(Subtitled by Shailaja-Vivek)
Bless me dad.
God bless you dear.
Happy birthday!
What's your plan today?
Not much Dad.. I get to celebrate my birthday only once in every four years...
Should I have to take birth only on this day?
Hmm.. Anyway..
My friends have planned a surprise for me.
I'm going there today.
Alright Dad.
I'm getting late.
I'll take leave of you now.. Bye Dad.
Hey guys!
You all must be wondering, why would I come live at this early hour, right?
It's because..
erm.. because of a..
a beautiful girl.
[facebook comment pops up]
[reading comment] Dude! Make sure if it's a fake id like Priya sweety or Divya angel.
Hey, no man..
I don't even know who she is..
I'm just curious to know her.
For the last three days..
I'm getting a dream that's exactly the same and surprisingly at the same time.
Sounds strange, isn't it?
I saw her in my dream even today..
..wearing a beautiful red churidhar.
She takes blessings from her father for her birthday.
Then, a small boy wishes her happy birthday.
Hey sis, looks like you have dressed up special..
Is it your birthday or something?
Yes, my dear.
Where are my chocolates?
I don't have it with me right now.
I will give you once I get back in the evening. Alright?
Okay.. Thank you.
That's it.
I wake up from the dream exactly at that moment.
I couldn't see her face properly.
I've sketched her as much as I remember.
Here it is.
If you know anyone who resembles this drawing,
or if you figure out the meaning of this dream,
please do contact me.
And my number is..
98407 65122.
Where are my chocolates?
I don't have it with me right now.
I'll give you once I get back in the evening. Alright?
Okay.. Thank you.
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
How long should I wait?
I got a bit late.
Where are Jenny, Sharmi and Gopi?
-We decided to go together, right? -They've already reached the spot..
and asked me to bring you there directly.
Oh.. Where are we going?
Why do you need to know?
It's a surprise for you.
Since you don't need to know where we are going, they asked me to bring you blind-folded.
Hey, what's all this new?
Turn around.
Shall we go?
Morning, Eashwar!
Good morning, Doctor.
Your voice seems to be dull..
Did you get the same dream even today?
Yes, Vikram.
I feel so restless, Vikram.
I have got something important to tell you.
Just listen to this.
Yes, hold on.
[DEEPAK] After she comes down, a little boy wishes her happy birthday.
[DEEPAK] She says she will give him chocolates once she's back in the evening.
[DEEPAK] I wake up at that time usually.
You heard it?
(shockingly) Impossible, Vikram!
How come, Vikram?
How come he's telling the things that happened in my dream as his own dream?
He is not telling your dream as his dream..
his dream is what you dreamt of.
You both have got the same dream at the same time.
You are confusing me.
I don't understand anything, Vikram.
I think I know what it's all about.
How's that, sir?
How would he have got the same dream as mine?
How's that even possible?
It is possible, Mr. Deepak.
I think there is a connection.
What he's got in his dream is a continuation of your dream.
But how?
What if he told you, after watching my live video on Facebook?
He told me about his dream yesterday itself.
Moreover, Eashwar is blind by birth.
How could one even dream when they're blind by birth?
(laughs) Ha..ha..ha..
That's a good question, Deepak.
Who said blind people don't dream?
While we get visual dreams..
they get aural dreams with smell.
Sometimes, we even get to have taste and touch sensation.
It was an honour to interact with you who is so generous to provide..
free Bharatanatyam classes for poor children.. Agaram TV is glad to have you on this show Ma'am.
Finally, what would you like to say to the viewers?
People like us should come up in all fields and keep growing higher.
This is my only wish.
Please give opportunity to exhibit our talents too.
Thank you.
Thanks a lot.
May your accomplishments continue to grow.
This is Rudra signing off, hereby wishing you all a happy Women's day.
Thank you!
Good one, okay!
You spoke so nicely Ma'am.
It was a great interview.
Thank you.
I shall take your leave then.
Sure dear.
Excuse me, a minute dear.
Can you do me a small favour?
Yes, tell me.
For the past three days, I am getting a same dream.
I ignored it for the first two days, since it was just a dream.
But even today, I got the same dream at the same time.
Is it? What was the dream about?
Ermm.. a young guy..
must be in his early 20s.
All of a sudden, he grabs a red color dupatta lying nearby..
..and hangs himself from a nearby tree.
I'm so anxious and worried..
I am not able to ignore it, though it's just a dream.
I need to know if there's any reason for this recurring dream.
Could you please ask someone about this and let me know?
Erm.. I will definitely.
Don't worry.
[GAUTHAM] Rudra, shall we go?
Yes, I'm coming.
Thank you dear.
As you both described your dreams..
That girl..
Her birthday..
and that small boy..
everything seems to be similar elements of your dreams.
Keeping that in mind, I assume you both are sharing the same dream.
This is crazy.
Such things can happen only in a fantasy film!
It's not fantasy, Deepak!
It is science.
It is a fact.
This process is called...
..mutual dreaming.
To be exact..
It's called...
..meshing dream.
Mutual dream?
You mean...
like 'Inception'(an English movie)?
'Inception' is based on a concept called lucid dreaming.
Hey..hey..hold on.
Who is it?
Bharath sir!
Him? Argh..
Hello! Tell me sir.
Just now Mangai's interview got over.
[BOSS] Good, Rudra.
[BOSS] A video is currently trending everywhere on social media.
[BOSS] I have shared the video link and his address to you in WhatsApp.
[BOSS] Can you just meet him and get a small bite about it?
Sure sir, I'll do that and come to the office directly.
[BOSS] Alright, bye.
Oh my god!
Hey Rudra..
Hey Rudra?
I have to go urgently..
Could you please go to the office by cab?
Hey, are you kidding me?
Boss has assigned another work for us now.
Just come with me.
He strictly asked us to go to office only after finishing this work.
Damn! My girlfriend is already mad at me.
If I don't meet her right now, she will turn into a demon.
Please adjust.
Then, who'll handle the camera?
If sir asks me for the footage, shall I tell him that you went to meet your girlfriend?
Hey.. heyy.. don't get me into trouble.
About camera only right?
You're a smart girl right? Put this in tripod and shoot the interview yourself..
and I will come there directly to pick you up. Is that okay?
Such an idiot you are! Anyway, give it to me.
You go and meet your demon soon.
I'll handle this.
Thank god!
It is more difficult to handle you than her.
Okay, bye.
Keep the camera safely.
It's like my baby.
Take good care of it. Bye.
What's the relation between my dream and his dream, doctor?
[STAMMERING] Mm.. mesh..
What's a meshing dream?
Let me explain you clearly.
For example..
Imagine if two people are watching a horror film.
One of them might get scared of the ghost from the film..
and the other might get affected from the haunted house appearing in the film.
the two different things that affected them from the same film simultaneously..
would come in their respective dreams.
Hey Mister! Are you out of your sense?
Can't you concentrate on the road and drive properly?
Now see.. My camera just broke because of your lethargy.
Hey you man with the helmet!
I'm talking to you only..
why aren't you answering?
I am sorry, enough?
Now leave my way.
Just sorry?
Is a sorry enough?
Now who'll answer for breaking this camera?
This camera belongs to my friend.
He treasured it like his own life.
If he gets to know that it's broken, he would just kill me.
I don't even know what to do now.
Everything is because of you.
This is a camera bag, right?
You're a cameraman too?
I'm a photographer.
Thank god.
Then just give me your camera only for today..
I'll return it safely to you tomorrow.
What if I say no?
What? Would you dare to even say no?
Do you know who I am?
Do you know that I am a reporter?
Oh, so?
If anything happens to me, it'll become a breaking news.
I'll go to the police.
I'll file a case against you in the court..
..for breaking this camera,
and breaking my leg.
I will demand compensation for everything.
You have to rot in jail forever. You're okay with it?
Hey! Do whatever you can!
Hey.. please stop.
Solve this problem and go.
Help me please.
If I don't submit the footage by today, I'll lose my job.
I can't even let Gautham know that I broke his camera.
God! What will I do now? Am helpless.
Do you even know how to handle a camera properly?
Are you seriously going to give me the camera?
I can do all that perfectly.
Give it to me.. quick..
I'll keep your camera carefully.
Like how you kept it carefully now, right?
Here it is.
Thanks a lot.
Mm.. By the way, can you drop me at Velachery now?
Already it's getting late.
Darn! come..
But on one condition..
Till we reach our destination, you should keep your mouth shut!
Hmm, fine.
To be more clear..
Two different people who share the same dream,
can dream of different parts of the same dream.
...like different chapters of a same novel.
Did you understand anything?
Ermm.. I could understand a little..
So, even many others would have gotten the same dream, right?
Chances are there.
If destiny wishes to connect you all,
you'll definitely meet each other.
May I come in, sir?
Hey yes, come in.
Hello Deepak!
-Doctor sir.. Eashwar sir. Meet Ms Rudra, Agaram TV reporter. -Hello, hi.
Please have your seat.
So what do you like to have?
Tea or coffee?
Okay, sure.
So, Rudra?
What brings you here?
Deepak sir's video about his dream has become so viral on social media now.
I have come here to interview him regarding that.
Even doctor has come here to speak about it.
Oh, is it?
I'll give you one more interesting news, Rudra.
You know? Even Eashwar sir..
and I have got the same dream it seems..
It's called.. some.. er..mesh..meshing dream.
What's he saying doctor?
Yes, he is right.
'Dream' is a vast concept.
In my 20 years of experience, for the first time..
I am witnessing a dream being continued in the dream of another person.
I think their dreams are interconnected.
How can you be so sure that there's a connection?
Let me explain it to you.
It's the birthday of the girl, who came in both Deepak and Eashwar's dreams.
Even if we consider it as a mere coincidence,
..that small boy..
his birthday wish..
everything seems to be similar.
Moreover, Eashwar's dream always ends up with a church bell sound.
Right after three bell sounds..
I even heard a bible verse.
(BIBLE VERSE) "For the Lord..
(BIBLE VERSE) Your God will be with you wherever you go.."
Joshua : Chapter 1, Verse 9
This is the same thing I heard.
Vikram.. Vikram!
How does she know all these?
Did you get the same dream too?
Yes, Doctor. I'm getting the same dream for the last three days..
Seriously I didn't believe even a word of what you told till now.
But now I do.
This is insane.
Totally insane!
Rudra, why didn't you tell us about this earlier?
I thought all these weren't true.
But after hearing Eashwar sir's dream..
I am totally shocked.
As I told already..
Destiny has connected you three.
This doesn't seem to happen normally.
I think it is foretelling some incident of the future.
It might..
It might be a precognitive dream in a meshing dream.
Please educate us doctor.
You remember The Titanic ship right?
Yes.. we do.
In 1912, when the Titanic ship sank..
hundreds of people came forward with reports of precognitive dreams about the demise of the great ship.
it was possible to validate at least 19 of them as they have noted it in their diaries,
and it has been proven now.
Similarly, the 9/11 attack.
There were a lot of people with precognitive dreams about 9/11..
that too for people who lived in different corners of the world..
Yes, Deepak.
Even American President Abraham Lincoln shared the dream of his own death to his wife.
No one took it seriously, ignoring it to be just a dream.
The very next day..
..he was assassinated.
Mostly, such dreams warn us of an unfortunate event that is going to happen.
What would be the meaning for our dreams, Vikram?
Yes, as you say, our dreams don't seem to be so serious too..
I think.. I get it.
Just a minute.
[MANGAI] I can't understand anything, doctor.
According to your dream, the guy seems to be severely depressed by something..
..that leads him to kill himself.
Mostly precognitive dreams point out the things that are going to happen in the next 24 hours.
We can try to save him, if we're determined to.
Maybe this is why destiny has brought you all together.
But.. who is he?
How could we find him?
What about that tree..?
How could we find its whereabouts?
Why should only we get this dream, Doctor?
To answer all of your questions...
all your dreams must be analyzed.
Come on!
Let's decode your dreams.
Every complicated problem has a solution.
To find it, we need to answer a few complicated questions.
That is..
5 Ws and 1 H.
Now, let's start with the climax of this story in reverse chronological order.
Could you explain your dream in detail once again?
That guy..
..was sitting still in one place..
giving a sharp stare at something..
All of a sudden, he grabs a red color dupatta lying nearby..
and he hangs himself from a tree.
[writes] SUICIDE
Only in your dream both the girl and the boy have come..
What can you infer from their conversation?
I guess, the friends of this girl have planned a surprise for her birthday.
To maintain the surprise, the guy blindfolds her.
But how could we predict when this would happen, Vikram?
[writes] GIRL AND A BOY
I got it.. I got it.
When the girl speaks to her father...
..she says that she could celebrate her birthday only once in every four years.
I think..
she was born on a leap year.
What do you think, Doctor?
Very smart, Deepak, very smart!
You are right.
Then.. Her birthday is on February 29th!
Oh my God!
Today is February 28.
That is, this is going to happen tomorrow itself.
There are 24 hours left for tomorrow.
How could we find out the time this would happen?
We are just wasting our time with such a silly dream.
That church bell.
That church bell, Vikram.
It rang thrice, right?
What if..
..its going to happen at 3 PM?
That's brilliant, sir!
So, we got to know the 'time' also now Deepak.
But how could we know 'where' this would take place, Doctor?
You should only tell us that, Rudra.
How can I say?
The previous part of Mangai's dream came in your dream.
Therefore the destination must have come in your dream.
I can't recall anything, Doctor.
Try to recall what they could have seen while going in the bike..
Do they stop to talk to anyone..
What happens around them..
just try to recall everything carefully from your dream.
You might find some clues.
[BIBLE VERSE] "For the Lord.."
It must be some network call sir. Disconnect it.
It must be some network call sir.
Sir.. sir!
They stopped for a signal on their way.
Then, Google Maps' navigation voice could be heard from a cab nearby.
[Google Maps voice command] In 120 metres, turn right onto Kannadapalayam road.
Then.. they crossed a temple and went further.
My dream gets over exactly at that point.
This is enough.
If we could go there, we can somehow find out more.
But why did we dream of those strangers who are not even familiar to us?
Explain us, Vikram.
We come across a lot people in our day-to-day lives..
..like in roads, buses, temples, etc..
Even in films, we get to watch so many different characters and faces.
Some people amongst them would stay in your subconscious mind.
Only those people could have appeared in your dreams.
Absolutely not, Doctor!
I've never ever seen them before in my whole life.
I'm cent per cent sure of it.
Don't be silly, Rudra.
Our brain can never create new faces in our dreams!
Do we even remember each and every face we see from childhood?
But some faces are stored in our subconscious mind.
That's how you get each and every dream.
We are yet to find answer for this particular question 'WHY'?
But.. it's okay.
Take hints from these clues and go find the answer.
You'll definitely get the resolution.
Then.. that 'HOW'?
How is everything going to happen?
You'll know it yourself in just 24 hours.
Let's wait for just one more day!
Come out.
Oh god!
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry...
I totally forgot about you in this tension.
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry..
That's ok, just give me my camera. I got to go.
Please, you too come with me.
Keep filming the things happening now pleaaasee..
This is the only good news story I'm ever going to do in my entire life.
Please you too come with us.
What do you think of yourself?
I helped you out of pity.
Why are you troubling me again and again?
Just give my camera.. I need to leave. Quick!
It's a do or die situation.
We are struggling hard to save a boy's life.
If you can't come even now..
then it's your wish.
Here, have your camera.
[In 120 metres, turn right onto Kannadapalayam road]
Hey.. Deepak, stop here.
This is the exact temple which I saw in my dream.
But, this place looks so empty.
How could we even find them out in such a vast place?
Only fools like us would come so far, believing such a silly dream.
Do not speak unnecessarily..
Nothing happens in life without a reason.
God must have sent all of us here only to save that boy's life.
I think we're missing out on a clue.
Some piece of the puzzle is still missing.
One minute..
Rudra.. Pen?
We all are wondering what connected all of us together, right?
I guess.. here it is.
What have you written in it, man?
Oh no! Am sorry sir.
I will explain everything clearly the way you all can understand.
It was me who got the dream first..
My name is Deepak.
and it starts with 'D'.
And then, you, Eashwar sir.
Then you Rudra.
And you, Mangai.
If we write all these letters and jumble it,
we get a single word which connects us all together.
I think.. the missing clue is..
Who is that 'A'?
How did you sketch this?
Who are you?
This is the same girl I saw in my dream.
He has even drawn the blindfold exactly.
How come you know all about this?
Who are you? Just tell the truth.
She came in my dream too.
Oh shit! They have arrived for real!
C'mon quickly.
How long will it take?
Just we reached.
Where are others?
Be patient, Nancy.
Dear Nancy.
I searched everywhere and bought this gift specially for you.
You know? I stayed awake the whole night and packed it.
You just open this when..
I remove your blindfold, okay?
Shall I open it?
[MANGAI] Why did you do this?
Please don't beat him.
(continues to beat him)
Why did you do such a thing to her?
Are you alright?
How dare you do this to me? You sick pervert!
No. No.. I am not a pervert.
I loved you more than my life.
I loved you truly from all my heart.
But you never gave a damn about my love for you.
You kept ignoring me whenever I said this.
That day.. I just came to ask for one last chance from you.
Hey Nancy..
Hey! Give me an answer and go.
But you were so cool that you were going to get married to the boy whom your father has chosen for you..
..and that you are getting engaged to him the following week..
If you say so, who do you think I am then?
I decided at that very moment..
either I should have you wholly for myself or you shouldn't live in this world to be owned by someone else.
So I called you up the same night and apologized to you pretending to stay friends forever.
Some stranger will appear out of nowhere and get married to you..
Do you want me to sit back and watch it silently?
Then what's the point of me waiting for you all these days like a fool?
What can I do for that?
How many times do I have to tell you that I am not at all interested in love?
Did I get committed with you and cheat on you with someone else?
Right from the beginning I kept saying no for this relationship right?
Even if she loves you and leaves you for someone else..
..who gave you the right to kill her?
Who are you to kill her?
Have you guys not cheated on girls?
If they start taking weapons against you for cheating on them..
..none of you can stay alive!
That doesn't mean that we are justifying the ones who are cheating on someone in the disguise of love.
This heart is so silly that it always longs for affection and love.
It's similar to an innocent child.
It gets attached to the one who showers much love on it.
When such thing happens, just try to find out whether we are lacking somewhere in the love we are giving to others.
If things don't work out, just wish them good and let them live peacefully.
Whatever you are doing is not true love at all!
Can you just stop your nonsense?
Do you think my love is not true?
Once she dies..
I planned of hanging myself with this same dupatta in that tree..
Why should I even think of killing myself if my love wasn't true?
Answer me.
Moron! Are you a psycho?
While it's a big crime to even murder someone..
you take pride in yourself that you were about to kill yourself after murdering her?
You're just scared.
You're scared that you'll be accused of the murder and to escape from it you've decided to die too.
You're just a coward!
Suicide isn't a cowardly act.
It takes tremendous courage to end your existence.
You said you loved her dammit!
If so, how can you even think of killing her?
She is my Nancy, sir.
How can I let go off her?
Answer me.
How could I?
You can.
If your love for her is true..
..you can let go off your love, for the sake of her happiness.
Hey Mister.
Erm..What is your name?
Albert??? That 'A'?
Happy birthday Nancy.
I love you.
[ALBERT] I never knew that it was she who came in my dreams, until I saw her that day.
[ALBERT] I'm a photographer.
As I was trying to focus on the beautiful roses,
she entered my frame, like an angel.
She was talking to those flowers like a child.
♪ As I saw you speaking to the flowers that day ♪
♪ Whenever I see you, I get goosebumps all over ♪
♪ Wherever I saw you, I kept admiring you. ♪
♪ I've realized this love and this is love only. ♪
♪ I carry you in my heart with me ♪
♪ I am living in your memory ♪
♪ I carry you in my heart with me ♪
♪ In your memory, I am... ♪
[ALBERT] When I finally gathered courage to express my love for her..
[NANCY] Look.
You are just my friend and my classmate. That's it.
I need to pursue my higher studies and take good care of my parents.
I'm totally not interested in love.
You aren't interested in love or me?
Please try to understand, Mani.
I am asking you for the final time.
Can you love me or not?
How many times do I need to tell you?
I can't. I just can't do it.
This will be my final answer even if you ask multiple times.
Next week, I am getting engaged to the guy my father has chosen for me.
Just come and bless us if you can.
[ALBERT] Instead of forcing her to do something which she doesn't desire and eventually end up hurting her..
I thought it was better to let her live the life of her choice.
So in an act of showing my true love, I refrained myself in expressing my feelings for her..
..and yes, I am an unrequited lover too.
Is it true love to kill someone you've loved more than your own life?
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Octavian – BET (feat. Michael Phantom) - Duration: 1:58.
Ok bet (Bet) I just made your girl a sket
She repped the set She made my dick erect (Erect)
Kill man, you next Disrespect the set (Set)
Now I grab your head (Head) Dislocate your neck (Craw, craw)
[Verse 1: Octavian] Niggas couldn't intercept (Never)
Now they acting like they're innocent (Bitch) If I leng him in his head (Right)
Nigga gon' hit the deck (Deck) Gonna lose your intellect
[Chorus: Octavian] Ok bet (Bet)
I just made your girl a sket (Sket) She repped the set
She made my dick erect (I said Erect) Kill man you next (Next)
Disrespect (Ay) Grab your head (Ay)
I'll crack your neck You get me vexed (Ay)
And end up dead (Ay) I'll grab your head (Ay)
And crack your neck (Pop, pop) I just made your girl a sket (Sket)
She repped the set She made my dick erect (I said erect)
[Verse 2: Michael Phantom & Octavian] I just grabbed a reload, a kilo (I said kilo
bitch) You can't jack my style, my stylo (My stylo,
bitch) Break bread with my g's, amigos
I just done a lap, fini (Fini) Bands be coming in by the hour, I cannot sleep
(Sleep) Tell your mans, I beat your girl and then
I skeet (Skeet, skeet) Give your migos all the egos (Egos, bitch)
Money flows like I'm the referee, goal
[Chorus: Octavian] Ok bet (bet)
I just made your girl a sket (Yes) She repped the set
She made my dick erect (I said erect) Kill man you next (Next)
Disrespect (Brr) Grab your head (Ay)
I'll crack your neck (Bop) You get me vexed (Ay)
And end up dead (Ay) I'll grab your head (Ay)
And crack your neck (Ay) I just made your girl a sket
She repped the set (Ok) She made my dick erect (I said erect, ok)
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Assassin's Creed Odyssey 8GB vs 16GB i5 9600K 5GHz - Duration: 3:35.
Homecomingsの展示企画が始動、初回は「WHALE LIVINGSの世界」 - Duration: 0:44.
【元記事を音楽ナタリーで読む】 Homecomingsによる初の展示イベント「COLORING BOOK Vol.1 ~WHALE LIVINGSの世界~」が3月1日から3日間、東京・恵比寿 KATAにて開催される。 【大きな画像をもっと見る】 「COLORING BOOK」はHomecomingsがこのたび始動させる展示イベント。この企画について福富優樹(G)は「Homecomingsの4人がどんなものやことを大事にして作品を作っているのか、それが目に見える形で分かるような、感じられるような機会があればなと思ったのです。毎回テーマを決めて、作品のことを紐解いて、よりその作品を愛してもらえるようなイベントになれば嬉しいです」と説明している。 「WHALE LIVINGSの世界」とサブタイトルが付けられた今回の展示では、昨年10月に発売されたアルバム「WHALE LIVING」の楽曲やアートワークに影響を与えた作品が並べられる。会場では「WHALE LIVING」のアナログ盤や新作Tシャツ、福田穂那美(B, Cho)が撮影した写真集などの販売も予定されており、さらに最終日の19:00からはメンバーが出演するイベントも。イベントでは4人によるトークショーとアコースティックライブが行われる。福富優樹(G) コメント 「Coloring Book」という展示のイベントを始めます。Homecomingsの4人がどんなものやことを大事にして作品を作っているのか、それが目に見える形で分かるような、感じられるような機会があればなと思ったのです。毎回テーマを決めて、作品のことを紐解いて、よりその作品を愛してもらえるようなイベントになれば嬉しいです。第一回は去年の秋に出した「Whale Living」という作品の世界をテーマにした展示です。僕らにとってとても大切なものであるサヌキナオヤさんのアートワークはもちろん、アルバムの楽曲に影響を与えたレコードや映画、小説にその他モロモロ。ほなちゃんが撮りためた写真なんかも展示します。もちろんこのイベントのために新しいグッズもいくつか用意しました。12インチの円盤だったり小さな長方形だったりと新しい形になった『Whale LIving」や可愛いTシャツ、そして「Whale Living」を作り、その世界をライブで表現しようとあれやこれやと試行錯誤していた2018年の一年のことをほなちゃんのカメラ越しに写真という形に閉じ込めた写真集も作りました。ほなちゃんの写真は優しくて柔らかくて本当に良い。。他にも色々と準備しているので楽しみにしてて欲しいです。日曜日には イベントもやります。京都のα-stationで僕たちがやっているラジオ番組「Moonrise Kingdom」のような雰囲気で、たくさんレコードかけて、「Whale Living」にまつわるいろんなことを4人で話せたらな、と思っています。ゲストに誰かを呼んだりしても楽しいかも。アコースティックなライブも予定しているので手帳にばっちりメモしてもらえると嬉しいです。「Coloring Book」は塗り絵という意味。僕たちの作品がより色づいて見えるようなイベントに、という意味もありつつ、シンプルにめっちゃ可愛い字面だなと思ってタイトルにしました。COLORING BOOK Vol
1 ~WHALE LIVINGSの世界~ 2019年3月1日(金)~3月3日(日)東京都 恵比寿 KATAOPEN 13:00 / CLOSE 21:00※3日は16:30まで。LIVE & TALK SHOW 2019年3月3日(日)東京都 恵比寿 KATAOPEN 19:00 / START 19:30予約受付メールアドレス:ticket@secondroyal
com 「Coloring Book」ロゴ
【HIStory2019】Special:他和他的故事|2週年回顧 | LINE TV 精彩隨看 - Duration: 1:54.
Their story began on that day...
《My Hero》:Release on February 14th, 2017
《Stay Away From Me》:Release on February 21st, 2017
《Obsessed》:Release on February 28th, 2017
You fool.
There's no difference between buddy.
Brother! Let's get along well.
I don't want to talk to you. Stay away from me!
I didn't bother or provoke you. Why are you bothering me?
I want you to have nobody but me in your eyes.
《Shi And Fei》:Release on January 30th, 2018
February 21st, 2018 《Shi And Fei》Last Episode Premiere
What if I tell you that I purposely wanted you to wish for more?
Zhi Hong, good luck!
March 2nd, 2018 《Crossing The Line》Premiere
《Crossing The Line》:Release on March 6th, 2018
I know I'm crossing a boundary here,
but this is not a competition.
April 14th, 2018 《HIStory2》Fan Meeting in Tapei
August 17th, 2018 Drama Theme Store Opening
September 16th, 2018 Eliot's Birthday Party
November 17th, 2018 Hunt's 1-Day Store Manager Event
October 6th, 2018 《Crossing The Line》shortlisted for 53rd GBA
《HIStory3 - Trapped》
Macron : "Moi, j'essaie de faire toujours très attention à la façon dont je m'exprime" - Duration: 4:45.
E-girls、「遠距離恋愛はどこまで我慢できる?」の相談で恋愛体質なメンバーが明らかに! - Duration: 2:58.
大人気アーティ トE-girlsが らゆる部活を立ち上 、様々なロケに体当 りしていくAbem TV初の冠番組『全 部活!E高』。2月 3日(水)の2時間 Pでは、メンバーた が"恋愛相談部"と った
今回立ち上 られた"恋愛相談部 は、E-girls 公式Twitter 視聴者から寄せられ "E-girlsに 談したい恋の悩み" テーマに恋愛トーク 繰り広げ、相談者に したアドバイスを送 というもの
「遠距離恋 はどこまで我慢でき すか?」という相談 飛び出すと、「全然 リ!」「やだなぁ… と途端にメンバーた は複雑な表情に。 田は、「1ヶ月に1 会えれば大丈夫」と える日にちが決まっ いればその日まで頑 れると回答
晴美は、「 の人のことを考える 間が、連絡がないと 然的に少なくなる」 電話やメールをマメ してくれるのであれ 、月1回でもなんと やっていけるとのこ 。他のメンバーたち 「連絡は大事」と晴 の意見に賛同した
しかし、夏 、SAYAKA、鷲 、山口は月1回だけ は我慢できないよう 、その顔ぶれを見た ンバーたちは「みん 、っぽい!」「我慢 きなそう」「仕事と ほっぽっていきそう 」と納得の様子
恋愛体質なメンバー 明らかとなった。 E-girls 恋愛模様が赤裸々に った『全力部活!E 』2時間SPはAb maビデオにて配信 。 ⇒【見逃し配 】【ビデオ限定あり 感動の空中ブランコ で涙…&禁断の恋愛 談部2時間SP
21 Savage - A Lot ft. J. Cole Type Beat Soulful Trap Type Instrumental (2019) "Don't Wanna Fall" - Duration: 4:45.
21 Savage - A Lot ft. J. Cole Type Beat Soulful Trap Type Instrumental 2019
21 Savage - A Lot ft. J. Cole Type Beat Soulful Trap Type Instrumental 2019
21 Savage - A Lot ft. J. Cole Type Beat Soulful Trap Type Instrumental 2019
21 Savage - A Lot ft. J. Cole Type Beat Soulful Trap Type Instrumental 2019
21 Savage - A Lot ft. J. Cole Type Beat Soulful Trap Type Instrumental 2019
21 Savage - A Lot ft. J. Cole Type Beat Soulful Trap Type Instrumental 2019
21 Savage - A Lot ft. J. Cole Type Beat Soulful Trap Type Instrumental 2019
21 Savage - A Lot ft. J. Cole Type Beat Soulful Trap Type Instrumental 2019
Philippe critique à demi-mot les petites phrases d'Emmanuel - Duration: 2:21.
"J'ai du mal à admettre que des aînés soient isolés." - Duration: 2:21.
赤ちょうちん [かぐや姫] 《フィンガースタイル・アコギ・ソロ》歌詞字幕付 - Duration: 4:24.
Macron : "Moi, j'essaie de faire toujours très attention à la façon dont je m'exprime" - Duration: 4:45.
Valentine 14-02 nghĩa là gì? - Game thủ Au 2! FA là đây :p - Duration: 1:52.
Riverdale - Bughead |Saison 1 et 2. - Duration: 4:02.
K-Car 就是要夠空間又實用! 大發 MOVE Canbus 評測 | 拍車男 Auto Guyz Relation - Duration: 11:56.
Khote da khoji | airport 2 funny video | NEW 2019 | BY UTV PK - Duration: 10:15.
Special law to tackle fine dust pollution will take effect in South Korea on Friday - Duration: 0:37.
The Environment Ministry will enforce special measures to reduce air pollution starting
From then, old diesel cars will be banned from operating nationwide when fine dust levels
exceed 50 micrograms for two consecutive days,... and from June 1st, the regulated vehicles
will expand to include old petrol cars as well.
Also, while the alternate no-driving day was only previously implemented for just public
sector workers, the new emergency measures will cover every vehicle owner in the country,...
not just civil servants.
In addition, schools will either slash class times, or close altogether when fine dust
levels are deemed too high.
Troop visit by Joint Chiefs chairman is part of regular schedule: Seoul - Duration: 0:32.
Seoul's Defense Ministry said on Thurday that there is nothing wrong with its top military
officer's visits to troops.
He was responding to North Korean media's criticisms.
On Wednesday, the regime's newspapers,... including the state-run Rodong Sinmun, blasted
South Korea's military for intensifying border tensions,... referring to the Joint Chiefs
of Staff Chairman Park Han-ki's recent visits to troops before the Lunar New Year holiday.
The ministry pointed out, the General's trip was a part of regular schedule to maintain
defense posture and boost soldiers' morale.
Mini-Review | Safari Condo Savana LDX | Affordable Family Camper Van Built on the Chevy Chassis - Duration: 10:25.
Hi everyone and welcome to Ultramobility Mini-Review where I give you just the essentials in a
5 minute, unsponsored RV review.
I'm your host Neil Balthaser and today we're heading up into the Great White North (à
la Belle Province qui s'appelle Québec!
Bonjour à tous mes amis Québecois!) to check one of the 3 camper van manufacturers that
made it onto my short list when I purchased my current RV.
We're going to be taking a look at the Savana LDX by Safari Condo.
Safari Condo emphasizes European-inspired product designs which bring a youthful and
modern touch to camper vans.
They emphasize ingenious and innovative solutions for maximizing interior living space - and
you're going to see that today.
They offer a variety of different floor plans and layouts for a variety of different chassis.
Currently they build for the Sprinter, Promaster and GMC/Chevy chassis.
But it's the GMC and Chevy chassis that interests me.
There just aren't many camper vans built on a GMC chassis here in North America.
The Roadtrek Popular line is built on a modified Chevy Express; New West - a direct to consumer
manufacturer for the Canadian market has 3 models built on an unmodified Chevy Express
and Safari Condo who has 4 models built on the GMC Savana cargo van.
The MX built on the 18' chassis, and 3 built on the 20' chassis: The LX with 2 refrigerators,
the LSX which can seat 6 passengers in 3pt seatbelts and the model we're taking a look
at today the LDX with a fixed flush toilet and an innovative shower design.
You have a variety of engine choices to meet your needs.
There's the standard 4.3L V6 engine with an 8 speed transmission that's capable of delivering
up to 276HP and 298 lb.-ft. of torque; the Vortec 6.0L V8 with alternative fuel option
offers 341hp and 373 lb.-ft. of torque in a 6 speed transmission.
Let's have a look at the exterior.
With the exception of the awning it looks just like a normal passenger van.
This van is great for stealth camping and most HOAs would likely not have a problem
with it.
Its length is 20'.
It's overall width with mirrors extended is 13'.
It's height with the top down is 8' and these dimensions mean this van is going to drive
just like a car and will park in any parking spot and even in some garages.
Unlike its competitors Safari Condo also gives you a choice of roofs.
The standard roof is a low-profile canvas roof with good headroom and the possibility
of an optional overhead bed.
You can upgrade to the full-height canvas roof which has more headroom and an optional
overhead bed as well or the electric roof with rigid side walls or T.O.P.S. roof with
superior insulation and soundproofing.
Let's head inside now and see all that this van has to offer!
There are 3 layout options available on the 20 foot Savana chassis: The LX which is the
most open and spacious but is lacking a front lounge, the LSX has a front lounge but is
lacking an interior shower and the LDX which we're reviewing today has a front lounge and
an innovative, space-saving shower.
Here we are in the entry way of the LDX looking into the van.
In the back is a bench seat with 2 3-pt. seat belts and headrests, your galley mid-section
and up front is a dinette.
This LDX model has the electric pop-top with rigid sidewalls and here's what it looks like
in its lowered position.
When the roof is lowered the interior standing height is 5.5'.
And here the roof is in its raised position and the interior height is 6'3".
If you get opt to get one of the other two canvas pop tops then the interior standing
height increases to 7'.
On this rigid side walls version those windows slide open at the top and let lots of light
Starting in the back, you can flip out a hide-away table top from the cabinets and have a second
lounge or computer workstation.
The bench seat lowers to become a 51"x76" bed - just long enough to accommodate a 6'3"
tall person.
Moving mid-section to the galley you've got a better equipped galley than you might find
on competing pop-top models: starting with a two burner stove and a standard microwave
and plenty of prep space when you use that hide-away table in the rear.
Rounding things out you have a marine style sink and a 3.5 cu.ft. compressor refrigerator.
Since this coach has both a microwave and compressor driven refrigerator let's talk
electrical systems: This coach is powered by 2 6V AGM lead acid batteries.
There is no lithium battery upgrade but you could replace those batteries with drop in
lithium batteries from Smart Battery or Battle Born batteries if you like.
The coach comes with a 1500w inverter.
That inverter is a modified pure sine wave inverter but you can upgrade to a more preferably
1500w pure sine wave inverter.
There is not generator, the batteries are recharged from the chassis' 150amp alternator
although again if you wanted you could purchase a portable, quiet generator and stow it in
the back.
Up to 380w of solar is optional and that's more than the Tofino by Pleasureway or the
Envy by Recon.
Moving on up to the front we have the dinette and a second living area - pretty incredible
for a van this size.
The cab seats do swivel and 3 people can sit up here comfortably.
There's an optional island table with integrated cup holders that can be placed between the
two cab seats as well.
An optional front bed system for across the cab seats can sleep 1 person.
And on the standard or extended canvas roofs, an optional 48"x76" sliding loft bed can accommodate
another 2 people so this van can sleep 5 people and has proper 3-pt seat belts for 4.
And that's the way to do a true family camper van.
And if squeezing all this into a 20' van wasn't enough, Safari Condo has also given us something
that neither the Tofino nor the Recon Camper offers and that's a proper fixed toilet and
interior shower!
Take a look at this: Hidden under this front bench is a fixed toilet!
To convert it into a shower just lift up the seat back to create a wall, flip the bottom
of the bench up to create a second wall, flip up the floor to expose your drain pan and
voila you've got a large shower area.
It's an interior shower and toilet that works and cleverly gets out of the way when not
I think its brilliant.
So how does the conversion process work?
Well if you live in Canada you can simply find a Safari Condo dealer and buy one off
their lot.
The MSRP for the entry level model is $95k Canadian dollars or around $72k US dollars
and that price includes the van.
If you're in the United States Safari Condo will sell to you direct.
You'll need to purchase and then drop off a new Savana chassis at Safari Condo's factory
in Quebec.
After the conversion is completed you'll just drive it back over the border.
Production wait times vary and can be up to a year but Safari Condo has been expanding
their production capabilities to meet increasing demand.
You should call them to confirm current wait times.
I'll put their contact information in the video description below.
If you're looking for a camper van built on a chassis that's both affordable to get into
and to maintain and has a huge service center network; and can fit into many garages and
has 3-pt seat belts and sleeping accommodations for 6 then you should consider the Savana
lineup by Safari Condo.
There's a ton of floor plans to meet your needs and best of all it comes with a 5 year
coach warranty.
What's not to love?
That wraps up this week's mini-review.
If you enjoyed it then give me a thumbs up, subscribe and hit that little bell to be notified
whenever a new review drops on my channel and thanks for watching Ultramobility Mini-Review
where I cover just the essentials in a 5 minute review.
I'll see you next time everyone!
Take care!
Very cloudy with snow or rain in places _ 021419 - Duration: 1:49.
Now we turn to Michelle Park for the latest weather updates.
Michelle, the pleasant and comfortable sunny weather we had today will be gone by tomorrow?
That's right Daniel, we are expecting sporadic precipitation throughout Friday,... but mostly
focused on the central parts of the peninsula.
Pyeongyang will be getting some snow, while Beijing can expect a bright sunny Friday.
The amount of precipitation won't be enough to relieve the intense dry conditions we are
facing these days.
Most of the northern parts of the country will see between 1 and 3 centimeters of snow,...
or even less.
The south coast of Gyeongsangnam-do province and Jeju Island will receive light rain.
Getting a glimpse at our temperature readings,... the lows will be milder than today,...Seoul
waking up to minus 3 degrees Celsius, while the southern regions see up to 6 degrees.
The mercury into the day will rise to 2 degrees in Seoul, Gwangju 7, while Daegu and Gyeongju
hit into the teens.
Nice and comfortable weather is in store for next week, along with another round of precipitation.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
One year into well-dying law... 36,000 patients quit palliative care - Duration: 1:53.
In 2018, a new law allowing patients to refuse life-sustaining treatment was passed.
Since then, thousands of patients and their families have decided to spend the last moments
of their lives in comfort rather than at a hospital.
Lee Min-sun has the full story.
A year has passed since the so-called well-dying law came into effect on February 4th last
Since then, thousands of end-stage patients have refused or ended life-prolonging medical
The health ministry and Korea National Institute for Bioethics Policy released data on Thursday
showing more Koreans accepted the idea of death with dignity but that it still was more
of a family decision.
A year after the law took effect, more than 36-thousand end-stage patients have either
decided to end or not to receive life-prolonging medical treatment.
In April last year, only about 3-thousand patients agreed to end life-sustaining treatment.
Such treatment refers to medical procedures such as CPR, respiration equipment, and anti-cancer
drugs... that extend life without treating the underlying illness.
About 60% of end-stage patients were men.
And most patients suffered from cancer followed by respiratory, heart and brain diseases.
The data also showed that seven out of ten decisions were made by family members rather
than the patient.
The law states that the decision is up to the patients if he or she is able to communicate,
but if a patient is unable to communicate or express their will, family members can
make the decision with confirmation from two doctors.
To avoid burdening their family with a difficult decision, over one-hundred-ten thousand people
signed Advance Medical Directives to decide on their preference about life-prolonging
Lee Min-sun, Arirang News.
1 in 5 pregnant women had abortions due to concerns about economy, personal development - Duration: 2:15.
The government released data on the number of abortions taking place in the country,...
where cases of termination, while illegal, are rarely prosecuted.
The issue is still controversial,... as it remains to be seen as a zero-sum game between
pro-life and pro-choice values.
Oh Soo-young provides a closer look.
One in five pregnant women in Korea were found to have had an abortion,... mostly due to
concerns about their livelihoods and long-term social prospects.
On Thursday, the state-run Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs,... released
rare data on abortions conducted in the country for the first time in seven years.
Out of the nearly 38-hundred women surveyed,... who have experienced pregnancy, 756 said they
have had a termination,... most of them through surgical procedures.
Ten percent of the women said they'd considered an abortion but hadn't gone through with it.
The survey was conducted in September and October on women and girls aged between 15
and 44.
Abortion is illegal in Korea, under the Criminal Act which imposes a maximum fine of 2 million
won or a year in prison for intentional miscarriages.
Physicians are permitted to carry out abortions,... only in the case of rape or incest,... or
if the pregnancy could jeopardise the mother or baby's health.
Still, abortions at medical clinics are considered an open secret in the country, with the law
rarely enforced.
Abortion pills are becoming more attainable online and from overseas.
In recent years, there have been growing calls to change the 1953 law,... with seven in ten
women against the criminalisation of abortions.
But the ethics of the issue -- over the sanctity of life and a woman's right to choose continues
to be debated.
In the recent survey, the biggest reasons that pregnant women considered ending their
pregnancies were concerns about economic prospects,... and fears that a child could hinder one's
career or academic prospects.
However, for women who chose not to have an abortion,... the value of human life was the
most compelling reason.
Meanwhile, the institute also said the number of abortions has been on a downward trend
due to higher use of birth control,... hitting 50-thousand cases in 2017,... from 342-thousand
cases 12 years earlier.
Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.
핫이슈 l 과거 '씨스타-Touch my body' 커버 댄스로 박진영 아빠 미소 짓게 만들었던 나하은 - Duration: 2:13.
Gov't to offer more support for firms to win overseas infrastructure orders - Duration: 1:44.
There are growing concerns for the local economy...
mainly due to slowing export growth and grim job figures.
To turn things around, the South Korean government has unveiled new measures to encouarge companies
to win more orders to build infrastructure overseas.
Our Ko Roon-hee explains.
To boost the sluggish job market and increase exports, the South Korean government has promised
more financial support to encourage companies to win infrastructure and power plant orders
in other countries.
The announcement was made in an economic-related ministers meeting on Thursday... chaired by
finance minister Hong Nam-ki.
Some of these countries have a high demand for infrastructure but are considered exceptionally
risky, with credit ratings at or below B+.
So to mitigate the risk, the government will work with the state-run Export-Import bank
to provide some extra financial security.
For instance, in the first half of this year, they will provide support worth 888-point-5
million U.S. dollars,... including loans and guarantees.
The finance ministry added, though, that this process will require laws and regulations
to be changed.
The government also vowed to continue its work with related institutions to help companies
win orders in less risky countries too.
The Export-Import Bank of Korea and the Korea Trade Insurance Corporation will increase
financial support by around 1-point-8 billion U.S. dollars in 2019.
Over the past several decades South Korea has built hundreds of billions of dollars
worth of infrastructure in other countries, mainly in the Middle East, but orders have
been falling.
Last year's orders, worth around 32 billion dollars, were only about half of the amount
five years earlier.
Ko Roon-hee, Arirang News.
2019.02.14 NEWS CENTER Headlines - Duration: 0:47.
Vietnam top diplomat said down for talks with his North Korean counterpart before
wrapping up his visit to Pyongyang that you have vowed to develop friendly
bilateral ties and rapport the iron out details for Kim jong-un's visit to Hanoi
second summit with US President Donald Trump last year Seoul and Pyongyang
announced plans to bring down 11 guard post each along the border area they
dismantled all but one of the designated GPS on each side recently South his
cultural heritage administration announced plans to designate it as a
cultural asset president Muji meets with heads of small and mid-sized firms as
well as private business owners in Dallas to provide greater government
support and together they discussed which areas of the administration's
business policies need improvement
'이나리' 고미호, 시댁서 명절 음식 준비 '혼비백산' - KN Channel - Duration: 1:55.
S. Korea's 'regulatory sandbox' grants new temporary permits - Duration: 1:54.
South Korea is trying to encourage innovation through cutting red tape even setting up a so-called
regulatory sandbox that gives companies more leeway to
try new things and now the government granted temporary permits under the system to a number of businesses including
wristwatches that send hard data to your doctor chess yung turns the spotlight to the chosen ones the
Regulatory sandbox grants waivers with some rules so companies can test new products and services for set period of time
The Ministry of Science and ICT has reviewed a number of new business models in the sandbox and on Thursday
announced temporary permits to one product and two types of mobile services
The first is a cardiogram wristwatch that monitors the wearer's heart and sends that data to a doctor
The wearer can seek further medical care on that basis if the doctor recommends it
But the firm that makes the watch needs to get a permit from the food and drug safety
Ministry that says the watch is a medical device
the second is a mobile service that enables people to receive bills from the government for things like
taxes health insurance traffic fines and so on by tax or messenger app
That service will be provided by South Korea's largest
telecommunications company KT and instant messaging company Kakao corporation
The third is a mobile application that recruits people online to participate in clinical trials
Previously the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety a post putting such advertisements
online but the ban is now lifted the safety ministry also rolled out guidelines on how the
Application developer should go about recruiting participants
The ICT ministry said it will keep an eye on these products and services to ensure there is no threat to public safety or security
And if problems arise e says the permits will be revoked chezhiyan Arirang news
S. Korea to work with U.S. for successful Vietnam summit: NSC - Duration: 0:21.
South Korea's National Security Council held a meeting today.
During the session it resolved to stay in close touch with the U.S. for the success
of the Vietnam summit.
The NSC also addressed this week's new agreement on sharing the costs of keeping American troops
on the Peninsula.
They agreed the deal was a positive outcome and pledged to fully support its speedy implementation.
Free BitcoinCash || 200$ per Hour || Withdraw Proof || Faucet Hub - Duration: 2:19.
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'김정근♥' 이지애, 둘째 임신 발표 "임신 15주차..8월 출산 예정"[공식입장 전문] - Duration: 3:14.
年初4大热播网剧:有《绝世千金》,《奈何boss要娶我》上榜 - Duration: 3:38.
年初4大热播 网剧:有《 绝世千金》, 《奈何b oss要娶 我》上榜
现在已经是2 019年了, 很多好剧 也层出不穷 。
在文化日益发 达的今天, 不论是上星 大剧还是网 剧, 亦或是 网络大电影, 都有很多 优秀的作品 。
在这些作品中, 网剧打破 了很多人固 有的印象。
不论是《太子 妃升职记》 、《毛骗》 、《余罪》 还是《河神 》、《双世 宠妃》都刷 新了很多播 放记录, 事 实证明网剧 也有很多精 彩的。
今天我们就来 看一看年初 4大热播网 剧:有《绝 世千金》, 《奈何bo ss要娶我 》上榜。
首先第一部就 是已经播出 完毕的《绝 世千金》( 又称《好色 千金》)的 第一、二季 中, 这部剧 刚开始女主 角就穿越, 不, 进入到 了最新的X R游戏设置 中。
在这部剧中, 女主角也就 在游戏中只 要寻找到自 己的"真爱 "就能通关 。
目前这部网剧 的一、二季 已经播出完 毕, 已经受 到了颇多的 好评。 而 这也就是整 个网剧的线 索。
然后第二部: 《奈何bo ss要娶我 》, 这部网 剧在前一阵 子还屡登热 搜头条, 可 见大家对这 部剧的关注 程度了。
这部剧听名字 就像一本" 霸道总裁" 的小说。
虽然说剧情和 播出模式有 些老套, 但 是奈何有" 新点子", 该剧又为观 众打造了可 粉粉嫩嫩的 少女心。
然后再说第三 部网剧, 第 三部网剧的 名字叫做《 独家记忆》。 所以这 部剧的热度 也是非常高 的。
这的一说的是 《独家记忆 》的导演还 是《最好的 我们》的导 演, 这也就 奠定了非常 高的剧情基 础。
此外, 这部剧 的演员CP 感是非常强 的, 这也是 很多人喜欢 这部剧的原 因。 最后 一部, 《众 王驾到》。
这部《众王驾 到》虽然也 是玛丽苏的 剧, 由一个 女主角和3 个男主角铸 成, 这也就 说明了这部 剧的精彩程 度。
虽然说这部剧 中都是新人, 但是演技 还是非常可 圈可点的, 目前这部剧 已经播出。
。 而这部剧 也引起了非 常大的热议 。
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