Thursday, February 14, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 14 2019

國民黨2020徵召韓 國瑜 他爆「最後時 間點」 國民黨內 天王爭取2020總 統角力不斷

前國民黨文傳會副主委 毛嘉慶在政論節目直 指







國民黨四大天王再繼續 內鬥

台北市長柯文哲會是最 大獲利者。



而國民黨內遍體鱗 傷後



韓國瑜才跳出來說:「 我來扛」

那個時辰跟發酵的狀況 就已來不及



處理起來的感覺就是不 一樣。

藍軍喬不定202 0總統候選人






若柯從獨派的選票拉一 點


中間選民的票再增加一 點




而國民黨主席吳敦 義今天表示


他可說已準備了30幾 年。

節目主持人汪潔民 卻認為

30年台灣整體經濟都 是往下


他說這句話有說服力嗎 ?吳敦義若繼續作梗

害國民黨無法及時推出 候選人


恐怕韓國瑜當救世主的 效應也不好了。

For more infomation >> 國民黨2020徵召韓國瑜 他爆「最後時間點」 - Duration: 2:25.


Latte, Salvini: "Non mi alzo dal tavolo se il prezzo non sale a un euro" - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Latte, Salvini: "Non mi alzo dal tavolo se il prezzo non sale a un euro" - Duration: 1:36.


只有他才能贏柯P?藍營民代喊話:徵召韓國瑜選總統 - Duration: 2:02.

對於2020 總統大選

國民黨內的前 新北市長朱 立倫、

前立法院長王 金平及主席 吳敦義都有 意角逐

不過高雄市長 韓國瑜人氣 超旺

除了基層拱他 出來選總統

藍營民意代表 也認為

黨內應該把他 列入徵召選 項

畢竟在柯P有 可能參選的 情況下

不能將韓排除 在外。

國民黨立 委柯志恩表 示

現在藍營基層 確實有拱韓 國瑜出來選 總統的聲音

但在旁邊一直 「喊熱」也 不是辦法

國民黨團立委 目前希望先 把遊戲規則 做出來

若韓有意願參 選

就把他列入民 調人選之中 ;當然也可 以先做完民 調

再詢問他的意 見

畢竟「這年頭 沒有什麼是 不可能的。

而藍營市 議員王鴻薇 則強調

依現階段的氛 圍

韓國瑜不能主 動表態參選

國民黨中央應 該要把他放 在徵召的選 項之中

以免發生柯文 哲表態參選 2020

結果國民黨候 選人民調輸 柯的窘境。

據《蘋果 日報》報導

有位不願具名 的黨內人士 表示

國民黨的太陽 們目前還陷 入怎麼設計 黨內初選制 度的泥淖之 中

三人再繼續爭 鬥下去只會 互相傷害

而眼下韓國瑜 本身就具備 高人氣

又沒有陷入黨 內鬥爭

若在高雄施政 良好取得民 心

恐怕他出線選 總統的機率 將會大增

For more infomation >> 只有他才能贏柯P?藍營民代喊話:徵召韓國瑜選總統 - Duration: 2:02.


[Sub ITA/Romaji] Ajikko - Akaito - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> [Sub ITA/Romaji] Ajikko - Akaito - Duration: 5:36.


Zuzana Belohorcová úplně nahá! Fanoušky dráždí znaménkem na… - Duration: 2:38.

 Na prosluněnou Havaj se Zuzana Belohorcová s manželem moc těšila, cesta letadlem se ale proměnila v nepříjemnou noční můru

„11hodinový let, mega turbulence a propady. Až takové, že vzduchem létaly poháry s pitím

Takže mám manželovo červené vínko na tričku a od sousedky pomerančový džus. A lítala i příruční zavazadla," svěřila bývalá moderátorka pořadu Peříčko

Podle webu se dokonce zařekla, že už nikam nepoletí. Na Havaj se manželé nakonec dostali sice otřeseni, ale v pořádku

To poměrně intenzivně dokazují na sociálních sítích. Kromě romantických fotografií s manželem se Belohorcová pochlubila i velmi odvážným snímkem

Na Valentýna potěšila nejen manžela, ale i fanoušky na instagramu, nechala se totiž vyfotit úplně nahá, a odhalila dokonce i znaménko na velmi intimním místě

Odměnou za odvahu, že takový snímek zveřejnila, je mnoho pochvalných komentářů

Objevil se ovšem i názor, že takové snímky už by sdílet neměla. „Krásná žena, ale myslím, že matka 2 dětí tak intimní fotky nedává ven," uvedla jedna ze Zuzaniných sledujících

  VIDEO: Belohorcová o třetím dítěti! A proč se vyhýbá Čechům v zahraničí?   Video délka: 04:30

69 720p 480p 360p 240p REKLAMA  Belohorcová o třetím dítěti! A proč se vyhýbá Čechům v zahraničí? Blesk TV

For more infomation >> Zuzana Belohorcová úplně nahá! Fanoušky dráždí znaménkem na… - Duration: 2:38.


😫 Douleur cervicale quand tu nous tiens...Que faire ? - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> 😫 Douleur cervicale quand tu nous tiens...Que faire ? - Duration: 1:29.


4th Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement. Win Free Toys Shipped To You For Free. Subscribe Now.

For more infomation >> 4th Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement. Win Free Toys Shipped To You For Free. Subscribe Now.


LOVER ! (Yousef 's Interlude). ft AraabSlap - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> LOVER ! (Yousef 's Interlude). ft AraabSlap - Duration: 2:42.


2/13/19 4:08 PM (110 S Rogers Ln, Raleigh, NC 27610, USA) - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> 2/13/19 4:08 PM (110 S Rogers Ln, Raleigh, NC 27610, USA) - Duration: 1:43.


So do I ? Neither do I ? - Duration: 8:12.


Tonight is a great night

The Sun is going down. I can see it from my window. It's just beautiful!

I hope you can see me OK, and I have a question for you. Do you like English?

Yes, you do

Me too (=moi aussi) !

Me too. Oh

You, you don't you don't like English?

Me neither (=moi non plus)

I hate English, me neither. So, in English when you

agree (=quand vous êtes d'accord) , you can say: me too.

Oh, me too, or

Me neither, me neither (=moi non plus)

Okay, those two expressions are very easy to use (=faciles à utiliser) and

They work at all times (=elles fonctionnent tout le temps)

However (=cependant) , there is another way (=une autre façon/manière)

to express

agreement (=exprimer son accord) and

I'm going to show it to you right now. Are you ready steady?

Follow me (=suivez moi). Let's go!

Okay, well this is a very simple chart (=tableau)

That I made for you, with very easy

sentences (=phrases)

For you to understand. So let's take the first example, I like pizza

Okay, if you agree (=si vous êtes d'accord)

you are going to use "so" okay, so

so and

the verb is going to be

changed into an auxilary. So do I

So do I! (=moi aussi) I like pizza, oh, so do I in the third person (=à la 3ème personne) for

example, if your mother likes pizza too- so

does my mother

So do I, so does my mother

Okay, let's take the second example. I'm a teacher. I am so it's "be" (=être), I am a teacher so

So what? so am

I, so am I ; of course (=bien sûr) you can say "me too" (=vous pouvez dire "Me too")

But "so am I" is a possibility the third person my mother, imagine your mother is a teacher


isn't my mother so is my mother (=ma mère aussi!)

I can play the piano

Same old story , I can


Imagine you can play the piano I can play the piano. Oh me too. So can I! (=moi aussi!)

so can I

third person, so can my mother (=ma mère aussi)


This is a sentence in the past tense (=voici une phrase au passé)

I went to London last summer. I went so you are going to change

the verb

into an auxilary, but this time (=mais cette fois-ci) it's not going to be "do" because it's past; it's going to be "did"

So I went to London last summer. So did I, so did I! (=moi aussi)

So did my mother


Finally here. You have the auxillary "have" it's a present- perfect

I have just been to London

So you are going to use have: so have I, so have I!

So has my mother, because it's "SHE" , third person. Okay


you use so so so so so when you agree to a

positive statement (=une phrase affirmative) now

What if the statement is negative (=et si la phrase était négative?) now, the negative of "I like" is...

I don't like pizza.

I don't like pizza. I'm a teacher I'm not a teacher I can play the piano I

Can't play the piano I

Went to London, what is the contrary of I went? I I

what? I

Didn't yes, that's right. I didn't go to London last summer.

I Have just been to London. I

Haven't or, I have never been to London


Let's see (=voyons voir)

These are negative sentences (=ce sont des phrases négatives) so when you agree to a negative sentence

You no longer use "so" (=vous n'utilisez plus "so") but you use "neither", "neither"

Okay, neither

instead of (=au lieu de) so

The verb is replaced (=est remplacé) by an auxilary (=par un auxiliaire) "neither do I" (=moi non plus!)

Neither does my mother (=ma mère non plus) or she neither does she I'm not a teacher

Neither am I (=moi non plus)

Neither is she (=elle non plus)

Can't play the piano


Can I

Neither can


I didn't go to London last summer. Neither did I?

Neither did she I have never been to London

Neither have I

Neither has she

Okay, so when you respond to a negative sentence, you use "neither"


the auxilary, okay and

when you respond to a positive sentence you use so

plus the auxilary and if you have a verb you just replace the verb with

the accurate auxilary so "do", "does" or



All right. Thank you for watching. I hope it was useful (=j'espère que c'était utile). I hope that my

explanations were

easy to understand and

that it was useful and

That it made sense

If so (=si c'est la cas) , please leave a thumbs up (=pouce bleu) share

this video, leave me a comment in the comment section below (en dessous) and


See you later

Take care (=prenez soin de vous) everybody. Bye bye everyone Cheers

For more infomation >> So do I ? Neither do I ? - Duration: 8:12.


Gestion de droits musicaux || Widney Bonfils (SOCAN): x ONMTL - Duration: 26:07.

For more infomation >> Gestion de droits musicaux || Widney Bonfils (SOCAN): x ONMTL - Duration: 26:07.


WOT Blitz AMX CDC In Skin Of War Duck // Mastery Gameplay - Duration: 5:35.

quack, quack, quack

For more infomation >> WOT Blitz AMX CDC In Skin Of War Duck // Mastery Gameplay - Duration: 5:35.


Find a Magnet's Polarity [Ask Fausto #3] - Duration: 2:51.

Ciao a tutti! And welcome to the third Ask Fausto episode.

As announced in our last episode we will talk about north and south poles.

Because today's question is:

"How can I define a magnet's north pole?"

Yes, not just our pretty planet Earth has his North and South Poles.

Each magnet has its northern and southern pole, too.

So stay tuned!

Because I will show you some interesting ...

... possibilities in the next few minutes.

One important thing to know is:

each magnet attracts another magnet in the same way.

South pole facing on north pole and never north on north or south or south ...

... these would repel each other.

One simple way is to use a compass.

Just hold it near one side of the magnet ...

... and it will show you the right direction.

We hang a bar or rod magnet on a thread.

It will align to the earth's field line ...

... and the magnet's north pole will show towards the earth's north pole.

We can also use an already defined magnet.

Usually north poles are painted in red ...

... south poles in green or blue.

We take a bowl of water ...

... and put a disc of cork or styrofoam on it.

As soon as we lay a magnet on the disc ...

... it will align - as a compass - to the earth's magnetic field lines ...

... and point towards north.

We can easily deduce the south pole of the magnet.

And now our solution for all digital natives:

Our supermagnete pole definer app!

Available for free for iOS and Android.

You just hold the magnet near the top of your smartphone ...

... and the app will display, whether the magnet's north ...

... or south pole is facing the phone.

One last very simple method for disc magnets is ...

... to put them on a table. The magnetization is that strong...

... that it will immediately face towards the poles.

I hope we were able to point you in the right direction.

Thank you for watching!

And don't forget to send your questions ...

... to or post it as a comment.

For more infomation >> Find a Magnet's Polarity [Ask Fausto #3] - Duration: 2:51.


Mercedes-Benz G-Class (2018): Japan Explorers | Vlog 2 - Duration: 10:58.

Japan is amazing, man.

We're having such a great time.

We wake up every morning at like 5 a.m. and then hit the road – sometimes 4 a.m. – and just drive all day.

There's just so much to see.

I want to show people why we're in Japan, you know.

And I think in doing that you have to be honest.

You can't force experiences.

Put that on eBay.

They would suggest that we first go to the pilgrimage road.

Will there be a lot of people there?

Probably not too crowded.

Uh, look at this!

I need to go a little further.

Even more.

Yes! Perfect.

Yeah, good.

We are climbing

five hundred steps to a temple.

It's on top of this mountain.

And it's 5 a.m.

Oh, this is a very beautiful sunrise.

We came here to visit one of the Japanese gods.

This is gonna cook me!

Oh, yeah, that is really hot.

Look at that steam.

It's really, really hot though.

I'm curious to know what the actual temperature is.

90 degrees!

Takes about nine minutes to boil the eggs.

But the gentleman that showed me how to do it also put potatoes in.

I'm curious to know the taste.

That's a good egg.


She's happy to meet you.

Nice to meet you as well. Thank you.

What's up, everyone?

We are in Wakayama.

In a part of the region that's called Nachi-san.

Good morning guys.

So, we made it up early today to catch a beautiful sunrise.

We're at Nachi Taisha waterfall which is right behind you, Carlos.

And there's a pagoda right beside it.

This area is very, very popular as a very photographed location

for many travellers or individuals who want to

explore certain parts of Japan.

Now we stationed the cars right in front of the pagoda

trying to capture the waterfall in the distance

as well as the building itself.

I love kayaking.

Who's gonna be in the boat with you?

You are.

Turn around?

We made it.

Do you guys want to know where we are?

Well, you have to wait and see.

This is absolutely beautiful.

So, today, we are at Kuriyama Koubo

which is a manufacturer of Kimonos.

And I'm here with Miss Nishida and

she's going to show us some very up-close and detailed visuals

that they've been working on.

My first question for you is:

What is the meaning of Kimono in the Japanese fashion industry?

Of course, Japanese people wear all different types of clothing today.

But Japanese people believe that when they

wear a Kimono, they look very beautiful.

It makes us proud of being Japanese.

And we also feel that it is something that should never be lost.

Now, what you are wearing right now, is it something that you designed here?

Can you tell me a little bit about it?

This I created and dyed by myself.


Come on guys, let's go get me in a nice Kimono!

Now that I finished wearing the Kimono.

That was an incredible experience.

Our stomachs now need to be filled.

See you on the other side!

What are you reading?

I am reading about Geishas and

the history of them in Japan.

We're going to meet several of them today and I'm really excited.

And I want to make sure that I'm prepared.

I am joined by Tumitsi Yusan (Tomikiku-san)

and I really – pleasure to meet you – I really want to thank you for having us here.

It has been an absolute pleasure.

The experience has been extremely interesting to me as a perspective.

It kind of brought me back to what I've imagined

the tradition and the Japanese culture

to have been like hundreds of years ago.

And I really appreciate that.

Thank you so much for that.

So, because we are in Kyoto, you would be considered a Geiko?


Now, can you describe to me what was it that inspired you to get into this?

I was born in Kyoto and some of my family members

were working for Kimono industries, making Kimonos.

And ever since I was a little girl I really wanted to wear a Kimono.

I just loved it.

And I was also interested in Japanese tradition, so I decided to become a Maiko-san,

which comes before becoming a Geiko-san – a younger version of a Geiko-san.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz G-Class (2018): Japan Explorers | Vlog 2 - Duration: 10:58.


💕Valentine's Day Confession💕 - Duration: 7:35.

You: Hey Saaaaaans.....

Sans: Hey huuuuman. [chuckles]

You: Happy Valentine's Day!

Sans: Happy what day?

You: Valentine's Day.



You: Yeah!

Sans: What is it?... Is Giftmas?

You: Giftmas? Oh right! Christmas! Umm...I..I a way….but...not really? I mean….it's....

Sans: [snickers]

You: Huh? Wait a minute! You KNOW DON'T YOU?!?

Sans : [laughs]

Sans : Umm....[chuckles]….kind of….[laughs]

You: Kind of?

Sans: [sighs] Yeah…[chuckles]

Sans: It's...a day about romance right?

You: Yeah!

Sans: Well then...

Sans: that's pretty much all I know about Valentine's Day.

You: Really?

Sans: Yup

You: So...monsters don't have Valentines day then?

Sans: No we do not.

You: Oh….Do you ….have an opinion about Valentine's Day?

Sans: Not really...

Sans: Although….I guess I do find it kind of weird.

You: Weird? Why?

Sans: I don't get what makes Valentine's Day more romantic than any other day.

Sans: Shouldn't everyday with your partner be romantic and special?

Sans: Why not have your own special or ... anniversary….?

You: Humans do that.

Sans: I know they do but....

Sans: ....just....

Sans: Some of the humans I overheard in the past few days….

Sans: ...they seem...obsessed about today...

Sans: ...simply because it's Valentine's Day.

Sans: [sighs]

Sans: The things that humans wanted...

Sans: happen today just went on and on and on.

You: [chuckles] Oh I know those kind of people far too well.

You: Sadly a lot of people do obsess over Valentine's Day.

You: All Holidays should be celebrated responsibly though.

Sans: My...thoughts...exactly.

You: So….would against celebrating Valentine's Day…?

Sans: Ummm...

Sans: No?...Not really....

Sans: I guess you could say I'm.... indifferent...

Sans :...about...celebrating it....

Sans: e-e-either way is fine... with me I...I guess.

You: Well then…[you hold a box out to Sans]

Sans : Ugh....huh? [takes box]

Sans: What's this?

You: A gift.

Sans: I....

Sans: Uuhh...

Sans: I-I see that but....

Sans:...why is it...shaped like a soul?

You: Soul? Oh right! [chuckles] Heart shaped,soul shaped! What's the difference?? [chuckles]

Uh...Ummm [nervous chuckle] Anyway…[clears throat] It's a Valentine's Day gift….

You: I umm….I was wondering'd like to be…. my Valentine….

Sans: Uhh....

Sans: You''re what now?

You: [chuckles] My date. I'm asking you if you'll be my date tonight.

Sans: Uh!

Sans: I...

Sans: Ummm....

You: And ...also if you'll go out with me on other days too. [chuckles]

Sans: I....uh...[nervous chuckles]...umm...

Sans: Y-y-you...?….uhh....

You: I like you Sans….In fact I've liked you a long time.[chuckles]

Sans: Uhhh…

You: Uh...oh crap....I'm sorry!

Sans: Uh...Huh?!

You: I shouldn't have told you this today should I?! Aww man....

You: You probably think I'm obsessed with Valentine's Day now don't you?

Sans: Oh N-N-N-N-N-N-No! Uh! Ah! I-I don't think that!

You: You….You don't? But... I just ....confessed to you...on Valentine's day...and...and you said-

Sans: I know but....

Sans: [sighs]

Sans: Look....

Sans: To was just another ordinary day....

Sans: ...but...

Sans:'s special cuz….


Sans: said you like me and I....

Sans: I just...didn't think you' interested in me...

You: What?!? Why??

Sans: Cuz...I'm a monster....and...

Sans: ...I'm.....

Sans: I'm short....

You: just said two things that I like about you.

Sans : Uh...I...I did..???

You: Mhmm.

Sans: Uh....

Sans: Uh...Oh....Uh....[nervous chuckle]

You: Oh my god….You are so adorable!

Sans: W-WHAT???

Sans: UH! I...I AM NOT !!

You: YES YOU ARE !... Now stop arguing.

Sans: [whines]

You: [chuckles then sighs] So....Sans….would you like to be my Valentine?

Sans: I....

Sans: I'd love to.

You: YAAY! [chuckles then sighs] Oh…!...By the way….I filled that soul box with your favorite condiment.

Sans: You....[chuckles] shouldn't have.

You: But I did.

Sans: [chuckles] Thank you.

You: You're welcome Valentine.

Sans: Uh?!

Sans: Umm.....[embarrassed chuckle]

You : [Silly loud voice] What's wrong Valentine?

Sans: Uh?!...[laughs] You're so embarrassing!! [laughs]

(Sanstasy: I noticed some mistakes on the video.)

(Sanstasy: LOL! Did you notice?? XD)

For more infomation >> 💕Valentine's Day Confession💕 - Duration: 7:35.


5 Reasons Not to Buy a Tesla Car - Duration: 10:38.

rev up your engines, today I'm gonna talk about five reasons you should not buy a

Tesla electric car, now everybody talks about electric cars being the future, I

remember when I was a kid they talked about flying cars are gonna be the

future, well then that never came about, but electric cars probably will be a

certain percentage of the future, only how far away in the future, and of

course which models are going to succeed as electric cars, and which are gonna

fail, now in my opinion it's gonna be many years before electric cars in the

United States become normal vehicles that everyone drives around, but if you

do want to get an electric car today, here's five reasons why I'd say don't

buy a Tesla, and numero uno that's price, these things are really expensive and at

least so far, they don't hold their value all that

much, I met a guy who bought a Tesla put like thirty five thousand miles on it,

and when he went to trade it in the Tesla dealer offered him 50% of what he

paid for that car, he was going to lose over fifty thousand dollars owning that

thing for two years and here's where competition is going to

come into effect, obviously more and more companies are gonna start making

electric cars, Chevy now has the Chevy bolt, not the volt, but the bolt it's

made in China the Chinese have very modern factories,

they seem to have pretty good quality control from what I've read, I haven't

seen in here because they're generally not allowed to sell these Chinese cars

in United States yet, but of course eventually they will, Nissan has the

Nissan Leaf that's an all-electric car that's been out a while, and the new ones

are definitely a large improvement over the other ones, and you're talking a lot

less money than what Tesla's charging now if you're talking about game

changing parameters, hey electric cars right they're like they're efficient

they don't pollute, well a lot of the competitors are making smaller electric

cars, so people are gonna go electric hey let's face it, you might as well as go

small if you want to be efficient but Tesla's more of the full-size variety, his

cars are expensive, yeah they're big they got a lot of room, let's face the facts in

the United States the average car generally

has not that many people were riding around in the thing, so what's the point of

making these big vehicles to haul all that weight and all those heavy

batteries around, if there's only one or two people in the car, you might as well

as go small, so unless you have an endless supply of money and you want

luxury, I advise don't buy a Tesla electric car

buy some other model, and personally I'd wait even on that until the chips fall

where they fall, and you see who makes the reliable one and the prices will

start coming down as they mass produce them all, and speaking of mass production

that's the number two reason not to buy a Tesla, they've had poor quality control

they went from making not all that many cars, to making tens of thousands of them

every month, that changed the whole parameter for Tesla's manufacturing

facility, they had problems in the factory, they ended up setting up tents

and building the things in a parking lot, I guess Elon had an idea that it

was gonna be like the Terminator, he was gonna have the robots build the robots

and hardly have any people involved, well our technology hasn't evolved that far

either, so they had so many problems they ended up doing it in the parking lot

with human beings, in those the body part didn't fit, there are large gaps on one

side, small gaps on other sides, they had electrical problems with the dash

control unit, some of them the doors are supposed to recognize you, you come in

and the door handles flip out because I got these hidden door handles, and of course

that broke too, isn't that a surprise, you put these gimmicks on cars that the

handles are hidden and then they pop out when you get close to it, come on now you

know right away you know five-year-olds impressed by you know little technology

like that, hey really my 94 Celica has kind of hidden door

handles, they're flush with the car and that leads it to the third

reason not to buy a Tesla, poor reliability and expensive repairs of

these things, nobody's going to know how to fix these Teslas other than at

the Tesla dealers right, you know about car repair, what's the most expensive

place that's going to charge you the most to get your car fixed, the dealer

of course, heck the last records I found, Tesla spends more money per car doing

warranty work then even mercedes-benz during the same period, and Mercedes

certainly isn't known for cheap repairs, even GM spends less money per car on

warranty repairs than Tesla does, that says something, and it certainly seems to say

something to the Tesla executives, in 2018 41 high-level executives quit and

left the company, and in the last 12 months 58 total high-level executives

have quit the company, now that included a lot of guys who had serious experience

in the car business, including the chief accountant, and hey if the accountant is

leaving, hey maybe he knows something more than even I know about this stuff

and there's not much future for me here, who knows how long they're gonna be

around, he does the actual figures, and let's face it, high executives they get paid a

lot of money, if they're leaving a job that pays them a lot of money, they're

kind of saying, well I'm not betting with Tesla on this one, I think I'll go work

somewhere else, because really we live in highly competitive times, global

worldwide economies, you put all your bank money especially with theirs on the

model three that they're gonna mass-produce, things can easily go

haywire, as an example they recently laid off a bunch of people, they want to save

money so they can make the price of the Model 3 lower, it was supposed to be like

a $35,000 car, but in reality you couldn't get them for less than $45,000

well hey if you're getting rid of people for a car that's already having problems

in the manufacturing, I don't see that as a good thing, now the last reason I'm

gonna give not to buy a Tesla, the whole notion of electric cars in our modern

society today, I got a friend in Canada to begin with, he lives in Canada so it's

really cold, well what happens there, if you know

anything about batteries, they lose a lot of their power when it gets really cold

outside, they can lose 30 to 40% of their capacity, so he found out that even

though he had the thing fully charged at one of these fancy stations that did it

with 240 volts instead of the 120 in the house, when it got up in the morning

he had 40% less mileage on the little readout than it's supposed to be when

it's fully charged, because it was so cold, and he said when he plugged it in

to his house at the 120, it was going to take five days to charge the car, he

did it for a few hours and found out it hardly did anything, because it was so

cold outside it was losing so much percentage of the electricity going in

that it was almost useless plugging it into his house, so he had to drive to one

of these 240 volt charging stations, and he told me when he was there, he got

lucky he got there and it took five hours to fully charge this thing there

it was so cold, and there were people that had other electric cars and they

were waiting behind him, and he said they kind of looked at him and glare at him and

one guy even said, are you almost done, are you

almost done, can you imagine if there were millions of people driving electric

cars and they had to wait for, bad enough to take five hours to charge their car, what

if there's three guys in front of you, you

know, and let's face it batteries are heavy, you make a

relatively large car like a Tesla, they're having little ones they have to

have bigger batteries to pull all that weight, that's just the law of

diminishing returns, to make it go better you put in a bigger battery, but the

bigger battery weighs more, so then it has to store more electricity to pull

itself, and it just turned into a vicious circle, which who wants to get involved

in that, you're probably better off always making smaller electric cars not big

monster ones, now sure the Tesla's have all kinds of power, their fancy one is

faster than a Dodge Challenger with a Hellcat engine in it, I mean they're

screaming because of electric motors have full torque all the time, as soon as

you turn them on they go off, they don't need to rev up like a car engine, but to

get all that power takes a lot of energy, and if people are getting an electric

car cuz they want efficiency and they want to have long ranges, you should go for

a lighter car, not a heavier car, and when you combine the heaviness with the high

price originally, and then the high price of repairs that they have a history of

already, I don't think it's a good idea to buy a Tesla today

I mean there's always gonna be rich guys out there, they want the biggest fastest

coolest thing you know, you see the Tesla's and movies and stuff like that

yeah that's certainly gonna be a market for the guy, but if you're talking about

a gigantic mass market, I think twice, it could have been the right idea at the

wrong time, implemented in the wrong fashion, because when it comes to cars

it's not just the idea behind them, it's the implementation of that idea, and if

it's implemented wrong, it can easily be a failure instead of a success, and with

all those high-level executives quitting Tesla, it may be the rats are jumping off

the ship before it completely sinks, now over the years I've had customers buy

new design cars that ended up failing and then they were stuck with a car that

wasn't worth that much money and had all kinds of problems

so me I'd stay away from the Tesla, if you're into electric cars I'd still wait

a few years to see where the chips are gonna fall, but I wouldn't be surprised

at all if people started driving electric cars around that were made in China

after all the Chinese already use over a hundred million electric scooters, and

they add 20 million each year, so there are obviously serious about mass

marketing electric vehicles, so if you never want to miss another one of my new

car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> 5 Reasons Not to Buy a Tesla Car - Duration: 10:38.


How To Get Him To Call You After The First Date - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> How To Get Him To Call You After The First Date - Duration: 3:05.


Firefly's New MMO - Romans: Age of Caesar Interview - Duration: 5:13.

Hi everybody, it's Simon and Eric here

from Firefly. Eric's flown over from the

States to do a special exciting

announcement. We hope you've had a

good New Year and are ready for a new game

from Firefly. Eric tell us a little bit

about what we've been up to. Well we've

had a new team working in secret for

several years, not the kingdoms team,

not a Stronghold team, working on a new

cooperative Roman city builder which we are

very excited about. Which is going to be



we've worked a lot on Roman kind of

city builders in the past but this one I

think is interesting as you say it's

kind of cooperative right and I think

that's what's been hard on the tech

it's taken us a long time to get it


we've now at the point I think when we

can kind of go into our first closed

alpha. Yeah first closed yeah, first

reaction from people outside the company

playing the game so we're excited to

get their feedback. Yeah absolutely

so we kind of still we're still going

full-tilt on Stronghold Next, we're still

working full-tilt on Kingdoms but we've

also now got Romans: Age of Caesar coming

into view. I mean really we're

returning to Rome again right so,

Impressions (games), you know that's kind of

where we met right, long time ago and

we were working on the Caesar series.

Production. And I was coding, designing

with David yep.

We got like Darren, a lot of the art

right so we kind of like the bands got

back together again on that one. And then

then we moved on later

you know Firefly, we did our own CivCity

Rome, so we did it another pass at city

building with Sid Meier & co but yeah

good to be back, we've

always had a thing outside of the

medieval stuff, we've always had a thing

for Rome yeah but I mean I think it's

like such a great period in history

right to kind of cover, with it there's

the legions and the daily life in Rome

and a lot of the stuff we'll be doing

that we did in Caesar, we're gonna bring

back here in Romans right? Exactly.

The difference being, evolution

in the same city, cooperative city

building, so it's kind of a next level

playing together on the same map,

building your city together, group

contributions to the buildings and yeah,

so unlike say Caesar which was

a single-player game, this is both an

online game so it's permanently on,

you go away your city

keeps growing and doing stuff but also

you're building it, you're building a

part of the city not just one of you,

you are responsible for a suburb of the city,

right you know if you


bad stuff on this, someone

else, it will affect them. If

there's rioting or fires, that will

feed into the whole city, conversely

you could do good stuff right,

you can help erect the

Coliseum. Exactly defend

your neighbors from barbarians,

help them out when they're having

troubles, help them collect the

resources if they're not online,

get benefit for both of you

which is a big cooperation kind of thing.

So it's kind of like

we've been wanting to kind of make an

online version of a Roman city builder

for a long time right yeah but we finally

get to do it.

Why don't you as the designer give us a

sneak peek of what people might get.

What's coming up, so we're not talking

too much otherwise we'll

have nothing to say in the coming months

but a few of the kind of things that

we're gonna be doing like you say,

classic Firefly simulation stuff,

in Rome there's so much to

do there whether it's entertainment in

Colosseum, chariot racing or fighting,

to the way people used to live, the

houses you know growing your houses is

like the lifeblood of the game from a

humble Shack to a mighty Imperial Palace.

At the start you just need like

maybe water, that's all you need right

and then maybe some fish to eat you know

and then as you get things further

down, you acquire the more luxurious

goods but to get those you need to

go out on the Empire and control it and

maybe get the flow of

lemons coming out from the East.

So you'll be battling over stuff,

other kind of luxurious

goods and that grows your houses. It'll

be a very in-depth game we can say

that, it'll have kind of combat

both offensive and defensive, you'll be

pushing back against the Barbarians and so

there'll be a lot of kind of PvE as well

as obviously different factions PvP,

and then we've some interesting

things to talk about not now but also

but later on the political fighting

which is again another

unique kind of thing I think we've got

going for Romans. Romans has got a lot of

depth to but yeah I think that's a

lot of sneak peeks already. Yeah,

absolutely. So that's all we can say for

the time being, we hope you're as excited

as we are to return to Rome. But if you

want to keep up with all things of

Firefly Studios, make sure you subscribe

to our YouTube channel to learn the

latest on Stronghold Next, Stronghold

Kingdoms and now Romans: Age of Caesar

For more infomation >> Firefly's New MMO - Romans: Age of Caesar Interview - Duration: 5:13.


Eyewitness Weather Webcast 2.14.19 11AM - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Eyewitness Weather Webcast 2.14.19 11AM - Duration: 3:38.


Zuzana Belohorcová úplně nahá! Fanoušky dráždí znaménkem na… - Duration: 2:38.

 Na prosluněnou Havaj se Zuzana Belohorcová s manželem moc těšila, cesta letadlem se ale proměnila v nepříjemnou noční můru

„11hodinový let, mega turbulence a propady. Až takové, že vzduchem létaly poháry s pitím

Takže mám manželovo červené vínko na tričku a od sousedky pomerančový džus. A lítala i příruční zavazadla," svěřila bývalá moderátorka pořadu Peříčko

Podle webu se dokonce zařekla, že už nikam nepoletí. Na Havaj se manželé nakonec dostali sice otřeseni, ale v pořádku

To poměrně intenzivně dokazují na sociálních sítích. Kromě romantických fotografií s manželem se Belohorcová pochlubila i velmi odvážným snímkem

Na Valentýna potěšila nejen manžela, ale i fanoušky na instagramu, nechala se totiž vyfotit úplně nahá, a odhalila dokonce i znaménko na velmi intimním místě

Odměnou za odvahu, že takový snímek zveřejnila, je mnoho pochvalných komentářů

Objevil se ovšem i názor, že takové snímky už by sdílet neměla. „Krásná žena, ale myslím, že matka 2 dětí tak intimní fotky nedává ven," uvedla jedna ze Zuzaniných sledujících

  VIDEO: Belohorcová o třetím dítěti! A proč se vyhýbá Čechům v zahraničí?   Video délka: 04:30

69 720p 480p 360p 240p REKLAMA  Belohorcová o třetím dítěti! A proč se vyhýbá Čechům v zahraničí? Blesk TV

For more infomation >> Zuzana Belohorcová úplně nahá! Fanoušky dráždí znaménkem na… - Duration: 2:38.


the saddest brawl stars video ever :'( - Duration: 10:43.

Subscribe!What in the world


Give him to me, please

Oh, I cannot believe this what in the world unlock from brawl boxes. I've opened up over

foil brawl boxes

I'm so happy. I'm so happy update time. Okay guys, so

You know how this goes. We're going for Leon. We're ready to go here. And as you can tell yes

mortises hat

he's uh

It's it's back. I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you guys but it's back

This is that

Also wizard barley is another skin that we were not able to show you guys

all you need to do to do this is just a connect to super saw ID from the settings screen and even if you don't

Have barley which most people should buy now

It will unlock barley for free, which is awesome. This video is all about Leon now

I've got a I've got four hundred and twenty eight boxes. I've got twenty four big boxes

I've got three mega boxes to collect here and my odds are at a whopping 50 percent. So

Really open we do this guys. I'm pretty stoked here. Here we go. Let's start off with this mega box here

492 coins event tickets and gems


That's what I thought

Those open on this third a mega box right here five tickets

Okay, so already we're not off to a great start let's go head and open up my twenty four big boxes

Okay, nothing there but we got a bunch of tickets and we got some extra gems now


Boxes, I have a feeling it's not going to happen. I don't know why that is and I'm kind of scared guys

I see you Leon. I want you

Okay, only 400 left to go guys let's do this

That was weird, I thought that meant I was gonna get lucky

We're down to 300 boxes, we've gained a ton of gold. I don't know guys, I'm nervous. I really am

Let's see what my legendary rate is. My legendary brawler ray is

0.168. Oh

Here we go 100 more

Another 50 down the drain guys. Oh my gosh. I cannot believe this I cannot believe how aah

I really hope that I get it and that would be so sad

Ray got him Lex. Got him. All my friends have Leon I don't have him


Down another hundred we're down to a 199. Let's take a look at the shop here. See what my

What's at zero point one seven? Seven six?

So opening up 100 boxes increased it by point zero zero nine six

Let's get going guys

I'm just blowing through my eyes. I'm just blowing through them just

Blowing through them

Man I'm getting nervous I

I've opened up two hundred and over 250 boxes like including my like

With my mega boxes and my big boxes. I've opened three hundred and fifty

Boxes already. Oh

My gosh if I don't get him I might cry

100 more ball boxes to go guys. Wow, I am nervous

legendary Braille array is

zero point one nine to zero after another 100 boxes

I really hope I don't have to figure out what the next 100 boxes are gonna be. I can't believe this I

Cannot believe it was so nervous

Whoa got 12 gems on that last one. That's a lot in one box



Have 50 boxes left I can't believe this are you kidding me?

my legendary brawler late rates not even 0.2 Lex started his video with over like

0.26 or something like that. Oh, man. Ah

man, ah

This is stressful

25 boxes left

What in the world

Super so

Get into me please. Oh I cannot believe this

What in the world unlock from Brawl boxes? I've opened up of over 500 Brawl boxes

We are down to last 25. I cannot believe that is coming down to this guy's

Gosh thank goodness. I didn't do the marshmallow challenge this time. That would be awful


My gosh there has got to be something wrong with this

We're down to ten more boxes, we're finally over a point to zero one six

Drop rate. This is just silly. This is silly ten boxes left guys

Coins I don't think I'm gonna get him. I don't think I'm gonna get him

If it comes down to this I might cry



No, oh my gosh two


Oh my gosh, here we go the last brawl box


Looks like the legendary rate is about it's about point zero


For every 100 bra boxes that you open

532 boxes I


54,000 gold almost 200 key or tickets

537 bucks. I think I went up with earth gems. I think I went up about 200 gems there

532 boxes total including my big boxes and my mega boxes at this point

Is he even worth it for me to go into the shop? I mean I have enough gems for an additional 60 boxes

Based on the fact that I haven't gotten him yet. I

Don't know that spending 500 gems is gonna get me him. I don't know

The world this is so silly

Well, I opened up got one more box from that, so maybe this will be it


Didn't think so. I mean look at this I have enough. I have a perfect account every brawler over 500 every brawler maxed out

Except Lee Jung. Well, the wizard barley skin is really cool

Yeah, that's really cool look at that Superman is sweet, I like that

I'm still sad that I don't have Leon but at least I can be happy about this


So I

obviously have

3,000 token or token doublers? I

Had 100 available and I got my Star chest or my star whatever you call it my big box and two more boxes. So

We're gonna try five more boxes. Oh

Let's see if it's gonna be in this one

Nope not that one and

This one maybe

Didn't think so

It's a hit thing, so it was worth a shot

I'm done with the video guys. You have a good day

For more infomation >> the saddest brawl stars video ever :'( - Duration: 10:43.


Travis Scott / Quavo Type Beat [[Prod. Asa]] "F GUCCI" (2019) ft. Asap Rocky - Duration: 2:13.

Travis Scott / Quavo Type Beat [[Prod. Asa]] "F GUCCI" (2019) ft. Asap Rocky

For more infomation >> Travis Scott / Quavo Type Beat [[Prod. Asa]] "F GUCCI" (2019) ft. Asap Rocky - Duration: 2:13.


2020 Mini JCW GP Shows Wild Production Bodykit For The First Time - Duration: 2:13.

It was just hours ago that Mini released official teaser images and details regarding its most powerful car ever, the John Cooper Works GP

Now, we can admire this extreme Mini in a batch of fresh spy shots, the first to reveal the final production car – following the JCW GP Concept's debut at the 2017 Frankfurt Motor Show, we've only seen mules during testing, but never the real deal

That changes today as these spy images are the first that show the production model in all its (camouflaged) glory

As you can see, this little car means business, adopting the meanest body kit we've ever seen fitted to a production Mini Hatch (or Hardtop as it is marketed in America)

The highlight is obviously the massive split rear wing that looks taken straight from a race car, yet the JCW GP still has more tricks up its sleeves

Those include the add-on fender flares (much smaller than the concept's) and the aggressive bumpers that feature a splitter at the front and a diffuser at the rear

Other distinctive design cues are the central dual exhaust tailpipes and the wide wheels

The GP package also brings bigger brakes and a tweaked suspension, as well as lightweight materials

To make the car as light as possible, a rear seat delete should also be in the cards, at least as an option

Limited to 3,000 units, the Mini JCW GP packs a 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine making more than 300 horsepower

The fastest and most powerful Mini ever approved for street use is expected to debut in late 2019 (possibly at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September), with deliveries to follow in early 2020

For more infomation >> 2020 Mini JCW GP Shows Wild Production Bodykit For The First Time - Duration: 2:13.


'Hold on to Your Pooch!': Cleveland Issues 'Small Dog Warning' Due to 50 mph Winds - News Today - Duration: 1:57.

 Toto knows big winds can be a serious problems for little dogs.  To keep all of 's dogs safe, Cleveland's National Weather Service (NWS) issued an unofficial 'small dog warning' on Tuesday, when the northern area was experiencing 50 mph wind gusts

Get push notifications with news, features and more. Follow Following You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications

 "We have an unofficial "Small Dog Warning" Wind Advisory for northern # and NW # this evening through Wednesday

Wind gusts 45 to 50 mph! A few trees may be blown down. Scattered power outages possible," NWS Cleveland tweeted along with a graphic of a dog caught up in a strong gust

 The small dog warning was part of a larger Wind Advisory cautioning and residents to watch out for power outages, blown down trees and missing trash cans

 After being battered with gusts measuring as high as 57 mph on Tuesday and Wednesday, is no longer under a Wind Advisory

 According to Today, the 's dogs made it through the blustery two days without any issue

For more infomation >> 'Hold on to Your Pooch!': Cleveland Issues 'Small Dog Warning' Due to 50 mph Winds - News Today - Duration: 1:57.


COMMENT LE CIEL PARLE ? ... - Duration: 3:39.

Mary ... asks us to read the Bible ... The Bible is a living word ... it's a

to say, it is a word that is engraved in your mind ... and it comes out the moment

wanted to make you understand something ... this is how Heaven

speak to you ... God can also use words spoken by Mary ... especially the

message from Medjugorje ... during your prayer or after your prayer ... he puts you in

memory a phrase or a phrase, a message from Medjugorje, for you

to answer or make you understand something ... it's often his way of

dialogue with you ... but there is more ... he can also use nature ... for example you

see gnats that flutter like that in a vacuum for nothing ... and it makes you

understand that it's like men ... they're very agitated, they get tired

many, they will not live longer and they will have nothing more ... while those who

listen to his voice, are less agitated, less tired, and enjoy more of life.

Recently, I was surprised to see a child of 12/13 years to ask the question

if he was homosexual or not.

It's a child who should not have asked this question, because for a child

of 13 years to discover homosexual is a true suffering ... before only children

homosexual was suffering ... Now it's all the boys and girls who

suffer and who are afraid ... God does not have explained why homosexuality was

a sin, you have to trust him ...

For those who would find time a little long before the next message from Medjugorje,

you can re-read the old messages, me a few times, it answered some of my

questions and it helped me

To subscribe follow the arrow, click on the logo now because you can come back

to the video after ...

Medjugorje October 2012 ...

In the middle of the night, a pilgrim in Medjugorje films the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary with her


We can see on the knee of the Virgin the silhouette of an angel

Look at the images ...

Subscribe and especially do not forget the small bell, to be alerted to each

new publication ...

On the left you can access our memories, by clicking on the link and on the right

you can see all our videos or the most watched videos ...

Now you can subscribe ... by following ... the red arrow ...

For more infomation >> COMMENT LE CIEL PARLE ? ... - Duration: 3:39.


Macron : "l'antisémitisme est la négation de la République" - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Macron : "l'antisémitisme est la négation de la République" - Duration: 6:16.


Torsades « Vent de Sable » - Duration: 16:35.

For more infomation >> Torsades « Vent de Sable » - Duration: 16:35.


Live In The D: Family fun for Valentine's Day - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Live In The D: Family fun for Valentine's Day - Duration: 3:25.


Live In The D: How 'Heart You Not' can help you find the right words this Valentine's Day - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Live In The D: How 'Heart You Not' can help you find the right words this Valentine's Day - Duration: 3:46.


Live In The D: Get the spa treatment at home with Lavender Mobile Spa - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Live In The D: Get the spa treatment at home with Lavender Mobile Spa - Duration: 4:08.


Live In The D: Red wine hot chocolate - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Live In The D: Red wine hot chocolate - Duration: 3:12.


Philippe critique à demi-mot les petites phrases d'Emmanuel - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Philippe critique à demi-mot les petites phrases d'Emmanuel - Duration: 4:14.


So do I ? Neither do I ? - Duration: 8:12.


Tonight is a great night

The Sun is going down. I can see it from my window. It's just beautiful!

I hope you can see me OK, and I have a question for you. Do you like English?

Yes, you do

Me too (=moi aussi) !

Me too. Oh

You, you don't you don't like English?

Me neither (=moi non plus)

I hate English, me neither. So, in English when you

agree (=quand vous êtes d'accord) , you can say: me too.

Oh, me too, or

Me neither, me neither (=moi non plus)

Okay, those two expressions are very easy to use (=faciles à utiliser) and

They work at all times (=elles fonctionnent tout le temps)

However (=cependant) , there is another way (=une autre façon/manière)

to express

agreement (=exprimer son accord) and

I'm going to show it to you right now. Are you ready steady?

Follow me (=suivez moi). Let's go!

Okay, well this is a very simple chart (=tableau)

That I made for you, with very easy

sentences (=phrases)

For you to understand. So let's take the first example, I like pizza

Okay, if you agree (=si vous êtes d'accord)

you are going to use "so" okay, so

so and

the verb is going to be

changed into an auxilary. So do I

So do I! (=moi aussi) I like pizza, oh, so do I in the third person (=à la 3ème personne) for

example, if your mother likes pizza too- so

does my mother

So do I, so does my mother

Okay, let's take the second example. I'm a teacher. I am so it's "be" (=être), I am a teacher so

So what? so am

I, so am I ; of course (=bien sûr) you can say "me too" (=vous pouvez dire "Me too")

But "so am I" is a possibility the third person my mother, imagine your mother is a teacher


isn't my mother so is my mother (=ma mère aussi!)

I can play the piano

Same old story , I can


Imagine you can play the piano I can play the piano. Oh me too. So can I! (=moi aussi!)

so can I

third person, so can my mother (=ma mère aussi)


This is a sentence in the past tense (=voici une phrase au passé)

I went to London last summer. I went so you are going to change

the verb

into an auxilary, but this time (=mais cette fois-ci) it's not going to be "do" because it's past; it's going to be "did"

So I went to London last summer. So did I, so did I! (=moi aussi)

So did my mother


Finally here. You have the auxillary "have" it's a present- perfect

I have just been to London

So you are going to use have: so have I, so have I!

So has my mother, because it's "SHE" , third person. Okay


you use so so so so so when you agree to a

positive statement (=une phrase affirmative) now

What if the statement is negative (=et si la phrase était négative?) now, the negative of "I like" is...

I don't like pizza.

I don't like pizza. I'm a teacher I'm not a teacher I can play the piano I

Can't play the piano I

Went to London, what is the contrary of I went? I I

what? I

Didn't yes, that's right. I didn't go to London last summer.

I Have just been to London. I

Haven't or, I have never been to London


Let's see (=voyons voir)

These are negative sentences (=ce sont des phrases négatives) so when you agree to a negative sentence

You no longer use "so" (=vous n'utilisez plus "so") but you use "neither", "neither"

Okay, neither

instead of (=au lieu de) so

The verb is replaced (=est remplacé) by an auxilary (=par un auxiliaire) "neither do I" (=moi non plus!)

Neither does my mother (=ma mère non plus) or she neither does she I'm not a teacher

Neither am I (=moi non plus)

Neither is she (=elle non plus)

Can't play the piano


Can I

Neither can


I didn't go to London last summer. Neither did I?

Neither did she I have never been to London

Neither have I

Neither has she

Okay, so when you respond to a negative sentence, you use "neither"


the auxilary, okay and

when you respond to a positive sentence you use so

plus the auxilary and if you have a verb you just replace the verb with

the accurate auxilary so "do", "does" or



All right. Thank you for watching. I hope it was useful (=j'espère que c'était utile). I hope that my

explanations were

easy to understand and

that it was useful and

That it made sense

If so (=si c'est la cas) , please leave a thumbs up (=pouce bleu) share

this video, leave me a comment in the comment section below (en dessous) and


See you later

Take care (=prenez soin de vous) everybody. Bye bye everyone Cheers

For more infomation >> So do I ? Neither do I ? - Duration: 8:12.


Torsades « Vent de Sable » - Duration: 16:35.

For more infomation >> Torsades « Vent de Sable » - Duration: 16:35.


MARKETING B2B - LES 5 PILIERS - Duration: 14:05.

For more infomation >> MARKETING B2B - LES 5 PILIERS - Duration: 14:05.


Moving with Pete Davidson and Kevin Hart - Duration: 17:10.

For more infomation >> Moving with Pete Davidson and Kevin Hart - Duration: 17:10.


5 Reasons Not to Buy a Tesla Car - Duration: 10:38.

rev up your engines, today I'm gonna talk about five reasons you should not buy a

Tesla electric car, now everybody talks about electric cars being the future, I

remember when I was a kid they talked about flying cars are gonna be the

future, well then that never came about, but electric cars probably will be a

certain percentage of the future, only how far away in the future, and of

course which models are going to succeed as electric cars, and which are gonna

fail, now in my opinion it's gonna be many years before electric cars in the

United States become normal vehicles that everyone drives around, but if you

do want to get an electric car today, here's five reasons why I'd say don't

buy a Tesla, and numero uno that's price, these things are really expensive and at

least so far, they don't hold their value all that

much, I met a guy who bought a Tesla put like thirty five thousand miles on it,

and when he went to trade it in the Tesla dealer offered him 50% of what he

paid for that car, he was going to lose over fifty thousand dollars owning that

thing for two years and here's where competition is going to

come into effect, obviously more and more companies are gonna start making

electric cars, Chevy now has the Chevy bolt, not the volt, but the bolt it's

made in China the Chinese have very modern factories,

they seem to have pretty good quality control from what I've read, I haven't

seen in here because they're generally not allowed to sell these Chinese cars

in United States yet, but of course eventually they will, Nissan has the

Nissan Leaf that's an all-electric car that's been out a while, and the new ones

are definitely a large improvement over the other ones, and you're talking a lot

less money than what Tesla's charging now if you're talking about game

changing parameters, hey electric cars right they're like they're efficient

they don't pollute, well a lot of the competitors are making smaller electric

cars, so people are gonna go electric hey let's face it, you might as well as go

small if you want to be efficient but Tesla's more of the full-size variety, his

cars are expensive, yeah they're big they got a lot of room, let's face the facts in

the United States the average car generally

has not that many people were riding around in the thing, so what's the point of

making these big vehicles to haul all that weight and all those heavy

batteries around, if there's only one or two people in the car, you might as well

as go small, so unless you have an endless supply of money and you want

luxury, I advise don't buy a Tesla electric car

buy some other model, and personally I'd wait even on that until the chips fall

where they fall, and you see who makes the reliable one and the prices will

start coming down as they mass produce them all, and speaking of mass production

that's the number two reason not to buy a Tesla, they've had poor quality control

they went from making not all that many cars, to making tens of thousands of them

every month, that changed the whole parameter for Tesla's manufacturing

facility, they had problems in the factory, they ended up setting up tents

and building the things in a parking lot, I guess Elon had an idea that it

was gonna be like the Terminator, he was gonna have the robots build the robots

and hardly have any people involved, well our technology hasn't evolved that far

either, so they had so many problems they ended up doing it in the parking lot

with human beings, in those the body part didn't fit, there are large gaps on one

side, small gaps on other sides, they had electrical problems with the dash

control unit, some of them the doors are supposed to recognize you, you come in

and the door handles flip out because I got these hidden door handles, and of course

that broke too, isn't that a surprise, you put these gimmicks on cars that the

handles are hidden and then they pop out when you get close to it, come on now you

know right away you know five-year-olds impressed by you know little technology

like that, hey really my 94 Celica has kind of hidden door

handles, they're flush with the car and that leads it to the third

reason not to buy a Tesla, poor reliability and expensive repairs of

these things, nobody's going to know how to fix these Teslas other than at

the Tesla dealers right, you know about car repair, what's the most expensive

place that's going to charge you the most to get your car fixed, the dealer

of course, heck the last records I found, Tesla spends more money per car doing

warranty work then even mercedes-benz during the same period, and Mercedes

certainly isn't known for cheap repairs, even GM spends less money per car on

warranty repairs than Tesla does, that says something, and it certainly seems to say

something to the Tesla executives, in 2018 41 high-level executives quit and

left the company, and in the last 12 months 58 total high-level executives

have quit the company, now that included a lot of guys who had serious experience

in the car business, including the chief accountant, and hey if the accountant is

leaving, hey maybe he knows something more than even I know about this stuff

and there's not much future for me here, who knows how long they're gonna be

around, he does the actual figures, and let's face it, high executives they get paid a

lot of money, if they're leaving a job that pays them a lot of money, they're

kind of saying, well I'm not betting with Tesla on this one, I think I'll go work

somewhere else, because really we live in highly competitive times, global

worldwide economies, you put all your bank money especially with theirs on the

model three that they're gonna mass-produce, things can easily go

haywire, as an example they recently laid off a bunch of people, they want to save

money so they can make the price of the Model 3 lower, it was supposed to be like

a $35,000 car, but in reality you couldn't get them for less than $45,000

well hey if you're getting rid of people for a car that's already having problems

in the manufacturing, I don't see that as a good thing, now the last reason I'm

gonna give not to buy a Tesla, the whole notion of electric cars in our modern

society today, I got a friend in Canada to begin with, he lives in Canada so it's

really cold, well what happens there, if you know

anything about batteries, they lose a lot of their power when it gets really cold

outside, they can lose 30 to 40% of their capacity, so he found out that even

though he had the thing fully charged at one of these fancy stations that did it

with 240 volts instead of the 120 in the house, when it got up in the morning

he had 40% less mileage on the little readout than it's supposed to be when

it's fully charged, because it was so cold, and he said when he plugged it in

to his house at the 120, it was going to take five days to charge the car, he

did it for a few hours and found out it hardly did anything, because it was so

cold outside it was losing so much percentage of the electricity going in

that it was almost useless plugging it into his house, so he had to drive to one

of these 240 volt charging stations, and he told me when he was there, he got

lucky he got there and it took five hours to fully charge this thing there

it was so cold, and there were people that had other electric cars and they

were waiting behind him, and he said they kind of looked at him and glare at him and

one guy even said, are you almost done, are you

almost done, can you imagine if there were millions of people driving electric

cars and they had to wait for, bad enough to take five hours to charge their car, what

if there's three guys in front of you, you

know, and let's face it batteries are heavy, you make a

relatively large car like a Tesla, they're having little ones they have to

have bigger batteries to pull all that weight, that's just the law of

diminishing returns, to make it go better you put in a bigger battery, but the

bigger battery weighs more, so then it has to store more electricity to pull

itself, and it just turned into a vicious circle, which who wants to get involved

in that, you're probably better off always making smaller electric cars not big

monster ones, now sure the Tesla's have all kinds of power, their fancy one is

faster than a Dodge Challenger with a Hellcat engine in it, I mean they're

screaming because of electric motors have full torque all the time, as soon as

you turn them on they go off, they don't need to rev up like a car engine, but to

get all that power takes a lot of energy, and if people are getting an electric

car cuz they want efficiency and they want to have long ranges, you should go for

a lighter car, not a heavier car, and when you combine the heaviness with the high

price originally, and then the high price of repairs that they have a history of

already, I don't think it's a good idea to buy a Tesla today

I mean there's always gonna be rich guys out there, they want the biggest fastest

coolest thing you know, you see the Tesla's and movies and stuff like that

yeah that's certainly gonna be a market for the guy, but if you're talking about

a gigantic mass market, I think twice, it could have been the right idea at the

wrong time, implemented in the wrong fashion, because when it comes to cars

it's not just the idea behind them, it's the implementation of that idea, and if

it's implemented wrong, it can easily be a failure instead of a success, and with

all those high-level executives quitting Tesla, it may be the rats are jumping off

the ship before it completely sinks, now over the years I've had customers buy

new design cars that ended up failing and then they were stuck with a car that

wasn't worth that much money and had all kinds of problems

so me I'd stay away from the Tesla, if you're into electric cars I'd still wait

a few years to see where the chips are gonna fall, but I wouldn't be surprised

at all if people started driving electric cars around that were made in China

after all the Chinese already use over a hundred million electric scooters, and

they add 20 million each year, so there are obviously serious about mass

marketing electric vehicles, so if you never want to miss another one of my new

car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!

For more infomation >> 5 Reasons Not to Buy a Tesla Car - Duration: 10:38.


Firefly's New MMO - Romans: Age of Caesar Interview - Duration: 5:13.

Hi everybody, it's Simon and Eric here

from Firefly. Eric's flown over from the

States to do a special exciting

announcement. We hope you've had a

good New Year and are ready for a new game

from Firefly. Eric tell us a little bit

about what we've been up to. Well we've

had a new team working in secret for

several years, not the kingdoms team,

not a Stronghold team, working on a new

cooperative Roman city builder which we are

very excited about. Which is going to be



we've worked a lot on Roman kind of

city builders in the past but this one I

think is interesting as you say it's

kind of cooperative right and I think

that's what's been hard on the tech

it's taken us a long time to get it


we've now at the point I think when we

can kind of go into our first closed

alpha. Yeah first closed yeah, first

reaction from people outside the company

playing the game so we're excited to

get their feedback. Yeah absolutely

so we kind of still we're still going

full-tilt on Stronghold Next, we're still

working full-tilt on Kingdoms but we've

also now got Romans: Age of Caesar coming

into view. I mean really we're

returning to Rome again right so,

Impressions (games), you know that's kind of

where we met right, long time ago and

we were working on the Caesar series.

Production. And I was coding, designing

with David yep.

We got like Darren, a lot of the art

right so we kind of like the bands got

back together again on that one. And then

then we moved on later

you know Firefly, we did our own CivCity

Rome, so we did it another pass at city

building with Sid Meier & co but yeah

good to be back, we've

always had a thing outside of the

medieval stuff, we've always had a thing

for Rome yeah but I mean I think it's

like such a great period in history

right to kind of cover, with it there's

the legions and the daily life in Rome

and a lot of the stuff we'll be doing

that we did in Caesar, we're gonna bring

back here in Romans right? Exactly.

The difference being, evolution

in the same city, cooperative city

building, so it's kind of a next level

playing together on the same map,

building your city together, group

contributions to the buildings and yeah,

so unlike say Caesar which was

a single-player game, this is both an

online game so it's permanently on,

you go away your city

keeps growing and doing stuff but also

you're building it, you're building a

part of the city not just one of you,

you are responsible for a suburb of the city,

right you know if you


bad stuff on this, someone

else, it will affect them. If

there's rioting or fires, that will

feed into the whole city, conversely

you could do good stuff right,

you can help erect the

Coliseum. Exactly defend

your neighbors from barbarians,

help them out when they're having

troubles, help them collect the

resources if they're not online,

get benefit for both of you

which is a big cooperation kind of thing.

So it's kind of like

we've been wanting to kind of make an

online version of a Roman city builder

for a long time right yeah but we finally

get to do it.

Why don't you as the designer give us a

sneak peek of what people might get.

What's coming up, so we're not talking

too much otherwise we'll

have nothing to say in the coming months

but a few of the kind of things that

we're gonna be doing like you say,

classic Firefly simulation stuff,

in Rome there's so much to

do there whether it's entertainment in

Colosseum, chariot racing or fighting,

to the way people used to live, the

houses you know growing your houses is

like the lifeblood of the game from a

humble Shack to a mighty Imperial Palace.

At the start you just need like

maybe water, that's all you need right

and then maybe some fish to eat you know

and then as you get things further

down, you acquire the more luxurious

goods but to get those you need to

go out on the Empire and control it and

maybe get the flow of

lemons coming out from the East.

So you'll be battling over stuff,

other kind of luxurious

goods and that grows your houses. It'll

be a very in-depth game we can say

that, it'll have kind of combat

both offensive and defensive, you'll be

pushing back against the Barbarians and so

there'll be a lot of kind of PvE as well

as obviously different factions PvP,

and then we've some interesting

things to talk about not now but also

but later on the political fighting

which is again another

unique kind of thing I think we've got

going for Romans. Romans has got a lot of

depth to but yeah I think that's a

lot of sneak peeks already. Yeah,

absolutely. So that's all we can say for

the time being, we hope you're as excited

as we are to return to Rome. But if you

want to keep up with all things of

Firefly Studios, make sure you subscribe

to our YouTube channel to learn the

latest on Stronghold Next, Stronghold

Kingdoms and now Romans: Age of Caesar

For more infomation >> Firefly's New MMO - Romans: Age of Caesar Interview - Duration: 5:13.


Pull out the beard with the zoomed image 髭を思いっきり引っ張りながら抜いてみた! - Duration: 2:14.

Have you seen the moment when the beard pulls out by zooming?

Please look carefully at the moment when the beard pulls out with the zoom image this time!

For more infomation >> Pull out the beard with the zoomed image 髭を思いっきり引っ張りながら抜いてみた! - Duration: 2:14.


Spécial St Valentin ❤️❤️❤️ ~ À la recherche du respect #05 - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Spécial St Valentin ❤️❤️❤️ ~ À la recherche du respect #05 - Duration: 4:01.


COMMENT LE CIEL PARLE ? ... - Duration: 3:39.

Mary ... asks us to read the Bible ... The Bible is a living word ... it's a

to say, it is a word that is engraved in your mind ... and it comes out the moment

wanted to make you understand something ... this is how Heaven

speak to you ... God can also use words spoken by Mary ... especially the

message from Medjugorje ... during your prayer or after your prayer ... he puts you in

memory a phrase or a phrase, a message from Medjugorje, for you

to answer or make you understand something ... it's often his way of

dialogue with you ... but there is more ... he can also use nature ... for example you

see gnats that flutter like that in a vacuum for nothing ... and it makes you

understand that it's like men ... they're very agitated, they get tired

many, they will not live longer and they will have nothing more ... while those who

listen to his voice, are less agitated, less tired, and enjoy more of life.

Recently, I was surprised to see a child of 12/13 years to ask the question

if he was homosexual or not.

It's a child who should not have asked this question, because for a child

of 13 years to discover homosexual is a true suffering ... before only children

homosexual was suffering ... Now it's all the boys and girls who

suffer and who are afraid ... God does not have explained why homosexuality was

a sin, you have to trust him ...

For those who would find time a little long before the next message from Medjugorje,

you can re-read the old messages, me a few times, it answered some of my

questions and it helped me

To subscribe follow the arrow, click on the logo now because you can come back

to the video after ...

Medjugorje October 2012 ...

In the middle of the night, a pilgrim in Medjugorje films the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary with her


We can see on the knee of the Virgin the silhouette of an angel

Look at the images ...

Subscribe and especially do not forget the small bell, to be alerted to each

new publication ...

On the left you can access our memories, by clicking on the link and on the right

you can see all our videos or the most watched videos ...

Now you can subscribe ... by following ... the red arrow ...

For more infomation >> COMMENT LE CIEL PARLE ? ... - Duration: 3:39.


CREMA de AVENA Receta Vegana Fácil y Deliciosa | Veganamente - Duration: 3:32.

Hi, I'm Raquel, today in Veganamente I'm going to make an oatmeal cream with vegetables.

To make it we are going to need a few oat flakes that I have had soaking for 6 hours,

carrot cut into cubes, some broccoli saplings,

onion, celery, red pepper, some cloves of garlic,

a little black pepper, a pinch of turmeric, dried oregano, salt and oil.

In a little oil we put some garlic to brown

and some pieces of onion.

It is already lightly browned, we incorporate the celery.

We put salt.

We put the oats.

We put a liter of water.

A little oregano

We let it cook over a low heat for about 15 min.

Meanwhile, in a pan with a little oil, sauté the pepper,

the carrot

and broccoli.

We season a little

and we let them sauté.

After 15 min. we beat to crush everything.

We throw pepper,

a little turmeric,

rectify salt

and we add the sautéed vegetables.

We let a boil all together and we have it ready.


You see! Little more I have to say !! a cream so easy to make and so rich and so nutritious!

Below the ingredients and links to my social networks.

Thanks for visiting me one more day! Leave me a like if you liked the recipe,

subscribe, share with everyone, give the bell to tell you my videos

and see you in the next recipe. Bye!!

For more infomation >> CREMA de AVENA Receta Vegana Fácil y Deliciosa | Veganamente - Duration: 3:32.


TIÉMOUÉ BAKAYOKO | New Life 🔴⚫ | Reculer pour mieux sauter - Duration: 5:30.

I left Chelsea because I felt that the club didn't want me anymore.

I was disappointed, obviously.

I stayed for a year.

That didn't go according to plan.

It was an easy and a difficult decision to make because Chelsea is Chelsea

and I didn't think I showed what I was capable of there so, as

a competitor, it's disappointing.

It was an easy decision though because I don't think the manager was counting

on me, and AC Milan is hard to refuse.

It was fast, I started to be not unhappy but sad

not playing, not being picked by the manager…

It went fast from the moment I knew for sure that Milan wanted me, I gave

them my go straight away.

I'm not going to lie, you take a hit.

Everything was going fine until that particular moment.

It was not an easy thing to live.

And it was probably the first bad moment of my career.

Being in a club, and that club doesn't want you for next season…

It was not easy but I think you have to live moments like this.

It helped me a lot to go through what I'm going through right now,

a way more positive moment.

I'm more ready to face difficult moments now,

I think I'm more prepared.

I arrive in Milan and meet Paolo Maldini, a legend.

It's special, being in front of him.

I was kind of star struck.

Walking in the office and seeing the trophies…

Knowing about it and living it is completely different.

You feel like it's not any club.

You feel like you're in a winning club.

With a full trophy cabinet.

The first weeks didn't go to well.

Everyone welcomed me well, the conditions were good

to express myself. Sometimes you think that

adaptation is going to be fast and that you'll be able to give 100% right away

but it didn't go like this unfortunately, and the fans

were not so sweet to me. My relationship with the manager?

I didn't like what he said.

I'm not going to repeat them, but it was harsh words.

Especially after I played 20 minutes in my first game. Being tough right away…

I didn't like it, and I told him.

It's better now. We know his character.

Gattuso, is a warrior-type of manager, of man.

He wanted to pass me this spirit that I didn't have, probably.

This fighting spirit, I built it here.

He's like a father figure now. Our relationship is

top. We talk about everything. Having such kind of relationship with the manager is great.

It's a great city,

it's sunny most of the time, quite cold in the winter but sunny.

Food is great here and that's

very important to me. You can't forget that it's also

one of the best fashion cities, so being in Milan is fun.

My life is quite interesting besides football.

The city lives football.

You have two milanese clubs, and they're enemies, that's for sure.

It's interesting to meet people in the city, on the street.

There is a lot of passion. You have blue,

you have red. You walk into the stadium, sometimes it's

blue, the next day it's red. It's different.

And that's a good thing. Serie A is coming back.

compared to what I've known in Monaco,

Chelsea, I'd say it's pretty similar. I think it may be less intense

here that in England or France but it as difficult

Tactical culture is very important.

We train a lot without the ball.

It's very tactics-based and it's very important

in the game. I like this league

as a player, it allows me to show my capabilities.

L'équipe de France? I think about it of course Once you've been there, you want to go back.

The most important thing is your performance on the pitch, I think that's the only thing

that opens the doors of the team.

Things are better now so obviously, I think about it

but a while ago, I didn't even think about it and I didn't think like I deserved it

or could pretend to it.

Yeah, today I think about it and I hope to be back there soon because

l'équipe de France is top level.

For more infomation >> TIÉMOUÉ BAKAYOKO | New Life 🔴⚫ | Reculer pour mieux sauter - Duration: 5:30.


Galantis - Bones ft. OneRepublic (BVRNOUT Remix) [Bootleg] ❤️ - Duration: 2:57.

♪ You bring an energy I've never felt before ♪

♪ Some kind of chemical that reaches through my core ♪

♪ Feels like as far as you and me, I've never had a choice ♪

♪ You feel like home, hmm ♪

♪ You're like the opposite of all of my mistakes (Hey) ♪

♪ Tear down the biggest walls and put me in my place ♪

♪ I know, that kind of comfortable you cannot replicate ♪

♪ You feel like home, hmm ♪

♪ So if you're asking me ♪

♪ Say, "Oh, how do you know?" ♪

♪ I don't just feel it in my heart ♪

♪ Don't just feel it in my heart, no ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ So many people just walk in and out your life (Hey) ♪

♪ I'd trade a couple hundred just to get some time back, that's right ♪

♪ 'Cause for you and me, I got no alibi ♪

♪ You feel like home, oh ♪

♪ So if you're asking me ♪

♪ Sayin', "Oh, how do you know?" ♪

♪ I don't just feel it in my heart ♪

♪ Don't just feel it in my heart, no ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones, yeah ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

♪ So if you're asking me ♪

♪ Said, "Boy, how do you know?" ♪

♪ I don't just feel it in my heart ♪

♪ Don't just feel it in my heart, no ♪

♪ I feel it in my bones ♪

For more infomation >> Galantis - Bones ft. OneRepublic (BVRNOUT Remix) [Bootleg] ❤️ - Duration: 2:57.


Travis Scott / Quavo Type Beat [[Prod. Asa]] "F GUCCI" (2019) ft. Asap Rocky - Duration: 2:13.

Travis Scott / Quavo Type Beat [[Prod. Asa]] "F GUCCI" (2019) ft. Asap Rocky

For more infomation >> Travis Scott / Quavo Type Beat [[Prod. Asa]] "F GUCCI" (2019) ft. Asap Rocky - Duration: 2:13.


L'IRSN en 2019 - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> L'IRSN en 2019 - Duration: 5:39.


Macron : "Moi, j'essaie de faire toujours très attention à la façon dont je m'exprime" - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Macron : "Moi, j'essaie de faire toujours très attention à la façon dont je m'exprime" - Duration: 4:45.


Comedian Jo Koy Could've Gotten His Son an "F" for Free | River City Live - Duration: 12:57.

For more infomation >> Comedian Jo Koy Could've Gotten His Son an "F" for Free | River City Live - Duration: 12:57.


Travis Scott / Quavo Type Beat [[Prod. Asa]] "F GUCCI" (2019) ft. Asap Rocky - Duration: 2:13.

Travis Scott / Quavo Type Beat [[Prod. Asa]] "F GUCCI" (2019) ft. Asap Rocky

For more infomation >> Travis Scott / Quavo Type Beat [[Prod. Asa]] "F GUCCI" (2019) ft. Asap Rocky - Duration: 2:13.


More than 1 million Ford F-150 Pickups with six-speed automatic transmissions are being recalled - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> More than 1 million Ford F-150 Pickups with six-speed automatic transmissions are being recalled - Duration: 0:31.


Fresh Ink Finished Tattoo - What does this tattoo mean to Ed#2? - Duration: 2:31.

Hey guys Ed number 2 here.

I am on my way to my tattoo artist

to get a... to get my tattoo finished

I am sure you know by now I have tattoos

You've had to of seen them. [laughing]

Up and down my arms and my legs

Anyway I am getting my forearm finished today and I am pretty excited!

Hey guys uh so done with the tattoo

It came out great

Wraps all the way around my arm the way that it is supposed to.

Pretty excited

Thanks for watching see you guys next time

For more infomation >> Fresh Ink Finished Tattoo - What does this tattoo mean to Ed#2? - Duration: 2:31.


Ford USA F-150 RAPTOR | SOLD | | Perfomance | 4X4 | 450 PK | Super Crew | BLACK | All-in prijs | Uit - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Ford USA F-150 RAPTOR | SOLD | | Perfomance | 4X4 | 450 PK | Super Crew | BLACK | All-in prijs | Uit - Duration: 0:54.


殲20新鎧甲細節驚艷,不再滿布鉚釘,專家稱讚製造工藝不遜F22- 军事 新闻 - Duration: 4:07.


2月3日中國 空軍官方微 博發布了一 則新年賀歲 視頻

在視頻中我國 第五代隱身 戰機殲-2 0頻頻亮相

其中飛行員白 龍也成了「 網紅」

給全國人民人 民拜年:守 衛祖國領空

守護幸福安寧 !無疑只要 殲-20現 身地點必會 成為各界的 焦點。

有心的人也不 難發現

近年來殲-2 0出現的頻 率是越來越 高了。

這也無疑 表明了

中國空軍如今 對於自身實 力是越發自 信


殲-20批量 生產服役的 號角已經吹 響。

在2018年 11月11 日

第十三屆珠海 航展閉幕式 上

4架殲-20 再次亮相前 來助興

不過一些人覺 得這次殲- 20飛行表 演似乎有些 中規中矩

只表演了一些 相對常規的 特技動作

甚至還沒有殲 10b

完成的眼鏡蛇 等一連串超 級特技表演 驚艷。

但殲20 向世人展示 了新塗裝、



而這隻有殲2 0改變的開 始。

直接將彈艙示 之於眾

亮出了霹靂1 5與霹靂1 0E兩款新 型空空飛彈 。

據已有數據顯 示

霹靂-15是 一款專門為 殲-20研 製的新一代 主動雷達制 導遠程空空 飛彈

比美國現役主 力阿姆拉姆 遠程空中作 戰飛彈射程 更遠。

同時霹靂 -10E是 我國自主研 發的第四代 近距空空飛 彈

發射離軸角可 以覆蓋戰機 整個前面


實現頭盔瞄準 具控制飛彈 發射


並且還擁有超 過60個G 的高機動過 載能力

也就是說霹靂 10E可以 利用超機動 的推力很快 就能轉向甚 至調頭

一旦被它盯上 了

飛機想逃是逃 不掉的。

霹靂-10E 的出現

其意義不亞於 一款新式戰 鬥機的面世 ! 毫無 疑問在這兩 款利刃的加 持下

殲-20也擁 有了足夠的 資本向世界 展現其強大 的戰鬥能力 。

除了大秀彈倉 之外

還有一點也同 樣值得關注

那就是殲-2 0身上低可 視度水漬的 迷彩塗裝。

要知道從問世 至今已經有 了六次換裝

首批採用深黑 色塗裝

為此也被網友 戲稱「黑絲 帶」

服役後又換裝 高亮銀灰色 塗裝

如今又以最新 水漬迷彩" 鎧甲"亮相 航展

同時也標誌釋 放了一則重 要信號。

更重要的 是

在航展上可以 看到殲-2 0身上鉚釘 不再突出

這也表明了殲 -20製造 工藝進步明 顯

已經不輸美國 !包括美國 專業航空軍 事網《驅動 者》

對殲-20的 製造工藝都 讚嘆不已

認為完全達到 了美軍F- 22和F- 35的水平 。

千萬別小看了 機身表面上 凸起的螺栓

可能一個就能 使得飛機的 反射強度陡 然增加數倍 甚至十幾倍 以上。

同時這些圓頭 鉚釘的凸起

會在戰鬥機高 速飛行中形 成相當的阻 力。

而殲20的外 觀工藝表現

無疑證明中國 在航空製造 上有了脫胎 換骨的能力 進步。

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