▲ A23 to Guarda
▲ exit to Soalheira
← Soalheira
← Soalheira railway station
→ M558, Lardosa
▲ M558 to Orca
→ Zebras
← Atalaia do Campo
▲ Orca
▲ Largo do Penedo
▲ R. da Lameira
▲ M558
← N239, Fundão
▲ N239 to Monfortinho
→ N233, Castelo Branco
▲ N233 to Penamacor
▲ N239 to Monfortinho
→ Idanha a Nova
▲ Proença a Velha
↑ Penamacor
▲ Medelim
↔ N332, Penamacor, Zebreira
→ Carroqueiro, Adingeiro
↑ N239, Monfortinho, Espanha
▲ exit to Relva, Monsanto
▲ Relva
▲ Monsanto
For more infomation >> Portugal. [ ✕ A23 (Soalheira) - M558 - Orca - N239 - Monsanto ] - Duration: 23:40.-------------------------------------------
How to Comfort Your Child's Broken Heart - Duration: 2:40.
Think back to the first time you had your heart broken, or the first time you had a
serious crush on someone who didn't like you back.
Few emotions for teens are as intense as these.
As a parent, part of what we try to do is provide empathy for our children.
But when our teenager is going through their first heartbreak, it can be really hard to
stay objective and not want to fix those really powerful emotions.
Here are some ways to be helpful when your teen is going through their first heartbreak.
First, remember that this experience is very common, it probably happened to you, it probably
happened to many of their friends.
Despite the fact that we can easily identify with what our child is feeling, remember that
this is happening to them, and not to you.
It's usually not helpful for us to tell our breakup stories.
Most of the time, teens really want to be heard, rather than talked to.
Although it's hard for us to see our teens experiencing those adult feelings, remember
that they will learn important life lessons from going through this for themselves.
Give them space but be ready if they want to talk.
Processing their feelings through talking is one of the most important things a teen
can do.
It would be normal for teens to spend a little bit more time alone.
But you might want to be a little bit more available for them so that if they do want
to talk they can easily seek you out and you're close by.
You can help by making supportive statements to them like, I'm really sorry that you're
sad, it must be hard to lose someone that you really care about.
It's usually not helpful to say things like, I never really liked her anyway, or there's
a lot of fish in the sea, or you'll get over it.
Next you can encourage healthy coping, writing in a journal, playing sports, getting back
to activities that they're usually involved in.
Venting on social media, or slamming their ex-boyfriend or -girlfriend is probably not
the best thing to do, and you can use this as an opportunity to have a conversation again
about appropriate social media use.
What if you think your child isn't coping well?
Some signs to look for include if they seem extremely sad, more than just a little blue,
if it lasts for more than a week or two, parents should seek help.
Other worrisome signs include concerns for drug or alcohol use, loss of enjoyment of
things that they used to like doing, sleeping too much or sleeping too little.
If you think you need additional help you can start by talking to your pediatrician,
or if you're in the St. Louis area you can call (314) 454-TEEN.
Liverpool News - 'Get him', 'Needs to be a red' - These Liverpool fans want 25 y/o star who could p - Duration: 2:07.
Ajax attacker Hakim Ziyech scored his first Champions League goal in his side's first leg last 16 defeat against Real Madrid in Amsterdam on Wednesday night, and his performance didn't go unnoticed by Liverpool fans on Twitter
The 25-year-old joined the Dutch giants in August 2016 and has made a huge impact for them, and he has scored 15 goals and provided a further 12 assists in 31 appearances in all competitions for them this term
The Morocco international finally got off the mark in Europe's elite club competition on Wednesday against the La Liga giants, and he probably should have had a brace given he missed a glorious opportunity earlier in the encounter
Meanwhile, Liverpool sometimes seem to lack that creativity in the middle of the park when Jurgen Klopp lines up in a 4-3-3 formation with Philippe Coutinho still yet to be properly replaced, and the versatile Ziyech, who can play out wide or through the middle, certainly has the creative capability to play in a No
10 role for the Reds. Supporters of the Merseyside outfit were quick to have their say on the African attacker's latest performance via social media, and while one said "get him to Liverpool asap", another said "Ziyech needs to be a red"
Here is just a selection of the Twitter reaction… Jurgen Klopp has gotten quite inventive with his excuses this season
FFC's James Jones think he has no one but himself to blame for Liverpol's poor form in the video below…
Peppa Pig and Squirrel Friends - Duration: 3:02.
Peppa Pig and Squirrel Friends
and Messi:)
Today, Peppa Figg and Squirrel Friends
Thank you for watching
#Lakshmi's NTR Movie Trailer | #NTRtrueSTORY | RGV | Yagna Shetty | Agasthya Manju | Vennupotu Story - Duration: 2:15.
「只有韓國瑜才能贏柯文哲」 藍營喊話:徵召韓國瑜選總統 - Duration: 3:52.
國民黨內目前 有新北市前 市長朱立倫 、
立法院前院長 王金平以及 黨主席吳敦 義有意參選 2020
基層也出現力 拱高雄市長 韓國瑜參選 2020的 聲音。
國民黨立委柯 志恩認為
黨內可先做民 調
做完一翻兩瞪 眼後再來問 韓國瑜是否 有意願參選
「畢竟這年頭 沒什麼是不 可能的。
」國民黨北市 議員王鴻薇 表示
目前黨內三位 太陽在民調 中都贏過民 進黨籍的總 統蔡英文
但離台北市長 柯文哲還有 一些距離
現在韓國瑜在 黨內支持度 最高
在柯P可能參 選之下
不可能排除他 參選總統的 機會。
柯志恩認 為
基層確實有很 多力拱韓國 瑜選總統的 聲音
若大家覺得韓 國瑜有能力 的話
就應該納入總 統候選人民 調之中
但還是要看韓 國瑜的意願
畢竟他都是被 動回應大家
不像太陽們主 動參選
但韓國瑜並沒 有把話講死 。
柯志恩也 說
國民黨要找出 最能勝選的 人
這三位太陽不 管透過「三 七比」還是 全民調來產 出
韓國瑜不表態 也沒辦法
所以目前國民 黨團立委希 望把遊戲規 則搞定
若韓國瑜有意 願
就將它列入民 調名單中; 或是先做民 調
做完一翻兩瞪 眼後再來問 韓國瑜意願
「這年頭沒什 麼是不可能 的。
」 王鴻薇 提到
黨內若先做民 調
發現韓國瑜第 一
眾人再力勸他 出來選
但她認為應該 把徵召放入 選項中
因為現階段環 境不容許韓 國瑜主動表 態參選
為保持參選可 能性和彈性
一定要要保留 徵召韓國瑜 的可能
否則柯文哲明 年6月參選
屆時黨內候選 人贏不過柯
才在乾著急已 來不及;但 若柯文哲明 年不選
而黨內候選人 民調也穩定 領先
當然就不需要 徵召韓國瑜 。
不具名的 黨內人士認 為
目前外界認為 國民黨內4 顆太陽有可 能爭取20 20年總統 大位
其中前總統馬 英九看起來 意願較低
但是主席吳敦 義、
新北市前市長 朱立倫與立 法院前院長 王金平都是 意向明顯
但這三人都陷 入黨內初選 制度該如何 設計的泥淖 之中。
該人士指 出
現在國民黨初 選要到6月 才會正式確 定人選
這3個多月的 時間
外界恐怕會一 直看到王、
朱三人為了初 選制度互相 鬥爭
這就是標準的 互相傷害
朱的光芒日漸 黯淡
相較之下高雄 市長韓國瑜 本身就有高 人氣
又置身初選算 計之外
若是韓國瑜高 雄施政得民 心
國民黨初選爭 議不提早解 決
恐怕會讓韓國 瑜出現選總 統機會大增 。
Nơi Sản Xuất Và Bán Các BỘ CUỐN THƯ CÂU ĐỐI ĐẸP Uy Tín Và Chất Lượng Nhất - Duration: 5:05.
100 Mẫu ĐỒNG HỒ CÂY QUẢ LẮC ĐẸP NHẤT Dùng Làm Quà Tặng, Quà Biếu Ý Nghĩa - Duration: 6:05.
Nơi Bán Bộ Cuốn Thư Câu Đối Khảm Trai ĐẸp Chính Hiệu Đồ Gỗ Đồng Kỵ Phú Hải - Duration: 4:53.
Nơi Bán Mẫu TỦ ĐỂ TIVI ĐẸP - Kệ Tivi Mẫu Hiện Đại Gỗ Hương - Duration: 4:25.
Nơi Bán GIÁ ĐỂ NGÀ VOI ĐẸP Đủ Các Kiểu Dáng Và Kích Thước Theo Yêu Cầu - Duration: 4:44.
Nơi Bán Các Mẫu KỆ GÓC ĐỂ TRƯNG BÀY ĐỒ ĐẸP Giá Rẻ Giao Toàn Quốc - Duration: 4:11.
BỘ BÀN GHẾ ĐẸP KIỂU RỒNG BẢO ĐỈNH 12 Món Thương Hiệu Bàn Ghế Đồng Kỵ Phú Hải - Duration: 5:13.
BO BAN GHE GO MUN DEP Thương Hiệu Bàn Ghế Đồng Kỵ Phú Hải ĐT 0972.690.610 - Duration: 5:33.
【TOP】02 Mẫu Đồng Hồ Cây Quả Lắc Gỗ Nu Nghiến Đẹp Nhất Hiện Nay - Duration: 5:17.
Nơi Bán BỘ BÀN GHẾ GỖ NU NGHIẾN ĐẸP cột 16cm Tại Vũng Tàu ĐT 0972.690.610 - Duration: 6:13.
Nơi Sản Xuất Các Đôi Lọ Lộc Bình Gỗ Đẹp Đủ Các Kích Thước Theo Yêu Cầu - Duration: 5:18.
【Chiêm Ngưỡng】ĐÔI LỘC BÌNH GỖ MUN NGUYÊN KHỐI Cao 2,2m Nặng 2 Tấn Siêu Đẹp & Hiếm - Duration: 5:10.
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
Green Lines: Behind the Scenes with Kawasaki Racing Team. Episode 1 - Duration: 12:05.
Very few are lucky enough to leave their mark on international sport.
Even fewer to make history and bend a series or competition to their will.
In the 32 year history of WorldSBK
there have not been many squads as prolific or outstanding
as the Kawasaki Racing Team.
The combination of loyal, energetic and skilled staff,
ruthlessly competitive machinery from Akashi in Japan
and the talent and feeling of Jonathan Rea have created a behemoth.
"It's strange but I don't feel like I have a target on my back.
I have a lot of motivation to stay on top because of this fear of losing."
"I'm not getting any younger and to get this opportunity is massive.
I want to grab it with both hands and I will do everything I can to get that championship."
"Inside our garage is another championship winning bike in the making.
We just gotta make it work."
Since 2013, KRT have owned this spectacular motorcycle racing contest five times in the last six years.
There isn't a more dominant and effective racing package in any international motorcycling series.
"It is so hard to put my finger on what makes me successful.
I think the biggest credit has to go to the team and the machinery;
that makes up the biggest percentage of the job and the actual race victory.
Racing is 100% about confidence,
and these guys go-to-town for me every single weekend.
It's an infectious atmosphere and one you cannot manufacture so I'm very lucky to have that."
"My personality away from the track, especially since having kids,
I'm much more relaxed in myself and I am able to detach the emotional side of
trying to win and winning."
"Having the two boys has literally helped him relax.
Even if he is having a troubled session the boys just distract him and he is able to switch off.
A lot of those racers, I see them all the time running around the paddock and they just look so intense,
whereas I see Jonathan and he doesn't have those frown marks:
he's just happy."
"Especially in the off-season when you have a lot of time at home that's the time when
I go to work.
It is always a great time because I have a lot of motivation.
Of course I have learned to detach my emotions from the pressure-side of thinking about another championship.
Of course I'm the guy that everyone wants to beat but I just try and do my thing."
"I have been working with Johnny since the first week of December.
One of my goals was to drop body fat percentage.
I'm sub-70 right now and I'm feeling much stronger than I ever have.
I'm starting the season good."
"When I look back I remember him turning 30.
I said to him in the car 'thirty years of age and two children, two world championships
and ultimately you've just purchased your dream home…'.
He has pretty much everything lined-up and ticked more boxes than he would have dreamed
of but, saying that, I have never seen him more focussed and more committed to his sport.
I think every year he actually gets more determined.
Not to win, but to actually keep the crown.
It's like his place now, to sustain that."
The thirteen round 2019 series is almost here.
For the first time since 2015 and when Rea made his immediate splash with the first of
four consecutive titles, the crew have changed their rider roster.
British Superbike Champion Leon Haslam steps away from UK shores to again attempt the FIM World Championship.
"2019 is a big, big year for me.
This opportunity I've got with the full factory Kawasaki team is the best of my whole career.
Jonathan has proven for the last four years that everything is there.
The bike and the team: it's all capable.
The materials are there so it is just time on the bike and we'll see what we can do."
"Having Leon on the other side of the garage is a breath of fresh air.
I get on with him and we've been teammates in the past.
He's a genuinely cool guy, a guy you want to go and hang out with after racing.
I think myself and him have this ability to completely switch off.
When you exit the box and go back to your motorhome you can be human again.
There is no reason why we cannot work together really successfully inside KRT.
Of course we both have our own ambitions and they sometimes have conflicts but as long as
we can be professional then there is no reason why it cannot be all good."
"He's obviously the first person I want to beat
but at the same time I feel we can both leave that on the track.
We both have the same passions, like motocross and the competitive side of things and you
are never going to take that away from it
but at the same time it is really nice you can
respect each other to separate the racing and the personal."
Rea and Haslam are good friends but experienced and tough competitors.
It means KRT have another envious line-up: a duo that know the razor-sharp Ninja ZX-10RR
down to the last titanium bolt.
"Leon has a lot of experience in other championships riding different bikes and different tyres.
So to have an experienced rider like him giving us as much reliable feedback as possible
makes our lives easier."
26 races, 5 continents and hundreds of miles of tight racing spread across 13 weekends
with inverted grids and tight technical rules means preparation begins at home.
In Northern Ireland and England's midlands
both Rea and Haslam can call on their close and supportive families
to help rally around a programme that ensures the riders are as fit,
focussed and confident as they can be.
"Yeah, racing, for me, it's my life.
It is kinda what I have done from 'day one' and for a lot of racers it is a very selfish life
but from my point of view it is what I've always wanted to do."
"Being back home is nice.
We do a lot of travelling so when we are home it feels like a holiday
and when you can have a bit of downtime.
Obviously I have two young kids, [we] live on a farm with my Dad who is one of my best mates."
Both Rea and Haslam hail from racing backgrounds.
In Leon's case his father Ron was a Grand Prix star with a career and name that stretches back
decades into the very ether of motorcycling.
Leon, 36 years old this year, has carried on the tradition of recognition and achievement.
"This is where it all started for me.
We're here at my farm and from six weeks old it has been a bit of a racing environment
with my Dad running race teams and me starting motocross and riding my first ever bike on the fields,
along with some of the different animals that we've had
and falling in the foam pits and whatever else.
This is where it all began."
"It is important to relax,
it is important to have that downtime
so that when you are on-point with your racing you are able to be fully there."
"This is the run-up to where the gym and museum is,
as you can see my mum likes the photos from when I was born and before!
It's all racing, racing, racing.
I've actually got a few of me and Johnny from when we first started out racing together.
Yeah, a lot of good pictures."
"I tried to keep a set of leathers and a helmet from all the years both me and my Dad have raced.
Some from the mid-70s when my Dad first started riding
all the way through to the Isle of Man and through to grand prix racing.
And then I started in '97 through European, MotoGP, 500s, World Superbike, British Superbike
so…a lot of good memories."
"One of the things I'm quite proud of is
that me and my Dad are the only father and son to get Man of the Year for the MCN Award.
I've got my first ever bike on the wall from when I first started road racing.
That was back in '97…seems a long time ago now."
"My Dad's two brothers – Terry and Phil – they started the Haslams in racing.
Both of them were actually tragically killed.
One at Scarborough and one at Assen in a sidecar.
A lot of people know my Dad but it was Phil and Terry that got the family into bike racing itself."
KRT can hear the daily drone of track days at the Circuit de Catalunya in Barcelona.
The team and their workshop HQ is walking distance from one of Spain's best-loved racing facilities.
It's a helpful and constant reminder of why the team work and push so hard to excel.
"The first feedback is nice and good but we still have a good room to improve."
"We are now in an important period of the year
because it is when we need to prepare everything to start the season as strong as possible."
When the new bikes and parts have arrived from Japan and assessments have been made
then KRT leave their Catalan base and head-off around the Iberian Peninsula.
Testing at places like Jerez, Aragon and Portimao [Port-i-mow] means the right amount of laps
and track time to make crucial decisions on set-up in order to tackle all 13 events in WorldSBK.
"To test is to more or less fix everything as well
so the riders can start to warm up their bodies on the bike
and to make everything roll as a team to make as we arrive as strong as possible in Australia."
The stopwatch is already ticking.
Suzuki S-Cross 1.6 High Executive * Navigatie * Leder * Panoramadak * Parkeer sensor V + A * - Duration: 1:23.
Porsche 911 2.7 S Targa uit 1976 helemaal gerestaureerd - Duration: 0:55.
5 More AMAZING "Only in Battlefield" Moments that Actually Happened In Real Life - Duration: 9:02.
Welcome to the episode 3 of Battlefield Moments that Actually Happened in Real Life.
This video is sponsored by NVIDIA, which supplied a GeForce 2080Ti to capture the cinematics
you see here, made better with ray tracing technology.
Improbable occurrences happen all the time in Battlefield V - it's a video game, afterall.
What might surprise you, is that many of these "only in Battlefield" moments actually
happened in World War II - Here are five of them.
Let's start things off with a ghost story of a sort.
This one isn't your traditional spooky tale, but it might make the hair stand up on the
back of your neck.
Stricken aircraft landing on airfields after a bombing run was a common occurrence on all
sides in World War II.
It came as little surprise then in November 1944, when a B-17 bomber approached an allied
airfield in Belgium.
The plane's landing gear was down, and but its flying was erratic.
The flying fortress made a hard landing, with one of the plane's wingtips digging into
the ground and destroying a propeller.
Those on the ground waited for signs of the air crew, but no one exited the aircraft.
The officer who boarded the B-17 was stunned to find no one on board.
The plane, it seemed, had landed all on its own.
An inquiry revealed the bomber flew through heavy flak and took a direct hit to the bomb
The pilots realized the crippled craft wouldn't make it back to England and instead set a
new course for an allied airfield in Belgium.
Further mechanical problems developed and the crew abandoned the aircraft, switching
on the autopilot before bailing out at 2,000 feet.
The pilot assumed the plane would smash into the countryside, but against all odds, it
came down largely intact and at the airfield.
The plane's air crew survived their bailout over friendly territory and were shipped back
to England, where they continued raids over Germany.
Ghost planes appear in Battlefield V more often than you'd think.
It's not uncommon for a player to bail out after taking heavy damage.
Occasionally the airplanes flutter back to earth without exploding, and can be repaired
and picked up by ground troops if they're quick enough.
Our next only in Battlefield moment involves multikills with the lumbering Sturmtiger.
A squad reinforcement in Battlefield V, the Sturmtiger carries a massive 380mm rocket
It's capable of some serious damage, but it's got nothing on its real-life counterpart.
The vehicle was designed to demolish any fortification it faced, acting as a spearhead for a major
assault against a city or defensive works.
The Sturmtiger rarely fulfilled this task, since it rolled off the assembly line too
late in the war.
Instead, the heavy assault gun was often used to shell enemy troops while German forces
However, there was at least one instance where a Sturmtiger reportedly entered combat against
other vehicles.
During the Battle for the Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen, Sturmtigers were rolled out in
an effort to destroy the crossing.
A shell from one of their guns reportedly landed amongst a group of American Sherman
tanks, and destroyed several of them.
Although I personally feel the intimidating Sturmtiger is a bit underpowered in Battlefield
V, it's incredibly rewarding to assault an objective with the heavily-armored vehicle
and land a few multi-kills.
Our next moment might be one of the few times something has happened in real life that can't
really be repeated in Battlefield V. On January 3, 1943, American Alan Magee climbed into
the ball turret of his B-17 bomber, unaware of the odds he'd face later that day.
During the bombing raid over occupied France, his bomber was attacked by German fighters.
The B-17 was crippled and Magee sustained serious wounds.
As his plane entered a death spin, Magee escaped the ball turret but found his parachute shredded.
In desperation, he leapt from the aircraft without one.
Magee fell four miles to earth, losing consciousness due to the lack of oxygen.
After falling for over a minute, he crashed through the glass roof of a train station
Magee was found by rescuers on the floor of the station, riddled with shrapnel.
He also suffered several broken bones, damage to internal organs, and his right arm was
nearly severed.
Nevertheless, Magee recovered from his injuries, and even earned his pilot license after the
Bailing out of planes without a parachute can be done in Battlefield V, most easily
on Narvik and Twisted Steel, if you aim for the water.
Jumping without your parachute means you're less likely to reveal your presence to ground
troops, but it also means certain death if you jump too high or miss your mark.
Of course, if you don't have to bail out of your aircraft, you put yourself in a much
better position.
In Battlefield V, you can actually land your airplane on the map, since landing gear automatically
deploys below a certain speed.
In previous Battlefield games, it wasn't uncommon for pilots to land airplanes or helicopters
to repair them, or to try and steal vehicles from the enemy spawn.
Interestingly, a similar situation actually occurred in World War II.
A Russian pilot named Kuzniecov was reportedly returning from a recon mission when he was
ambushed by German fighters.
The ME-109s peppered his Ilyushin IL-2, forcing a crash landing in a field.
Once his crippled aircraft came to a stop, Kuzniecov jumped out and hid in a nearby treeline.
One of the german pilots landed nearby, deplaned, and walked towards the downed Russian aircraft,
presumably to grab a souvenir or two.
As he did so, Kuzniecov emerged from the trees and bolted for the German's unguarded plane.
The Russian clambered into the cockpit of the ME-109 and successfully took off, but
his safety was far from guaranteed.
On his way back to base, Russian ground forces nearly shot down Kuzniecov's newly-captured
He was able to land the aircraft, however, shaken - but largely unscathed.
Our last Battlefield moment involves one of my favorite gameplay aspects of Battlefield
V - fortifications.
You can build fortifications on every map in the game and they're criminally underappreciated.
A few sandbags and hedgehogs can stop an enemy advance cold.
This is a lesson learned by the Russians in World War II, and few locations are a better
example than Pavlov's House during the Battle of Stalingrad.
When war descended on the city, Russian Sergeant Yakov Pavlov was charged with fortifying the
four-story apartment building, turning it into a veritable fortress.
Pavlov's platoon surrounded the building with landmines, four layers of barbed wire,
and even dug trenches outside in an effort to hold it against attacking German forces.
Machine guns, mortars, and anti-tank rifles were also installed in the building.
It was heavily fortified for a reason - Pavlov's house offered the Soviets excellent visibility
to observe enemy movement and direct artillery strikes, which soon became painfully obvious
to the attackers.
Desperate to overrun the position, German forces attacked the building dozens of times,
but the siege could not unseat the defenders.
Pavlov's crack platoon held the position for nearly two months, until relieved by Soviet
forces pushing back the German onslaught.So the next time you boot up Battlefield V, give
the game's fortification system another look.
Which of these only in Battlefield moments is your favorite?
Tell me in the comments.
Make sure to check out episodes one and two in the video description.
Once again, thanks to NVIDIA for sending over a GEFORCE 2080Ti to help make this video possible.
If you want to experience real-time ray tracing for yourself, check out the description below
and click Buy Now link.
Again, if you enjoyed this video, leave a like, share, and subscribe.
Hit the bell to get notified of the latest Battlefield news.
As always, thanks for watching.
Carbon Monoxide Alarm Prompts Evacuation At CMU Dorm - Duration: 0:17.
Shelby J. - Interview with Prince's Friend "Painting with all the Colors" Part 1 (of 2) - Duration: 29:58.
we have the first part of my interview with Shelby J comin at ya right now
everybody welcome back to Prince's Friend I'm your host Prince's Friend and
if you've been around for a while you all know how big a fan of Shelby J I am
if you don't know who she is let me tell you a little bit about her
Shelby J is a singer-songwriter social activist from Greensboro North Carolina
and she's on a mission to spread positive messages through music books
art fitness training live performances these core messages being to inspire
love and light shelby's performed with some of the greatest talent in recorded
music history having toured and recorded with her own band black gypsy groove
theory mary j blige anthony hamilton DeAngelo Santana Larry Graham in
obviously Prince you've heard her on many a Prince track as well from her
co-lead on Chelsea Rodgers to her voice being lent to many other tracks like lay
it down future soul song colonized mine mr. goodnight and most famously on stage
with Prince at the 2007 Super Bowl Shelby Jay recently founded her own
company black gypsy music and has released her debut album 10 on her own
label on her own terms and today she's here to talk to me Prince's friend about
her career for years with Prince her upcoming show at the Capri in April and
where the future leads let's get into that interview hey everybody welcome
back to Prince's friend I am your host Prince's friend and I have a very cool
and special interview for you guys today I am honored to bring onto the show
Shelby Jay thank you so much shelby Jay thank you for having me now is it okay
if that I call you Shelby or should I call you mrs. J what should I how should
I refer to you you can call me okay awesome
I'm so like Shelby James Shelby J it just seems weird like well but
definitely thank you for the show I know that you are in California I'm in
Florida you're across the entire nation and I know that you're getting ready for
the Grammys that are tomorrow oh I'm so excited and attending with my
sister Lynn who's also my drummer and we're so excited it's yes tomorrow so I
can't wait okay I saw you talking on Facebook live that this is actually your
first time going to the Grammys is that is that right yeah we would do you know
after shows and stuff in LA at the house you know principal I got a lot of people
coming back after the Grammys we long jail okay and so we would jam we do that
especially times we were out there during you know like the forum shows and
stuff like that when we were there but I never went to the ceremony and I was
watching on TV and everything but they'll be here soon just let out so
they'll be you know but yeah I'm excited about going and I love my dress and I
told somebody I said it kind of feel like Cinderella going to the ball and
I'm not afraid to let people know that because I think that humility is really
important and I try to be transparent with folks and when something means
something to you I mean I watch the Grammys like everybody else from the
time I was you know four or five six seven and I would watch those shows and
have the dreams about you know being on stage and performing which I will be
being nominated accepting but just being around that that energy of all the
creativeness you know from all of our genres from everything being in that
room I was like what must that energy feel like so I'm excited to be going to
soak that up you know and with be with my sister you know it's like that's the
one way definitely and and and who are you wearing is are you wearing a famous
designer well she's gonna be famous she's a Nigerian sister and her name is
me clay it's felt like Nike but it's pronounced Nikkei and all of her pieces
are handmade they're hand beaded and they're one-of-a-kind and this piece
speaks to everything that I've learned everything that I am and everything that
I want to be and I think that it's various when I put it on I was like yep
this is this is Shelby J all day and I know parents would approve
as he taught me a lot and he taught me how to you know stand in your in my
truth you know as far as not I don't need to look like anybody else I don't
need to see what's hot what are they telling me I should wear it's like noon
baby girl you have to be true to you and you you know you said to Trina don't
follow you know but but but really speak to your truth and I went and I saw some
fabrics and then I saw some of her designs and one particular dress I put
it on I was like this is it was just boom pow I was like she'll be all day so
I'm excited I'm excited so you did speak about some of your time with Prince and
some of the lessons that he's taught you but can you can we backtrack a little
bit tell me a little bit about your time
like before you got some friends like how did you how did you come into being
because you know I doubt that Prince just plucked you off the street you had
like you had to already kind of be in your own a little bit when he's ready
right definitely I've been working and I've been earning
my stripes and he told me he was like you know where have you been he said and
I was like I told him I've been working with everybody um most notably mary j
blige --is Anthony Hamilton Martin Luther D'Angelo chorus voodoo tour and
that's where anything in Anthony and I toured and did that iconic tour with
voodoo with the Angelo and right after that I was singing with Anthony when he
did his solo project and I had a break from singing with Anthony and Sundra
Manon called me to come and fill in with Larry Graham for like one night and it
was in Vegas at 3121 and Prince was out there and he got to hear me sing and you
know he liked what he heard and obviously you know and he called me too
he came on stage that night with us and we were singing together and then they
called me back to come out to Vegas and I was like okay I'm going back out there
I'll know where this is going but it was so cool and it was like a journey it was
just every step of it even as I reflect back on it it's just those things
in a dream like okay this happens and this happens and and he's like you know
what you enjoy him a ban and I'm like I gotta call Anthony because I was on
break I was still in his band and he was like I leave my band the same with
Prince I was like okay so yeah so that's how that happened and we start a version
with the Super Bowl shortly after that you know this is right at the end of
2006 so it was just you know right place right time God and all those things and
it was an energy we connected our energies just really you know connected
most definitely and and you can even tell like I've seen you perform with him
before like you you just jived like really really well
which was one of the the best things about you know the years that you were
featured prominently in his music whether live or in the studio like I
always enjoy listening to those albums probably more than some of the others
but I'm just saying what was like one of your favorite
projects that you worked with him like a particular song a particular album no
doubt Chelsea Rodgers because I was I had just outwardly
and he was finishing up planet Earth and there were certain songs that I mean I'm
brand new so we would only play I got to tell you a little bit of the story so
it's so beautiful I was just talking to you I'm out in LA my girlfriend grace is
out here she was around during this time and she came out to Vegas and we were
gonna take a trip to the Grand Canyon and do like a film and Louise thing but
not the ending and going out there and then I get a call we only worked on the
weekends I 3121 so during the week some people Prince will go back to
Minneapolis people go to LA I was still at the Rio that's basically where I
moved into from North Carolina to the RIA and we were playing Scrabble by the
pool I don't forget this my reason is Raul who is part of Chris's team at the
time and he says principal she'd come out to LA and do background vocals on
the song and and I was like okay so I think it was Tuesday and I said well has
like Thursday or something cuz you know I've got my friend here she just
don't know maybe like in three or four hours I want you know we're gonna just
gonna fly you I was like oh okay great and that was that was kind of my
introduction to to how when he had an idea he wanted to get things done and it
wasn't you know it was there was a sense of urgency for that and I was like wow
and I said grace okay I'm gonna go pack and I went in there were no lyrics and
the engineer was there Prince wasn't there and he said let me play the song
for you he played that song he's like Prince is
on the phone but I'm talking to him and he goes I want you to you know kind of
seeing what you hear and there were no lyrics so I had to let her a lot of
lyrics in Chelsea Rodgers I mean that is all it's a lot of words in that song so
I sat for maybe about an hour and did lyrics why my mind why my life my life
you know and he said sing the whole thing sing it like you would sing it and
I'm thinking the whole time I'm going to do you know backgrounds of who I yeah
yeah something like that you see every word and I did and then
when I heard him play it back it was the it was the record and it was the duet
and he said you know you're gonna love this
and it's us and I was like what like it was pitching you as backing vocals but
I'm like I you pretty much ruled that song like that speaks a lot to his
generosity because he didn't have to do that you know he didn't have to as I
always say like put me on Front Street like that he did not have to do that but
it was just so beautiful you know he's like you know you work for this and he
would just say little things like that to make me aware that he that he was
aware that I didn't just show up today won't the same you know he could see he
could feel he could see it and when he had the opportunity to feature me or to
help me shine he always did and you know he helped me to step into that you know
there's even being a background vocalists with different people like
Prince was the one that happened he had me Shelby Shelby Shelby Shelby shut you
know just the way he would say my name so many times in a show I'm like menaces
it's beautiful you know he didn't he brought the same way that we were off
stage on stage so people could see that and that that I'm like that's cool
everybody doesn't do that you know so Chelsey I just for me is a very special
song and that's that memory of that and just how he let me shine on that with
him and then I got into really listening to those lyrics and I'm like man brother
so deep he's something I mean most definitely and let me add as well if if
you were to ask me which was my favorite that you've been on I would have also
said Chelsea Rodgers but how was even without me knowing all of that now I
love it even more baby mama which was another one and he let me a rainy
trusted me he let me basically arrange in my background vocals like he would
like who does that like I have people that never produce nothing that want to
tell me he'd be like not just sing what you hear in your head sing what you hear
and you know what you hear sing what you hear and he gave me that freedom to
Lennear those vocals in the lair all those parts and then he would mix it in
with his and I had friends that didn't even know at the time I was singing with
Prince and they heard future baby mama and they could tell by the way that I
had like layered my vocals like on my earlier stuff they were like is that
shelving like just think people pick up on that like from the black gypsy stuff
and everything so it was kind of like a signature that I would have with how I
would do vocals and he let me do that on his record I'm in this press come on man
you don't have to do this stuff and so he just let me be free to create and to
take part in his art which was beautiful so I will add that there are a lot of
singers and artists out there that can sing but like it really takes
having a specifically kind of unique voice to really kind of stand out and
like you're one of those and might like if I hear it I'm a weight that Shelby
wait a minute smelling I think I respect that with people that I love
like when I yeah when as soon as Anthony Hamilton comes on you know it's him
you know what that taser comes on it's her you know a prince comes on if you if
a song comes on and I don't know who it is singing is something wrong with that
but you should have your sound you know a Picasso from a Rembrandt you know you
know artists should have their their lane of not that you can't you know grow
in mesh but I should know is you don't you should need all sound you know like
this is this this is the the sound of a month so we got all sound like this is
like know whatever I sing it's gonna sound like Shelby whether it's the
star-spangled banner just sound like me you should know it's me that's actually
one of the the cool things about you that I've that I've noticed listening to
not only the music that you've released and we're gonna get to that in just a
second because I wrote a top ten with you but one of the things that I've
noticed is that you're able to kind of not be fit in a box so easily like you
do like funk and soul and gospel and R&B like you do all these different things
like like is that just natural to you or is it like you know what I feel like
doing some funk today let's do some fun or right just real is real organic and I
say that I've always told people especially my friends I can't stand
categories I think one of the worst things that ever happened is when you
try to categorize things that you limit who who thinks they should be listening
to something or you let them you're telling them what art they should base
it like as opposed to what speaks to them and their soul and their spirit so
you got you know a sister growing up in the hood that thinks that she's not
supposed to want to listen to Shania Twain not Shania Twain song could speak
to her heart and her soul in those melodies but because somebody's discolor
and some this color and it has this particular
instrument in it then you're not supposed to listen to that you're only
supposed to listen to this music over here made by people of your same color
of your same thing and I can't stand the genre think so with me I listened to
everything growing up I absorbed everything growing up grew up in the
Baptist Church so there's that my mom minister of music my sister was on drums
other sister Kim was singing grew up listening you know to mahalia and to
Mavis that's all in here could hear country music all around me you know
that's all in here my sister was playing Parliament and Funkadelic she's 10 years
my senior I'm hearing all of this as like a 7 year old and an 8 year old the
bar-kays like just absorbing that you know my dad playing Otis Redding and I
read the Franklin and just the Doobie Brothers and just getting getting it all
into me and it spoke to me so I would listen to what I wanted to listen to and
I didn't kind of let anybody uh direct me and direct that that part of me so
then when I started to create my own music I'm like I'm gonna paint with all
the colors in the crayon box I'm not gonna let nobody tell me I only have to
use the orange and the blue and green it's like nope I'm gonna use all of the
colors and then I might want to just take one color and do one color because
with with I just you know did a gospel song as you're aware of people like oh
you are you switching to gospel now it's like wow I'm never gonna limit myself
and I understand society makes you you know they tell you no you have to go and
they're good to go but man I'm an artist and I'm free and I Know Who I am
more so now than ever because I'm older and I've been through some things and
I've learned some things I took taken some bumps so the stuff I'm writing
about now and and speaking to now it's my truth so it's gonna speak to somebody
might not speak to everybody everybody might not like this song with that song
but it's always gonna be my truth I'm always gonna do that
so it might have some heavy font it might have some slide guitar I might do
a whole thing that's orchestrated with strings where it sounds like Disney but
it's coming from what I feel you know and I'm not gonna let anybody outside of
me tell me how to create if I feel it cuz prince would do that he would create
and put out even what he wanted to you know and not ask you know is this is
this cool you know like before he released something like if you don't
like it he's not putting it out it's like no cuz everybody ain't know like
everything that's just the world but you have to be true to yourself you know and
really stand in that yes I and I had a very similar yeah I had a similar
upbringing like it's good to have upbringings like that I think definitely
I love my mama mama J and my father he's you know passed on but he's with me
every day Prince loved my parents as well and he was a he knew how much I
love family and a lot of people like did your mom ever meet Prince I'm like did
she maybe they ran up on Prince at 31 21 and hug him so tight it was like this
kind of world we are so she wasn't going to be with him any difference wasn't
gonna walk up and kneel or well that's just not who we are and so once he met
my mother he said I understand you now even more which is cool because they you
know he you come from your mom so you know he met her and he's like yep I get
you so now he mentioned my truth which is actually one of the tracks on your
album 10 yeah so I guess that's a great segue for us to shift over into talking
a little bit about 10 which I actually I reviewed 10 I think it was over a year
ago I thought oh you did owner no words for you two I got on a sermon
yes I do thank you for that I like honesty you know I like people to tell
the truth you know you're not just like oh I love everything you know that's not
real but you you know you speak to tell people how they can do things better and
things that an artist might not think of or you know something like that so I
watched it so you have the lyrics I got Jeff I had nowhere to put them online so
it'll be prominent everybody will be able to find them send them over I got
you now I listened to so I listened to it a bunch and of course I had to go
back and watch my review to be like what did I say but definitely I enjoyed the
album and I can tell that like those experiences were like from your soul
like you your your singing is so authentic on that album is there like
possibly and you don't have you know I know all songs are your children but is
there maybe one of those songs that you know even now just a little bit we're a
little bit separated from the album's you know official release which was a
you know in 2017 like our is there one of those songs that speaks to you even
now today like even more Wow I think who you are okay most definitely
um and also day in the Sun lyrically um as well with with Dan the son who you
are because you know Prince taught me a lot about trusting that you know really
trusting that and knowing that your strength comes from that you know that's
that's you there's only one you you know you're unique and so go go with that and
trust it and everybody might not get it enough so kay but that's what he always
did and he didn't care about if society was gonna get it at the time he was you
know wait ahead anyway but he helped me to realize to really trust that in
myself um after earlier you know things in my
career where you know people can can teach you to kind of doubt
like no you need to do it more like this or Shelby if you do it like this even
though that's not what you're feeling or not where you're going they're like no
no try this just trust in that and it's so easy to be who you are it's like
that's you can be who you are every day and and and really knowing that there's
power in that and and embracing that so that's how it speaks to me I listen to
it I'm like yes you know be yourself everybody else is taken you know I
really truly mean that and then the Sun speaks to me now even more because of
what I'm saying in the song you know um you have to go through some things in
life you know you have to have those valleys to really even appreciate the
peaks and day and the Sun speaks to that with me because I you know this last
year I went through a few valleys and day and the Sun truly speaks to me about
holding on staying strong in your faith and knowing that you know ain't no
progress without struggle that's a true lyric it's like ain't no progress
without struggling just telling myself that over and over again and knowing
that your day and the Sun will come and now what I'm doing musically and as I'm
continuing to grow it's like okay you get through this valley here we go you
know here's the Sun so I I was listening to that last night and it just really
touched me and it's me you know and I'm like no it really did I'm like oh yes
yeah you know yeah I told her I said you know I'm listening to my own music to
remind myself of the things that I know are true but sometimes we can forget
those things you know when life you know kiss you in the head you know what a
flying pan and just knocks you sideways you can forget that you know and when I
listen to those songs it helps me remember what I will say about the album
and just to throw compliments at you for a second here I would say that super
power is probably my favorite track on the album Thank You shout out to
Lassiter definitely day and the Sun would
actually be my second favorite so it's funny that you mentioned that one as
well me so in the beginning of that let me just
add that that's my niece Kayla who wrote that piece yes she wrote that poem and I
was like this has got to be part of this song and she was 16 at the time and I
said you have to do this I had you know so it was very cool and probably it was
a question that I had when I was listening to the album just recently I
was like who was that my favorite thing about day and the Sun specifically is I
think just the the way that you sang it it felt really deep and it also felt
like you hit you like you weren't afraid to kind of go up and down and kind of go
everywhere with your with your tones and stuff like I really really dug the way
that you delivered that song you know like the when you do like a my day in
the Sun like you weren't afraid I go up and down and I did it I butchered it
it's okay but you know I could probably do better but like I would be I would I
would be to stage Friday for me to sing and go - LBJ like oh my gosh and and
also it speaks to the the overwhelming kind of positive message of the album as
a whole you know it's like there there's some sadder tracks on there but you know
there's a lot of tracks that are like yes some stuff is bad but it's gonna get
better and like this is your time to make that happen and like I appreciate
that from a listener standpoint because there's a lot of negative music out
there I guess my question is like did you sit down to write kind of a
motivational album or was just just what you were feeling at the time and you
needed to like get it out oh wow I definitely needed to get it out my life
had gone through a major transition that a lot of people they had no idea that I
was going through a divorce at the time right before that had no clue I didn't
share it with people life happens and you know Prince was very helpful he said
you know write your truth you know write write what you're feeling right I mean
your lyrics from that album that have two stains on the sheets well that's you
know real talk from coin really deep and writing that and and even though I
couldn't record it at the time I had everything got kind of stopped you know
there was that moment like she put this out albums coming what happened and
people didn't know that was going on with that but he said you might not feel
like singing but at least writing someone I don't like ant I just can't I
can't I can't sing this stuff you know right now but he's but I had it ready so
that when I could go and sing those songs like run and I could see those
that I would know the right time that I could record them and there were other
songs that I wrote coming out of that storm so it's kind of like their songs
that reflect being right in the start of the storm and coming through the storm
and then those then the songs kind of shift as you're getting your strength
your coming out of it your understanding that you know life is about chapters and
their many chapters in your book and I'm trying you know you're you're coming out
of it you're going through it getting through it and coming into another place
and then those lyrics are different from works of when you're in it you dig that
you hear those you know that it's my times and everything got it lifting up
to boom moved on to the you know ah so it's cathartic I think in the way that
it takes you through that the valleys of things that people had no idea like I
said that I was going through into coming out of it like you know you can
you can get through this and I hope because I'm not the only woman or a man
or person that will go through any kind of hard heart aching heart I'm also you
know I just lost my dad you know right before and I was still you know you
that's a major loss and so there were there were things that were in me but
you have to face those things and and grow through those things so I'm hoping
that when people listen to that music and they see
you know Shelby went through this you know man she took some serious hits some
lumps and this is how she got through it and I can get through it too and I want
them to feel inspired and and uplifted to know like I can do this she did it
you know I can do it too life can be hard and just completely
surprise you and knock you silly but you know when you hold on to your faith and
you you look for your strength you can make it through you can you have to find
those things that help you make it through a music is definitely one of
those one of those tools oh yeah yeah oh man what I mean even with Prince's music
people talk about it got me through this I remember going through these trials in
my life and this music was the only thing that brought me through and that's
that's real music it's so powerful like that oh oh man and that's just part one
there's a whole bunch more that me and Shelby got to talk about I hope that you
come back for part two which will be launching tomorrow until then don't
forget to check us out on Twitter and Instagram they're both at Prince's
friend whitey you can become a patron and support the channel directly at
patreon.com slash princes friend and until next time may you live to see the
L12.4 Einstein's argument: B and A coefficients - Duration: 9:43.
News24 - AC Milan hold advantage over Man United and Arsenal in transfer race for €40m Eredivisie s - Duration: 3:00.
AC Milan have emerged as one of the favourites to sign PSV Eindhoven winger Hirving Lozano, who is attracting attention from a number of top clubs
According to Calcio Mercato, Manchester United and Arsenal are among the interested parties, along with Real Madrid, Barcelona, Juventus and Napoli
The Mexican superstar has hit 17 goals in 29 matches across all competitions this season, helping PSV climb to the top of the Eredivisie
At 23-years-old Lozano is approaching his prime and now might be the best time for potential suitors to launch a bid, with his current market value set at €40 million – as per Transfermarkt
Calcio Mercato reports that Napoli were the frontrunners to land his signature this summer, but it now appears that Milan hold the advantage over their transfer rivals, given the relationship between the club's sporting director Leonardo and Lozano's agent Mino Raiola
The pair get along very well and Milan are very keen on luring Lozano to the San Siro as soon as possible, with head coach Gennaro Gattuso now building a squad capable of returning to Europe's top table
This latest news may come as a blow to Man United and Arsenal fans, especially those who might have seen Lozano in action
for PSV in the Champions League this term. Hirving Lozano The Mexico international showed his class with four goals during PSV's short European campaign this season – which included a two-legged qualifying tie – and produced a memorable turn during a 2-2 draw with Tottenham at the Philips Stadion
The Dutch outfit were ultimately unable to make it out of Group B alongside Spurs, Barcelona and Inter Milan, but they gave a good account of themselves and Lozano certainly stood out on the biggest stage
Milan signed Polish striker Krzysztof Piatek during the January transfer window and if Lozano were to arrive at the club in the summer the two men could form a deadly partnership in attack next season
It remains to be seen whether or not this particular deal will come to fruition later in the year but at the moment, the Rossoneri look well placed to land yet another marquee talent
Vegan activists perform last rites ceremonies for cattle at abattoir Daily Mail Online - Duration: 5:53.
Vegan activists perform last rites ceremonies for cattle at abattoir Daily Mail Online
Vegan activists have begun performing last rites ceremonies for incoming cows at an abattoir run by a major meat processing company.
Leicestershire Animal Save are hosting monthly roadside vigils in Melton Mowbray in which they tell the cattle we love you, we are sorry, before the animals are taken away for slaughter at the plant run by the Foyle Food Group.
The activists have held 35 ceremonies since founding the group in 2015, and continue to protest the slaughter by holding signs which say your taste=their death.
Vegan activists have begun performing last rites ceremonies for incoming cows at an abattoir run by a major meat processing company. Dina Aherne is pictured whispering to cattle we love you, we are sorry moments before they are taken away for slaughter in Melton Mowbray
Leicestershire Animal Save are hosting monthly roadside vigils in which they tell the cattle we love you, we are sorry, before the animals are taken away for slaughter at the Foyle Food Group run plant. Ms Aherne said her group has an understanding with abattoir bosses
Group founder Dina Aherne said her group has an understanding with abattoir bosses who allow them to comfort the animals, held inside trailers, for two minutes before they are transported to the slaughterhouse.
Ms Aherne, a 28 year old former solicitor from Leicester, said: We want to make the cows feel at ease every time because they are living and sacred beings.
Cows have a living soul and conscience. We really want to help comfort them. We have to arrange and give two weeks notice for when we are going to be on site.
Group found Dina Aherne pictured left said her group has an understanding with abattoir bosses who allow them to comfort the animals, held inside trailers, for two minutes before they are transported to the slaughterhouse image from the abattoir pictured right
When we arrive usually at about 8am, we gather outside the slaughterhouse on days when the abattoir is operational for about three hours.
We then stop each of the trucks and are given two minutes to say the last goodbyes before they go and get a bolt gun put through their head.
We whisper phrases to them like "were sorry", "we see you" and "I love you".
Ms Aherne said she believes peaceful protests are the best way to spread a positive message about veganism and animal welfare.
The activists have held 35 ceremonies since founding the group in 2015, and continue to protest the slaughter by holding signs which say your taste=their death a cow being taken to slaughter
Ms Aherne, who formed Leicestershire Animal Save, said: I am following my heart and these cows deserve compassion and respect just like any other human being a cow before it is taken to slaughter at the Melton Mowbray abattoir
She added: Any social movements have different kinds of action and a lot of vegan groups resort to violence.
But we condone this and the best way is to peacefully spread the message.
I am following my heart and these cows deserve compassion and respect just like any other human being.
Dr Toni Shepard, director of animal welfare campaign group Animal Equality UK, said: The movement have done a lot to draw public attention and are very good that telling people that animals are dying for meat.
Foyle Food Group has nine sites across the UK where they slaughter and debone more than 7,500 cattle each week across its processing plants cow being ferried for slaughter
The group stood in silence at the gates of St Werburghs City Farm in Bristol and offered vegan mince pies to passers by next to a sign which read: They wanted to live cow being ferried for slaughter
It can be certainly stressful for the individuals for the people doing it but for the animals themselves, it depends on how it has done as any loud noises could frighten the animals.
Foyle Food Group has nine sites across the UK where they slaughter and debone more than 7,500 cattle each week across its processing plants.
Another group of vegans held a candlelit vigil outside a farm to mourn nine turkeys which had been slaughtered for Christmas dinner in Bristol.
The group stood in silence at the gates of St Werburghs City Farm in Bristol and offered vegan mince pies to passers by next to a sign which read: They wanted to live.
MailOnline has contacted the Foyle Food Group for comment
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Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd
Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday Metro Media Group
Brigitte Macron sort les griffes, l'auteur des rumeurs sur son mari débusqué - Duration: 1:33.
Семена Слепакова срочно доставили в больницу с сердечным приступом: личный комментарий от самого арт - Duration: 4:40.
Amazon Echo Alexa: Darth Vader Edition [Star Wars Meme / Parody] - Duration: 2:24.
Опционы. Базовый Курс - Duration: 8:30.
Mercedes-Benz G-Klasse 63 AMG * NIEUWSTAAT * Ledpakket / Carbonpakket * - Duration: 0:55.
Brigitte Macron sort les griffes, l'auteur des rumeurs sur son mari débusqué - Duration: 2:37.
Accusé de plagiat, Gad Elmaleh réplique de manière hilarante - Duration: 1:25.
Alain Delon agacé, cette décision d'Anouchka qui l'a mis hors de lui - Duration: 1:27.
Créer sa société seul ou à plusieurs ? Quel statut choisir ? - Duration: 1:16.
Alain Delon agacé, cette décision d'Anouchka qui l'a mis hors de lui - Duration: 2:20.
Alain Delon agacé, cette décision d'Anouchka qui l'a mis hors de lui - Duration: 1:27.
Gayle Forman nous parle d'écriture et de "Ce que nous avons perdu" - Duration: 2:29.
Bonjour, my name is Gayle Forman and I am the author of several novels including
"If I Stay", "Just One Day", "I Was Here" and my most recent one is "I Have Lost My Way".
I have been telling myself stories since before I could write.
When I was younger, they were the way I entertain myself, kept boredom away.
This was before cable television let alone the Internet.
And then as soon as I could write, I began writing.
But it wasn't until I was an adult and had traveled around for a long time
that I realized I wanted to be a journalist and then I was a journalist.
And I never thought I'd be a novelist, and then I had a child and couldn't go anywhere.
But I realized if I wrote novels I could go everywhere without ever leaving my desk.
So normally, for me, what makes a book start is a what-if scenario.
You know, "what if", it's sort of floating around in my head,
and then a character will arrive very clearly in my mind
and that's what gets me going. So I have lots of things that I'm thinking about,
but it's not until the character arrives that I start to write.
And so I suppose in this one the "what-if" was
"what if I can never write again ?" And I had been thinking about that a lot
and then Freya came along, and suddenly I had a character.
I have always written it's how I made sense of the world,
it's how I work out things that are bothering me
and it's also how we support my family.
But I went through a period of time where I just couldn't write anything.
Everything I wrote felt bad, and it felt as if that part of me that knew how to do this
had just sort of one day disappeared.
And the phrase that kept running through my mind was "I've lost my way".
and I think I went a few months just sort of mumbling that to myself like a crazy person.
When all of a sudden one day there was this young woman and she was saying "I have lost my way".
And that was Freya.
So I wrote down the words from Freya's point of view, and from Freya came Harun,
and from Harun came Nathaniel. And the three of them helped me find my way.
I am really pleased to bring this book particularly to my French readers.
I feel like my French readers and I have had a special relationship since "Seizure Rest".
And they have engaged in the books on a sort of very deep level,
and it makes me makes me feel a special friendship and camaraderie
and every time I come here I swear I'm going to speak French
but one day I'll make good on that offer.
But for now, I hope you enjoy the book. There's a lot of music in it, a lot of angst and heartache,
and feels and friendship. So, enjoy !
pashto sad voice / Mena yalo ta pegam d Ali Shah d arha = 03159434262 - Duration: 1:45.
Les incontournables d'un Factor vu par nos clients - Duration: 3:42.
Alain Delon agacé, cette décision d'Anouchka qui l'a mis hors de lui - Duration: 2:20.
Pawn Stars: Presidential Pawn | History - Duration: 5:08.
On | New Performance Sweat Pants - Duration: 0:39.
EPIC Pranking Skills w/ Cousins For Life | Nick - Duration: 4:19.
Oh, I have a great one!
Arthur can buy everyone here smoothies!
How is that a prank?
Because... we don't know what flavors they like.
It'll be chaos!
OK, Ivy, we don't have a lot of time,
so... why don't you leave the pranks to the pros?
- So what does Arthur need to do? - He needs to hide.
We'll put Arthur into that guy's bag.
Once the guy sees a pig in there, he'll freak out!
We'll post the video online and bam, Arthur's famous!
Here we go.
[music playing]
You think this will work?
Yes, I do.
Are you OK?
Just so you know, my plan was to have the pig buy you a smoothie.
- Go, go, go, go, go! - Go, go, go!
♪ Sh-sh-sh-sh-shady ♪
♪ Everyone just sit back 'Cause this is a diss track ♪
♪ I met a heartless scammer Who by law is in the slammer ♪
♪ She treated us badly And her name is Natalie ♪
[music playing]
- Ssh! - Ssh!
♪ Sh-sh-shady, you're so shady ♪
♪ So shady, so shady, so shady ♪
♪ I jump up for you You try to play me? ♪
♪ We raised all that money And only you got paid ♪
♪ You take lunch money From a first gradey ♪
♪ You steal meat bars From the spaghetti ♪
- Ssh! - Ssh!
♪ Sh-sh-sh-sh-shady Going in our way ♪
♪ That you're a big phony ♪
♪ You threw this big party ♪
Thanks to that jump rope and... money!
♪ You're so shady, so shady So shady, so shady ♪
♪ Now that the truth is out What do you have to say for yourself ♪
♪ Young lady? ♪
What do I have to say for myself?
Thank you for helping me raise all the money
to pay for this new youth center?
Oh, well-- well, sure, all the stuff you bought is here.
In what I'm now seeing is clearly a youth center.
But, yeah-- but not all the stuff you bought is here!
- What about that fancy bracelet? - Yeah.
Um... you mean this?
I bought it as a thank you gift with my own money.
I even got in engraved!
Thank you, Ivy.
O-M- awkward.
Um, er... just to be clear, our song was about a different Natalie!
I think she left.
I've done it!
[door closing]
I've got a foolproof idea to get my dad outta the garage!
- Bam! - Caterpillars?
Yeah, my dad is totally freaked out by them!
If he thinks the garage is infested, he'll move out in a heartbeat.
I just realized...
I'm freaked out by Caterpillars too!
Oh, oh, oh, get 'em off, get 'em off!
[music playing]
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, what is going on here?
Oh, sorry, uncle Clark.
Were we disturbing you?
Bring It: Sunjai Asks for a Second Chance (Season 1 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:56.
Rare Antique Blower [Restoration] - Duration: 29:28.
5 More AMAZING "Only in Battlefield" Moments that Actually Happened In Real Life - Duration: 9:02.
Welcome to the episode 3 of Battlefield Moments that Actually Happened in Real Life.
This video is sponsored by NVIDIA, which supplied a GeForce 2080Ti to capture the cinematics
you see here, made better with ray tracing technology.
Improbable occurrences happen all the time in Battlefield V - it's a video game, afterall.
What might surprise you, is that many of these "only in Battlefield" moments actually
happened in World War II - Here are five of them.
Let's start things off with a ghost story of a sort.
This one isn't your traditional spooky tale, but it might make the hair stand up on the
back of your neck.
Stricken aircraft landing on airfields after a bombing run was a common occurrence on all
sides in World War II.
It came as little surprise then in November 1944, when a B-17 bomber approached an allied
airfield in Belgium.
The plane's landing gear was down, and but its flying was erratic.
The flying fortress made a hard landing, with one of the plane's wingtips digging into
the ground and destroying a propeller.
Those on the ground waited for signs of the air crew, but no one exited the aircraft.
The officer who boarded the B-17 was stunned to find no one on board.
The plane, it seemed, had landed all on its own.
An inquiry revealed the bomber flew through heavy flak and took a direct hit to the bomb
The pilots realized the crippled craft wouldn't make it back to England and instead set a
new course for an allied airfield in Belgium.
Further mechanical problems developed and the crew abandoned the aircraft, switching
on the autopilot before bailing out at 2,000 feet.
The pilot assumed the plane would smash into the countryside, but against all odds, it
came down largely intact and at the airfield.
The plane's air crew survived their bailout over friendly territory and were shipped back
to England, where they continued raids over Germany.
Ghost planes appear in Battlefield V more often than you'd think.
It's not uncommon for a player to bail out after taking heavy damage.
Occasionally the airplanes flutter back to earth without exploding, and can be repaired
and picked up by ground troops if they're quick enough.
Our next only in Battlefield moment involves multikills with the lumbering Sturmtiger.
A squad reinforcement in Battlefield V, the Sturmtiger carries a massive 380mm rocket
It's capable of some serious damage, but it's got nothing on its real-life counterpart.
The vehicle was designed to demolish any fortification it faced, acting as a spearhead for a major
assault against a city or defensive works.
The Sturmtiger rarely fulfilled this task, since it rolled off the assembly line too
late in the war.
Instead, the heavy assault gun was often used to shell enemy troops while German forces
However, there was at least one instance where a Sturmtiger reportedly entered combat against
other vehicles.
During the Battle for the Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen, Sturmtigers were rolled out in
an effort to destroy the crossing.
A shell from one of their guns reportedly landed amongst a group of American Sherman
tanks, and destroyed several of them.
Although I personally feel the intimidating Sturmtiger is a bit underpowered in Battlefield
V, it's incredibly rewarding to assault an objective with the heavily-armored vehicle
and land a few multi-kills.
Our next moment might be one of the few times something has happened in real life that can't
really be repeated in Battlefield V. On January 3, 1943, American Alan Magee climbed into
the ball turret of his B-17 bomber, unaware of the odds he'd face later that day.
During the bombing raid over occupied France, his bomber was attacked by German fighters.
The B-17 was crippled and Magee sustained serious wounds.
As his plane entered a death spin, Magee escaped the ball turret but found his parachute shredded.
In desperation, he leapt from the aircraft without one.
Magee fell four miles to earth, losing consciousness due to the lack of oxygen.
After falling for over a minute, he crashed through the glass roof of a train station
Magee was found by rescuers on the floor of the station, riddled with shrapnel.
He also suffered several broken bones, damage to internal organs, and his right arm was
nearly severed.
Nevertheless, Magee recovered from his injuries, and even earned his pilot license after the
Bailing out of planes without a parachute can be done in Battlefield V, most easily
on Narvik and Twisted Steel, if you aim for the water.
Jumping without your parachute means you're less likely to reveal your presence to ground
troops, but it also means certain death if you jump too high or miss your mark.
Of course, if you don't have to bail out of your aircraft, you put yourself in a much
better position.
In Battlefield V, you can actually land your airplane on the map, since landing gear automatically
deploys below a certain speed.
In previous Battlefield games, it wasn't uncommon for pilots to land airplanes or helicopters
to repair them, or to try and steal vehicles from the enemy spawn.
Interestingly, a similar situation actually occurred in World War II.
A Russian pilot named Kuzniecov was reportedly returning from a recon mission when he was
ambushed by German fighters.
The ME-109s peppered his Ilyushin IL-2, forcing a crash landing in a field.
Once his crippled aircraft came to a stop, Kuzniecov jumped out and hid in a nearby treeline.
One of the german pilots landed nearby, deplaned, and walked towards the downed Russian aircraft,
presumably to grab a souvenir or two.
As he did so, Kuzniecov emerged from the trees and bolted for the German's unguarded plane.
The Russian clambered into the cockpit of the ME-109 and successfully took off, but
his safety was far from guaranteed.
On his way back to base, Russian ground forces nearly shot down Kuzniecov's newly-captured
He was able to land the aircraft, however, shaken - but largely unscathed.
Our last Battlefield moment involves one of my favorite gameplay aspects of Battlefield
V - fortifications.
You can build fortifications on every map in the game and they're criminally underappreciated.
A few sandbags and hedgehogs can stop an enemy advance cold.
This is a lesson learned by the Russians in World War II, and few locations are a better
example than Pavlov's House during the Battle of Stalingrad.
When war descended on the city, Russian Sergeant Yakov Pavlov was charged with fortifying the
four-story apartment building, turning it into a veritable fortress.
Pavlov's platoon surrounded the building with landmines, four layers of barbed wire,
and even dug trenches outside in an effort to hold it against attacking German forces.
Machine guns, mortars, and anti-tank rifles were also installed in the building.
It was heavily fortified for a reason - Pavlov's house offered the Soviets excellent visibility
to observe enemy movement and direct artillery strikes, which soon became painfully obvious
to the attackers.
Desperate to overrun the position, German forces attacked the building dozens of times,
but the siege could not unseat the defenders.
Pavlov's crack platoon held the position for nearly two months, until relieved by Soviet
forces pushing back the German onslaught.So the next time you boot up Battlefield V, give
the game's fortification system another look.
Which of these only in Battlefield moments is your favorite?
Tell me in the comments.
Make sure to check out episodes one and two in the video description.
Once again, thanks to NVIDIA for sending over a GEFORCE 2080Ti to help make this video possible.
If you want to experience real-time ray tracing for yourself, check out the description below
and click Buy Now link.
Again, if you enjoyed this video, leave a like, share, and subscribe.
Hit the bell to get notified of the latest Battlefield news.
As always, thanks for watching.
Toyota Corolla Verso 2.2 D-4D LUNA / AIRCO-ECC / CRUISE CONTR. / EL. PAKKET / *APK TOT 5-2019* / TRE - Duration: 1:12.
Breaking Celeb News | Frances Fisher says takeaway from new film is 'the key to healing' - Duration: 6:52.
3.2 Becoming present - Duration: 1:59.
[Lori] Hello, and welcome to Two for You.
I don't know about you but we find ourselves connecting virtually, like we are right now,
more and more often.
And this month, we're going to talk to you about how you can become present, even across
this distance.
[Denise] Amy Cutty, psychologist and author, writes that being present is a moment to moment phenomenon.
Which I think is key for us to recognize, especially as leaders, and being present also
is that sense of being tuned in to your emotions and your thoughts, and your potential.
And being able to express them and keep yourself open to what's next.
[Lori] So I'm going to invite you to be open to what's next as we practice a brief meditation that's
called, "I am here."
It's a series of three breaths or more if you want to, where as you breathe in, you
say, "I am", and when you exhale, you say, "here."
So when you're ready, close your eyes.
Take a few deep breaths.
Settle in.
And we'll start.
I am.
I am.
I am.
And we find that when we do this, maybe before a call, or do it silently during a call, it
really helps to connect in the environment that we're in.
So we challenge you in this next month, in your personal lives, work, volunteer lives,
and especially as leaders, that you take the time to make yourself present, so you can
live and lead with intention.
EZHEL PKK'LI MI? TAKİPÇİLERİNE KÜFÜR ETTİ ! (Amedspor Barikat) - Duration: 2:39.
McIlroy: Everyone has to look out for themselves - Duration: 2:31.
Rory McIlroy remained defiant on Thursday amid the gathering tide of criticism over his threat to quit the European Tour
'I'd cause all the stirs in the world if I can get back to winning majors,' he said
Out on the course at the DP World Tour Championship, Frankie Molinari shot 68 to strengthen his grip on the Race to Dubai, while Tommy Fleetwood was compiling a dogged 69 to retain a hope of pipping him at the post
Elsewhere, though, the McIlroy furore dominated conversation. Paul McGinley is close to McIlroy and attended his wedding last year, but he spoke for many in expressing astonishment
'It's quite extraordinary that Rory's not going to play four events to fulfil his European Tour membership,' said the Irishman, in his Sky Sports column
'I've been racking my brains wondering how that can be.'Obviously, Rory has his own rationale, but I'm finding it hard to understand
'McIlroy's rationale is that he wants to concentrate on playing in America next season against the best players week in, week out, because that gives him the best chance of ending his four-year drought at the majors
But, given how easy it would be for him to play four European Tour events without affecting his major ambitions, many believe there's much more to this than meets the eye
Whatever the truth, he's certainly not in the mood to back down.Asked whether he was aware that quitting the tour for a year would rule him out of becoming Ryder Cup captain in the future, McIlroy shrugged, said that he was, and added: 'It's 20 years down the line
'He means there will be no such regulation when it comes around to his turn — or no European Tour by then, with it swallowed up by the PGA Tour
Or, most likely, both. As for McGinley's comments, he responded: 'Everyone has to look after themselves, and next year I'm going to be looking after me
I get where McGinley is coming from. He is on the European Tour board and he has to protect what he has
I'm trying to do what's best for me to get back to winning majors.'McIlroy added that he hadn't closed the door entirely, saying: 'I didn't say it was definite, I just said it was up in the air, and I don't have to decide until May
Let's wait and see.'As regards his golf, on a course where he has won twice and never finished worse than 11th in eight appearances, he opened with a useful 69
Fleetwood needs to win the event and hope Molinari finishes worse than sixth to retain his overall Race to Dubai title, and holed from off the green at the 18th for a bogey-free 69
Now he needs a low one today.
Comment remplacer une biellette de barre stabilisatrice avant sur FIAT 500 ABARTH (312) [AUTODOC] - Duration: 4:24.
DID YOU KNOW?? Your childhood trauma is holding you back from networking with purpose!!! Hopeis.org - Duration: 5:50.
- Hey you!
It's D.R. Hope.
I'm not a doctor yet, but soon to be.
David Robertson Hope, yo.
If you don't follow me yet, follow me on Instagram.
I got a couple of dope videos
I'm starting to produce for you guys.
Really quick, really simple, just quick tools and tips.
I wanna dive in really quickly
because I really wanna help people.
Helping, loving, people, everywhere.
I wanna help you guys network better.
I just got my master's degree
from Northeastern Illinois University
from the School of Education.
I focused on teachers and community leaders, education,
specifically trauma informed curricular development.
Let's just start right there.
Trauma informed curricular development.
Do you know that your childhood trauma
is affecting the way that you're networking today?
Do you know that your childhood trauma
is affecting the way that you are networking today?
Okay, I got 10 questions I want to ask you
and if you answer yay or nay to any of those questions,
just follow my lead.
First question.
Did a parent or other adult
in your household often swear at you,
insult you, put you down, or humiliate you?
Yes or no?
Question number two.
Did a parent or other adult in your household often push,
grab, slap, or throw something at you?
Question number three.
Did an adult or person at least five years or older
than you touch or fondle you or have touched
their body in a sexual way?
Question number four.
Did you often feel that no one in your family loved you
or you thought you were important or special?
Yes or no?
Question number five.
Did you often feel that you didn't have enough to eat,
had to wear dirty clothes, or had no one to protect you?
Question number six.
Were your parents separated or divorced?
Question number seven.
Was your mother or stepmother often pushed, grabbed,
slapped, or had something thrown at her?
Question number eight.
Did you live with anyone who was a problem drinker
or alcoholic or use street drugs?
Question number nine.
Was a household member depressed or mentally ill
or did a household member attempt suicide?
And question number 10.
Did a household member go to prison?
Yo, if you answered any of those questions with yes,
research shows that you have dealt with some type
of trauma before the age of 18 years or older.
I want to help you.
When I began my master's degree,
I really was trying to figure out how to help people
and I really wanted to help with curricular development,
curricular auditing, and curricular assessment.
Curriculum, the definition in Latin means curriculi,
which is the change of course.
Curriculi is so important
because when you look at the word curric,
C-U-R-R, that is directly connected to currency,
which is worth and a lot of us sometimes feel
like we're not worth connecting with that network
of people or jumping into that network of industry.
Let me help you.
I've got a few different options,
a few different coaching tools,
a few different programs that I'm launching,
let me help you.
Hope is the expectation of greatness.
This is the beginning of 2019 and my hope
and my true desire is to help you change
the course of your life through the curriculi.
If you believe that you are worth $52 million
or an incalculable amount of money,
I want you to believe that you're worth even more than that.
My desire's for you to hope more,
I want your hope to rise more.
I'm so excited about it
because once I recognize certain areas in my life
that I was traumatized in that I didn't deal with,
that that was holding me back.
Once I began to unravel those places
and began to get the assistance
and the resources that I needed,
that then pushed me to be able to get in those networks
that were actually able to cultivate me for my purpose.
So yay.
Check me out.
David D. Robertson, I am the founder
and executive director and I desire to help
and love people everywhere and if this message hits you,
(sings McDonald's jingle)
I'm hopin' it.
I'm excited about your futures.
Check me out.
Follow me.
Instagram, D.R. Hope.
Yo, this is gonna be an amazing year
and let's do it together.
Let's create hope history.
I'm excited about your futures.
Il più grande CANNONE della STORIA: lo Schwerer Gustav - Duration: 3:37.
[外汇F][FOREX][柒侠伍义]外汇交易入门【第二集】如何在MT4外汇下注交易 - Duration: 22:05.
10 McDonald's Breakfasts That America Wish They Had - Duration: 14:04.
McDonald's breakfast menu items vary from nation to nation. Breakfast menu choices at
American McDonald's are great, including Egg McMuffins and Hotcakes, and many of these
menu items are available all day long. But there are breakfast menu items from other
countries that are also very appealing. If you're into Mickey D's and you love learning
about popular food from other countries, you'll enjoy this video. You may be able to sample
some of these breakfast menu items while you travel. So hop on board for these 10 McDonald's
breakfasts that Americans wish they could eat.
Chicken Porridge At Malaysian Mickey D's
Would you eat chicken porridge for breakfast? If so, you'll love the Chicken Porridge breakfast
menu item available at McDonald's locations in Malaysia. Simple, nourishing and delicious,
it offers a bit of a traditional Malaysian vibe, while still having that typical McDonald's
taste. McDonald's in different countries adjust their menus to suit the tastes of local customers.
This is why there is such a big difference between breakfast menu items at Mickey D's
in Malaysia and McDonald's locations in America. While Americans don't typically indulge in
congee-style porridge for breakfast, it's not hard to see why it's such a good idea.
It's warm and comforting and features carbs which help to boost energy at the start of
the day. Chicken Porridge is also available at McDonald's locations in Thailand. People
who've enjoyed this unique McDonald's breakfast menu item tend to give it high marks. This
includes fresh, hot chicken. The porridge is made from rice congee. Congee is produced
by cooking rice in plenty of water, until it softens into a porridge-like consistency.
It's possible to enjoy savory or sweet rice congee. The McDonald's rice congee is a savory
choice for a tasty and satisfying morning meal. If you go to a Malaysian McDonald's
and order this menu item, you'll receive a piping-hot bowl of porridge that includes
chicken on top. This dish is seasoned well and it's definitely worth trying. It also
offers lots of nutrition and taste for an affordable price.
Nasi Uduk In Indonesian McDonald's
A rice dish known as Nasi Uduk was originally offered at Singapore McDonald's locations
in 2017. In 2018, the same dish was offered at McDonald's Indonesia locations. This particular
menu item is obviously a big hit with McDonald's fans in Asia and Oceania. Nasi Uduk is made
with rice that's steamed with pandan leaf and coconut milk. The rice is served alongside
a variety of side dishes. After its introduction at Mickey D's in Indonesia, it got plenty
of buzz and fanfare. According to a news report, Indonesian McDonald's restaurants were offering
two forms of Nasi Uduk meals for a limited time only. Limited-time offers create excitement
and drive sales. One limited-time-only Nasi Uduk meal was available for breakfast and
another was available at other times of the day. The breakfast meal featured shrimp paste,
fried shallots, steamed rice, scrambled eggs, hot milk tea or coffee. The chicken-based
Nasi Udek meal was called Paket Nasi Uduk McD Komplit, and it featured steamed rice,
spicy or crispy chicken, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, fried shallots and sambal terasi, plus
the customer's choice of tea or coffee. The non-breakfast dish was added to the menu because
it featured chicken alongside the steamed rice. McDonald's Indonesia may reintroduce
the Nasi Uduk at some point. It's an example of how McDonald's breakfast menus in other
countries offer an enticing touch of an authentic regional taste. McDonald's customers in Indonesia
got excited about the breakfast meal and pics of Nasi Uduk meals from Mickey D's found their
way onto Instagram and other social media platforms.
Bacon Rolls Are On The Menu In The UK
Americans who make their way to the United Kingdom will be able to enjoy filling Bacon
Rolls from McDonald's for breakfast. The Bacon Roll comes with the customer's choice of gravy
or ketchup. A lot of UK McDonald's fans probably wash down their Bacon Rolls with cups of tea.
Tourists from America may prefer hot cups of coffee. Coffee fans will be pleased to
know that Flat Whites are featured on the UK McDonald's breakfast menu, along with plenty
of tasty menu options, including Cheesy Bacon Flatbread, toasted bagels and the typical
McMuffins and Hotcakes. This Bacon Roll is traditional enough to classify as comfort
food. It features plenty of flavorful back bacon on a soft, white roll. It's simple,
to be sure, but just right for bacon fans. If you're not the fruit-and-yogurt for breakfast
type, the Bacon Roll may be right up your alley. It's an indulgence that lots of Americans
probably wish they had access to. Salty, chewy bacon on a bun, with sauce. It's genius,
unless you're vegan, vegetarian or living the gluten-free way.
Omelette Sandwiches At Spanish Mickey D's
A good omelette is nutritious and delicious. Eggs are treasure troves of vitamins and minerals
and that's why omelettes are excellent choices at mealtime. A good omelette on a bun is a
great breakfast. Unlike American Mickey D's customers, McDonald's customers in Spain are
able to feast on Spanish Omelette Sandwiches from McDonald's in the a.m. If you're in
the USA and you're an omelette fan, you may wish that these breakfast sandwiches were
available at your local McDonald's. In the USA, there are ways to enjoy eggs at McDonald's
in the morning, but not in omelette form. Traditional Spanish omelettes are made from
potatoes and eggs. They may contain garlic, onion or chives. These delightful omelettes
are sometimes served cold, but not at Spanish McDonald's locations. Traveling to Spain just
to sample one of these breakfast sandwiches may be a little over the top, but there are
so many other great reasons to enjoy Spain. So, why not head for Barcelona or another
sunny Spanish city, and then enjoy a Spanish Omelette sandwich while you're there?
Kaiser Roll Breakfast Sandwiches in Poland
Polish Mickey D's customers flock to local McDonald's restaurants for satisfying breakfasts.
One breakfast menu item that is in demand is the Kaiser Roll Breakfast Sandwich. Loaded
with bacon, sausage, lettuce, tomatoes and cheese, Kaiser Roll Breakfast sandwiches are
served on hearty Kaiser rolls with sesame seeds. These sandwiches will satisfy even
the strongest appetites. They are substantial enough to fill people up. If you make your
way to Poland and order one of these big breakfast sandwiches, you'll be able to wash it down
with a nice McCafe. You will find familiar food and drink on the Polish McDonald's breakfast
menu, but the Kaiser Roll Breakfast Sandwich is recommended, because it will offer a bit
of pleasant novelty. Of course, it'll also taste great. In a world where many people
are trying to cut down on carbs, a lot of McDonald's global breakfast menu items are
a bit heavy on the carbs...but they're filling! Clearly, there are plenty of people in Poland
who do like a good roll for breakfast, with plenty of meat inside, and a few fresh veggies,
too. Restaurants offer higher-carb options because they sell. That's why so many Mickey
D's breakfast menu items all over the world are served on buns or with rice.
Halloumi Muffins Are Available in Qatar
In Qatar, an exciting Halloumi Muffin is on the breakfast menu, so don't hesitate to fly
to Qatar to check it out. One McDonald's customer who posted a pic of a Halloumi Muffin on Instagram
recommended ordering it with a cup of hot chocolate and a plate of pancakes. Even if
you skip the hot chocolate and hotcakes, you'll find that the Halloumi Muffin really satisfies.
This delicious breakfast option features creamy Halloumi cheese, a slice of ripe tomato, fresh
lettuce and an English muffin-style bun. This unique breakfast sandwich gets a shot of enticing
flavor from its rich olive paste. If you want to sample the traditional flavors of Arabia,
while also enjoying a bit of conventional Mickey D's taste, then the Halloumi Muffin
will be a perfect choice. Halloumi cheese tastes fantastic when it's grilled. Grilling
really brings out its creamy texture and distinctive flavor. This cheese is white and springy and
is made from a combination of sheep's milk and goat's milk. Some versions of Halloumi
cheese are now made from cow's milk. The cheese is brined and its melting point is high. It's
perfect for grilling and may be fried, too.
Singapore McDonald's Restaurants Offer McGriddles
According to one social media user, the Singapore McGriddle really stands out. It's made from
a couple of pancakes that are filled with egg, cheese, a sausage patty and maple syrup.
While American McDonald's fans can enjoy their own McGriddles, and they can get them with
the same ingredients, they may enjoy the Singapore McGriddle more, because it's loaded with the
perfect combination of sweet-and-salty ingredients, thanks to the addition of maple syrup. There
was a time when McDonald's Singapore took these delicious McGriddles away. This bummed
out many Mickey D's fans in the island city-state of Singapore. There was protest. McDonald's
Singapore execs listened to the outcry and then reinstated the McGriddle during summer
of last year. While McGriddles were off the menu, some Singaporean McDonald's customers
tried to make their own by assembling different components off of the McDonald's breakfast
menu. Now that's dedication! Is the Singapore McGriddle really so legendary...and so different
from what Americans get? The only way to know for sure is to visit Singapore and try it.
Gorge on these apparently exceptional griddle cake sandwiches. Then, compare the experience
to the one that you have back home. While you're in Singapore, be sure to check out
the local attractions, such as the Singapore Flyer Ferris Wheel and Marina Bay Sands. If
you can't make it to Singapore, ask for maple syrup and douse your McGriddle with it.
Finnish Customers Can Order Raspberry Oatmeal
Finnish McDonald's locations offer delectable Raspberry Oatmeal on the breakfast menu. If
you love oatmeal with a touch of tangy, sweet fruit, you may wish that you could get the
same thing at an American Mickey D's. Oatmeal isn't exclusive to Finland McDonald's fast
food joints. It's only the raspberry flavor that's unique. It comes in a nice-sized cup
and it's a healthy indulgence in the a.m. In the USA, fruit and maple oatmeal is on
the menu, which will offer the same kind of taste. McDonald's has been steadily introducing
more healthy menu items over the years, to meet the needs of health-conscious consumers.
Oatmeal from Mickey D's will be a great choice if you want to skip the usual deep-fried goodness.
If you're strong enough to resist the McMuffins and McGriddles and order a cup of oatmeal,
more power to you. You could always order both. Super Size Me was a documentary that
highlighted the alleged downside of McDonald's. There is another side and that's the healthier
side. Oatmeal from McDonald's isn't a bad breakfast decision. It's a solid choice from
a nutritional perspective.
Aussies Nosh On Big Brekkie Burgers
Australia is an awesome vacation spot that American McDonald's fans should definitely
visit. When they explore Sydney or Melbourne, or any other Aussie locales with McDonald's
restaurants, they can treat themselves to Big Brekkie Burgers. These delicious and hearty
burgers contain hash browns, which sounds amazing. Each burger comes with a hash brown
inside of the bun, along with bacon, egg, a patty of ground beef and some tasty BBQ
sauce. The bun features sesame seeds. Melted cheese is also a component of this exceptional
breakfast option. Ground beef used to make the patties is sourced from New Zealand. If
you can't make it to the Land Down Under, assemble a faux Big Brekkie Burger by ordering
a hash brown patty, a sausage McMuffin and a cheeseburger. Then, put everything together.
Australian McDonald's sound like a lot of fun. They do offer some exciting menu options
and not just at breakfast time. If you love big burgers anytime of the day, you'll find
fun choices at Aussie Mickey D's locations. The next-level Big Brekkie Burger was introduced
during February of 2018. It's designed for the types of people who wake up feeling really,
really hungry. If you're in that category, you may find yourself dreaming of the Big
Brekkie Burger, even if you can't actually get your hands on it.
Soup Is Served In The A.M. In Hong Kong
Breakfast soup is on the menu in Hong Kong. It reflects local tastes and looks amazing.
Filled with aromatic broth, curly noodles, meat and chopped veggies, this soup may be
enjoyed along with hash brown patties and coffee. If you love warm breakfasts, rather
than energy bars, cereal or cold yogurt, you may wish that you could order this menu item
at an American McDonald's. While the idea of having soup for breakfast might be hard
to wrap your head around, tons of people all over the world think it's a great idea. While
some breakfast menu items at Hong Kong McDonald's are available all day long, the soup is just
for the morning hours. This twirly pasta soup is apparently a real treat and very popular.
One happy customer who posted about the soup online chose a broth with twirly noodles,
an egg and sausage. It's possible to grab a hash brown patty, the soup and a regular
coffee for a very affordable price. This nutritious breakfast option is a perfect choice for chillier
mornings and it brings a little authentic Chinese tradition into the whole McDonald's
Stick around, we've got more videos on our menu, just tap that screen. And if you're
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Day to Night, Flash to Candle Light: Take and Make Great Photography with Gavin Hoey - Duration: 9:58.
In this video I'll turn day to night, and
make it appear as if my model has been
lit by a candle.
Hello I'm Gavin Hoey and
you're watching AdoramaTV
brought to you by Adorama.
The camera store that's got
everything for us photographers, and
today I'm gonna do a location portrait,
where I turn daytime into night-time, and
light my model with a candle or at least
that's the impression we'll get!
Now the first thing I need to do, is actually
take control of the lighting in this
lovely old room, and you might think
night-time... I'm going to close all the
curtains, get rid of the light, but that's
not true, in fact I'm going to open the
curtains and let the light flood in,
because we're going to use that as part
of our illumination on the model, but
we'll get to that in a little bit. So
let's get the curtains open, we'll get our
light set, let's get a model in, let's get
shooting. So to help me out today I've
got the amazing Jade. Jade's gonna be the
model, and as you can see,
she's dressed in a suitably Tuderish style, and
that's because the location we're at here
Rowfant house, dates from the 16th
Century. So it all kind of makes sense,
and ties in together. Now the first thing
I need to do is, to work out the exposure
of the candle. It's the brightest thing
in the shot, and by trial and error I've
come up with a setting of f/2.8,
1/100th of a second, ISO 400. Now I'm
gonna take a picture at those settings,
but without any flash, just to see how
the ambient records at those settings as
well. So let's have a little look, as you
can see I've got detail on Jade.
There's a little bit of detail in the background,
and there's a little bit of detail
around the fireplace, and that's what I want.
I want some detail, but not too much,
remember this is nighttime effectively,
even though we're actually recording
this in the middle of the day!
Thanks to the amazing people in Hollywood, we
always assume that night-time is blue in
color, even though it's not in reality,
but to simulate that, I'm going to change
my white balance, now I could go for
something like the tungsten white
balance, or on my camera I can set a
custom white balance, so that should make
everything really blue, let's have a
little look, and sure enough everything
is dark, but is now really blue, so we can
kind of think that maybe this is
nighttime. So now with the candle lit I
can see whether this candle will
actually put any light on Jade
Let's see how it looks, and
not surprisingly the answer is no.. not at
all, but we can see the candle in the
shot, and we can see it's a different
color to everything else, because the
color of candle light is much warmer
than the color of natural daylight. So to
light Jade I'm not going to rely on
candle power alone, I need something with
a bit more punch, and the thing I'm going
to use is an eVOLV 200.
Now I've got it in a standard reflector with
a grid to really just try and target Jade, so the
light doesn't spill too much everywhere
on the scene around me, but the settings
now... I need a very low power, and this
goes down to 1/128th of its full power,
so that's where I'm going to start.
Let's see how this looks, and that looks about
right, if the flash is too bright, I could move
it further away, but if it's not bright
enough, I could just increase the power
but the obvious problem here is the
color, everything is still, really, really
blue, including the light from this flash.
If you remember earlier on, I turned the
white balance of the camera to a much
colder color, and the light in here is
actually just daylight. So daylight is
coming out blue, and my flash is more or
less daylight colored as well, or so of
course, I'm firing effectively blue light
onto Jade. So to make this look warmer as
if she's being lit by a candle. I'm gonna
put a warming gel on the light.
Now if I just put a standard orange gel on there,
that wouldn't be enough, that would just
take you to white, and candles have a
really warm white balance, so I've got
more basically every orange gel I own,
and shove them all together, this isn't
an exact science, this is going to be a
pop it on see how it goes, and then maybe
fine-tune in post-processing later, but
we'll get to that in a little bit.
Let's test this, here we go now. It's worth
remembering of course when you put the
gels on your camera, it will adjust the
brightness from the flash so you may
need to adjust it a little brighter to
compensate, and finally there's the
background of this shot, which is still
very dark. I'd like a bit more light back
there. I can't open any more curtains, I
can't make the light outside any
brighter. So instead, I'm gonna add a second flash.
So I've got an Xplor 400 here, and
this is going to go on its lowest
possible power. It might even be that I
just need to use the modeling light only,
that could be just the right amount of
light. Again this is a fairly daylight
balanced light source, so it should throw
some blue light back in the background,
so this looks really good. Everything's
come together really nicely.
I'll take a few pictures here, and then we'll move
Jade around and do a shoot, ok Jade you
ready? Okay? Let's do it.
Here we go.
So the whole idea here is to balance the
exposure with the candle-light, because
you don't want to lose any detail in
that candle if you can avoid it.
Now that might mean actually closing
curtains, if the daylight is really bright.
It could mean that you have to open
curtains and add a little bit of fill flash, like I've
done, or if you find yourself in a really
dark room like this. We'll forget about
the ambient light, just put a flash
somewhere at the back hidden away, and
that's what's lighting my background.
That really worked, it does look like
Jade is there at night-time and being lit
by a candle. Okay there's a fair amount
of artistic license used, and definitely
some need for photo shop.
So let's have a look at the post-processing.
So with this picture, the first thing I
can see is the right-hand side, which is
much warmer than I would like, and that's
because the light that was on Jade, has
just spilt and caught the back edge of
that bookcase. So to make that a colder
blue color. I'm gonna use layers so in
Photoshop.. is layer, new, layer, click OK,
and then I need a blue color to match, so
my foreground color currently black
click on that, and then choose from a
highlight. I think that bit looks pretty,
good, a nice blue cold color.
I need the brush tool, and I need a big
brush using the right square bracket to
increase my size, and have a lovely soft feathered
edge, and there you go, I've painted it
blue, but it looks absolutely terrible,
and that's why I've done this on layers,
because now I can change the layer
blending mode to color.
I can also drop the opacity down just to
blend that in so it feels a little bit more realistic,
that's pretty good, but there's other
areas that need a blue touch as well.
So let's make another new layer, I'll click
on the new layer icon this time for
speed, and I'm gonna go underneath the
candle, because this area probably
wouldn't be lit by that either, and then
I'll change the blending mode to color,
and just drop the opacity down again, so
it it looks about right. Okay something
like that I think looks pretty good.
Finally there is just the back of Jade's
head, so let's make another new layer
there, and I reckon again that would be a
little bit cooler in color. Change the
blending mode to the color blending mode,
and drop the opacity down to whatever
looks about right. It's worth saying if
you do that on the main picture, and
there's a reflection, remember you need
to do the reflection as well.
So let's just put a little bit of blue onto the
reflection, and again we'll change the
blending mode to color, and we'll take
the opacity down until it looks
about right. So that looks pretty good,
but just like the night-time is blue, we
assume that candles glow, and they don't..
but they should do, if we believe
Hollywood. So let's add that glow inside
a Photoshop as well. So this is another
job for a new layer, and this time I need
to paint a different color, not the blue,
but a much warmer color from the candle
I'm actually gonna sample from Jade's
neck, because the sort of color that
works well, is more of a a pinky red than
a yellow, and all I need to do then is
just click... maybe with a bigger brush
round about there, that looks pretty good,
and this time I'm gonna change the
blending mode to lighten. To bring the
flame of the candle back through. Now
this wants to be an effect that is
barely noticeable, so bring the opacity
way way down, it needs to be there, but
not exactly obvious, and if I do that to
the candle that she's holding, I need to
do it to the one in the reflection. Once
again put this on its own separate layer,
make a smaller brush. Paint that in, but
the same technique, change it to lighten
blending mode, and drop the opacity way
way down. So there is just there the hint
of a bit of a glow, and a few other
tweaks and adjustments.
There it is, there's my final picture
completed, and there you go our day to
night shoot is done.
Jada's done a fantastic job as our
tutor character, and the photos look
absolutely brilliant now.
if you've enjoyed this video, don't forget to leave
me a comment below.
Click on the subscribe button, and click
on the bell icon to get regular
notifications of all
the new videos right here on AdoramaTV.
I'm Gavin Hoey, thanks for watching.
Jussie Smollett gives details about his alleged attack and says he's 'forever changed' - Duration: 6:26.
JUST WATCHEDJussie Smollett sends defiant message after attackReplayMore Videos
MUST WATCH Jussie Smollett sends defiant message after attack 01:21 (CNN)Jussie Smollett gave his first detailed account to "Good Morning America" Thursday of what he says was a hate crime against him and the aftermath
"I will never be the man that this did not happen to," Smollett told Robin Roberts
"I am forever changed. I don't subscribe to the idea everything happens for a reason, but I do subscribe to the idea that we have the right and the responsibility to make something meaningful out of the things that happen to us, good and bad
" Smollett told authorities he was attacked early January 29 by two men who were "yelling out racial and homophobic slurs
" He said one attacker put a rope around his neck and poured an unknown chemical substance on him
JUST WATCHEDPolice release photo of persons of interest in actor's attackReplayMore Videos
MUST WATCH Police release photo of persons of interest in actor's attack 01:56Smollett told Roberts he landed in Chicago that day, was picked up by his creative director and got back to his apartment only to realize he had no food in the house
The 36-year-old "Empire" star said he left his apartment to go to Walgreens, thinking it was open 24 hours, but ended up at Subway to get a salad
Read MoreHe said he texted his manager, Brandon Moore, who he believed to be in Australia with another client, and left a message for Moore to call him
Smollett said Moore called him back immediately."While he was on the phone I heard, I was crossing the intersection, I heard 'Empire!,' Smollett told Roberts
"I don't answer to 'Empire.' My name ain't 'Empire.'"The actor said he didn't respond and kept walking only to hear someone to hear someone yell a racial slur
"So I turned around and said 'What the f**k did you just say to me' and I see the attacker masked," Smollett said, appearing to get emotional
"He said 'This MAGA country n****r' and he punched me in the face so I punched his a** back
"Smollett said they started tussling and ended up near some stairs, as a second person kicked him in his back
Police have images of people they'd like to question in Jussie Smollett attackThe alleged attackers ran off and Smollett said he looked down and saw that his phone had fallen out of his pocket
His manager was still on the line and Smollett said he told Moore he had been jumped
Glancing down, Smollett said he saw a rope."I noticed the rope around my neck and I started screaming 'There's a f***ing rope around my neck," he said
Smollett said he gave a body description of his alleged attackers as best as he could because he doesn't have details such as eye color
He told Roberts he's seen the photo police released of the persons of interest."For me, when that was released I was like 'Ok, we are getting somewhere,'" Smollett said
"For me, I don't have any doubt in my mind that's them." He also explained why he hesitated to report the attack
"There's a level of pride there," Smollett said. "We live in a society where as a gay man you are considered somehow to be weak and I'm not weak
I am not weak and we as a people are not weak."Smollett said it took police about 30 minutes to respond
During that time, the star said, he checked himself, saw his bruises and smelled bleach, so he left his clothes on as well as the rope around his neck
Letter containing white powder sent to 'Empire' set days before Jussie Smollett attackSmollett said he asked the responding officers to turn off their body cams and come into his apartment because he didn't want his neighbors witnessing the scene
He said he went with officers outside to walk them through what happened and noticed a nearby camera only to find out later that it was pointed in the opposite direction of where he says his alleged attack happened
Smollett expressed frustration at not being believed. "It feels like if I had said it was a Muslim or a Mexican or someone black I feel like the doubters would have supported me a lot much more," Smollett said
"And that says a lot about the place where we are as a country right now." The actor said he refused to turn over his phone to police because he has private videos, messages, music and phone numbers that he wanted to protect
Smollett refuted some of what has been reported, including that he told police his alleged attackers were wearing MAGA hats
"I never said that," he said. "I didn't need to add anything like that. They called me a f****t, they called me a n****r
There's no which way you cut it. I don't need some MAGA hat as the cherry on some racist sundae
"Smollett said he assumes he was targeted because of his vocal criticism against Donald Trump and his administration, telling Roberts, "I come really hard against 45
"Smollett said he was aware of Trump saying "It doesn't get worse as far as I'm concerned" when asked about the alleged attack
"I don't know what to say to that," Smollett said. "You know, I appreciate him not brushing over it
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