basketball its a sport that I appreciate a lot
thank you very much to you,
It was Masta Kacher , for the interview with ONZMTL
See you
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