Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 5 2019

mamon cake by happytaste

cake flour 70 g,baking powder 1/2 tsp, pinch of salt

mix them, set aside

egg yolk 3, milk 20 g, oil 40 g

vanilla 1 tsp

whisk 3 egg white

add gradually caster sugar 70 g

whisk until stiff peak

mix egg yolk batter together

whisk low speed

sieve flour divide 2 times

fold mix well not over mix

pour into the mold

tap for get rid bubble

bake preheat 160 C for 20 mins

remove from the mold and let it cool

sprinkle with grated cheese

thank you for watching.Please subscribe.

For more infomation >> มาม่อนชีสเค้กแบบง่ายๆMamon recipe | happytaste - Duration: 3:13.


Memori Berkasih - Siti Nordiana feat. Achik Spin Cover by Ferachocolatos feat. Afrialdo & Friends - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> Memori Berkasih - Siti Nordiana feat. Achik Spin Cover by Ferachocolatos feat. Afrialdo & Friends - Duration: 6:02.


Amazing Luxury 2019 Airstream Classic Trailer Designed for Full-Time Living - Duration: 3:35.

Amazing Luxury 2019 Airstream Classic Trailer Designed for Full-Time Living

For more infomation >> Amazing Luxury 2019 Airstream Classic Trailer Designed for Full-Time Living - Duration: 3:35.


Bluetooth Micro - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> Bluetooth Micro - Duration: 8:20.


Dovada că Victor Slav şi iubita lui au o relaţie foarte serioasă! Uite ce pas important a făcut prez - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Dovada că Victor Slav şi iubita lui au o relaţie foarte serioasă! Uite ce pas important a făcut prez - Duration: 3:09.


Stunning Summerhouse Lodge Perfect For Enjoying Carefree Days with Friends and Family - Duration: 3:43.

Stunning Summerhouse Lodge Perfect For Enjoying Carefree Days with Friends and Family

For more infomation >> Stunning Summerhouse Lodge Perfect For Enjoying Carefree Days with Friends and Family - Duration: 3:43.


Absolutely Stunning Tiny House for sale Has It All! - Duration: 4:48.

Absolutely Stunning Tiny House for sale Has It All!

For more infomation >> Absolutely Stunning Tiny House for sale Has It All! - Duration: 4:48.


Yapay Zeka Teknolojisi Nedir? İnsansı Robot'lar, Korkutucu Gelişmeler / Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Duration: 14:01.

Hello today

One of the most talked about topics of recent times;

Artificial intelligence, humanoid robots,

Very important developments in this regard,

Very interesting things are happening.

I will share with you both

I will interpret them

Also about these issues,

Some technical details,

I want to tell you in the form of pill information.

Here we go ..

What is "Artificial Intelligence"?

Let's define it first.

Performed by people,

any task,

a machine,


or by software,

we call it artificial intelligence.

We can all call it artificial intelligence.

And this concept in 1956

first introduced by McCarthy.

And he is considered the father of artificial intelligence.

But from the past to the present two different approaches to artificial intelligence has been in question.

The first of these, also called old-fashioned artificial intelligence

"Symbolic Approach" is.

So logical algorithms

Mathematical approach.

The other is what we call the linking approach;

Artificial intelligence is learned by artificial neural networks.

Now let's open them up a bit.

What is "Mathematical Approach" or "Symbolic Approach"?

How does it work? Let me tell her ...

You've heard "one" and "zero".

The logic of the problems consists of "1" and "0".

We introduce the system into which these patterns are transformed.

We define.

We'il give you conditions.

When that happens, turn it over.

That way when it's like this

We define the system.

And within our rules,

This task is performed.

In the narrow frame,

That is what happens in the way it happens.

This is called the "Symbolist Approach".

In the connection approach, with artificial neural networks,

So while we are performing a task

as our brain is in the form of processing

there is a learning through artificial neural networks.

This learning is also between inputs and outputs.

There are certain coefficients between the neurons in the connections formed.

As the tasks are repeated, an evolution occurs in these coefficients.

It is constantly updated.

Therefore, after learning, it will be learned after a certain repetition.

and makes tasks more accurate as you update.

When there is a similar task

responding with the same pattern

fulfills the task as learned.

We call it artificial intelligence working with artificial neural networks.

In addition, a sub-topic of the connected approach is deep learning.

You may have heard.

For them to learn more complex, more complex tasks

handling more layered links.

That's when we call it deep learning.

I explained in a simple way

Deep learning is also used in humanoid robots.

When we call the humanoid robot, Sophia comes to mind.


he drew attention, saying he would destroy people.

It has a structure very similar to human.

He can tell you his emotions with his mimics.

He can make eye contact.

you can chat.

At the same time, it is the world's first citizenship robot.

Let's watch Sophia.

Of course, the human-like, humanoid robot is not sophia

There's a lot more humanoid robots like this.

There are robots that a scientist like himself does.

I want to share a few of these with you.

In addition to these humanoid robots,

Boston Dynamics

acting like people,

not tired, lacking concentration problem,

work in dangerous places that can work continuously, do not stress,

There are robots that have developed themselves in terms of balance.

Let's examine them.

Then we think,

will the intelligence of the robots pass the human intelligence?

In which professions will they take our place?

Can they be a lawyer?

Do they practice the profession of medicine?

How can they help us in health, legal and transportation sectors?

We are discussing these too much these days

How fast will we develop? What awaits us?

We will see them all together over time.

Now I want to give you a new book recommendation.

The book of artificial intelligence written by Cem Say

Cem Say is a Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at Bogazici University.

He's working on artificial intelligence.

he did his doctorate on these subjects,

I also know you're interested in Quantum Computers.

About the issues we've talked about so far,

humanoid robots,

artificial intelligence, deep learning,

developmental stages of artificial intelligence,

topics such as history.

We divided it into two as symbolists and linkers.

We talked about Alpha Go,

or the artificial intelligence studies that have been defeated by Chess master Kasparov.

Algorithms, software,

mathematical approaches.

He talks about them in detail.

The name of the book also contains 50 questions

He really summarized the artificial intelligence very nicely in 50 questions.

I recommend.

Today we are at the end of our video

Take care of yourself.

Remember to subscribe to my channel,

See you:)

Good luck:)

View Murat's Full Profile

For more infomation >> Yapay Zeka Teknolojisi Nedir? İnsansı Robot'lar, Korkutucu Gelişmeler / Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Duration: 14:01.


break heart..April bite small baby Bronx cry loudly,why April bite little baby Bronx,Nature Wildlife - Duration: 10:51.

break heart..April bite small baby Bronx cry loudly,why April bite little baby Bronx,Nature Wildlife

For more infomation >> break heart..April bite small baby Bronx cry loudly,why April bite little baby Bronx,Nature Wildlife - Duration: 10:51.


Expectativas ante el esperado y retrasado discurso de la Unión de Trump esta noche - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Expectativas ante el esperado y retrasado discurso de la Unión de Trump esta noche - Duration: 2:41.


Dr. J. Graf M.D. Hyaluronic Skin Filler Triple Double Up - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> Dr. J. Graf M.D. Hyaluronic Skin Filler Triple Double Up - Duration: 6:55.


Dr. J. Graf M.D. Collagen Lip Plumping Creme Twin Pack - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Dr. J. Graf M.D. Collagen Lip Plumping Creme Twin Pack - Duration: 2:20.


[ENG SUB] Run BTS! 2019 Ep 62 ALL SUB : LINK IN description - Duration: 2:07.

[RUN BTS EP.62 BTS Sauna 2]

[Last episode 1 Snack time at sauna]

872 points!

[Or penalty time at sauna]

[Team Kim Seokjin achieved sweeping victory from the beginning] - I knew it! - We won without doing nothing.

We won it all.

[Team A following closely?] - Peculiar - Odd

Without any special reason...

[Stopped by the wall of newly coined words] - I think they will live here. - Almost like home

What's that

[Your turn now] That's too difficult.

[Can they ever come out of this?] - Cheer up - Are you okay guys?

Cheer up!

[Why do you endure all those difficulties? Just live simply and easily] Why do you stick to that forever?

Why do you have difficulties forever?

Difficulties, sticking, all similar

- How did you feel when RM hit your shin? - It hurt.

Then, how can you say that in a word?

[Serious] I really don't have an idea. I think I'm stupid.

- Hungry? - The camera directors here did nothing wrong.

It seems Jimin is far from civilization.

- Jimin has given up now. - Jimin will sweat a lot in there.

- I think... - I should have lost.

[The order matters] We should have decide the order well.

- But even if I go the last, we'll lose anyway. - Right

[They are not coming out anyway] But he will get less pain.

[What do all these mean] Because I'll not get the pain.

Because it should end anyways...

[What should I do] Hope doesn't know this, too.

Those two are far from civilization.

[Ever-ending competition] I don't think this will end here.

Those two are really far from civilization.

[To end this] We should give hints to them.

[Don't know how much those out there are worried] - Difficulty? - Just tell us this one.

- Live easily in this complicated world - We don't know the meaning anyway.

[Eventually] Difficulty

Why do you have those difficulties forever?

Just live easily with much luck.

- The first line was right. - Why do you have those difficulties forever?

[That's not right] - Just... - What kind of world? - What kind of world?

[Silent] - Luckily? Luck? - Busy

- What? - Busy - Busy? - Busy

[Chaos] You know, my father is a Korean literature teacher.

What's the relationship between busy and luck?

That's what we estimated, too... Like "abbreviating everything"...

[Too difficult] You can at least estimate, we can't even estimate.

[Another question, "gokkeutnak"=abbreviation created by V] Guess the meaning of "gokkeutnak".

- What? - "Gokkeutnak" - Finish soon?

- "Gokkeutnak" - Finish soon.

- Isn't that "After a storm comes a calm"? - Right

[Here they need some calm too] Why do you have such difficulties forever?

[Close] Don't be complicated, just live easily.

Kim Seokjin!

Why do we have to endure all those difficulties forever like that?

Don't live complicatedly, just live easily.

[Right answer] Okay!

Isn't it "live"?

[People welcome Jimin's escape] I picked it up.

[Shout the team name and succeeded in picking the food up] - You didn't say the team name, so I just picked this up. - Look at his face.

Are you okay? Hey, eat this watermelon.

[You can eat it] This is for the winner team.

[Eat this cool watermelon] - No - No, this is cooler one.

[After a storm comes a calm] Isn't it good?

[V next to J-Hope] Taehyung should go in now.

Taehyung, you can do it, can't you?

[I believe you] - "Gokkeutnak?" "Gokkeutnak"

[5th round J-Hope, Suga] If you know the right answer, shout the team name.

Kim Seokjin

[Hm... It's different for every person, but iced americano is the best for summer] Kim Seokjin

Hm... It's different for every person

but iced americano is the best for summer.

[What is this guy] You said you don't know it.

[What] - Suga got the right answer right away. - You said you don't know it!


[Miracle brought by sauna] Seokjin, go in there now.

- But that was too easy. - What?

[Fortunately, I was given an easy question] It differs between people, but iced americano is the best for summer.

- Seokjin why... - This is easy, easy one.

Why do you have those difficulties forever?

[Forgot it already] - In this complex world... - Live simply - Live simply

[RM got it right] This! Why do you have those difficulties forever

This one is... What was it?

[RM should have said the answer for this question] Live simply in this complex world.

[What?] Like this

[Different levels of questions] The question for me was really easy.

I don't know anything.

[Jin, J-Hope in the 6th round] I lost, Seokjin won.

[Confident] - 1,2,3 - Kim Seokjin! This is your birthday gift.

[This is your birthday gift! It has much moisture so it will be good for your skin] We're in trouble.

[Gave up] Wait, what should we do?

[Moisture?] Birthday gift! Moi...

What does that mean?

- What does this skin type mean? - "Subuji?"

[What is this] Subu...

What? This is your birthday gift. Your heart beats...

So it's good for a child like you?

No, what is this? "Subuji"?

[Hope really doesn't know] I don't know what it means.

[Here is the black hole] We got a trouble in here.

[Munch] Give me a bite.

[Can't laugh]

- He tried to get the right answer and then - You ate it.

[While Jimin is explaining what happened] He got the answer but didn't shout the team name.

[V takes a sip of banana milk] He was just thinking about the answer

So I shouted Kim Seokjin! and got the okay sign.

[Snacks only for those who got the right answer]

Hey! Hold this.

[Polite] I'll have just a bite.

[This is my bite]

[He stole my watermelon]

[Not a photo]

[Giving a hint] Say "Chokchok" (Moisture)

[Chok Chok] - Faster - Chok chok

[Do you know it now?]

ChokChok? Chok chok? Chokchokchokchok

"Subuji" Subuji... Wait.

- What is chokchok? Please let us know, just for once. - No

[No way] - Why? - I don't know the second line, too.

I don't know the second line.

[Desperate] Please let me know what chokchok means. I don't know what "subuji" means.

[Odd negotiation] I'll let you know this one, as you teach me dance.

- Chokchok - What? - Chokchok

[Serious] It says Chokchok

- Say it fast, chokchok - Chokchok?

[What is subuji] - Your skin type - Subuji?

Is that an abbreviation too?

Hey! This is your birthday gift.

It has much moisture, so it is good for your oily skin that lacks moisture.

[Down] That's great.

[Black hole alone in the sauna]

[Escaped!] J-Hope!

[It was difficult] - I've never seen a word like that before. - You're out?

- Everything was something I saw for the first time. - What was that?

- Really? - Subuji - Subuji

J-Hope, you should get the right answer.

[Kook came to cheer him up] - Why are you so bad at this? - I don't know anything really.

- Am I the same team with J-Hope? - Yes

[Puzzled RM] - Am I the same team with J-Hope? - Yes - Oh I see.

[Team Kim Seokjin has won 4 rounds already] The game has ended for us, we got in there all the 4 times.

- Team Kim Seokjin, if you won, you don't need to come in. - We're done, close the door.

[Everyone wants to sweat here?] I want to know it, too.

[In a huddle] Has the game finished now?

[Mr. Black Hole should get out] - Hoseok - Hoseok should go out? - Yes

- Help me - Now, the only one who should get the right answer is J-Hope.

[Save ME] Let's go

[That person is "Gangjikin"... They told me even though nobody asked about it] "Gangjikin"

Strong office worker

Strong job person

- I know what "numulbo" means. - Even though nobody asked about it

They told me even though nobody asked about it.

That person is "gangjikin"

[Just anything] Strong direct human?

- I think that is something very simple. - I think so.

- That person - Simple...

[Non-sense party] - That person - Strong but small office worker?


[Still doing this] This is your birthday gift.

This is chokchok, so it's good for you "subuji" skin.


[Funny again] I was really surprised, I was like, "What on earth is this?"

[Proud of himself] I never imagined I would get the right answer for this.


[What?] This is your birthday gift.

[Awkward] Birthday gift

- What's that language - This is - Birthday gift.

- Birthday gift - Right, birthday gift.

- For you... - I think chokchok means moisture

[That's right] - That's right. - This has much moisture

- For you - Perfect for your skin type "subuji".

[Let's just eat] Subuji?

I was blocked at that point, too.

[Got it] I think it stands for office worker.

[I know] Right, I said so.

- Office worker? - Strong office worker.

[I don't think that's right] Did you? Then try, try saying strong office worker.

[Estimating with 00 office worker] Everyone says you're an office worker.

They told me so even though nobody asked about it.

- Everyone says you're an office worker? - That person is strong...

Instructor? Instructing worker?

- That person - Instructing worker does not make sense.

[A dog sound... A great hint from the staff] Puppy work!

[What] - That person is a puppy - Owner

[New type of human] Puppy work human?

[Following] When I went to Lotte World when I was a kid,

I think I saw something like that there.

[Let's share watermelon]

[Good to share watermelon] Subuji?


[Eating like a baby bird]

[Yum yum yum] Is subuji a thing?

[Give me a hint] What is that? Please give us a hint.

[Simple] Water

Moisture, oily

[Bu! What does bu stand for?] Bu! Subuji

Rich moisture

[Right] [laugh] Oily skin that lacks moisture

[Hard, Suga can't understand it] Why do people do this, why they abbreviate such words like subuji?

[Gathered at this small sauna] Puppy!

That's right, puppy.

- Puppy! - Office worker

Something should be there in between.


[Just saying anything] - Office worker in charge of puppy? - No

The one who directly raises a puppy

Puppy is right and office worker is right.

An office worker who keeps a dog.

[Team name] - That person keeps a puppy... - A!

A! That person is an office worker who keeps a puppy.

Nobody asked about it, but they told me so.

[Congratulations, escape from sauna]

- Taehyung, come in - Taehyung, come in

[All challenge for bonus round, including V]

[You can trust me] I'll let you out shortly, don't worry.


[V and kids] 1,2,3

[I did "swak" for "saedeung", I'm not good at "swak"] - "Saedeung" - "Swak"

- At a new light house... - No, newly registered

[What is that] - Did "swak" - newly registered

[What is that] "Swak"

Not good at "Swak"

[Sauna full of meaningless words] - This is... - Swak

[Far away from civilization] - Swak? - I have no idea at all.

[Here is your watermelon] - I'm not good at those new words, really. - I didn't know any word

other than I some things I knew already.

I'll just get the water downpour. I think that's better.


[Support rate] - I think newly resister is right. Newly register - I think that's right.

[Almost right] Go to school newly

- Registered new semester - Go to school newly - Go to school newly

- When your scores are low - New semester

[That's what you experiences?] - When do we go to school? - Remedial class

[All together] Early morning? I went to school early in the morning and studies math.

I went to school early in the morning and studied math, because I'm not good at match.

A! I went to the school early in the morning and studies math, as I'm not good at math.

- "Swak", Suhak (math) - Right - Right

[Let's get out of here now]

[Complaining upon coming out] - What? - "Swag"

I did "saedeung" and "swak". I'm not good at "swak".

[Well... You're such an angel] Mr. director, eat this.

What's "gangjikin". I was going crazy in there.

[While complaining] - Does that mean a strong person? - Yes, that's what I'm saying.

[Where's Kook?] We said pretty much everything, including strong office worker,

[Here you are?] That's good.

[Enjoying sauna 100%]

- Did you sweat enough? - Yes

[Not just sweat, but shared it] The director sweated the most

[Serious] It was not just sweating.

[Satisfied] I think I feel refreshed.

[Snacks tastes even more delicious after sauna]

[Team Kim Seokjin won the second round] - Team Kim Seokjin won - Kim Seokjin!

We lost again?

[Because we had the black hole (whisper)] I thought we would win thanks to Jimin

What's the next game?

The next game is bath relay game.

[3rd game - bath relay] [step 1. blocking water]

[Playing rock-paper-scissors and the winner attacks with water]

[The loser can defend himself with a bowl]

[The one who give 3 attacks to the other team wins]

[step 2. Saving ducks] [Fill the glass pipe with water by using a towel]

[Fill the water glass with water by using a towel]

[And save the duck outside the glass pipe]

[But one in the 4-member team can use only a water spray]

[step 3. diving competition] [One in each team dives and that time]

[can be excluded from the time until the second mission]

[This public bath was used after its daily operation and was cleaned up after the shooting]

[Team Kim Seokjin starts] Start!

Ready, go!

[1 round blocking water, win after 3 attacks] Rock paper scissors, get one out

[Competition begins] Rock paper scissors get one out.

Rock paper scissors get one out.


[Know how to do it now]


[Team Kim Seokjin 1 win] Rock paper scissors get one out.

[Team Kim Seokjin 1 win] [Automatic smile]

[Just happy]

Rock paper scissors get one out

[Surprised by the fast attack] Jja-it!

[So excited]

[The competition begins now] Rock paper scissors, get one out

[Filling the moisture]


[Team Kim Seokjin got 2 victory] [Fresh to see it]

[Loser Winner] Rick paper scissors, get one out

[Self water shower]

[Why are you defending yourself with that bowl]

[Wash face]

[Getting applause]

Rock paper scissors get one out

[Team Kim Seokjin got 3 wins] [No]

[Passed round 1! Team Kim Seokjin got 3 wins]

[Round 2 duck saving Start]

[If you want a lover]

[Perfect] - That's really fun - It fills up faster than I thought.

- If is filled faster than I thought. - That's great.

[Perfect teamwork] It is filled faster than I thought.

[Water is filled at a surprising speed] - Pouring the water - You should twist it like this

Look at Jimin

[Water filled up to the mouth of the glass pipe]

[The same team?] You should get out.

[The duck should get out of the pipe]

- Got out - The duck should get out of the pipe.

The duck is blocking the water now.

[Is it explanation or disturbance] - You should use the pressure - What should I do with this - Get out


Do it together, you two.

[Try everything possible] - 1,2,3 - That's right.

[No way] [Oh my god]

To the side, 1,2,3


- Quickly, quickly - This would not get out.

[Why aren't you getting out, we're working so hard to save you]

[Do not work] - 1,2,3 - It's not working.

Because it wouldn't get out, let's just say this is a practice game and do it one more time.


[The real game begins now] That was a practice, guys

[I'll show you]

- Okay! - Are you ready?

[Fight against RM now] - Do you want to do it? - Namjoon

[Shall we change the fighter...] - Okay, let's go - Hey

[In charge of diving, not good at gaming]

[Suga, you do it] - Yoonki, come here - Yoonki

[Unsure guy appears again] I'm not good at that.

I'm not good, too.

- He's really bad. - Really?

Team Kim Seokjin goes for it.

Read, start!

Rock paper scissors, get one out Rock paper scissors

[Ho-it] [Clap] Rock paper scissors

[Good defense]

[Team Kim Seokjin 1 victory] Rock paper scissors, get one out

[Team Kim Seokjin 2 victory] [Self-reflecting] I'm really bad at this.

[I'm not good, too] Rock paper scissors, get one out

[RM's attack continues]

[1 trial, 2 hits]

- Rock paper scissors, get one out - No, I'm not ready yet.

[Wiggle wiggle] - Do it quickly - Okay

[Very serious] Rock paper scissors get one out

[Oh my god]

[Team Kim Seokjin 3 wins] [Completely soaked]

[The speed is important! Stage 2, saving duck]

[Wow] He works so hard.

[Why are you working so hard for that] What is this

[Coach Suga] Suga, all the water gets out.

I think Jimim's way of doing it is the best. I think we should do it that way, too.

One by one

[Perfect timing to wait for diving] Okay, I think Jimin should get prepared.

[Get prepared]

[The final time decided by the diving time for round 3] Ready, start

[Diving begins]


[Strongly] - I knew it. - If you can't win, he will not get out.

- Jingle jingle - Aren't you disturbing him? - No

[Disturbing] Do you want to see what disturbing means?

[Did I made a mistake?]

[Wow] Jimin can stay underwater for such a long time.

[Got out right away]

[Round 3, 25 seconds] 25 seconds and 97

[Used all the energy up in round 2] I was running around here and my heart beat so fast

- 25 seconds and 97 - You're out of your breath because we moved here.

[Smart] You remind me in every 30 seconds, while I stay under water

Okay, you can stay under water for 1 minute and 30 seconds.

[Deciding strategies] I told you it's not good to do it first.

[Not good to do it first] You're right, this is unfair.


- Please say start. - 1,2,3 start

[Team A challenge] [Unstable 2] Rock paper scissors, get one out.

[Two fists, two hands move the same] Rock paper scissors, get one out

[Team A 1 win] [Oh my god]

[Paper, paper, scissors, rock] Rock paper scissors

[Rock?] Get one out

[What a mess]

[Such refreshing J-Hope]

Rock paper scissors, get one out.

[Second water downpour]


[Totally in the water]

[Never-ending rock paper scissors league] Rock paper scissors, get one out.

[J-Hope keeps putting rock forward] Rock paper scissors, get one out.

[Out of mind]

- Rock paper scissors, get one out - Just get the water shower

[Oh? So much excited?]

[Oh? Enjoying it so much?]

[Paper, paper, paper, fist] - Use that bowl - Rock paper scissors

[Hope is broken] Get one out.

[You'd rather get in the water] Use the bowl.

[Maintaining beauty] Rock paper scissors, get one out.

[Thanks to Suga's double fists, got a chance for attack finally]

[Team A 2 wins]

[Changing it from paper to rock] Rock paper scissors

[A-o] [Team A 3 wins]

[Round 2 Start]

[Working hard]

That's too slow.


[Spray spray spray] Cheer up, you're so fast.

[Passed round 2 with such power] - Okay - Okay

Get, ready

It's hard to stay under water than it seems

[Worried] Don't we just have to stay there 1 minute and 30 seconds?

[Checking the time] Can you stay there for 1 minute and 30 seconds while moving in there?

Not enough time?

[I believe you, you can do it alone well?] Taehyung, you should not see it, you do it on your own.

[V... Everything depends on you] Taehyung, cheer up.

Taehyung, cheer up.

[Calm] Taehyung, stay there for 3 minutes, then you'll win.

[Meaningless words] You might open your eyes at an ER.

[What's that]

[He can't stay under water forever... He's not a fish] Shouting Taehyung we won at ER!

[He can stay under water for really long] Taehyung can stay there for long.

[While the others are making up an episode] - Taehyung! You won! - For you

this is the last present, like this.

[Awesome, staying still under water] He's really good.

[Is he a duck?] Isn't Taehyun like a duck?

[I saw it!] I know he can stay under water for so long.

- He has good lungs. - I didn't know he has such strong lungs.

[Well over 1 minute]

- Don't we have to check if he's alive? - Is his heart still beating?

[I'm fine] Okay

[A fairy of water]

[The result can't be expected, due to V's good lungs] I think we got the same scores.

[Broke the heat with water bowls] Now I feel okay.

- They are good. - I got much water shower.

[Everyone got so much excited] J-Hope enjoyed it.

Everyone got water shower.

[Hard] I could not concentrate on it.

- You can't concentrate when you get the water shower - You go out of your mind.

[The same for me] - Doing things like this - Me, too

Let's wait for the result.

Let's get in there, as we're already soaked.

[Me too]

Until before this game,

[Taste vs. taste + Why have you come to the sauna] Team Kim Seokjin

[Team Kim Seokjin won both games] - were winning. - Winning

[Got total 9 points so far] Team Kim Seokjin was winning with 9 points,

and I told you the winner of this bath relay game will get 10 points.

I think 30,000 or 40,000 people are watching this now.

The viewers

[Have lots of things to say?] What would they think if 9 points were given for the first two games,

[Suga thinks it's unfair] and as many as 10 points are given to the last game,

more than 95% of the viewers

will say what's the point of doing the first two games.

[Does not make sense] We're doing this to make ARMY happy?

[Never makes sense] But in all the 50 episodes we've aired so far,

there was come-from-behind wins.

[Suga still thinks this is unfair] But the points should be similar for every game

- or like 2 more points. - You still don't know the result.

You might have won.

[Coy] I think our team has won.

You spent too much time for rock paper scissors. Sorry

Team Kim Seokjin 1 minute

- 1 minute! - 1 minute?

[Surprised] - 1 minute! - 1 minute?

- I think it's 1 minute and 22 seconds for us. - And Team A

[Our team?]

[Team A] 76 seconds, 1 minute and 6 seconds.

[Team Kim Seokjin 1 minute: Team A 1 minute 16 seconds until round 2] 1 minute 16 seconds, 1 minute

[So happy] - We won. - Here

[The final time excluding the time of staying under water] - But here, - Okay, the time of staying under water. - Under water

When you take that time off,

[Team Kim Seokjin 1 minute - 25 seconds under water=35 seconds] So your time score is 25 seconds.

[Team A 1 minute 26 seconds - Time of staying under water=Final time???] - Time of staying under water - 35 seconds. - The result?

[Great] 1 minute and 7 seconds

[Fish! Great!]

[Team A 1 minute 15 seconds-Under water 1 minute and 7 seconds=9 seconds]

[Victory ceremony]

[Clear distinction between the winner and loser]

- We'll get the water shower - We didn't need to work hard for the first two games.

You're too serious.


[Fact check] What's the final score?

- 10:9 - The final score is

[Team Kim Seokjin 9 points:Team A 10 points] 10:9

[Unexpected victory] You don't know who will win

- 10 to what? - 10 to 9

[Victory by 1 point] We barely won.

[Time for shower] - Let's pick one to get the penalty - Let's pick one.

[Naturally] Then, let's get it for Suga.

[haha haha]

[Comforting him] Or you may get into the water instead of shower.

[What are we going to do?] Are we picking one or doing it all together?

- Let's pick one. - How? - Staying under water?

That's just the same.

[What's the difference?] Then, I'll get into the water.

Getting into the water as penalty Staying under water for competition.

Do you remember that game? The abbreviation game?

[What] - Newly coined words? - Newly coined words

[Why] Let's just get penalty all together rather than doing that.

[Sharing penalty] - Let's get hit all together. - That does not make sense.

- Let's just get a hit all together. - Right

You'll hit us with water one after another

[With cheering words] Please give us some cheering words, too.

[Perfect] - Okay - Jimin

[Serious] I'll get the hit. Am I the first one?

- One after another? - One by one

[RM to give cheering words for Suga] RM, you do it for Suga.

Okay, RM for Suga.

[Sad] Let's get a hit with some good words.

[Happy here]


I'll get it confidently.

[Full of water] Who shall I give the hit?

Do you want to do it? Except for me.

[Give me the hit of water]



[So confident]

The youngest one for the eldest one.

[Cute] - Just a little bit of water - Jungkook, wait, a little bit more.

[Water fairy puts plenty of water] It's done.

[Little] I'll pour some water out.

- Stay still. - Jungkook, don't you practice boxing these days? Do it in that posture.

I think he will have quit learning boxing by the time when this is aired.

He has quit.

Jin, Mr. Jin

[To. Jin] Let's smile and be happy together always.

I love you.

[Full of love from the youngest member] I love you.

[The last one to get penalty] Jimin

Jimin's friend, go give him the penalty.

[You...] You do it together with him.

[Twice much passion! Twice much water shower] - Together? - Really? - My brother,

[Staff: We did not let them do it]

[You'll get the water shower and love at the same time?] You say words together,

- Say you love me. - Okay

[Belated confession of love with such hair] I've never said I love you,

but I love you.

Jimin, you need nothing but

health, always health.

[Nervous] Always be healthy, don't get sick.

I love you.

[Sober] [Real water shower]

[Can't speak]

[Sorry sorry]

[Hope... You could even catch a flying bird] Was that smash too strong?

[Nervous] - Did that hurt, Jimin? - I'll go now.

- Jimin - Taehyung, I'm sorry but I can't look forward.

[The time for cheering words] The song "Love Yourself" is really good.

[Praise] And your dance at the "Serendipity" concert was really cool.

[What is left is love] I love you.

[What was that?]

I think water got into his nostrils as high as this.

Water got into his nostrils this high.

[What] Already moved down after circulating.

[Out of mind] - Moved down already? - Down toward the toes.


Eventually, we got the final victory anyway.

[Team Kim Seokjin can't accept the result] I never imagined Team Kim Seokjin would lose.

I know, it's unusual that Team Kim Seokjin has lost.

- We almost won. - Even though the team name was Team Kim Seokjin

[Staff better than Kim Seokjin] But there was the staff.

- Staff - So we could do it.

[Right] - We lost, but we did our best.

[ What! I should take that picture]

[Enjoyed fun games at sauna after a long time] But I loved to come to sauna after a long time.

I enjoyed myself very much today.

[Satisfied] It was so fun today.

We'll keep doing Run BTS!

[Run BTS will continue] We'll see you in the next episode.

Run BTS!

Hey, let's take a shower here.

[See you next time]

[RUN BTS EP.62 BTS Sauna 2]

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Run BTS! 2019 Ep 62 ALL SUB : LINK IN description - Duration: 2:07.


MANTAB... !!! Umpan Anti-Nyangkut beraksi lagi, casting ultralight pantai Cipta - Duration: 10:09.

Fishing again?

Where are you going to fish today?

You have started fishing in the morning

Almost to Pantai Cipta

Well that ... The sea is visible

You still like using spoon bait

Eeee ... the bait fell

fall down

fall ... fall ...

Anti-stuck Spoon

Eee ... have changed bait

Using a spoon doesn't have a stroke

Yeah ... I've changed the bait again

Back again ... use another spoon

The spoon is a bit different

You cast on a rather large wave

Where is the fish?

Ehh ... It's fish ... fish ...

off ... still ... still




Anti-stuck bait is successful again bro

Success again

Rather big... Release?

There's no friend, just let it go

You will go to a beautiful girl "warung"


Waalaikumsalam mother

Don't be so ... this is recorded

No, Ms. ... not recorded

Is that what Ms.


Is it sold, ma'am?

order sir

Thank God someone ordered

I like hearing news like that

OPSICO (Patra) often orders food at my place

Hmm I see

Mr. Agus is asking for more

Like a shell, ma'am

Indeed shells

Not sir

You know that this is a shell.

Mr. Agus was told to take it alone

Yeah ... I also took it myself, ma'am

Yes, please

How about asking Mr. Yudi?

Because the count is fix

The count is Pak Yudi thirty-five

The count is plus one

The seller doesn't even have a container

Well ... why is the pants zooming in

Half past seven

I'm confused how to answer mom

Many ask mom

Ask the shop ... where's the shop, bro?

What do they want?


Warung here

Because I uploaded Youtube

Finally, the one who asks (where)

Do you want to eat?


Or want to ... hang out ... hang out

I eat

Just half, ma'am, not too much

What is ma'am?

Bamboo, sir

Given bamboo, ma'am

Just the sauce

If you want shells, I'll get them in a bowl

Later, ma'am, I eat first

Just the sauce, sir


The eggs aren't ready yet

Not yet

(Fish) just plain

Photographed first

Fish for this side dish

When compared to the fish you released

The bigger fish you release

very delicious

Why was the head mutilated first


You are ...

Now this ... just the Last spoon

Why is it divided in two?

Eee ... you give it to the cat

the small one

The big one you eat huh


Photographed first

Then uploaded

Upload on Youtube miss

Have you watched you are in YouTube?

Not yet ...

Get in ... you are really naughty

How else? You haven't watched it yet

You will show the uploaded video

Where is sir? You really are "Ngapak"

The video is rather backward

You're really naughty, sir

Where do you want to go?


Looking for fish .... cork fish


Fishing again?

Good morning, mas?


What are you doing, bro?


What are you doing?

I don't know, bro

Casting fish or casting a widow?

Casting widows, sir

Big bro


The waves are great

Sukurin ... sukurin ... Feel ... your bait is stuck

Desperate cast

There is a friend have troubles, you are angry

Not helped

What sir Fabric?


There is a Mantili contest bro

Where is Brama Kumbara?

Move away

Bro ... Smile, mas!

Wow ... yellow card ... violation

For more infomation >> MANTAB... !!! Umpan Anti-Nyangkut beraksi lagi, casting ultralight pantai Cipta - Duration: 10:09.


Kələm Kimçi - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Kələm Kimçi - Duration: 1:15.


5: P A U L Photoshoot BTS | LEXY LOG - Duration: 7:58.

(Distant laughter)


They got tired. They got tired.

(Gelo & Issay laughing)

(Issay yawning vocalization) Jerome: How do you do that?

Paul: Like that. Like that, right?

Paul: Then like this...

Paul: Then going down (Jerome laughs) John: Oh, really?

Paul: That's how I noticed they do it.

(Lexy chuckles)

(Issay laughs)

How is it done?

Paul: Mm, it's like this.

Issay: Ahh. Tan, tan, tan, tan. Paul: Like this, like this, like this, like this.

Paul: Yeah.

(John and Jerome laugh)

John: It's suddenly fast, right! (Bea laughs)

Paul: I don't know how to do it but it's like this. (laughs)

Paul: It's suddenly fast.

Jerome: Haha, that dance! That's another one.

(Issay laughs) John: Oh, it's just like that!

(Bea laughs)

Issay: It's like a fish.

John: It's like you got electrocuted instead.

John: He's so good, he's so good!

John: The body's so stiff.

(Everyone laughs)

Paul: No groove when dancing.

(Gelo laughs)

Gelo: Also my favorite is when it's a dance battle then...

Gelo: Huh, huh... huh!! (in beat) (laughs)

Gelo: ... Huh! (laughs)

Gelo: Yeah! (laughs)

(snapping in rhythm) ♫ Joan - Love Somebody Like You ♫

That's right.

What do I do?

(light beeping)

Gelo: That's why we're tight in this band. (Jerome laughs)

Gelo: We can even dance.

Gelo: We are the PAUL back-up dancers!

Gelo: Woo!

Gelo: Oh!

Gelo: I saw someone taking a video, I don't want to anymore.

(everyone laughs)

Gelo: Ok, so will we turn? Angles.

Gelo: Ok, let's do it.

Paul: Sorry.

Okay, it's your turn.

(clears throat)

Ella: Next person.

Will I look at the camera or straight?


Just straight.

[crosstalk] Ella: And maybe dance a bit. Gelo: Or something with attitude, bro.

Gelo: Then it'll be up to you.

Ella: Go. Each person to their own.

Gelo: Yeah, one straight and one with attitude.

Ella: You can go wild!

How do I do this..

Then attitude.

Ella: Next.

Next one!

Straight, then up to you what's next.



How do we do it?

Up to you.

(chuckles) This is fine.

Issay: How cute!



(laughs) There you go!


Do when James Reid's going to get scared.


And one that's like ghetto.

Eyo man!

Go back a bit.



Tryna hold my pants down, bro!

Then straight.

Okay, straight.

Okay, Bea. ♫ Joan - Take Me On ♫


(everyone laughs)

Just do straight.

- Just do straight. - Straight first.

[crosstalk] - She can't do straight. - Where will I look?

She's so stiff!

- That's too straight. - Sorry.

Gelo: Do this, do the... Bea: They said straight!

Do this also later.


But straight first.

Look straight.

(giving her directions)

Okay, straight.

Oh, man. (laughs)

Issay: You can relax your mouth.

- Dance. - Okay, dance now. TWICE.

- You really need to be dancing? - (3 people say yes)

You can do that.

- K-pop! - Yes or yes.

(dancing TWICE's Yes or Yes)



That works!



Straight first. Looking straight.


Oh sorry, his eyes closed.

Okay, dab!

Dance. Right hand, bro. There.

Is it seen?


You know, you're still adjusting~

Do one more.


Move backwards.

There we go.

Then do a pose where you're really giving your jacket.


There! (laughs)


We'll pose where we'll give you a jacket.

- You're good already. - Okay?



Towards the camera.

- Compress. - Compress.

- There. - Band to exit.

1, 2, 3...

Then someone trips. (laughs) Like in those... those..

One where you're facing the camera.

Right, that's cute.

Clique/group of friends!


I don't want Jerome to be seen!

Okay, more.

3... Keep going.


- Hold on...

- Also this... the one that's like this.

- Right..

Move back!

-The light... - Cause of the light?

That's why it was like that.

The "Oh!"


Like we're taking a selfie.


Then one where all of us are taking a selfie!

(laughs) - Let's do it!

(light overheated)

(light overheated) - Oh.

- Oh! - Oh...

- It doesn't want us to do that. - Okay!

(clapping) [crosstalk] - Thank you!

(clapping) Thank you! - Woo!

Thank you, nice one, guys.

Laburi! You didn't make it!

What a poor baby!

Laburi ♡


Thank you, Lexy!

- I love you! - I love you~ Thank you~

Thanks Lexy!

Lexy, thank you so much for the guidance, and the understanding...

- Thank you for... -We love your spiritual...

Thank you for pushing us! (laughs)

Thank you for making us better people.

That was a lot. (chuckles)

That's it for...


For more infomation >> 5: P A U L Photoshoot BTS | LEXY LOG - Duration: 7:58.


Stunning Summerhouse Lodge Perfect For Enjoying Carefree Days with Friends and Family - Duration: 3:43.

Stunning Summerhouse Lodge Perfect For Enjoying Carefree Days with Friends and Family

For more infomation >> Stunning Summerhouse Lodge Perfect For Enjoying Carefree Days with Friends and Family - Duration: 3:43.


"만든 곳 서룰시, 코ㅊ맥스?"…한글 그려가며 만든 짝퉁 K뷰티 - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> "만든 곳 서룰시, 코ㅊ맥스?"…한글 그려가며 만든 짝퉁 K뷰티 - Duration: 3:37.


„Kdybych to udělal, byl bych sebevrah!" reagoval Žondra na výpověď Kvitové - Duration: 5:02.

 Tenistka Petra Kvitová si u brněnského soudu vyžádala oddělenou místnost, aby se nemusela tváří v tvář setkat s obžalovaným Radimem Žondrou (psali jsme ZDE)

Právě on totiž má být tím, kdo ji v jejím prostějovském bytě o Vánocích 2016 přepadl, oloupil o 10 tisíc korun a především ji vážně pořezal na ruce, kvůli čemuž musela být rok bez tenisu

 Kvitová u soudu popisovala, jak se muž, kterého na policii už dříve sama označila za pachatele, dostal do jejího bytu pod záminkou, že jde na revizi kotle, aby jí následně přiložil nůž ke krku a žádal po ní peníze

Tenistka pak prý sevřela zbraň do obou dlaní, a když ji útočník ze sevření vysmekl, vážně ji při tom pořezal

 Jenže když pak přišel na řadu Žondra se svojí obhajobou, označil obvinění za holý nesmysl

A dokonce podobný čin přirovnal k sebevraždě! „Že bych v Prostějově, v tom bytě 400 metrů od policejní stanice, že bych tam šel bez rukavic, krytí obličeje, to se rovná sebevraždě," řekl Žondra v soudní síni

 Radim Žondra přichází k soudu „Způsob toho provedení je naprosto nepochopitelný, ten člověk si dal návleky, ale nekryl si tvář, ruce

Já kdybych tam šel, tak si to budu pamatovat," dodal muž, který je policii dobře známou firmou a v minulosti už si odpykával trest za přepadávání důchodců

 Po výpovědi Kvitové a Žondry přišli na řadu soudní znalci Dobiáš a Špiroch. Ti zkoumali poranění, které měl tenistce obžalovaný nožem způsobit

První jmenovaný oznámil, že zranění odpovídalo tomu, jak Kvitová útok popisovala

 „Průběh tak, jak jej popsala poškozená, že uchopila nůž rukou, odpovídá charakteru zranění

Nebylo to život ohrožující zranění, ale přechodné omezení horní končetiny v délce osmi týdnů," řekl Dobiáš

 Ten také na dotaz soudkyně připustil, že hojení poranění Kvitové sice probíhalo nezvykle dobře, i tak si ale z útoku odnesla i menší trvalé následky

 Kvitové na rukou zůstaly jizvy a její citlivost je prý snížena. „Je tam porucha síly úchopu prstů v koncových článcích zejména prvního a druhého prstu

Jemná manuální činnost je znevýhodněna," popsal. S dotazem se na znalce obrátil i obžalovaný Žondra

Toho zajímalo, jak je možné, že byla Kvitová poraněna i na hřbetě prstů, když Kvitová sevřela nůž vnitřní stranou

 „Záleží na intenzitě úchopu," zněla odpověď.  Výslechem znalců dnešní soud skončil, další jednání je však naplánováno hned na středu

Soudkyně bude vyslýchat další dva svědky, s rozuzlením případu se však zatím nepočítá

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