Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 5 2019

G-Sync turned on in Nvidia Control Panel Monitor's refresh rate set on "FreeSync"

In the left top corner, there is a FPS counter directly from Nvidia graphic card turned on in Nvidia GeForce Experience

In the right top corner, there is a monitor's refresh rate counter directly from MSI Optix MPG27CQ turned on in OSD menu.

MSI Optix MPG27CQ - OSD menu.

For more infomation >> NVIDIA G-Sync na MSI Optix MPG27CQ - Duration: 7:01.


ISPO Munich 2019 | Miriam Neureuther sportlich auf der ISPO Munich - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> ISPO Munich 2019 | Miriam Neureuther sportlich auf der ISPO Munich - Duration: 0:51.


Artesplorazioni: action painting - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Artesplorazioni: action painting - Duration: 2:39.


După 7 ani, Șerban Huidu a vorbit despre tragicul accident în care au murit trei persoane: "În memor - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> După 7 ani, Șerban Huidu a vorbit despre tragicul accident în care au murit trei persoane: "În memor - Duration: 3:55.


Tik Tok Việt Nam - Những kiểu đón Tết lầy lội - Bao Giờ Lấy Vợ - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Tik Tok Việt Nam - Những kiểu đón Tết lầy lội - Bao Giờ Lấy Vợ - Duration: 4:20.


Gorgeous Luxury Coastal Blue Cornerstone Park Model from Eagle Homes - Duration: 2:09.

Gorgeous Luxury Coastal Blue Cornerstone Park Model from Eagle Homes

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Luxury Coastal Blue Cornerstone Park Model from Eagle Homes - Duration: 2:09.


Nonstop 2019 - Bass Căng Đố Au Không Gãy - Nhạc Sàn Bay Phòng Tết Kỷ Hợi 2019 Mới Nhất - Duration: 48:46.

For more infomation >> Nonstop 2019 - Bass Căng Đố Au Không Gãy - Nhạc Sàn Bay Phòng Tết Kỷ Hợi 2019 Mới Nhất - Duration: 48:46.


공부법 코디 공부 잘하는법 토론수업 창의력 사고력 스토리텔링 초등수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> 공부법 코디 공부 잘하는법 토론수업 창의력 사고력 스토리텔링 초등수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:20.


토론 수학 공부 잘하는법 확통 잘하는법 확률과통계 고1수학 공부법 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> 토론 수학 공부 잘하는법 확통 잘하는법 확률과통계 고1수학 공부법 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:30.


미적분 기하와 벡터 수능내신 공부 잘하는법 토론수학 공부법 코디 고1수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> 미적분 기하와 벡터 수능내신 공부 잘하는법 토론수학 공부법 코디 고1수학 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:18.


Opel Adam - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Opel Adam - Duration: 1:14.


Thailand VLOG ทริปทะเลล้วนๆ | Pattaya,Bangsean,Phuket,Krabi - Duration: 17:41.

For more infomation >> Thailand VLOG ทริปทะเลล้วนๆ | Pattaya,Bangsean,Phuket,Krabi - Duration: 17:41.


馮紹峰趙麗穎越看越有夫妻相,馮紹峰放下工作專心陪產 - Duration: 4:00.

2018年娛 樂圈的收穫 最大的一定 是非馮紹峰 莫屬了,

為什麼這樣說 呢?你看,

馮紹峰先是和 我們的"金 鷹女神"趙 麗穎宣布領 取了結婚證 ,

沒多久穎寶又 曝出了懷孕 在身,

停止工作在家 休息養胎。

可能是因為馮 紹峰和趙麗 穎結婚的緣 故吧,

由趙麗穎和馮 紹峰出演的 《知否》成 為熱播大劇 ,

可以說這一年 馮紹峰在事 業上和情感 上都收穫頗 豐啊! 《知否》在 馮紹峰和趙 麗穎這對夫 妻的加持下 收視率從播 出以來就一 直居高不下 ,

一直都是收視 率第一。

其實剛開始趙 麗穎和馮紹 峰在一起時 很多粉絲們 不能接受的 ,

畢竟我們的穎 寶和馮紹峰 比起來那是 演技好、人 緣好、口碑 好,

總之是比馮紹 峰哪裡都強 。

當時知道兩人 領取結婚證 以後網友紛 紛說穎寶是 下嫁了,

馮紹峰不是最 佳的擇偶對 象,

穎寶完全可以 選擇一個更 優秀的! 隨著《知 否》的熱播 ,

劇中馮紹峰和 趙麗穎這對 小夫妻可以 說是把大家 甜蜜死了,

兩人在劇中恩 恩愛愛,

完全不像是演 戲啊。

劇中兩人甜蜜 的表現也讓 越來越多的 人從新開始 認識這一對 小夫妻的關 係,

穎寶的粉絲也 開始慢慢的 接受馮紹峰 。

小編還懷疑兩 人在拍攝《 知否》的時 候就已經正 式在一起了 呢! 穎 寶懷孕以後 就沒有再接 工作了,

並且馮紹峰也 曾明確的表 示過,

《知否》是兩 人現階段接 的最後一部 戲了,

趙麗穎懷孕期 間不會再接 什麼工作,

等有什麼情況 等趙麗穎順 利生產下以 後再說。

從這裡就可以 看出馮紹峰 對趙麗穎的 關心,

懷孕以後更是 放下工作專 心的陪伴、 照顧穎寶。

一個人優秀的 人是能影響 別人的,


趙麗穎就是這 樣的一個人 ,

曾經不被大家 看好的馮紹 峰,

在和穎寶在一 起以後可以 說是完全變 了一個人似 的,

根本不像是以 前大家所說 的渣男,

反而是成為了 一個模範的 好丈夫。

新春期的《快 本》邀請知 否劇組來參 加節目,

馮紹峰也在其 中,

節目中馮紹峰 也誇讚了趙 麗穎,

同時還向觀眾 朋友們透露 了夫妻兩人 的一點小秘 密,

主持人維嘉現 場直呼兩人 實在是太甜 蜜了。

從這裡可以看 出,

兩人在一塊以 後是非常幸 福的。

小編追了《知 否》這麼久 ,

可以說是趙麗 穎和馮紹峰 兩人越看越 有夫妻相,

兩人在一塊時 也是愛意滿 滿,

在這裡小編衷 心的祝福祝 福趙麗穎和 馮紹峰能夠 越來越好,

在以後的日子 裡越來越幸 福,

在新年趕快讓 我們的一個 小穎寶或者 小二叔和我 們見面吧!

For more infomation >> 馮紹峰趙麗穎越看越有夫妻相,馮紹峰放下工作專心陪產 - Duration: 4:00.


Kirchenkonzert-Ärger in Rastatt - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Kirchenkonzert-Ärger in Rastatt - Duration: 3:17.


这蔬菜老得嚼不动,国人都不知道怎么吃,国外却视为"蔬菜王后" - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> 这蔬菜老得嚼不动,国人都不知道怎么吃,国外却视为"蔬菜王后" - Duration: 4:35.


婚約指輪・結婚指輪専門店輪-RIN-(群馬県高崎市)Tendence☆DE`COLOR - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> 婚約指輪・結婚指輪専門店輪-RIN-(群馬県高崎市)Tendence☆DE`COLOR - Duration: 0:52.


Výstava v Evropském parlamentu k pěti letům od Majdanu. - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Výstava v Evropském parlamentu k pěti letům od Majdanu. - Duration: 0:55.


New and Notable Books for February - Duration: 6:04.

Today, we're talking about some of the new and notable books that have come our way over

the last few weeks. Let me run the intro and then I'll tell you all about them.

Today we're talking new and notable books and we're going to begin with Atypical Woman

by Abigail Dodds. I tried, before I started recording, to describe this one. I had trouble

just finding words to express this so I'm just going to read what it says on the back

and see if it's of interest to you. In a culture that can belittle womanhood on the one hand

making it irrelevant and glorified on the other making it everything. It's hard to know

what it really means to be a woman. But when we understand womanhood through the lens of

scripture, we see that we need a bigger category for what God has called woman. This book breathes

fresh air into our womanhood reminding us what life in Christ, as a woman, looks like.

I suppose that tells you who it's for and what it's about. You may not know this, I

don't think John Piper does a lot of book endorsements yet he did endorse this one.

Here's what he says, this is not the portrait of womanhood painted by the world. Dodds is

not calling for something easy but something courageous. I hope you consider her challenge.

So there you go, Atypical Woman by Abigail Dodds.

And speaking of John Piper, here's his new book called Why I Love the Apostle Paul: 30

Reasons. What can I say about this book? Really not much more than the title says. Honestly,

John Piper loves the apostle Paul. In this book, which has 30 short chapters, he tells

you why. That's it, right. I mean, I think you know what the book is about and whether

or not you'd want to read it. Next, I'm going to kind of package up these

two books together. The first is Sola: How the Five Solas are still Reforming the Church.

So this is edited by Jason Allen and then has some contributors as well, Jared Wilson,

Owen Strachan, others. It's a book about the five solas. You should be familiar with the

five solas. The next book is about the five points of Calvinism. This one, Sola scriptura,

Sola gratia, Sola fide, Solus Christus, and Soli Dei Gloria. These are, it says, at the

core of the Protestant Reformation. They're vital to New Testament Christianity and great

commission witness. They are the essence of the Gospel, find out why. Please do find out

why. We've had a lot of talk over the last few years about New Calvinism, about Reformed

Theology and this is all wonderful things. One of my fears is that people are starting

to assume this theology rather than really study it. And I'm hoping we can recover some

of our enthusiasm about the doctrine that, not too long ago, really drew this movement

together. You'd want to start with the five solas. The five solas are what distinguish

Protestants from Roman Catholics. You'll find this book helpful. And then maybe follow it

up with this one, Mere Calvinism by Jim Orrick. If the five solas distinguish Protestant from

Catholic, the five solas distinguish Calvinist from Arminian. And I've already read this

one. Jim Orrick does a fantastic job of explaining each of the five points of Calvinism and he

does it in a really fresh way. He uses lots of great illustrations and then he teaches

why they really matter. So, this is, I think, one of the best introductions to Calvinism

I've read and I've read a lot of them. I think you'll find it very, very helpful.

Moving on, we've got Passions of the Heart by John Street. Now, this one is subtitled,

Biblical Counsel for Stubborn Sexual Sin. So, we've had a lot of books come out over

the last decade or so about sexual sin. Especially as it relates to pornography and I'm thankful

for them. I wrote one myself. But I think one of the things we're finding is that sexual

sins can be especially stubborn. It can seem so easy. Why would you commit that sin? Stop

committing that sin. Here are steps. Here are tools to help you and still people struggle

with sin. So, listen to this: enticed by rage, sensuality or pride, anyone can become caught

up in previously unimaginable acts. Experienced biblical counselor, John Street, takes a hard

look at the hard idolatries that lead even Christians to commit egregious sexual sin,

showing how to bring lasting change by identifying the underlying motivations of the heart. I'm

definitely going to read this one thoroughly and I'm very hopeful that it helps many people

battle some of those very, very stubborn sins and helps equip the rest of us to battle alongside

them. Last, but not least, Don't Send Out a Resume

by Benjamin, I'm going to go with, Vrbicek. I'm not totally sure of the pronunciation

there. This is a book about being called from one church to another to fulfill a ministry

position. And it's meant to help, help make that transition, help decide whether you should

except such a position and help understand how you would think that through well, what

you should look for. And so he's written the bulk of the book. He's also had contributions

from a host of people you may know, J.A. Medders, Dave Mathis, Jared Wilson, Chris Brauns, and

so on. Sam Rainer and others. So, this is a book, if you're into ministry, you're thinking

about getting into ministry or maybe you're thinking about changing up the church or ministry

you work with. I think you'll find this a helpful guide.

Here are just some of the books and there are many more I could have spoken about that

have come our way in the last few weeks. We are very, very blessed. I hope there's a book

there that was of interest to you and I'll talk to you again soon.

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