[RUN BTS EP.62 BTS Sauna 2]
[Last episode 1 Snack time at sauna]
872 points!
[Or penalty time at sauna]
[Team Kim Seokjin achieved sweeping victory from the beginning] - I knew it! - We won without doing nothing.
We won it all.
[Team A following closely?] - Peculiar - Odd
Without any special reason...
[Stopped by the wall of newly coined words] - I think they will live here. - Almost like home
What's that
[Your turn now] That's too difficult.
[Can they ever come out of this?] - Cheer up - Are you okay guys?
Cheer up!
[Why do you endure all those difficulties? Just live simply and easily] Why do you stick to that forever?
Why do you have difficulties forever?
Difficulties, sticking, all similar
- How did you feel when RM hit your shin? - It hurt.
Then, how can you say that in a word?
[Serious] I really don't have an idea. I think I'm stupid.
- Hungry? - The camera directors here did nothing wrong.
It seems Jimin is far from civilization.
- Jimin has given up now. - Jimin will sweat a lot in there.
- I think... - I should have lost.
[The order matters] We should have decide the order well.
- But even if I go the last, we'll lose anyway. - Right
[They are not coming out anyway] But he will get less pain.
[What do all these mean] Because I'll not get the pain.
Because it should end anyways...
[What should I do] Hope doesn't know this, too.
Those two are far from civilization.
[Ever-ending competition] I don't think this will end here.
Those two are really far from civilization.
[To end this] We should give hints to them.
[Don't know how much those out there are worried] - Difficulty? - Just tell us this one.
- Live easily in this complicated world - We don't know the meaning anyway.
[Eventually] Difficulty
Why do you have those difficulties forever?
Just live easily with much luck.
- The first line was right. - Why do you have those difficulties forever?
[That's not right] - Just... - What kind of world? - What kind of world?
[Silent] - Luckily? Luck? - Busy
- What? - Busy - Busy? - Busy
[Chaos] You know, my father is a Korean literature teacher.
What's the relationship between busy and luck?
That's what we estimated, too... Like "abbreviating everything"...
[Too difficult] You can at least estimate, we can't even estimate.
[Another question, "gokkeutnak"=abbreviation created by V] Guess the meaning of "gokkeutnak".
- What? - "Gokkeutnak" - Finish soon?
- "Gokkeutnak" - Finish soon.
- Isn't that "After a storm comes a calm"? - Right
[Here they need some calm too] Why do you have such difficulties forever?
[Close] Don't be complicated, just live easily.
Kim Seokjin!
Why do we have to endure all those difficulties forever like that?
Don't live complicatedly, just live easily.
[Right answer] Okay!
Isn't it "live"?
[People welcome Jimin's escape] I picked it up.
[Shout the team name and succeeded in picking the food up] - You didn't say the team name, so I just picked this up. - Look at his face.
Are you okay? Hey, eat this watermelon.
[You can eat it] This is for the winner team.
[Eat this cool watermelon] - No - No, this is cooler one.
[After a storm comes a calm] Isn't it good?
[V next to J-Hope] Taehyung should go in now.
Taehyung, you can do it, can't you?
[I believe you] - "Gokkeutnak?" "Gokkeutnak"
[5th round J-Hope, Suga] If you know the right answer, shout the team name.
Kim Seokjin
[Hm... It's different for every person, but iced americano is the best for summer] Kim Seokjin
Hm... It's different for every person
but iced americano is the best for summer.
[What is this guy] You said you don't know it.
[What] - Suga got the right answer right away. - You said you don't know it!
[Miracle brought by sauna] Seokjin, go in there now.
- But that was too easy. - What?
[Fortunately, I was given an easy question] It differs between people, but iced americano is the best for summer.
- Seokjin why... - This is easy, easy one.
Why do you have those difficulties forever?
[Forgot it already] - In this complex world... - Live simply - Live simply
[RM got it right] This! Why do you have those difficulties forever
This one is... What was it?
[RM should have said the answer for this question] Live simply in this complex world.
[What?] Like this
[Different levels of questions] The question for me was really easy.
I don't know anything.
[Jin, J-Hope in the 6th round] I lost, Seokjin won.
[Confident] - 1,2,3 - Kim Seokjin! This is your birthday gift.
[This is your birthday gift! It has much moisture so it will be good for your skin] We're in trouble.
[Gave up] Wait, what should we do?
[Moisture?] Birthday gift! Moi...
What does that mean?
- What does this skin type mean? - "Subuji?"
[What is this] Subu...
What? This is your birthday gift. Your heart beats...
So it's good for a child like you?
No, what is this? "Subuji"?
[Hope really doesn't know] I don't know what it means.
[Here is the black hole] We got a trouble in here.
[Munch] Give me a bite.
[Can't laugh]
- He tried to get the right answer and then - You ate it.
[While Jimin is explaining what happened] He got the answer but didn't shout the team name.
[V takes a sip of banana milk] He was just thinking about the answer
So I shouted Kim Seokjin! and got the okay sign.
[Snacks only for those who got the right answer]
Hey! Hold this.
[Polite] I'll have just a bite.
[This is my bite]
[He stole my watermelon]
[Not a photo]
[Giving a hint] Say "Chokchok" (Moisture)
[Chok Chok] - Faster - Chok chok
[Do you know it now?]
ChokChok? Chok chok? Chokchokchokchok
"Subuji" Subuji... Wait.
- What is chokchok? Please let us know, just for once. - No
[No way] - Why? - I don't know the second line, too.
I don't know the second line.
[Desperate] Please let me know what chokchok means. I don't know what "subuji" means.
[Odd negotiation] I'll let you know this one, as you teach me dance.
- Chokchok - What? - Chokchok
[Serious] It says Chokchok
- Say it fast, chokchok - Chokchok?
[What is subuji] - Your skin type - Subuji?
Is that an abbreviation too?
Hey! This is your birthday gift.
It has much moisture, so it is good for your oily skin that lacks moisture.
[Down] That's great.
[Black hole alone in the sauna]
[Escaped!] J-Hope!
[It was difficult] - I've never seen a word like that before. - You're out?
- Everything was something I saw for the first time. - What was that?
- Really? - Subuji - Subuji
J-Hope, you should get the right answer.
[Kook came to cheer him up] - Why are you so bad at this? - I don't know anything really.
- Am I the same team with J-Hope? - Yes
[Puzzled RM] - Am I the same team with J-Hope? - Yes - Oh I see.
[Team Kim Seokjin has won 4 rounds already] The game has ended for us, we got in there all the 4 times.
- Team Kim Seokjin, if you won, you don't need to come in. - We're done, close the door.
[Everyone wants to sweat here?] I want to know it, too.
[In a huddle] Has the game finished now?
[Mr. Black Hole should get out] - Hoseok - Hoseok should go out? - Yes
- Help me - Now, the only one who should get the right answer is J-Hope.
[Save ME] Let's go
[That person is "Gangjikin"... They told me even though nobody asked about it] "Gangjikin"
Strong office worker
Strong job person
- I know what "numulbo" means. - Even though nobody asked about it
They told me even though nobody asked about it.
That person is "gangjikin"
[Just anything] Strong direct human?
- I think that is something very simple. - I think so.
- That person - Simple...
[Non-sense party] - That person - Strong but small office worker?
[Still doing this] This is your birthday gift.
This is chokchok, so it's good for you "subuji" skin.
[Funny again] I was really surprised, I was like, "What on earth is this?"
[Proud of himself] I never imagined I would get the right answer for this.
[What?] This is your birthday gift.
[Awkward] Birthday gift
- What's that language - This is - Birthday gift.
- Birthday gift - Right, birthday gift.
- For you... - I think chokchok means moisture
[That's right] - That's right. - This has much moisture
- For you - Perfect for your skin type "subuji".
[Let's just eat] Subuji?
I was blocked at that point, too.
[Got it] I think it stands for office worker.
[I know] Right, I said so.
- Office worker? - Strong office worker.
[I don't think that's right] Did you? Then try, try saying strong office worker.
[Estimating with 00 office worker] Everyone says you're an office worker.
They told me so even though nobody asked about it.
- Everyone says you're an office worker? - That person is strong...
Instructor? Instructing worker?
- That person - Instructing worker does not make sense.
[A dog sound... A great hint from the staff] Puppy work!
[What] - That person is a puppy - Owner
[New type of human] Puppy work human?
[Following] When I went to Lotte World when I was a kid,
I think I saw something like that there.
[Let's share watermelon]
[Good to share watermelon] Subuji?
[Eating like a baby bird]
[Yum yum yum] Is subuji a thing?
[Give me a hint] What is that? Please give us a hint.
[Simple] Water
Moisture, oily
[Bu! What does bu stand for?] Bu! Subuji
Rich moisture
[Right] [laugh] Oily skin that lacks moisture
[Hard, Suga can't understand it] Why do people do this, why they abbreviate such words like subuji?
[Gathered at this small sauna] Puppy!
That's right, puppy.
- Puppy! - Office worker
Something should be there in between.
[Just saying anything] - Office worker in charge of puppy? - No
The one who directly raises a puppy
Puppy is right and office worker is right.
An office worker who keeps a dog.
[Team name] - That person keeps a puppy... - A!
A! That person is an office worker who keeps a puppy.
Nobody asked about it, but they told me so.
[Congratulations, escape from sauna]
- Taehyung, come in - Taehyung, come in
[All challenge for bonus round, including V]
[You can trust me] I'll let you out shortly, don't worry.
[V and kids] 1,2,3
[I did "swak" for "saedeung", I'm not good at "swak"] - "Saedeung" - "Swak"
- At a new light house... - No, newly registered
[What is that] - Did "swak" - newly registered
[What is that] "Swak"
Not good at "Swak"
[Sauna full of meaningless words] - This is... - Swak
[Far away from civilization] - Swak? - I have no idea at all.
[Here is your watermelon] - I'm not good at those new words, really. - I didn't know any word
other than I some things I knew already.
I'll just get the water downpour. I think that's better.
[Support rate] - I think newly resister is right. Newly register - I think that's right.
[Almost right] Go to school newly
- Registered new semester - Go to school newly - Go to school newly
- When your scores are low - New semester
[That's what you experiences?] - When do we go to school? - Remedial class
[All together] Early morning? I went to school early in the morning and studies math.
I went to school early in the morning and studied math, because I'm not good at match.
A! I went to the school early in the morning and studies math, as I'm not good at math.
- "Swak", Suhak (math) - Right - Right
[Let's get out of here now]
[Complaining upon coming out] - What? - "Swag"
I did "saedeung" and "swak". I'm not good at "swak".
[Well... You're such an angel] Mr. director, eat this.
What's "gangjikin". I was going crazy in there.
[While complaining] - Does that mean a strong person? - Yes, that's what I'm saying.
[Where's Kook?] We said pretty much everything, including strong office worker,
[Here you are?] That's good.
[Enjoying sauna 100%]
- Did you sweat enough? - Yes
[Not just sweat, but shared it] The director sweated the most
[Serious] It was not just sweating.
[Satisfied] I think I feel refreshed.
[Snacks tastes even more delicious after sauna]
[Team Kim Seokjin won the second round] - Team Kim Seokjin won - Kim Seokjin!
We lost again?
[Because we had the black hole (whisper)] I thought we would win thanks to Jimin
What's the next game?
The next game is bath relay game.
[3rd game - bath relay] [step 1. blocking water]
[Playing rock-paper-scissors and the winner attacks with water]
[The loser can defend himself with a bowl]
[The one who give 3 attacks to the other team wins]
[step 2. Saving ducks] [Fill the glass pipe with water by using a towel]
[Fill the water glass with water by using a towel]
[And save the duck outside the glass pipe]
[But one in the 4-member team can use only a water spray]
[step 3. diving competition] [One in each team dives and that time]
[can be excluded from the time until the second mission]
[This public bath was used after its daily operation and was cleaned up after the shooting]
[Team Kim Seokjin starts] Start!
Ready, go!
[1 round blocking water, win after 3 attacks] Rock paper scissors, get one out
[Competition begins] Rock paper scissors get one out.
Rock paper scissors get one out.
[Know how to do it now]
[Team Kim Seokjin 1 win] Rock paper scissors get one out.
[Team Kim Seokjin 1 win] [Automatic smile]
[Just happy]
Rock paper scissors get one out
[Surprised by the fast attack] Jja-it!
[So excited]
[The competition begins now] Rock paper scissors, get one out
[Filling the moisture]
[Team Kim Seokjin got 2 victory] [Fresh to see it]
[Loser Winner] Rick paper scissors, get one out
[Self water shower]
[Why are you defending yourself with that bowl]
[Wash face]
[Getting applause]
Rock paper scissors get one out
[Team Kim Seokjin got 3 wins] [No]
[Passed round 1! Team Kim Seokjin got 3 wins]
[Round 2 duck saving Start]
[If you want a lover]
[Perfect] - That's really fun - It fills up faster than I thought.
- If is filled faster than I thought. - That's great.
[Perfect teamwork] It is filled faster than I thought.
[Water is filled at a surprising speed] - Pouring the water - You should twist it like this
Look at Jimin
[Water filled up to the mouth of the glass pipe]
[The same team?] You should get out.
[The duck should get out of the pipe]
- Got out - The duck should get out of the pipe.
The duck is blocking the water now.
[Is it explanation or disturbance] - You should use the pressure - What should I do with this - Get out
Do it together, you two.
[Try everything possible] - 1,2,3 - That's right.
[No way] [Oh my god]
To the side, 1,2,3
- Quickly, quickly - This would not get out.
[Why aren't you getting out, we're working so hard to save you]
[Do not work] - 1,2,3 - It's not working.
Because it wouldn't get out, let's just say this is a practice game and do it one more time.
[The real game begins now] That was a practice, guys
[I'll show you]
- Okay! - Are you ready?
[Fight against RM now] - Do you want to do it? - Namjoon
[Shall we change the fighter...] - Okay, let's go - Hey
[In charge of diving, not good at gaming]
[Suga, you do it] - Yoonki, come here - Yoonki
[Unsure guy appears again] I'm not good at that.
I'm not good, too.
- He's really bad. - Really?
Team Kim Seokjin goes for it.
Read, start!
Rock paper scissors, get one out Rock paper scissors
[Ho-it] [Clap] Rock paper scissors
[Good defense]
[Team Kim Seokjin 1 victory] Rock paper scissors, get one out
[Team Kim Seokjin 2 victory] [Self-reflecting] I'm really bad at this.
[I'm not good, too] Rock paper scissors, get one out
[RM's attack continues]
[1 trial, 2 hits]
- Rock paper scissors, get one out - No, I'm not ready yet.
[Wiggle wiggle] - Do it quickly - Okay
[Very serious] Rock paper scissors get one out
[Oh my god]
[Team Kim Seokjin 3 wins] [Completely soaked]
[The speed is important! Stage 2, saving duck]
[Wow] He works so hard.
[Why are you working so hard for that] What is this
[Coach Suga] Suga, all the water gets out.
I think Jimim's way of doing it is the best. I think we should do it that way, too.
One by one
[Perfect timing to wait for diving] Okay, I think Jimin should get prepared.
[Get prepared]
[The final time decided by the diving time for round 3] Ready, start
[Diving begins]
[Strongly] - I knew it. - If you can't win, he will not get out.
- Jingle jingle - Aren't you disturbing him? - No
[Disturbing] Do you want to see what disturbing means?
[Did I made a mistake?]
[Wow] Jimin can stay underwater for such a long time.
[Got out right away]
[Round 3, 25 seconds] 25 seconds and 97
[Used all the energy up in round 2] I was running around here and my heart beat so fast
- 25 seconds and 97 - You're out of your breath because we moved here.
[Smart] You remind me in every 30 seconds, while I stay under water
Okay, you can stay under water for 1 minute and 30 seconds.
[Deciding strategies] I told you it's not good to do it first.
[Not good to do it first] You're right, this is unfair.
- Please say start. - 1,2,3 start
[Team A challenge] [Unstable 2] Rock paper scissors, get one out.
[Two fists, two hands move the same] Rock paper scissors, get one out
[Team A 1 win] [Oh my god]
[Paper, paper, scissors, rock] Rock paper scissors
[Rock?] Get one out
[What a mess]
[Such refreshing J-Hope]
Rock paper scissors, get one out.
[Second water downpour]
[Totally in the water]
[Never-ending rock paper scissors league] Rock paper scissors, get one out.
[J-Hope keeps putting rock forward] Rock paper scissors, get one out.
[Out of mind]
- Rock paper scissors, get one out - Just get the water shower
[Oh? So much excited?]
[Oh? Enjoying it so much?]
[Paper, paper, paper, fist] - Use that bowl - Rock paper scissors
[Hope is broken] Get one out.
[You'd rather get in the water] Use the bowl.
[Maintaining beauty] Rock paper scissors, get one out.
[Thanks to Suga's double fists, got a chance for attack finally]
[Team A 2 wins]
[Changing it from paper to rock] Rock paper scissors
[A-o] [Team A 3 wins]
[Round 2 Start]
[Working hard]
That's too slow.
[Spray spray spray] Cheer up, you're so fast.
[Passed round 2 with such power] - Okay - Okay
Get, ready
It's hard to stay under water than it seems
[Worried] Don't we just have to stay there 1 minute and 30 seconds?
[Checking the time] Can you stay there for 1 minute and 30 seconds while moving in there?
Not enough time?
[I believe you, you can do it alone well?] Taehyung, you should not see it, you do it on your own.
[V... Everything depends on you] Taehyung, cheer up.
Taehyung, cheer up.
[Calm] Taehyung, stay there for 3 minutes, then you'll win.
[Meaningless words] You might open your eyes at an ER.
[What's that]
[He can't stay under water forever... He's not a fish] Shouting Taehyung we won at ER!
[He can stay under water for really long] Taehyung can stay there for long.
[While the others are making up an episode] - Taehyung! You won! - For you
this is the last present, like this.
[Awesome, staying still under water] He's really good.
[Is he a duck?] Isn't Taehyun like a duck?
[I saw it!] I know he can stay under water for so long.
- He has good lungs. - I didn't know he has such strong lungs.
[Well over 1 minute]
- Don't we have to check if he's alive? - Is his heart still beating?
[I'm fine] Okay
[A fairy of water]
[The result can't be expected, due to V's good lungs] I think we got the same scores.
[Broke the heat with water bowls] Now I feel okay.
- They are good. - I got much water shower.
[Everyone got so much excited] J-Hope enjoyed it.
Everyone got water shower.
[Hard] I could not concentrate on it.
- You can't concentrate when you get the water shower - You go out of your mind.
[The same for me] - Doing things like this - Me, too
Let's wait for the result.
Let's get in there, as we're already soaked.
[Me too]
Until before this game,
[Taste vs. taste + Why have you come to the sauna] Team Kim Seokjin
[Team Kim Seokjin won both games] - were winning. - Winning
[Got total 9 points so far] Team Kim Seokjin was winning with 9 points,
and I told you the winner of this bath relay game will get 10 points.
I think 30,000 or 40,000 people are watching this now.
The viewers
[Have lots of things to say?] What would they think if 9 points were given for the first two games,
[Suga thinks it's unfair] and as many as 10 points are given to the last game,
more than 95% of the viewers
will say what's the point of doing the first two games.
[Does not make sense] We're doing this to make ARMY happy?
[Never makes sense] But in all the 50 episodes we've aired so far,
there was come-from-behind wins.
[Suga still thinks this is unfair] But the points should be similar for every game
- or like 2 more points. - You still don't know the result.
You might have won.
[Coy] I think our team has won.
You spent too much time for rock paper scissors. Sorry
Team Kim Seokjin 1 minute
- 1 minute! - 1 minute?
[Surprised] - 1 minute! - 1 minute?
- I think it's 1 minute and 22 seconds for us. - And Team A
[Our team?]
[Team A] 76 seconds, 1 minute and 6 seconds.
[Team Kim Seokjin 1 minute: Team A 1 minute 16 seconds until round 2] 1 minute 16 seconds, 1 minute
[So happy] - We won. - Here
[The final time excluding the time of staying under water] - But here, - Okay, the time of staying under water. - Under water
When you take that time off,
[Team Kim Seokjin 1 minute - 25 seconds under water=35 seconds] So your time score is 25 seconds.
[Team A 1 minute 26 seconds - Time of staying under water=Final time???] - Time of staying under water - 35 seconds. - The result?
[Great] 1 minute and 7 seconds
[Fish! Great!]
[Team A 1 minute 15 seconds-Under water 1 minute and 7 seconds=9 seconds]
[Victory ceremony]
[Clear distinction between the winner and loser]
- We'll get the water shower - We didn't need to work hard for the first two games.
You're too serious.
[Fact check] What's the final score?
- 10:9 - The final score is
[Team Kim Seokjin 9 points:Team A 10 points] 10:9
[Unexpected victory] You don't know who will win
- 10 to what? - 10 to 9
[Victory by 1 point] We barely won.
[Time for shower] - Let's pick one to get the penalty - Let's pick one.
[Naturally] Then, let's get it for Suga.
[haha haha]
[Comforting him] Or you may get into the water instead of shower.
[What are we going to do?] Are we picking one or doing it all together?
- Let's pick one. - How? - Staying under water?
That's just the same.
[What's the difference?] Then, I'll get into the water.
Getting into the water as penalty Staying under water for competition.
Do you remember that game? The abbreviation game?
[What] - Newly coined words? - Newly coined words
[Why] Let's just get penalty all together rather than doing that.
[Sharing penalty] - Let's get hit all together. - That does not make sense.
- Let's just get a hit all together. - Right
You'll hit us with water one after another
[With cheering words] Please give us some cheering words, too.
[Perfect] - Okay - Jimin
[Serious] I'll get the hit. Am I the first one?
- One after another? - One by one
[RM to give cheering words for Suga] RM, you do it for Suga.
Okay, RM for Suga.
[Sad] Let's get a hit with some good words.
[Happy here]
I'll get it confidently.
[Full of water] Who shall I give the hit?
Do you want to do it? Except for me.
[Give me the hit of water]
[So confident]
The youngest one for the eldest one.
[Cute] - Just a little bit of water - Jungkook, wait, a little bit more.
[Water fairy puts plenty of water] It's done.
[Little] I'll pour some water out.
- Stay still. - Jungkook, don't you practice boxing these days? Do it in that posture.
I think he will have quit learning boxing by the time when this is aired.
He has quit.
Jin, Mr. Jin
[To. Jin] Let's smile and be happy together always.
I love you.
[Full of love from the youngest member] I love you.
[The last one to get penalty] Jimin
Jimin's friend, go give him the penalty.
[You...] You do it together with him.
[Twice much passion! Twice much water shower] - Together? - Really? - My brother,
[Staff: We did not let them do it]
[You'll get the water shower and love at the same time?] You say words together,
- Say you love me. - Okay
[Belated confession of love with such hair] I've never said I love you,
but I love you.
Jimin, you need nothing but
health, always health.
[Nervous] Always be healthy, don't get sick.
I love you.
[Sober] [Real water shower]
[Can't speak]
[Sorry sorry]
[Hope... You could even catch a flying bird] Was that smash too strong?
[Nervous] - Did that hurt, Jimin? - I'll go now.
- Jimin - Taehyung, I'm sorry but I can't look forward.
[The time for cheering words] The song "Love Yourself" is really good.
[Praise] And your dance at the "Serendipity" concert was really cool.
[What is left is love] I love you.
[What was that?]
I think water got into his nostrils as high as this.
Water got into his nostrils this high.
[What] Already moved down after circulating.
[Out of mind] - Moved down already? - Down toward the toes.
Eventually, we got the final victory anyway.
[Team Kim Seokjin can't accept the result] I never imagined Team Kim Seokjin would lose.
I know, it's unusual that Team Kim Seokjin has lost.
- We almost won. - Even though the team name was Team Kim Seokjin
[Staff better than Kim Seokjin] But there was the staff.
- Staff - So we could do it.
[Right] - We lost, but we did our best.
[ What! I should take that picture]
[Enjoyed fun games at sauna after a long time] But I loved to come to sauna after a long time.
I enjoyed myself very much today.
[Satisfied] It was so fun today.
We'll keep doing Run BTS!
[Run BTS will continue] We'll see you in the next episode.
Run BTS!
Hey, let's take a shower here.
[See you next time]
[RUN BTS EP.62 BTS Sauna 2]
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