Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 5 2019

What is a starter for? How to choose a starter? How to use a starter? www3bricovideo.ovh/booster (with translation module)

SUAOKI 1000A portable starter CJS02


This product was sent to me by SUAOKI, for this video review, coupon code AMAZON FRANCE

It can start diesel engines: 5 liters max, petrol engines: 7 L max

compatible with quick charge and IP68 (it can be immersed in water for 30 minutes at 3 meters max)

Starting current: 500A, peak current 1000A

it will work from -20 ° C to 60 ° C

storage box + instructions for use + start-up cable

micro USB cable + USB-C cable + warranty (1 year)

this little element, I do not know what it serves (we'll see later)


shock resistant + dust + water

we will load before the first use

Button with power indicator (4 levels)

flashing light, fixed, SOS

we open, 2 fast USB outputs (to charge your phone, tablet etc.)

USB C: input and output (to charge devices or charge the starter)

micro USB input jack (to charge the starter)

we connect, then connect a charger (charger not included)

to connect the start cable

LED operation

strangely, there is no button to force the start (example very low battery), it is necessary to use a tip

I think people pressing the button which disabled security (now you have to use a tip)

we use the force mode that exceptionally

car broken down (I voluntarily unloaded the battery)

11.84V (30% battery) temperature -0.3 ° C (32 ° F)

we control the power (3 or 4 lights at least)

We connect the clamps (flashes green / red)

connect the red clamp on the (+) terminal of the battery then the black clamp on the (-) terminal of the battery

blinks green and red we can start (it will go green when I'm going to put the ignition)

we disconnect the black clip then the red clip

Do not shut down the engine, for the alternator to charge the battery, the car started easily (1.4 L DIESEL)

12V inflators

You can use it with small inflators 12V, you need this small plug (link description)

we connect, then the inflator

I inflate from 2 to 3 BAR (29 => 43.5 PSI): 65 seconds


(+) the power with a peak current of 1000A (immediate start for my car)

(+) quick charge 3.0

(+) impact resistant + dust + water (IP68)

(+) cables included USB

(-) charger not included

(-) you have to use the pin to use the "force" mode (at the bottom of extremely low battery), I would have preferred a button

(-) no indication of the catch

if this product interests you the link in description of the video, thank you and see you soon ++

For more infomation >> SUAOKI démarreur de batterie Booster 12V en panne CJS02 1000A Voiture moto bateau etc.. - Duration: 4:30.


2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement

For more infomation >> 2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement


Plants vs Zombies Animation That`s too much - Duration: 1:09.

Plants VS Zombies How won Zonbies ya Plants TB

Plants VS Zombies Online Match Win TB

Plants vs zombies 27 Day complete TB

For more infomation >> Plants vs Zombies Animation That`s too much - Duration: 1:09.


✅ Nechceme tříštit síly, tvrdí lidovci. Do eurovoleb jdou s „trpaslíky" - Duration: 1:37.

 „Kandidátka bude podporována SNK ED, Korunou českou, Konzervativní stranou a Sdružením pro místní správu

Ještě se vyjednává podpora desítek regionálních sdružení, která například uspěla v regionálních volbách," řekl Jurečka

 Původně se spekulovalo o tom, že KDU-ČSL půjde do eurovoleb s TOP 09 a STAN, které o společné kandidátce dál jednají

Lidovci se nakonec rozhodli pro samostatnou. „Snažíme se integrovat síly od středu napravo a skutečné osobnosti, které na kandidátce jsou," uvedl Jurečka

Novákovou na osmém místě doplní na 16. místě novohradský zastupitel Jiří Vicány (Občané pro město), na 18

místopředseda Koruny české Petr Krátký, na 20. Zdenka Rybová (Konzervativní strana) a na 23

místě Lukáš Vermach (Sdružení pro místní správu).    „KDU-ČSL jde do voleb jako proevropská konzervativní strana, která má potenciál kolem sebe sdružovat další menší subjekty téhož programového ladění," doplnil lídr kandidátky, europoslanec Pavel Svoboda

 Také další kandidátky vedou současní europoslanci. ODS povede Jan Zahradil, ČSSD Pavel Poc, KSČM Kateřina Konečná, TOP 09 Jiří Pospíšil a STAN Stanislav Polčák

ANO zatím o lídrovi nerozhodlo, jeho předseda Andrej Babiš preferuje europoslankyni Ditu Charanzovou

 Kandidaturu už oznámila také například Strana zelených pod vedení Petra Štěpánka

Europoslanci Pavel Telička a Petr Ježek, kteří byli v roce 2014 zvoleni za ANO, založili politické hnutí Hlas

Europoslanec za TOP 09 Jaromír Štětina oznámil, že chce jít do voleb se svým hnutím Evropa společně

 Evropské volby v roce 2014 v Česku vyhrálo hnutí ANO těsně před TOP 09

V EP získaly po čtyřech mandátech, stejný počet měla ČSSD. Komunisté a KDU-ČSL dostali po třech mandátech, ODS dva, Svobodní a STAN jeden

Letos v květnu voliči rozhodou o obsazení 21 míst českých poslanců v EP


For more infomation >> ✅ Nechceme tříštit síly, tvrdí lidovci. Do eurovoleb jdou s „trpaslíky" - Duration: 1:37.


SUAOKI démarreur de batterie Booster 12V en panne CJS02 1000A Voiture moto bateau etc.. - Duration: 4:30.

What is a starter for? How to choose a starter? How to use a starter? www3bricovideo.ovh/booster (with translation module)

SUAOKI 1000A portable starter CJS02


This product was sent to me by SUAOKI, for this video review, coupon code AMAZON FRANCE

It can start diesel engines: 5 liters max, petrol engines: 7 L max

compatible with quick charge and IP68 (it can be immersed in water for 30 minutes at 3 meters max)

Starting current: 500A, peak current 1000A

it will work from -20 ° C to 60 ° C

storage box + instructions for use + start-up cable

micro USB cable + USB-C cable + warranty (1 year)

this little element, I do not know what it serves (we'll see later)


shock resistant + dust + water

we will load before the first use

Button with power indicator (4 levels)

flashing light, fixed, SOS

we open, 2 fast USB outputs (to charge your phone, tablet etc.)

USB C: input and output (to charge devices or charge the starter)

micro USB input jack (to charge the starter)

we connect, then connect a charger (charger not included)

to connect the start cable

LED operation

strangely, there is no button to force the start (example very low battery), it is necessary to use a tip

I think people pressing the button which disabled security (now you have to use a tip)

we use the force mode that exceptionally

car broken down (I voluntarily unloaded the battery)

11.84V (30% battery) temperature -0.3 ° C (32 ° F)

we control the power (3 or 4 lights at least)

We connect the clamps (flashes green / red)

connect the red clamp on the (+) terminal of the battery then the black clamp on the (-) terminal of the battery

blinks green and red we can start (it will go green when I'm going to put the ignition)

we disconnect the black clip then the red clip

Do not shut down the engine, for the alternator to charge the battery, the car started easily (1.4 L DIESEL)

12V inflators

You can use it with small inflators 12V, you need this small plug (link description)

we connect, then the inflator

I inflate from 2 to 3 BAR (29 => 43.5 PSI): 65 seconds


(+) the power with a peak current of 1000A (immediate start for my car)

(+) quick charge 3.0

(+) impact resistant + dust + water (IP68)

(+) cables included USB

(-) charger not included

(-) you have to use the pin to use the "force" mode (at the bottom of extremely low battery), I would have preferred a button

(-) no indication of the catch

if this product interests you the link in description of the video, thank you and see you soon ++

For more infomation >> SUAOKI démarreur de batterie Booster 12V en panne CJS02 1000A Voiture moto bateau etc.. - Duration: 4:30.


Elle Mills on Creator Burnout | Creator Coffees - Duration: 7:43.

- So, you're this great cinematic filmmaker. - Well, thank you.

Funny, charismatic, but lately you've been known for a different topic


which is creator burnout and creator well-being.

And I have to quickly tell you the story of how I was introduced to you

- Yes I'm intrigued. - which was some coworkers of mine

sent your video to me and several of us sitting there

and we started watching.

So everyone knows, this is the video "Burnt Out At 19."


It was a very eye-opening experience for us

because we kept hearing about burnout, but we'd never seen it in the moment, right?

Yes, I had gained a million subscribers in a very short amount of time

and everything was just like hectic and crazy

I was on tour, I was going to conventions

I was doing meet-and-greets, I was making videos and travelling

I was never home

and it all just kind of built up and built up

and I broke down and I was extremely burnt out.

During that month, I started experiencing stuff I hadn't experienced before

like panic attacks.

My depression was getting a lot worse

and so I took a month off the Internet

and I came back and I made a video called "Burnt Out At 19"

which is what we're talking about

and just kind of explained what I've gone through.

Now, I'm glad you did, because I think people needed to see

exactly what goes on with a sort of breakdown or burn out.

Do you feel that creator burnout is something out of your control

and YouTube's control?

That's really what we're wrestling with right now.

It is "how much of this is our responsibility?"

"is there anything with the search and discovery system that we can do?"

We have a tool on the viewer side, I don't know if you've heard about it

- but it's time watched, in the app. - Oh yeah, I just saw it recently.

So, if you're watching a lot of YouTube

you can set this setting for an alert that comes up

that says like "Hey, you've been watching for

"(however long you set it for, maybe it's 2 hours)

"do you want to take a break?"

And I think part of the discussion is

on the product side, should we be doing that for creators?

- Okay, yeah. - Like uploaders

like, "Hey, you've uploaded every day for the past 2 weeks

- "do you want to take a break?" - Yeah.

We built this global stage that anybody can get on and make videos on

and perform on

but now we're seeing that people are staying on the stage for too long

- at the detriment of their own health - Yeah.

and what do we do about that?

- Because you can't grab them off. - Do we take people off the stage?

Like, "You've gotta come down

- "you're looking tired." - Yeah.

We know the law of fame, it's hard to not go after 100%, you know.

You've found fame pretty quickly.

Is part of this around fame

and do you have any advice for creators who quickly rise to fame?

It's tough.

I think something that's key is having people around you to help you with that

in both senses, both in keeping you grounded

and remembering where you were before "the fame"

and then having managers, agents, and assistants

that help you kind of keep on track

and make sure that your schedule isn't overflowing.

How much of this is about creator restraint?

A lot of it does fall onto the creator to make it better.

Because yeah, YouTube can only do so much

but the creator's the one saying yes or no to these things

and they have control over their schedule and how much pressure they have on themselves.

We struggle a lot with what we can do as a company and a platform

to help creators

and we also are asking ourselves how responsible we are for this happening.

On one hand, I personally think

when you're trying to be the person who's in front of all the eyeballs

that's going to burn you out pretty quickly

because everyone's trying to be on top of that pile, right?

But is there anything that we should do to help with this issue, as a platform?

It's tough, because I don't think there really is.

I think just having a conversation about it is really helpful.

I know Kati Morton, she recently did a talk on burnout

and she had tips on how to prevent burnout

and tips on what to do when you are burnt out.

Yeah, we worked with Kati on a Master Class for our creators channel

and we also have a Creator Academy course.

I mean is all we can do educate people around this sort of "trap" that you can fall into

and best practices around staying well?

Yeah, I think it is, because it ultimately does fall onto the creator

and it sucks, because that's how it is.

You're going to have to keep on making videos

to keep an audience

and I guess the best you can do is really promote mental health

and putting your mental health first, over YouTube.

Do you have any words of encouragement

to the creators who are heavily affected by burnout?

You've got to pace yourself

and you've got to make this a sustainable thing

whether it's a hobby or a full-time career that you're going for with YouTube.

I think first and foremost, make sure this is something that's sustainable and fun

and then push it to the limit that you set for yourself

but hopefully it's a healthy one.

So, let's go back to, what is it, April of this year

when you put out the video "Burnt Out At 19."

If you could've given yourself one piece of advice

a couple of months before that happened

for the creator who's getting to that point

what would it be?

It's finding an upload schedule

that doesn't tire you out, but also does satisfy your audience.

So, finding a balance.

I feel like I was sprinting for months when I could've just done a nice jog

and either way, I would end up where I was.

So, I watched a lot of videos before you coming here

and people ask, of course, how are you doing now?

And I know you go "Well if I was here in April

"and this is like 'I'm doing really well'"

you know, you're like "I'm here, I'm not at half even yet."


So, how are we going to get you on the other half of feeling better

about running your channel.

I think that's just something hopefully over time I'll figure out.

I think a lot of it is a "me" problem, and I think that's working on myself

and taking the time to work on myself.

And getting extra help, like therapy obviously.

I have yet to really put myself full-force into that.

And so, allowing myself to get completely better.

- Well, please pace yourself, we're big fans. - Thank you.

- And thanks for joining us today. - Thank you so much.

We've definitely heard creators say before that if you take a break from uploading

that the algorithm will punish you

and that creators definitely feel like they can't take vacations

or the audience will disengage and their views are going to go down.

Is that something you feel like you've experienced before?

For more infomation >> Elle Mills on Creator Burnout | Creator Coffees - Duration: 7:43.


ILoveMakonnen, Lil Peep & Fall Out Boy's "I've Been Waiting" Explained | Song Stories - Duration: 3:58.

TIA: ILoveMakonnen brings us a posthumous collaboration with the late Lil Peep on "I've Been Waiting."

TIA: The track was produced by Makonnen, Brenton Duvall, Brian Lee, Louis Bell, and the Invisible Men,

who worked on Peep's music before on 'Come Over When You're Sober' Pts. 1 and 2.

Makonnen and Peep's mixed vocals begin the song, lamenting a lover that leaves them

hanging until they're just about to give up.

TIA: Then Peep takes a note from Fall Out Boy with his pop punk vocals and signature

vulnerable-but-strong lyrics.

TIA: And Patrick Stump rounds out the song, decrying his own love-hate relationship.

TIA: Makonnen and Lil Peep began working together in 2017, producing roughly 20 songs

prior to Peep's death.

Snippets of Peep's vocals surfaced in 2018 before the official release.

TIA: Following Peep's passing of an accidental drug overdose in 2017, Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz

reached out to Makonnen to share his condolences, which sparked the collaboration.

In an interview, Makonnen described how the song came together, saying quote

TIA: "I've Been Waiting" is the first joint song released from Makonnen and Peep since

the controversy surrounding their 2018 track, "Sunlight On Your Skin."

The song was remixed with posthumous vocals from XXXTENTACION and renamed "Falling Down."

TIA: Following the release, friends and fans of Lil Peep spoke out against the song.

FISH NARC: He explicitly rejected triple X for his abuse of women, spent time and money

getting triple X's songs removed from his Spotify playlist, and wouldn't have co-signed that song.

Don't listen to it.

TIA: And at the time, Makonnen addressed the song, calling it a way to honor both artists'

legacies saying, quote

TIA: In a new interview, Makonnen said that working collectively with Fall Out Boy

but without Peep was bittersweet.

ILOVEMAKONNEN: I was honored, as always, and I know that Fall Out Boy is one of Lil Peep's

musical heroes and we've both been mutual fans and it's always been a dream collaboration.

TIA: When asked about his sound before his death, Peep noted both ILoveMakonnen

and Fall Out Boy as his influences saying quote

TIA: Lil Peep fans will have more to look forward to because his mother is looking over

the posthumous catalog.

LIZA WOMACK: We gotta do what Gus would have wanted, and Gus had very strong feelings

about his work.

And I'm going to be a very busy mom, cause I gotta go around and make it happen the right way.

TIA: Since it's release, "I've Been Waiting" jumped onto the Genius Song chart

and fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Makonnen and Peep's joint project.

If you want to learn more about "I've Been Waiting," check out the song page on Genius.com.

I'm Tia with Genius News, giving you the meaning and the knowledge behind the music.

For more infomation >> ILoveMakonnen, Lil Peep & Fall Out Boy's "I've Been Waiting" Explained | Song Stories - Duration: 3:58.


Why Do TV Shows Use Laugh Tracks? - Duration: 6:19.

The laugh track, otherwise known as the cringest sound in modern Television. It's the sound

we all love to hate, but it also peppers the soundscapes of some of our favorite shows.

There's good reason to wonder if the laugh track was ever really funny, or if it was

always destined for TV hall of infamy. So today I want to dive into where this weird

sound effect comes from, why it emerged, and why it's still punctuating punchlines in

comedy shows today.

So when did canned laughter and fake yucks emerge? And why?

Well for that piece of TV comedic history we can all thank a man named Charles Douglass.

Gina Giotta, professor of communication and technology at California State University

Northridge, traces the laugh tracks insertion into early television back to its non visual

mass media predecessor: the radio.

According to Giotta, the laugh track wasn't originally about papering over terrible jokes

and missed punchlines, but rather a way to control the unpredictable responses of studio

audiences that were a hold over from radio broadcast days.

In the late 1920s two comics named Eddie Cantor and Ed Wynn invented the live studio audience

as a way to bring the rowdiness and animation of their vaudeville and live performances

into the creepy quiet of the recording studio. They decided that their performances (and

the jokes they told) would be better if they were able to feed off of the energy of real

reactions of a studio audience. So they rallied up a group of stagehands to watch their show

and laugh at their gags and punchlines.

While other comedians viewed the introduction of a bunch of audience plants as the equivalent

of a comedic crutch, home listeners responded positively to the insertion of these audience

surrogates. In fact most reported that the canned laughs made the performances more enjoyable,

rather than less funny, because it made them feel more at ease responding to the jokes

at home.

But those early notes of "filmed in front of a studio audience" and the resulting

laughter were more organic in the 1920s and 1930s than they are today. So when did we

take the leap from hiring folks to cut up in the studio, to laugh tracks that either

override (or in some cases entirely replace) organic audience laughter?

Well that brings us to 1954 and back to Charles Douglass. After serving as a Radar engineer

for the Navy in WWII he returned home to work for CBS as the technical director of their

LA studios.

He invented the ''Laff Box" (along with that kind of funky spelling) to smooth out

the technical difficulties of relying on studio audiences during live broadcasts. So the track

wasn't really meant to fix bad jokes. Rather it was meant to help out the bumpy transition

early TV had as it moved from doing all live broadcasts, to finally having pre-recorded


Douglass' recorded laughs also took out some of the audience response ticks that are

a normal part of live performance, but can register as disorienting and grating to viewers

at home. For example if there was one guy who kept laughing before the joke was over,

his voice could be dimmed or edited out entirely. And if a joke was particularly funny (so funny

that the laughter didn't die down in time for people to catch the next bit of dialogue)

then it could be turned down entirely so viewers at home could actually hear the show.

Giotta also notes that laugh tracks helped to differentiate early television as a medium

that was separate from film. Before technology allowed us to watch movies at home, films

were reserved for movie theatres which already had audience response built in...because there

were audiences. Early TV needed a way  for folks to differentiate pre-recorded scripted

shows from moving pictures, and the laugh track helped to sweeten that move.

So they served a rather technical purpose at the beginning of TV history, but why did

this noise that usually gets bashed for making us flinch more than it makes us laugh actually

stick around?

Well the short answer is: we're all a bunch of lying liars because as much as we love

to hate on the laugh track, research shows it still kind of works.

Even though the laugh track gag has become synonymous with the idea of mass produced

shows and the absence of "genuine" humor, that isn't always the case. Many multi camera

shows that use laugh tracks are actually still shot in front of a live studio audience. Think

classic sitcoms like Seinfeld or The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. But often those shows have

sound engineers who will "sweeten" the sound of the audience to facilitate the recording.

So the yucks are real, but the volume, duration, and pitch can be slightly altered to smooth

out the rough edges.

Also according to a 2004 journal article Joseph M. Moran et al from the Department

of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Dartmouth College, those canned laugh tracks are sometimes

placed where real laughter already occurs.

In a test they ran episodes of Seinfeld (which has a laugh track) and episodes of The Simpsons

(which doesn't). The episodes were both played and the study found that moments detected

as "humorous" remained roughly the same, regardless of whether or not the laugh track

kicked in to indicate when the audience should laugh. And in the case of Seinfeld (the show

that already has a laugh track embedded into the episodes)  "...laugh track moments

can be considered to have a greater percentage of humorous content than the remainder of

the episode." So the tracks weren't covering up jokes that were real stinkers, but actually

aligned with places of genuine humor and mirth.

Also in an article for NBC, Bill Kelley (one of the researchers from Dartmouth involved

in the study) notes that sometimes "We're much more likely to laugh at something funny

in the presence of other people." So hearing some else lose it over a joke can decrease

our inner awkward turtle and increase our ability to cut loose and just laugh. And that's

about as much science as I'm going to do for this episode.

So even though the laugh track has a bad rap, it still sticking around because it helps

us to loosen up when we're watching a show (even though it's gotten a reputation as

a background noise controlled by big studios to force us to laugh at their stinker shows).

So what do you think? Anything else to add to this timeline of TV's favorite sound?

Anything else to add on the science of humor and what makes our brains associate certain

noises with certain emotions? I've wanted to do an episode about the use of the theremin

in horror movies for ever… but we'll see if that happens.

Drop all of your comments and questions below. And if you like Origin of Everything then

be sure to subscribe on Youtube, and Follow us on Facebook, (plus twitter and instagram

if you're into that kind of thing). And I'll see you guys back here next time!

For more infomation >> Why Do TV Shows Use Laugh Tracks? - Duration: 6:19.


Zwiebel Sahne Hähnchen aus dem Backofen || Chicken with Creamy Onion Sauce || [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 4:05.

Creamy Onion Chicken from the oven

All ingredients and quantities are linked & listed in the infobox below

Welcome to a new video ...

...today I show you a simple & easy recipe for a creamy onion chicken from the oven...

...first season well 4 chicken breast fillets from both sides with salt & pepper to taste ...

...& then set aside...

...next peel off 2 - 3 onions (depending on size) & cut into fine strips...

...also peel off 2 cloves garlic & chop finely...

...then heat up a large pan adding a dash of oil...

...put the chicken breast fillets into the pan...

...and sear on both sides until golden brown...

...turn the chicken once after about 2 minutes...

...and brown from the other side for another 2 minutes...

...then lift chicken out of the pan...

...place in a suitable baking dish and set aside for a moment...

...next put onions & garlic into the pan...

...maybe add some more oil...

...& sweat over medium heat for about 3 - 4 minutes until glassy , stirring occasionally...

...if that's done pour in 200 milliliters cream...

...also add 150 grams of creme fraiche or sour cream...

...& finally season the sauce with ½ teaspoon each of sweet & hot paprika powder...

...mix everything together...

...bring to a simmer and then remove from heat...

...pour the creamy onion sauce over the browned chicken fillets...

...finally sprinkle with some grated cheese...

...and then bake at 200°C (top/bottom heat) in the preheated oven...

...for about 20 minutes...

...until the cheese is melted & has beautifully golden brown color...

...after 20 minutes get the done chicken out of the oven...

...& then dish up...

...spread the creamy onion chicken on plates...

...maybe garnish with a bit fresh parsley...

...& serve along with French fries...

...I hope you liked the video...

...have fun cooking & see you next video!

For more infomation >> Zwiebel Sahne Hähnchen aus dem Backofen || Chicken with Creamy Onion Sauce || [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 4:05.


Fabinho explains what Liverpool have been doing wrong - Duration: 2:38.

 Fabinho insists he's not concerned about Liverpool's stuttering form as he set his sights on beating Bournemouth at Anfield on Saturday

 The Brazilian midfielder believes the Reds just need to rediscover their spark in the final third to help them break down stubborn opponents

  Jurgen Klopp 's side have been held to successive draws by Leicester City and West Ham but still lead the Premier League table by three points

 "We have confidence," Fabinho told ESPN FC.  "We enjoyed a brilliant December, which was almost perfect, but now we have had this dip

   "It is difficult to explain why this has happened. I believe that now teams who play against us sit very deep

We need to do things a little differently and maybe we aren't doing this. We are unable to find the spaces

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  "Often, we want to go through the middle and it is difficult against physically strong and defensive teams

We need to find solutions and in these past few games we haven't.  "We want to play better every day and unfortunately it is not happening

We know our quality and we know that we can give more. If we do it, with our quality, we will continue at the top

 "But I'm talking and talking is always a little easier so we have to try to put it into practice

Personally, I am not worried. But we know that in the next game we have to give much more

 "Beating Bournemouth is important to continue with a three-point gap at the top of the table

Then there will be a run of difficult games, but we will get some players back from injury and the manager will have more options to choose for those games


For more infomation >> Fabinho explains what Liverpool have been doing wrong - Duration: 2:38.



For more infomation >> CUSTOM BEYSTADIUMS BEYBLADE BURST TURBO APP #01 - Duration: 8:19.


Hockey Helps Kids 2019 - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hockey Helps Kids 2019 - Duration: 0:59.


Victorina Morales: Facts About Undocumented Immigrant Who Spoke Out About Working For Trump - Breaki - Duration: 4:35.

Victorina Morales has been named a guest of honor at the 2019 State of the Union after coming forward about being an undocumented immigrant working at a Trump property

Learn more about this incredible woman and what she revealed, here.    She worked for President Donald Trump's New Jersey golf club for years, and she's undocumented

After coming forward about her immigration status, and what it was like to work for the Trump property, Victorina Morales will face her old boss as a special guest at the State of the Union on February 5

Learn more about Morales and her story:  1. She went through hell to get to the United States

 Morales says that she traveled 1000 miles to get to the United States, via bus and on foot in 1999

The journey took over six weeks. After arriving in Los Angeles, she was given a forged social security number and green card

 She then flew to New Jersey, where her husband had arrived nine months earlier. In 2013, A friend who worked at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, NJ helped her get a job cleaning for $10 an hour

She left the job after coming forward with her story to The New York Times in December 2018

   2. She alleges that people at the golf course knew her undocumented status. Two months after Trump's inauguration, employees at the golf club reportedly received a new employee handbook with a section titled "Immigration Compliance

" The section stated that employees need official government identification documents

One of the managers allegedly told her that she needed a new green card and social security card because there were "problems" with hers

Morales claims that a manager advised her to speak to a maintenance worker to get "new" ones

She also claims that some employees knew from the very beginning that she and others were undocumented

One employee would drive her and others to work because they couldn't get drivers licenses

   3. She doesn't regret coming forward with her story. Morales told Vox in an interview, "No, not at all

We are starting to raise our voices, and no one is going to silence us anymore. Especially now, I feel like people are listening to us, so many people in this country are hearing us

I am so happy that I finally came forward, that I found my voice. I am getting the chance to talk about our rights, that we are here struggling to put food on the table

I feel supported, thank God, and I have a lawyer, and hopefully things will turn out well

 4. She's "relieved" she doesn't have to work for Trump anymore. "I am so relieved that I don't have to work there anymore

It's incredible how bitter we all became. We were humiliated on a daily basis, and it just got worse," she told Vox when asked what it was like working for Trump

"They even called us dogs. We saw [Trump's] attitude on television, the things he said about immigrants like us without papers

Then I had to look at him and smile when he was at the club and clean for him. It was too much to bear

" Morales also told The New York Times that she's exploring filing a lawsuit claiming workplace abuse and discrimination

   5. She was invited to the State of the Union by Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman. The Democratic congresswoman from New Jersey, where Morales worked for Trump, asked that she sit with her during the February 5 address because she wanted Trump to "look her in the face" while he speaks about how undocumented immigrants are allegedly endangering the US

 ""hope that in his State of the Union address, Donald Trump will finally acknowledge the real face of immigrants in this country — women and children fleeing violence, law-abiding, tax-paying people who would do almost anything to be Americans," Watson Coleman said in a statement

"And if he can't, I've invited Victorina so that he may look her in her eyes to tell his lies to a familiar face


For more infomation >> Victorina Morales: Facts About Undocumented Immigrant Who Spoke Out About Working For Trump - Breaki - Duration: 4:35.


Jean-Luc Reichmann, amoureux de Nathalie: "Nous sommes un vrai binôme" - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Jean-Luc Reichmann, amoureux de Nathalie: "Nous sommes un vrai binôme" - Duration: 3:33.


RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 - Part 15 | Malayalam Gameplay | P for Play - Duration: 2:33:31.

For more infomation >> RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 - Part 15 | Malayalam Gameplay | P for Play - Duration: 2:33:31.



YT Closed Caption : "CC" is now available for BIGGER fonts :)

Welcome , welcome & Welcooooommmmm to OMY EXPRESS my brothers, my sisters, and my lovely friends and YT family :)

As requested by my lovely friends and family here on YT

I'm starting to like this shorter version of OMY , you ? what do you think ?

Let. me get my awesome message out before I begin anything coolio ?

Learn from yesterday, live for today , and hope for tomorrow

Me learning to adapt to what you like

Although , I still like my version of "eating with me" where I do real time with you

But this Express version is quite nice :) too , it's get to the point kinda , eat alreaady ! LOL

The crunch in here is super duper satisfying

I hope you agree with me :) best corndog on YT or what ? lol JKD , there's so many good ones out there.

But mine is doing it with love brothers and sisters .. with love

I absolutely learned from yesterday :)

Then, I live , ( eat to be exact , ha ! ) for today

and I hope for tomorrow , that I would get more discovered by new friends :) like you !

I would be a fool if I don't adapt to what you like and not listen

You know why dinosaurs disappear and Cockroaches still running around town like a gangster ?

They have learned to adapt

You ? have you learned to adapt and learn from your yesterday ?

Let's be Cockroaches , shall we ?

LOL.. it's 2019 alright ? being cockroach is cool ... hahhah

If anyone call me a cockroach I would be so proud and happy :) hehhe

Oh well, This crunch is so good so ooooo relaxing OMG OMG OMG

My bone is feeling it people , I m not kidding :)

and thoese strawberries are there for cleansing my palate at then end, ok ? you'll see :)

and by the way, these purple Yam is amazing !

sometimes, I'm impressed with my ability to cook , really :)

of course I"m being bias , but man, i'm telling you these are so good :)

A bit of sodalicious in the middle wouldn't hurt :) ha !

I might have to workout after these , it's all about balancing myself , right ?

I love love love love junk food :) and sugar - like sugar addict

" Hi, I'm OMY, I am a sugar addict". .. lol .. AA meeting y'all .. LOL

it just make me super happy , eating dessert or sweet ..

You ? are you addicted too ? tell me ~

See how much super I top these bad boys each bite ? that's right ..

that' right , go big or go home - people . go big or go home ... heheh

But that being said. I do take good care of my health.

And I encourage you to do it too :)

I eat what I want , but I then balance it out with working out or yoga

because at the end of the day.. if you think about it.

It's not money or material stuff that is with you, it's your body

your health , your soul , .. so there ..

There's secret to be happy , to be healthy

Eat what you want for your mental health your soul

and workout , shread the fat off for your body

you mind and body will thank you you

Now, you know my secret of being happy ... shhhh....

hehehhe ... LOL .. like dancing in the wind OMY is dancing .. in the wind happilicious ~. whoooooo hooooooooo

another thing I do is meditation too, :) it calm me down - truely

You ? have you done it before ? it's good - give it a try

It's weird at first..trust me, but when you do it or get used to it.

you'll be like... wow... how , what , how .. why am I feel so refreshing.. .. so good :) try it , coolio ? and let me know how it goes ?

wow.. almost done almost done ~~ so quick .. it's EXpress .. guys .. come back for full version if you want :)

Thanks for watching as always I LUV YOU

Stay calm, stay kind , stay cool , stay subscribe 

.. Namaste .. :)

For more infomation >> CHEESY KOREAN CORN DOG 🅾🅼🆈 🅰🆂🅼🆁 𝙀𝙓𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨 (𝗡𝗢 𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚) - Duration: 10:40.


National Institutes of Health Acknowledge Acupuncture for the Treatment of Vulvodynia - Duration: 3:31.

Hello, my name is Judy Schlaeger.

I'm an Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing.

I'm a certified nurse midwife, a licensed acupuncturist, a Chinese herbalist, and I'm

a pain researcher.

I've dedicated my career to finding a treatment for a chronic pain condition that affects

seven million American women.

It's called vulvodynia.

In fact the National Institutes of Health have given me a five-year, two million dollar

grant to study acupuncture for the reduction of the chronic pain of vulvodynia.

In addressing the opioid epidemic I'm delighted that the NIH has funded hundreds of studies

looking at acupuncture as a viable, non-invasive, non-addictive, non-opioid treatment option

for the reduction of chronic pain.

It's been 27 years since the NIH opened the first Institute to research alternative medicine,

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.

This is an acknowledgement that non-mainstream therapies are either complementary to Western

medicine or they are being integrated along with Western medicine.

The NIH has realized and studies show that the American public has turned to complementary

alternative medicine for more of its healthcare needs and there's been a spike in interest

in Western medical providers using complementary therapies or referring patients to integrative

medicine clinics as well.

My study is the very first acupuncture study for vulvodynia that's been funded by the NIH

in total or by any of the 36 Institutes.

Because of the strength of my pilot study findings, my research is funded through the

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development which funds research for pediatrics,

obstetrics, and gynecology, because vulvodynia is a gynecologic


Acupuncture is an important complementary treatment for the reduction of pain in vulvodynia.

It is also an important treatment singularly for vulvodynia.

As another of my pilot studies demonstrated even though women are on Western medication,

their pain scores showed that they are in severe pain and we cannot let that continue.

We are now recruiting for my NIH funded study on Acupuncture for the Treatment of Vulvodynia.

If you would like to participate or have any questions, please reach out.

Or if someone you care about may be suffering from vulvodynia, please share this video.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> National Institutes of Health Acknowledge Acupuncture for the Treatment of Vulvodynia - Duration: 3:31.


Emplois d'été Canada - Josh de Boys And Girls Club - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> Emplois d'été Canada - Josh de Boys And Girls Club - Duration: 0:29.


Michel Legrand: Musique et Cinéma/ Hommage - Duration: 14:28.

For more infomation >> Michel Legrand: Musique et Cinéma/ Hommage - Duration: 14:28.


como ganhar dinheiro sem sair de casa - [como ganhar dinheiro online] #1 - Duration: 31:51.

For more infomation >> como ganhar dinheiro sem sair de casa - [como ganhar dinheiro online] #1 - Duration: 31:51.


Elle Mills on Creator Burnout | Creator Coffees - Duration: 7:43.

- So, you're this great cinematic filmmaker. - Well, thank you.

Funny, charismatic, but lately you've been known for a different topic


which is creator burnout and creator well-being.

And I have to quickly tell you the story of how I was introduced to you

- Yes I'm intrigued. - which was some coworkers of mine

sent your video to me and several of us sitting there

and we started watching.

So everyone knows, this is the video "Burnt Out At 19."


It was a very eye-opening experience for us

because we kept hearing about burnout, but we'd never seen it in the moment, right?

Yes, I had gained a million subscribers in a very short amount of time

and everything was just like hectic and crazy

I was on tour, I was going to conventions

I was doing meet-and-greets, I was making videos and travelling

I was never home

and it all just kind of built up and built up

and I broke down and I was extremely burnt out.

During that month, I started experiencing stuff I hadn't experienced before

like panic attacks.

My depression was getting a lot worse

and so I took a month off the Internet

and I came back and I made a video called "Burnt Out At 19"

which is what we're talking about

and just kind of explained what I've gone through.

Now, I'm glad you did, because I think people needed to see

exactly what goes on with a sort of breakdown or burn out.

Do you feel that creator burnout is something out of your control

and YouTube's control?

That's really what we're wrestling with right now.

It is "how much of this is our responsibility?"

"is there anything with the search and discovery system that we can do?"

We have a tool on the viewer side, I don't know if you've heard about it

- but it's time watched, in the app. - Oh yeah, I just saw it recently.

So, if you're watching a lot of YouTube

you can set this setting for an alert that comes up

that says like "Hey, you've been watching for

"(however long you set it for, maybe it's 2 hours)

"do you want to take a break?"

And I think part of the discussion is

on the product side, should we be doing that for creators?

- Okay, yeah. - Like uploaders

like, "Hey, you've uploaded every day for the past 2 weeks

- "do you want to take a break?" - Yeah.

We built this global stage that anybody can get on and make videos on

and perform on

but now we're seeing that people are staying on the stage for too long

- at the detriment of their own health - Yeah.

and what do we do about that?

- Because you can't grab them off. - Do we take people off the stage?

Like, "You've gotta come down

- "you're looking tired." - Yeah.

We know the law of fame, it's hard to not go after 100%, you know.

You've found fame pretty quickly.

Is part of this around fame

and do you have any advice for creators who quickly rise to fame?

It's tough.

I think something that's key is having people around you to help you with that

in both senses, both in keeping you grounded

and remembering where you were before "the fame"

and then having managers, agents, and assistants

that help you kind of keep on track

and make sure that your schedule isn't overflowing.

How much of this is about creator restraint?

A lot of it does fall onto the creator to make it better.

Because yeah, YouTube can only do so much

but the creator's the one saying yes or no to these things

and they have control over their schedule and how much pressure they have on themselves.

We struggle a lot with what we can do as a company and a platform

to help creators

and we also are asking ourselves how responsible we are for this happening.

On one hand, I personally think

when you're trying to be the person who's in front of all the eyeballs

that's going to burn you out pretty quickly

because everyone's trying to be on top of that pile, right?

But is there anything that we should do to help with this issue, as a platform?

It's tough, because I don't think there really is.

I think just having a conversation about it is really helpful.

I know Kati Morton, she recently did a talk on burnout

and she had tips on how to prevent burnout

and tips on what to do when you are burnt out.

Yeah, we worked with Kati on a Master Class for our creators channel

and we also have a Creator Academy course.

I mean is all we can do educate people around this sort of "trap" that you can fall into

and best practices around staying well?

Yeah, I think it is, because it ultimately does fall onto the creator

and it sucks, because that's how it is.

You're going to have to keep on making videos

to keep an audience

and I guess the best you can do is really promote mental health

and putting your mental health first, over YouTube.

Do you have any words of encouragement

to the creators who are heavily affected by burnout?

You've got to pace yourself

and you've got to make this a sustainable thing

whether it's a hobby or a full-time career that you're going for with YouTube.

I think first and foremost, make sure this is something that's sustainable and fun

and then push it to the limit that you set for yourself

but hopefully it's a healthy one.

So, let's go back to, what is it, April of this year

when you put out the video "Burnt Out At 19."

If you could've given yourself one piece of advice

a couple of months before that happened

for the creator who's getting to that point

what would it be?

It's finding an upload schedule

that doesn't tire you out, but also does satisfy your audience.

So, finding a balance.

I feel like I was sprinting for months when I could've just done a nice jog

and either way, I would end up where I was.

So, I watched a lot of videos before you coming here

and people ask, of course, how are you doing now?

And I know you go "Well if I was here in April

"and this is like 'I'm doing really well'"

you know, you're like "I'm here, I'm not at half even yet."


So, how are we going to get you on the other half of feeling better

about running your channel.

I think that's just something hopefully over time I'll figure out.

I think a lot of it is a "me" problem, and I think that's working on myself

and taking the time to work on myself.

And getting extra help, like therapy obviously.

I have yet to really put myself full-force into that.

And so, allowing myself to get completely better.

- Well, please pace yourself, we're big fans. - Thank you.

- And thanks for joining us today. - Thank you so much.

We've definitely heard creators say before that if you take a break from uploading

that the algorithm will punish you

and that creators definitely feel like they can't take vacations

or the audience will disengage and their views are going to go down.

Is that something you feel like you've experienced before?

For more infomation >> Elle Mills on Creator Burnout | Creator Coffees - Duration: 7:43.


Nissan GTR vs Audi R8 - Duration: 5:34.

Welcome to Hoodigan

For more infomation >> Nissan GTR vs Audi R8 - Duration: 5:34.


Ready: Creating a game "Timberman" - Duration: 10:00.

Welcome to Ready quick tutorial


The goal of the game is to cut as many stumps as possible

If you run out of time or a branch hits you - you lose

Let's get started

Create the new project in the Portrait mode

Add the "Background" from your library

Add the Circle, name it "Spawn L" and adjust the size and position

Copy the "Spawn L" circle, name it "Spawn R" and adjust the position

Copy the "Spawn R" circle, name it "Spawn Tree" and adjust the size and position

Copy the "Spawn Tree" circle, name it "Spawn Clean Tree" and adjust parameters

Copy the "Spawn Tree" circle, name it "Last Tree" and adjust parameters

Add the Square, turn off the solid, add him to the "User Interface" layer and name it "Left Button"

...adjust the size

Copy the "Left Button" object, name it "Right Button" and adjust the position

Add the Square, turn off the solid, name it "Destroyer Left" and adjust the position

...paint out him in the desired color

Copy the "Destroyer Left" object, name it "Destroyer Right" and adjust the position

Add the Square, name it "Collider", turn off the solid, adjust the size and position

...create the new class - "Collider"

Add the "Tree Base" object from your library

...turn solid off, add him to the "Background" layer and adjust the position

Add the "Tree Clean" object from your library

...turn solid off, adjust the position and create for him the new class - "Clean"

Add the "Tree Left" and "Tree Right" objects from your library

...turn solid off and create for them the new class "Tree"

Open the Event Manager and create the first event

Play the scene

Select the "Spawn Tree" object, add the "Counter" and "Random Number" behaviors and adjust the settings.

Create the new global variables and adjust the parameters

Add the timer and name it "Life Timer"

Copy the "Life Timer" timer and name it "Timer Animation"

Open the Event Manager and create the new events

Play the scene

Add the "Player1" and "Player2" objects from your library, turn solid off and adjust the position

Add the "Life Meter" and adjust the parameters

Add the "Score Label" and adjust the parameters

Open the Event Manager and create the new events

Play the scene and look result

Select the player, add the "Counter" behavior and adjust the settings

Create the new class "Destroyer" for the "Destroyer Left" and "Destroyer Right" objects

Select the "Tree Clean" object, add the "Counter" behavior and adjust the settings

Select the "Tree" object, add the "Counter" behavior and adjust the settings

Open the Event Manager and create the new events

Play the scene

Open the Event Manager and create the new events

Play the scene and look result

Turn on the leaderboard and select the "Score Label"

Create the latest event


The game is finished)

For more infomation >> Ready: Creating a game "Timberman" - Duration: 10:00.


[Sub Esp] Run BTS ep 62 - Duration: 25:07.

For more infomation >> [Sub Esp] Run BTS ep 62 - Duration: 25:07.


(Valentine's Day) Funny Short Animation: For Love / Por Amor - Duration: 2:40.

Headphones recommended

One sunny day Victor began his voyage

In a rush, he packed rope, boots and courage

One by one in his backpack, the items he shove

knowing what he was doing, was all for love.

[For Love]

With little to eat,

he fought thirst and hunger.

Hard times were coming

and the road was still longer.

He walked through deserts blazed by the heat

while the sand burned his delicate feet.

He swam through endless oceans

filled with beasts in the depth

His heart beating wildly deep in his chest.

He climbed and climbed a mountain tall and freezing,

even when he was shaking and sneezing.

Dark and deep was the mist which from the mountain unfurled

and whitout him realizing

he fell off the world.

And so he passed by galaxies shimmering, unwary.

And tried stars that tasted like the sweetest cherries

suddenly something threw him out of control

And was absorbed by a black hole!

He couldn´t belive it, away he was blown

He was meeting the maker of all that is known.

It had all been worth it, the dream that he wove

Since from the start victor had done it for love...

To selfies.

For more infomation >> (Valentine's Day) Funny Short Animation: For Love / Por Amor - Duration: 2:40.


The Good Life - Carol McLeod and Music by Rev. Don Valcin & Stan Collins - Duration: 58:31.

For more infomation >> The Good Life - Carol McLeod and Music by Rev. Don Valcin & Stan Collins - Duration: 58:31.


L'ultimo attacco a Gemma Galgani: Tina Cipollari le regala un viaggio a Lourdes - Duration: 11:52.

For more infomation >> L'ultimo attacco a Gemma Galgani: Tina Cipollari le regala un viaggio a Lourdes - Duration: 11:52.


Jean-Luc Reichmann, amoureux de Nathalie: "Nous sommes un vrai binôme" - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Jean-Luc Reichmann, amoureux de Nathalie: "Nous sommes un vrai binôme" - Duration: 3:33.



For more infomation >> ✅MARTA MANOWSKA POZUJE NAGO W WANNIE. FANI: KĄPIEL W KISIELU WIŚNIOWYM? | Polska 24H - Duration: 2:53.


【彼シャツ?】寝る前に絶対するストレッチ - Duration: 2:51.

Hello everyone

The volume is pretty small as it is before going to bed.


I am doing the stretch before I go to bed all the time

I will introduce it to everyone

I'm doing it every day since I was in junior high school.

If you do not do it you feel uncomfortable and can not sleep

I will introduce it to everyone

What is that stretch

Oh, I thought that I could see it when I withdrew this hand now

You there!

That's too bad~

I properly wear it

Although it is bloomers

Well I am not proud

I am pretty body is soft


I have been doing since quite a while since junior high school

It will not get stiff

This really feels good

It hurts, but it feels good

It is really comfortable.

Doing this forever

like this

I have to do this really

can not sleep

I am already in the habit

If the body is soft or something

The legs are getting longer

I have heard of it

I did not do that at all.

I should have done it everyday since I was in junior high school

I have not stretched my leg at all

Rather short legs

Also like this

This is a bit

Although I can not do it beautifully

How to do this

Doing this over

This feeling is missing

Gradually doing this

Although it may be slightly disgusting

I am also doing such a thing

This is the daily routine I am doing before I go to bed

I'm going to go to bed!

Bye bye

For more infomation >> 【彼シャツ?】寝る前に絶対するストレッチ - Duration: 2:51.


Masta Kacher du Real Monarchs nous raconte son parcours en USL // INTERVIEW ONZMTL - Duration: 9:11.


I said that with a view that

I have celebrated my 23 this year.

I did 4 years in the USL,

two with Montreal when I was younger

<font color=#AAAAAAFF>And then when I got out, </font>

<font color=#AAAAAAFF>when I got out, </font> <font color=#AAAAAAFF>I went to Colorado</font>

<font color=#AAAAAAFF>and then Salt Lake</font>

and I think I am

at a mental and physical stage

where I think

I'm at my best

that I'm in control of on the field

And that I can be dominant

I know the league,

I played a lot in the league I played a lot of matches

i scored some goals, had some assists

So I'm going to say that this is really the year where

I think I feel best,

physically and mentally

So I'm going to try to consolidate both

to try to make a good year


I'll tell you, for an athlete,

in general,

all sports combined,

I think mental preparation

is more important, in my opinion

that's what made the difference in my career at a certain moment,

when you're younger it is a little more difficult,

but as we get older it becomes a bit more difficult,

priorities change,

you have to pay more attention to some details

I will speak of the mindset in general,

for me, this is something that is as important as the physical in my opinion.

<font color=#AAAAAAFF>IS IT IMPORTANT TO HAVE </font> <font color=#AAAAAAFF>A GOOD SURROUNDING ?</font>

it reflects a bit the person you are I will say

after, knowing people

and having friends is something different,

I knew it especially as a teenager

I'm going to speak in general

Yes it's very important,

because it reflects the person you are

The decisions you make

And also with whom you are seen

Your influences are also

part of your life

so yeah It's very important to have a good environment,

although being surrounded with some people you love and who loves you too

who wish you the best and help you

and that you also help

you must also share

The entourage is very important

<font color=#AAAAAAFF>GIVE US AN EXAMPLE OF </font> <font color=#AAAAAAFF>A MOMENT IN YOUR CAREER </font> <font color=#AAAAAAFF>WHERE MENTAL FORCE MADE </font> <font color=#AAAAAAFF>THE DIFFERENCE</font>

When you're not dominating

I remember at 16-17-18

when I was with the Impact Academy

I was still searching myself

I was a player who

dreamed to play professional

but who did not really,

I had a plan

because I was with a professional organization,

but when you say to yourself

"okay you're not in the best in this team

And then you see the best training with the first team already,

with a professional contract,

you see yourself always like ...

"I have a lot of work to do"

But you touch a point where you say

"I will work harder,

and what will happen, will happen,

like that you have no regrets"

So there is always a mental work

and for me, that was the difference

I never gave up, I persevered

even when the team ...

Our reserve team in Montreal

had stopped

They had decided to put aside the team

Well I was convinced that I was going to play elsewhere

and I had my chance

so yes a a certain moment,

the mindset forges with time

with the experiences

And at some point

It also comes naturally

There is obstacles in life Whether you're

a doctor, a student, anything

There will be obstacles

and my mindset made the difference for me.


I was born in Algeria, as you said

My older brother and my parents also

So we grew up there

at the age of 7 years..

My parents decided to immigrate to Canada

So we came in 2002,

and it was done quietly

We were very well received here,

it must be said. The people were very welcoming

so it was very good after

Then we went to school

We grew up in Montreal


Yes, we must give credit to schools and schools programs from here

Especially to the Montreal Impact Academy

It's something that has opened a lot of doors to young people

And that has also given a lot of chances to young people

Even if the purpose is not at the professional level ,

with a contract

But also the human development that is done

between school, sports

Performing in both

or trying to consolidate the two together

So I went to Édouard-Montpetit high school

So in the morning I went to school

And in the afternoon I went to my trainings

We had a overall average to respect

So we always had to

give as much importance to school as to sport

And it went very well during my high school

It's what also helped me to stay focus

I'll say 'the right path ''

To be able to finish my high school

I even went to college

Because they offer sport-study

I've been to Marie-Victorin for 2 years

Sport-study, I'll tell you is something that is

very beneficial and also very good

for the youth


I'm going to talk to you about myself,

I'll also talk to you about the band I worked with

when I was with The Montreal Impact Academy.

was about 18 years old,

we were told they were going to open a franchise

with the Impact reserve team

and that she was going to play in USL

So I was at the age of

going to this so level

its not all the players that were taken

that had a professional contract

We were in a league

where it is very competitive

but also with an age group

that was very young for us

but other teams we could play against

mens of 27-28, 30, years old

o we we were one of the youngest teams

if not he youngest in the league at the time,

I ' will tell you

it was not easy

because at 18-17 years old

you did not acquiert all your maturity,

physically, but also mentally

we made many mistakes on the field

myself also

I remember, it was not easy to win against


But it was

a chance and a vital experience

in my career

If I didnt go trough it,

it would have been very difficult for me

To know the high level,

and also know the professional world

and what it takes

to be good in the field,

and to develop a routine

with your sleep, your diet,

your rest, your workouts,

your training too,

so I'm gonna say is a whole baggage

it's something I've learned in my professional debut

After, when I went to Colorado

I learned also to live alone,

I also learned to prepare myself

to be less supervised,

to play with fathers

people who are much more mature than me

So you learn, it is a learning that never ends

the sport, especially soccer

So, my professional debuts were difficult

but were also vital to my career.


I'm going to be honest, from what I've known in the United States

It's kind of something that's special

Because in the United States,

it's part of their culture I think, to help each other

and succeed together

I 'm not telling you that here it's totally the opposite

But here we have a more individualistic mentality

We can take the music industry as an example

They will help each other,

if they have contacts they will talk about it

They want to go together at the top

Whereas here, according to me

What I see It is a little more i ndividualistic

But it is a culture also that we must develop

And I think it's up to us

Those who can influence the next generations

but also the musicians, the artists of today

The rappers, who should develop this culture


The good news is that in Canada

they just started

a professionnal league

of first division in Canada,

so they have invested a lot of money

They also invested time

Many infrastructure were implemented

so it's a very good thing that is happening

for soccer in Canada

and I think it will just go up


I really like basketball I like to watch basketbal

I think it's a very athletic sport

Very very impressive

practicing it, I'm not very good

But I really like basketball


it's LeBron James, with no hesitation

I even think that this is the best player

that ever existed in basketball

his constancy, his rigor

the way he pays attention to his body,

how he acts on the field

Looks like you can put him with any team, and

they will have a chance to win the championship

I look at a lot of basketball its a sport that I appreciate a lot


thank you very much to you,

It was Masta Kacher , for the interview with ONZMTL

See you

For more infomation >> Masta Kacher du Real Monarchs nous raconte son parcours en USL // INTERVIEW ONZMTL - Duration: 9:11.


Man City News - Klopp's one change that can breathe life back into Liverpool's title challenge - Duration: 4:12.

  It's "a dip" according to Fabinho , "a wee blip" in the very Scottish words of Andy Robertson and an excuse to dig out memes of 'The Slip' for large swathes of the internet, but there's little doubt that Liverpool have faltered on the road to title glory

 The reaction to back-to-back draws with Leicester and West Ham - the first points dropped to anyone outside of the top five this season - has been comically exaggerated in some quarters, but the results have to be seen as hugely significant given the pace of this title race

 It's relentless, basically, and the margin for error is as close as that John Stones clearance off the line was at the Etihad Stadium a month ago

 It is tough not to dwell on that as a key moment in Liverpool's season given this failure to put the hammer down when out in front, but any fretting from supporters has to be met with a glance at the calendar

    It is still the first week of February, and - as Pep Guardiola admitted on Tuesday - there are still plenty of surprises in store for the remainder of the campaign

 Not least with Liverpool's team selection.  There looked to be something not quite right about the Reds teamsheet which dropped an hour before kickoff at the London Stadium on Monday evening, but it took a while to work out what it was

 Such is the understated nature of their importance, both Jordan Henderson and Gini Wijnaldum might well be who you'd have in mind for the archetypal "player you don't miss until they aren't there", but the Reds also missed someone who was there on Monday too

 Jurgen Klopp confirmed after the game that James Milner had travelled to London separately from the rest of the squad as he was suffering from an illness and was contagious, and he probably felt a bit isolated during the game too

 Again starting at right-back in the absences of Trent Alexander-Arnold and Joe Gomez, Milner didn't get much help from his midfield as he was left up against the excellent Felipe Anderson

   And that midfield was already worse off because he wasn't in it, in addition to the missing Henderson and Wijnaldum

 If the second half of last season and Liverpool's run to the Champions League final proved anything, it is that Milner is at his best when he is at the centre of things

 It is all well and good shifting to right-back to do a job for 90 minutes, but it has now reached a point where playing Milner there is causing more problems than it solves across the pitch

 Liverpool sorely missed Alexander-Arnold's energy down the right flank in the Leicester and West Ham games, and asking 33-year-old to do a 20-year-old's job comes with its obvious problems

 If Alexander-Arnold is still absent for the Bournemouth game then Klopp may be tempted to turn to teenager Rafael Camacho to play at right-back as he'd offer more energy and width there

And there's also a strong case to drop Fabinho back to centre-back given Joel Matip's form

   Either way, restoring Milner - one of the few in the squad who know how to win a league title - to midfield should be paramount, especially if one or both of Henderson and Wijnaldum are absent

 Liverpool need to restore some common sense to their title challenge after all, and so who better to do it than him?

For more infomation >> Man City News - Klopp's one change that can breathe life back into Liverpool's title challenge - Duration: 4:12.


Le premier péché - La Bible App pour les Enfants - Histoire 2 - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Le premier péché - La Bible App pour les Enfants - Histoire 2 - Duration: 2:08.


Deux par deux - La Bible App pour les Enfants - Histoire 3 - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Deux par deux - La Bible App pour les Enfants - Histoire 3 - Duration: 2:08.


Un bébé et un buisson - La Bible App pour les Enfants - Histoire 8 - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Un bébé et un buisson - La Bible App pour les Enfants - Histoire 8 - Duration: 2:11.


Liam Neeson: 'I'm not racist' - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Liam Neeson: 'I'm not racist' - Duration: 1:41.


Une voix dans la nuit - La Bible App pour les Enfants - Histoire 14 - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Une voix dans la nuit - La Bible App pour les Enfants - Histoire 14 - Duration: 1:51.


First Time Grocery in Manila With Our Newborn l Arab Filipina Life - Duration: 9:46.

This is the first time to do grocery with her .. oh yeah the three of us

hashtag I woke up like this

good morning

Bow Wow my friend Bow Wow - well this is my second love after my wife

What about Daniyah?

this is my third love after my wife and Daniyah ...you're ruining my vlog

there's a lot of things I need to do today the grocery and also mang inasal

those are the plans I have today see there's nothing on my mind

just food - Zero- actually I have a business meeting today most importantly is the

mang inasal and the grocery we are on a mission need to do the grocery it's not

cold for her but I don't trust really the aircon in the mall so yeah let's hit

it to it see, Kabayan again Kabayan see I always bring Kabayan with me

always bring Kabayan with me because I'm your wife - Oooooooooooooooooooh

they ask you how you are, and you just have to say that you're fine,

when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand

okay let's go. it so cute on you Wallahi .. yeah

like muscle guy wearing a Chico carrier - Czechoslovakia -with the

pink is that a bunny no it's not a bunny

it's teddy bear there yeah are you recording

I am recording


i can't see much

This is the first time to do grocery with her .. oh yeah the three of us

I remember that

You see this? Oh My God

I'm gonna buy some -oh ma God - it's been awhile.. six months right? I didnt have this

strong coffee

we couldn't find that in Egypt.. no, cause we are more on the Turkish coffee

people working in Middle East they know that Turkish coffee is very

common that one is awesome

oh my God... oh my God call .. you were looking for it in Egypt.. oh my God .. Cobra Smart

Everyday drink for you before... yeah

actually I really feel more smart than a drink this drink they don't pay me for

this advertising though but this is exactly what I feel I think it's kinda psychological only ..

yeah..cause it says Plus Smart, so you would feel like, oh I gotta need to feel more smart

I do more work on that day I know..cause it says on the cobra..you are ruining my imagination .. oh and this TANG all this kind

of flavors of TANG

of course if you're gonna buy a green mango don't forget to get the "Bagoong"

yeah I had a history with that before but I think I'm over it now

now I can eat it again, vinegar?

teddy bear

we got everything we need you thank you SM - AlhamduliAllah- oh! As if it's for free

Oh my God the chili it's so expensive like in Egypt you're buying

that for...? Okay I tell you what guys yeah my wife is right the prices here are

super expensive comparing to the salaries here but if you're really

willing to go to Egypt one day yes the tickets might be expensive it is

expensive but the accommodation there and the groceries and the food and

everything is cheap so instead of going to Japan and paying tickets and the life

there is expensive you might as well go to Egypt and you'll really enjoy the

everything the weather the accommodation is super cheap there to live there

and of course I mean whatever we're gonna get to spend on the flight here

easily can make this up with what you're going to spend with living in the

country .. the chili is like 50 pesos and there in Egypt you can buy it for around nine pesos

for 1 kilo and it's always being ruined in the fridge

because we cannot finish it and then we have to buy again the 50 passes is how

many pieces like that piece is only yeah that's very sad

yeah regardless yeah I hope you enjoyed the grocery with that this time is the

grocery with Daniyah because our last vlog on grocery with just you and me

when I had that thing in my surgery my teeth

I wanna drink a coffee I know it's late for a coffee but I really want to have

strong coffee .. strong coffee.. you have that in Egypt

they're more on Turkish coffee... and tea ? tea is very common there as well we brought a

lot of tea from Egypt. we bought tea will last for one year

it's funny if you're gonna check our luggages you would see tomato cucumber

bread I'm trying to save money okay?

these stuff is heaving and I'm really tired but it's all worth it it's all worth it

I told you I wanna carry it ..yeah... it's an Arab thing okay you should not carry anything

you were pregnant for nine months that's enough I had really really tough time giving birth

you're right.. You should talk about it actually, living in a building like this really scares me; because... everything is in here

you just gonna go down there's the clinic, mall and everything inside the mall inside the vaulters so you

so you have a pretty much everything we need in this building, which is pretty much there

is possibility that you you're not gonna leave thing building... oh yeah!



For more infomation >> First Time Grocery in Manila With Our Newborn l Arab Filipina Life - Duration: 9:46.


Pan Bao casero - Pan asiático al vapor ( BAO BUNS) - Duration: 5:26.

To make the dough, put the flour in a bowl

Mix the baker's yeast with warm water

Add sugar, vegetable oil and mix well until the sugar dissolves

Add it little by little to the flour.

When the flour has absorbed all the liquid, begin to work the dough with the hand

When the bowl stays clean pass the dough to a smooth surface and knead for 10 minutes

In this step, the correct dough does not need to be floured, it does not stick.

Cover with a film and let the dough rest from 45 mins. to 1,5 hour

depending on the ambient temperature

Remove the air and when the bowl is clean, work again the dough another 10 minutes

Divide the dough into two parts, cover one with a damp cloth

and roll the other forming a cylinder

Let's flourish a little if it starts to stick

Cut in 8 equal parts and we will have 16 pieces in total

Take one and cover the rest with the wet cloth

Form a ball

with the help of a roller we stretch it in an oval shape

I like to adjust the ends with my hands,

to get the desired shape

With the help of a brush put a little oil to something more than half of the piece,

so when cooking will not stick and can be opened easily

We fold it in half, put it on the baking paper

Let them stand until doubles it size

will need 45 minutes to 1 hour

Place them in a steamer pot and steam them over boiling water for 10 minutes

Turn off the fire, uncover the lid a little and let rest 5 minutes more,

this will make our Bao buns does not deflate

And the buns are ready to fill with delicious fillings that I will share with you

do not miss it.

For more infomation >> Pan Bao casero - Pan asiático al vapor ( BAO BUNS) - Duration: 5:26.


Como hacer Gua Bao - BocadilloTaiwanés - Duration: 7:07.

Hello friends, the famous Taiwanese sandwich or "Gua Bao",

which you have asked me so much, is already here. Are you ready?...

First fry the bacon,

you can also put a little oil if you want

When it is sealed on both sides, take it out and reserve it

In a mortar we crushed the black pepper,

also some cloves of garlic and reserved it

Finely chop the shallot

sauté it with a little oil next to the garlic and pepper

Add cinnamon sticks and star anise

sauté a couple more minutes or until they release their aroma

Add the bacon and cover with water

Add light soy sauce,


dark soy sauce to give the characteristic color,

sugar and optionally a touch of Chinese rice wine, to give a nice aroma

Remove it and let it cook over medium heat for 1 hour

While cooking, we remove the fat that comes out of the braising

Add 5 Chinese spices,

in case you are interested, I also have the video of how it is done homemade

Cover and let cook over a low heat another hour

While we wait we prepare the pickled Chinese mustard sautéed,

which goes in the filling of our "Gua Bao"

Is available in all Asian stores

If you do not live nearby, nothing happens, only with the bacon will be delicious

It has a refreshing acid flavour, with a crunchy texture

and complements the bacon very well

Wash it to remove a little the smell of fermentation

We drained it very well and reserve

To make the sauteed, in a pan with a little oil add the chopped garlic,

then the pickled Chinese mustard

Sauté a couple of minutes or until it is more or less dry

Add a couple of tablespoons of our braised

a little light soy sauce,


sauté until all the liquid is absorbed and reserve.

In a mortar we grind the sugar, you can also make it in a mincer,

add toasted peanuts

crush everything together and reserve for later

After 2 hours, our bacon is ready.

To make the Gua Bao, take a Bao bun

add bacon

sautéed mustard,

sweet ground peanuts,

coriander leaves,

and our Gua Bao is ready to serve

I hope you liked the recipe,

see you in the next video with another delicious Asian dish.

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