Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 5 2019

In English class of the 8th grade our teacher gave us an assignment to write a poem and

present it to the class we got about two to three weeks to write the poem but for some

reason I just couldn't pull any ideas together I just couldn't think of anything and I told

myself that I was bad at poems and that just really unmotivated me so I went on Google

and I looked up poems because I really just wanted to cheat now or teachers were really

big on plagiarism and that it was really important in our school that we don't plagiarize or

copy any big assignment but that just slipped my mind and I wasn't really thinking of it

at the moment so I went on Google and I found the perfect and I decided to change up a couple

words and the deadline was the next day

For more infomation >> I Copied A Famous Writer For My Homework And Got Caught - Duration: 2:57.


XQC Reacts: Smartest Country IQ Comparison [ +Twitch Chat ] - Duration: 10:09.

XQC Reacts: Smartest Country IQ Comparison [ +Twitch Chat ]

For more infomation >> XQC Reacts: Smartest Country IQ Comparison [ +Twitch Chat ] - Duration: 10:09.


El secreto para dormir mejor, la miel| Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 10:45.

For more infomation >> El secreto para dormir mejor, la miel| Noticias 24/7 - Duration: 10:45.


Собака кане корсо любит пиццу. #canecorso - Duration: 1:50.

dog cane corso loves pizza

For more infomation >> Собака кане корсо любит пиццу. #canecorso - Duration: 1:50.


BLUE SPAN DIVINE 2 STREAM - Duration: 6:44:53.

For more infomation >> BLUE SPAN DIVINE 2 STREAM - Duration: 6:44:53.


Record! Andra a vândut în 24 de ore toate biletele la concertul din Bacăuandra, andra concerte, conc - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Record! Andra a vândut în 24 de ore toate biletele la concertul din Bacăuandra, andra concerte, conc - Duration: 4:46.



For more infomation >> SUCOS PARA CURAR A IMPOTÊNCIA SEXUAL - Duration: 5:34.


What's the Difference Between Trail and Road Shoes? || REI - Duration: 3:37.

hey everybody today we are gonna be talking about shoes specifically what is

the difference between road running shoes and trail running shoes

you may be wondering especially if you already have road shoes should you

really go for it and get trail running shoes for running out on the dirt

it depends we're going to talk about the differences

all right so let's look at the shoes from the ground up the first thing to

consider is the outsole so it's the bottom of the shoe with trail running

shoes you're gonna see a lot of these more gnarly features on here so we call

these points lugs those are to give you a lot of grip when you're going over

varied surfaces routes rocks mud you really want that traction when you're

out on the trail by comparison in your road shoes the road shoes are really

looking to give you a stable consistent surface for running over paved ground

one other difference to keep in mind is that some trail shoes have a stickier

outsole on the bottom so not quiet all the way to climbing shoes sticky but

that stickiness on the rubber on the bottom of the shoe is going to give you

more grip when you're out on trail there next up the midsole so when we look at

this section of the shoe right here trail shoes are going to be a little bit

stiffer all the way through they really want to give you that support when

you're out in the dirt so we can look at house if they are this way and how stiff

they are this way and one other thing to keep in mind is that some trail shoes

also have what's called a rock plate so that's a bit of extra material in the

midsole of the shoe here and in this shoe you can actually see it through the

outsole and these little cut throughs but a rock plate is basically going to

protect your feet from anything pointing you might happen to step on while you're

out on the trail they're Road shoes don't tend out Rock plates like that

so Road shoes in the middle are going to be made of different types of foam and

they can give you a little more control when you're running over that paved

surface in terms of keeping your foot from pronating a little whereas your

trail shoes are just going to be stiff all the way around if we go back to rock

plates for a moment since your road shoes don't have Rock plates in them if

you decide to take a run through the gravel on your road shoes you are gonna

feel those little rocks and bits on the ground right through the foam they're

just a difference to keep in mind the other section here that we can talk

about is the uppers so the entire top part of the shoe overall your trail

shoes are just gonna be a little burlier to protect the shoe and your foot from

everything that's out on the trail so on this shoe not all shoes have these but

on this shoe you're gonna see that stiff plastic on

the front some reinforcements here on the sides versus the road shoe that

doesn't have those features the plus side of road shoes not having all that

reinforcement is that they tend to be a little lighter than your trail shoes all

right those are some differences but there are still a lot of similarities

between these shoes you get to choose how much cushioning you have either a

lot or a little bit overall in the shoe you still get to think about how much

heel to toe drop you have anywhere from a lot of squish under the heel tapering

down to nothing under the toe or zero amount of difference between either

where the heel and the toe are at the same height and as always with any kind

of shoe fit is the most important part so if you're thinking about either road

shoes or trail shoes go see your local experts at REI and they'll help you get

fit all right that's all for today if you're curious for more check out our

other videos and until then we'll see you next time

For more infomation >> What's the Difference Between Trail and Road Shoes? || REI - Duration: 3:37.


Kanwan Wali Sarkar کاواں والی سرکار by Hafiz Imran Aasi = As Tv - Duration: 2:57.






For more infomation >> Kanwan Wali Sarkar کاواں والی سرکار by Hafiz Imran Aasi = As Tv - Duration: 2:57.


Iran: Neue Drohnen und Raketen auf der Militärausstellung in Teheran vorgestellt - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Iran: Neue Drohnen und Raketen auf der Militärausstellung in Teheran vorgestellt - Duration: 2:33.


WARZENSCHWEIN Mutter RETTET in LETZTER Sekunde BABY Vor GEPARD! Tier doku,Gepard Documentation - Duration: 2:25.

Although the cheetah is similar in appearance to the leopard, its shape differs considerably from that of all other cats.

Cheetahs have extremely long, thin legs and a very slender body, very similar to that of a greyhound. The head is small and round, the tail long.

The paws wear thick, flaky soles; the claws are only partially retractable (hence the genus name). Due to its physique, the cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world.

He reaches in the run up to 93 km / h, but can withstand this high speed only about one to two seconds

The average top speed of the cheetah in the sprint is at 53.11 km / h, significantly less than the highest ever measured, this is explained by maintaining the highest possible maneuverability.

The anatomy of the cheetah is designed in other points on speed: his nasal passages are widened considerably,

leaving little room for the teeth stay that towards other cats greatly reduced, and thus is a relatively weak weapon. Lungs, bronchi and adrenal glands are also proportionally enlarged.

For more infomation >> WARZENSCHWEIN Mutter RETTET in LETZTER Sekunde BABY Vor GEPARD! Tier doku,Gepard Documentation - Duration: 2:25.


19 Willock Place (2019) Official Trailer #1 [HD] - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> 19 Willock Place (2019) Official Trailer #1 [HD] - Duration: 2:16.


AA And J - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> AA And J - Duration: 3:16.


19 Willock Place (2019) Official Trailer #1 [HD] - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> 19 Willock Place (2019) Official Trailer #1 [HD] - Duration: 2:16.


💪 Comment avoir des ABDOS SANS EFFORT en seulement 4 semaines ? - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> 💪 Comment avoir des ABDOS SANS EFFORT en seulement 4 semaines ? - Duration: 2:08.


Meet the Virginia Tech K-9 Ambassador Growley - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Meet the Virginia Tech K-9 Ambassador Growley - Duration: 4:55.


Tedesco: Wir wollen ins Viertelfinale - unabhängig von allem! - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Tedesco: Wir wollen ins Viertelfinale - unabhängig von allem! - Duration: 1:54.


Former Michigan State president charged in connection to Larry Nassar scandal appears in court - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Former Michigan State president charged in connection to Larry Nassar scandal appears in court - Duration: 2:42.


BTS To Present At Grammy Awards - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> BTS To Present At Grammy Awards - Duration: 0:38.


Kanwan Wali Sarkar کاواں والی سرکار by Hafiz Imran Aasi = As Tv - Duration: 2:57.






For more infomation >> Kanwan Wali Sarkar کاواں والی سرکار by Hafiz Imran Aasi = As Tv - Duration: 2:57.


[VIETSUB CC][THANH KHỐNG] Trần Phong SAMA (尘封SAMA) - "Ngại gì mà không bung lụa đi bảo bối?" - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> [VIETSUB CC][THANH KHỐNG] Trần Phong SAMA (尘封SAMA) - "Ngại gì mà không bung lụa đi bảo bối?" - Duration: 0:18.


Facebook abuses Taiwan freedom of speech - Duration: 1:13.

An entire democratic system in Taiwan

is fully corrupted

even my facebook is suspended for 30 days

even my facebook is suspended for 30 days

For more infomation >> Facebook abuses Taiwan freedom of speech - Duration: 1:13.


Черный Дракон VS Джек Кузнец , Бейблэйл вибух крутой бой, Бейблейд Вибух, Бейблейд, Бейблэйд, бей - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> Черный Дракон VS Джек Кузнец , Бейблэйл вибух крутой бой, Бейблейд Вибух, Бейблейд, Бейблэйд, бей - Duration: 9:01.


[VIETSUB CC][THANH KHỐNG] Đỗ Lão Sư (杜老师) - "Khỏi giải thích dài dòng..." - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> [VIETSUB CC][THANH KHỐNG] Đỗ Lão Sư (杜老师) - "Khỏi giải thích dài dòng..." - Duration: 0:16.


Liam Neeson insists he's 'not a racist' after wanting to kill black man - News Live - Duration: 3:38.

 Liam Neeson insisted Tuesday that he is "not a "racist" – a day after he admitted to having violent thoughts about killing a "black bastard" to avenge the rape of someone close to him about 40 years ago

 In an appearance on ABC's "God Morning America," the 66-year-old actor said he did feel a "primal urge to lash out" after learning about theual assault

 "I went out deliberately into black areas in the city, looking to be set upon," he said

"It shocked me and it hurt me … I did seek help, I went to a priest."  "Luckily no violence occurred," he said, adding that he likely would have attacked and possibly killed a man if confronted

 Neeson came under fire after revealing in an interview published Monday by the UK's Independent that he sought revenge after he found out about the rape

 "She handled the situation of the rape in the most extraordinary way," Neeson told the paper

"But my immediate reaction was… I asked, did she know who it was? No. 'What color were they?' She said it was a black person

"  "I went up and down areas with a (nightstick), hoping I'd be approached by somebody – I'm ashamed to say that – and I did it for maybe a week, hoping some 'black bastard' would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know, so that I could – kill him," he said

 Neeson – who is promoting his new movie, "Cold Pursuit" – described his thoughts as "horrible, horrible when I think back, that I did that

And I've never admitted that, and I'm saying it to a journalist. God forbid."  Neeson initially told The Independent about his decades-old thoughts after being asked to provide insight into his "Cold Pursuit" character Nels Coxman's need for revenge after his son is killed by a drug gang

 "It's awful, but I did learn a lesson from it, when I eventually thought, 'What the f–k are you doing?' you know?" the "Taken" star added

 On Tuesday, the Northern Ireland-born told GMA's Robin Roberts that if the woman had said her attacker was white, he would have searched for someone who fit that description

 "If she had said an Irish, or a Scot, or a Brit or a Lithuanian, I know I would've had the same effect

I was trying to show honor to (and) stand up for my dear friend in this terrible, medieval fashion," he said

 "I'm a fairly intelligent guy," he added. "That's why it kind of shocked me when I came down to earth after these horrible feelings

Luckily, no violence occurred ever, thanks be to God."  Some people reacted in social media by saying Neeson didn't do himself any favors Tuesday

 "Liam Neeson made it worse. What an awful interview," user Boney Bad Boy Rivers tweeted

 Jonathan Giello wrote: "I think Liam Neeson took that GMA interview to try to damage control his comments but uhhh he dug himself a deeper hole

"  Neeson said, "we all pretend we're all kind of politically correct. In this country, it's the same in my own country too, you sometimes just scratch the surface and you discover this racism and bigotry, and it's there

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