As you can see,
today we are at
ski center
in Moscow
And we will try to shoot
swnowboard freestyle
Here is Alexey
I will try to shoot video
I gave him safety Instructions
I warned him that
I will hit him
He doesn't afraid
he is ready
that it will be ok
Will try to make crazy shoots
Let's see what we can do!
So enjoy!
So that's all.
Alex, tell us about your feelings?
Did you see the drone?
I like it!
I saw drone while I was in air
It was practically upstairs me
Did you see it under you?
Did it interrupt?
No everything is OK!
And while I hit you?
I practically didn't feel it
So everything was ok?
Are you glad?
Yes, I recommend you to try!
Weather was not good....
not flyable but
it didn't stop us
I want to warn you
you must not do so without agreement
You must to wars sportsmen
not to make them
to injury themselves because
because while you are in air and something hits you....
really bad
if you don't know about drone
as you can see uniform is fat
helmet, glasses... so
it's rather safety
hope you like it
so thanks for watching
Good bye!
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hello friends
Xin Một Vé Về Tuổi Thơ - Duration: 1:47.
Best Throat Lozenges for Singers and Voice Users - Duration: 7:54.
Are you wondering which are the best throat lozenges for singers?
You get sick and your throat hurts.
Which sore throat lozenges really work without harming your voice?
That is exactly what I am going to share in this video.
You will also learn how to chose the appropriate type of lozenges so that you minimize the
risk of vocal injury but still soothe your throat.
Hi and welcome back!
If we haven't met yet, I am Katarina from How 2 Improve Singing and here on this channel,
I share tips on how to use your voice in a healthy and efficient way.
So, if you are new here, consider subscribing to my channel and hitting that bell notification
below this video.
And I am curious to know: Which lozenges for sore throat do you tend to grab when you get
Let me know in the comments below.
So, you experience throat discomfort: your throat feels itchy or you feel throat pain.
You have a hard time swallowing or your throat feels dry.
But you need your voice, you have a performance or you are giving a speech in a couple of
days and you are looking for a quick solution.
So, you reach for some lozenges for throat pain.
But which lozenges are the best for singers and voice users?
First, let's be clear about one thing: throat lozenges are not intended to cure or treat
any disease.
They are meant to help you soothe your throat, relieve the pain or other symptoms you may
But not all lozenges were created equal.
There are lozenges that contain medicated ingredients, for example drugs that numb the
pain, then there are lozenges that contain menthol or eucalyptus, and there are lozenges
that do not contain any medicated ingredients.
Some of these throat lozenges may have a negative effect on your voice.
Each of these groups are meant to help with different problems.
Group 1: Medicated Throat Lozenges One of the drugs contained in throat lozenges
is an anesthetic, which is a drug that decreases pain.
This type of lozenges numbs your throat so that you get a temporary relieve of throat
Other lozenges can contain antiseptics, which is a drug killing viruses and bacteria in
your throat.
Examples of medicated lozenges are Cepacol or Strepsils.
And there are many different types of Cepacol and Strepsils lozenges with different combination
of drugs in them.
The problem with numbing lozenges is that they mask pain.
If you don't feel pain, you are more prone to vocal injuries because you can easily overwork
your vocal folds.
So, if you opt for numbing lozenges because the pain is simply unbearable, don't sing
or use your voice extensively while you are taking them.
Group 2: Lozenges with Menthol and Eucalyptus Ingredients such as menthol and eucalyptus
are now found in almost all lozenges.
Even the medicated lozenges have some extra menthol for a better effect.
Menthol and eucalyptus are mostly used as decongestants.
So, this group of lozenges may be good for a blocked nose or sinuses.
Menthol constricts the blood vessels in the nose, which reduces swelling and you are able
to breathe easier.
However, the effect can be only temporary.
The main drawback of lozenges containing menthol is that they have a dehydrating effect.
And sometimes that is not what you want to achieve when your throat or mouth already
feel dry.
Examples of menthol lozenges are regular Halls, Ricola, Fisherman's Friend or Vicks.
Group 3: Non-Medicated Throat Lozenges Finally, there is a third group of lozenges
that do not contain any drugs but have active ingredients, such as pectin, glycerin or elm
For example, Luden's lozenges contain pectin, which is a gelatinous substance that coats
the throat to reduce irritation.
These special Halls lozenges, Halls Breezers, also contain pectin and have the same effect.
Grethers pastilles use glycerin, which is a good natural lubricant.
Thayers Slippery Elm lozenges contain elm bark, which contains mucilage.
This is a sticky substance that coats the throat.
It is also believed that elm bark lozenges are good for suppressing coughs.
So, which lozenges are the best throat soothing lozenges?
As you can see there are many different types of lozenges.
So, don't use the first lozenges you come across.
Chose the ones that match your needs, and those will be the best for you.
If you have pain from a sore throat, use numbing medicated lozenges but avoid heavy voice use.
If you have a dry throat and mouth, use lubricating non-medicated lozenges with pectin, glycerin
or elm bark.
And if you have a hoarse voice without the presence of an infection, then lozenges will
probably not help.
Instead, rest your voice, drink plenty of fluids and steam your voice.
To help you make a good and informed decision when choosing the best throat lozenges, I
prepared a cheat sheet with all of the information about different types of lozenges that you
can download for free.
Click this link to get your copy.
Bonus tip When choosing an over-the-counter medication,
such as lozenges, chose one that contains a single active ingredient instead of drugs
covering all symptoms with multiple ingredients.
For example, if you are congested, use decongestants.
If you have pain, use a painkiller.
There is no one single type of throat lozenges that is best for everyone because we have
different needs.
So, always read the label and make sure that the ingredients match your needs.
And of course, pharmacists are there to help so don't be afraid to ask questions.
If you liked this video, please click the thumbs up button and share it with your friends.
And don't forget to check out my other videos right here below.
I hope to see you soon!
The Bella Twins Will Not Be Part Of 'Total Divas' Next Season - Duration: 1:29.
Hi Friends welcome to C4E Wrestling News The Bella Twins Will Not Be Part Of 'Total Divas'
Next Season Total Divas is continually getting changed around for season nine The switching
keeps on coming because it looks like more original cast members will not be returning
to the show Pro Wrestling Sheet reports that Nikki and Brie Bella are done with Total Divas
The twins have their own Total Bellas reality television show and they are going to focus
their efforts on that now Sources tell us Nikki and Brie Bella made the decision at
the end of last season to step away from WWE's flagship reality show for the time being Now
it looks like the cast for season nine is as follows Ronda Rousey Sonya Deville Carmella
Natalya Nia Jax and Naomi That might actually be incredibly interesting to watch This cast
change seems like it will leave Paige out again However Carmella will be return as a
cast member Ronda Rousey has yet to official confirm her involvement but she was reported
to be a new member of the cast by Squared Circle Sirens Sound off in the comments below
and tell us what you think of the new cast
Miley Cyrus jakoi rivon onnittelukuvan miehelleen ystävänpäivän kunniaksi - Duration: 1:50.
Hyaluron Pen Lippen Volumen ohne Nadel (schmerzfrei) - Duration: 1:07.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse 180 CDI / AIRCO / AUDIO AF FABR. / LMV / EL. PAKKET / TREKHAAK / *APK 28-11-2 - Duration: 1:10.
Shelby J Interview - Part 1 (of 2) "Painting with all the Colors" - Duration: 29:58.
we have the first part of my interview with Shelby J comin at ya right now
everybody welcome back to Prince's Friend I'm your host Prince's Friend and
if you've been around for a while you all know how big a fan of Shelby J I am
if you don't know who she is let me tell you a little bit about her
Shelby J is a singer-songwriter social activist from Greensboro North Carolina
and she's on a mission to spread positive messages through music books
art fitness training live performances these core messages being to inspire
love and light shelby's performed with some of the greatest talent in recorded
music history having toured and recorded with her own band black gypsy groove
theory mary j blige anthony hamilton DeAngelo Santana Larry Graham in
obviously Prince you've heard her on many a Prince track as well from her
co-lead on Chelsea Rodgers to her voice being lent to many other tracks like lay
it down future soul song colonized mine mr. goodnight and most famously on stage
with Prince at the 2007 Super Bowl Shelby Jay recently founded her own
company black gypsy music and has released her debut album 10 on her own
label on her own terms and today she's here to talk to me Prince's friend about
her career for years with Prince her upcoming show at the Capri in April and
where the future leads let's get into that interview hey everybody welcome
back to Prince's friend I am your host Prince's friend and I have a very cool
and special interview for you guys today I am honored to bring onto the show
Shelby Jay thank you so much shelby Jay thank you for having me now is it okay
if that I call you Shelby or should I call you mrs. J what should I how should
I refer to you you can call me okay awesome
I'm so like Shelby James Shelby J it just seems weird like well but
definitely thank you for the show I know that you are in California I'm in
Florida you're across the entire nation and I know that you're getting ready for
the Grammys that are tomorrow oh I'm so excited and attending with my
sister Lynn who's also my drummer and we're so excited it's yes tomorrow so I
can't wait okay I saw you talking on Facebook live that this is actually your
first time going to the Grammys is that is that right yeah we would do you know
after shows and stuff in LA at the house you know principal I got a lot of people
coming back after the Grammys we long jail okay and so we would jam we do that
especially times we were out there during you know like the forum shows and
stuff like that when we were there but I never went to the ceremony and I was
watching on TV and everything but they'll be here soon just let out so
they'll be you know but yeah I'm excited about going and I love my dress and I
told somebody I said it kind of feel like Cinderella going to the ball and
I'm not afraid to let people know that because I think that humility is really
important and I try to be transparent with folks and when something means
something to you I mean I watch the Grammys like everybody else from the
time I was you know four or five six seven and I would watch those shows and
have the dreams about you know being on stage and performing which I will be
being nominated accepting but just being around that that energy of all the
creativeness you know from all of our genres from everything being in that
room I was like what must that energy feel like so I'm excited to be going to
soak that up you know and with be with my sister you know it's like that's the
one way definitely and and and who are you wearing is are you wearing a famous
designer well she's gonna be famous she's a Nigerian sister and her name is
me clay it's felt like Nike but it's pronounced Nikkei and all of her pieces
are handmade they're hand beaded and they're one-of-a-kind and this piece
speaks to everything that I've learned everything that I am and everything that
I want to be and I think that it's various when I put it on I was like yep
this is this is Shelby J all day and I know parents would approve
as he taught me a lot and he taught me how to you know stand in your in my
truth you know as far as not I don't need to look like anybody else I don't
need to see what's hot what are they telling me I should wear it's like noon
baby girl you have to be true to you and you you know you said to Trina don't
follow you know but but but really speak to your truth and I went and I saw some
fabrics and then I saw some of her designs and one particular dress I put
it on I was like this is it was just boom pow I was like she'll be all day so
I'm excited I'm excited so you did speak about some of your time with Prince and
some of the lessons that he's taught you but can you can we backtrack a little
bit tell me a little bit about your time
like before you got some friends like how did you how did you come into being
because you know I doubt that Prince just plucked you off the street you had
like you had to already kind of be in your own a little bit when he's ready
right definitely I've been working and I've been earning
my stripes and he told me he was like you know where have you been he said and
I was like I told him I've been working with everybody um most notably mary j
blige --is Anthony Hamilton Martin Luther D'Angelo chorus voodoo tour and
that's where anything in Anthony and I toured and did that iconic tour with
voodoo with the Angelo and right after that I was singing with Anthony when he
did his solo project and I had a break from singing with Anthony and Sundra
Manon called me to come and fill in with Larry Graham for like one night and it
was in Vegas at 3121 and Prince was out there and he got to hear me sing and you
know he liked what he heard and obviously you know and he called me too
he came on stage that night with us and we were singing together and then they
called me back to come out to Vegas and I was like okay I'm going back out there
I'll know where this is going but it was so cool and it was like a journey it was
just every step of it even as I reflect back on it it's just those things
in a dream like okay this happens and this happens and and he's like you know
what you enjoy him a ban and I'm like I gotta call Anthony because I was on
break I was still in his band and he was like I leave my band the same with
Prince I was like okay so yeah so that's how that happened and we start a version
with the Super Bowl shortly after that you know this is right at the end of
2006 so it was just you know right place right time God and all those things and
it was an energy we connected our energies just really you know connected
most definitely and and you can even tell like I've seen you perform with him
before like you you just jived like really really well
which was one of the the best things about you know the years that you were
featured prominently in his music whether live or in the studio like I
always enjoy listening to those albums probably more than some of the others
but I'm just saying what was like one of your favorite
projects that you worked with him like a particular song a particular album no
doubt Chelsea Rodgers because I was I had just outwardly
and he was finishing up planet Earth and there were certain songs that I mean I'm
brand new so we would only play I got to tell you a little bit of the story so
it's so beautiful I was just talking to you I'm out in LA my girlfriend grace is
out here she was around during this time and she came out to Vegas and we were
gonna take a trip to the Grand Canyon and do like a film and Louise thing but
not the ending and going out there and then I get a call we only worked on the
weekends I 3121 so during the week some people Prince will go back to
Minneapolis people go to LA I was still at the Rio that's basically where I
moved into from North Carolina to the RIA and we were playing Scrabble by the
pool I don't forget this my reason is Raul who is part of Chris's team at the
time and he says principal she'd come out to LA and do background vocals on
the song and and I was like okay so I think it was Tuesday and I said well has
like Thursday or something cuz you know I've got my friend here she just
don't know maybe like in three or four hours I want you know we're gonna just
gonna fly you I was like oh okay great and that was that was kind of my
introduction to to how when he had an idea he wanted to get things done and it
wasn't you know it was there was a sense of urgency for that and I was like wow
and I said grace okay I'm gonna go pack and I went in there were no lyrics and
the engineer was there Prince wasn't there and he said let me play the song
for you he played that song he's like Prince is
on the phone but I'm talking to him and he goes I want you to you know kind of
seeing what you hear and there were no lyrics so I had to let her a lot of
lyrics in Chelsea Rodgers I mean that is all it's a lot of words in that song so
I sat for maybe about an hour and did lyrics why my mind why my life my life
you know and he said sing the whole thing sing it like you would sing it and
I'm thinking the whole time I'm going to do you know backgrounds of who I yeah
yeah something like that you see every word and I did and then
when I heard him play it back it was the it was the record and it was the duet
and he said you know you're gonna love this
and it's us and I was like what like it was pitching you as backing vocals but
I'm like I you pretty much ruled that song like that speaks a lot to his
generosity because he didn't have to do that you know he didn't have to as I
always say like put me on Front Street like that he did not have to do that but
it was just so beautiful you know he's like you know you work for this and he
would just say little things like that to make me aware that he that he was
aware that I didn't just show up today won't the same you know he could see he
could feel he could see it and when he had the opportunity to feature me or to
help me shine he always did and you know he helped me to step into that you know
there's even being a background vocalists with different people like
Prince was the one that happened he had me Shelby Shelby Shelby Shelby shut you
know just the way he would say my name so many times in a show I'm like menaces
it's beautiful you know he didn't he brought the same way that we were off
stage on stage so people could see that and that that I'm like that's cool
everybody doesn't do that you know so Chelsey I just for me is a very special
song and that's that memory of that and just how he let me shine on that with
him and then I got into really listening to those lyrics and I'm like man brother
so deep he's something I mean most definitely and let me add as well if if
you were to ask me which was my favorite that you've been on I would have also
said Chelsea Rodgers but how was even without me knowing all of that now I
love it even more baby mama which was another one and he let me a rainy
trusted me he let me basically arrange in my background vocals like he would
like who does that like I have people that never produce nothing that want to
tell me he'd be like not just sing what you hear in your head sing what you hear
and you know what you hear sing what you hear and he gave me that freedom to
Lennear those vocals in the lair all those parts and then he would mix it in
with his and I had friends that didn't even know at the time I was singing with
Prince and they heard future baby mama and they could tell by the way that I
had like layered my vocals like on my earlier stuff they were like is that
shelving like just think people pick up on that like from the black gypsy stuff
and everything so it was kind of like a signature that I would have with how I
would do vocals and he let me do that on his record I'm in this press come on man
you don't have to do this stuff and so he just let me be free to create and to
take part in his art which was beautiful so I will add that there are a lot of
singers and artists out there that can sing but like it really takes
having a specifically kind of unique voice to really kind of stand out and
like you're one of those and might like if I hear it I'm a weight that Shelby
wait a minute smelling I think I respect that with people that I love
like when I yeah when as soon as Anthony Hamilton comes on you know it's him
you know what that taser comes on it's her you know a prince comes on if you if
a song comes on and I don't know who it is singing is something wrong with that
but you should have your sound you know a Picasso from a Rembrandt you know you
know artists should have their their lane of not that you can't you know grow
in mesh but I should know is you don't you should need all sound you know like
this is this this is the the sound of a month so we got all sound like this is
like know whatever I sing it's gonna sound like Shelby whether it's the
star-spangled banner just sound like me you should know it's me that's actually
one of the the cool things about you that I've that I've noticed listening to
not only the music that you've released and we're gonna get to that in just a
second because I wrote a top ten with you but one of the things that I've
noticed is that you're able to kind of not be fit in a box so easily like you
do like funk and soul and gospel and R&B like you do all these different things
like like is that just natural to you or is it like you know what I feel like
doing some funk today let's do some fun or right just real is real organic and I
say that I've always told people especially my friends I can't stand
categories I think one of the worst things that ever happened is when you
try to categorize things that you limit who who thinks they should be listening
to something or you let them you're telling them what art they should base
it like as opposed to what speaks to them and their soul and their spirit so
you got you know a sister growing up in the hood that thinks that she's not
supposed to want to listen to Shania Twain not Shania Twain song could speak
to her heart and her soul in those melodies but because somebody's discolor
and some this color and it has this particular
instrument in it then you're not supposed to listen to that you're only
supposed to listen to this music over here made by people of your same color
of your same thing and I can't stand the genre think so with me I listened to
everything growing up I absorbed everything growing up grew up in the
Baptist Church so there's that my mom minister of music my sister was on drums
other sister Kim was singing grew up listening you know to mahalia and to
Mavis that's all in here could hear country music all around me you know
that's all in here my sister was playing Parliament and Funkadelic she's 10 years
my senior I'm hearing all of this as like a 7 year old and an 8 year old the
bar-kays like just absorbing that you know my dad playing Otis Redding and I
read the Franklin and just the Doobie Brothers and just getting getting it all
into me and it spoke to me so I would listen to what I wanted to listen to and
I didn't kind of let anybody uh direct me and direct that that part of me so
then when I started to create my own music I'm like I'm gonna paint with all
the colors in the crayon box I'm not gonna let nobody tell me I only have to
use the orange and the blue and green it's like nope I'm gonna use all of the
colors and then I might want to just take one color and do one color because
with with I just you know did a gospel song as you're aware of people like oh
you are you switching to gospel now it's like wow I'm never gonna limit myself
and I understand society makes you you know they tell you no you have to go and
they're good to go but man I'm an artist and I'm free and I Know Who I am
more so now than ever because I'm older and I've been through some things and
I've learned some things I took taken some bumps so the stuff I'm writing
about now and and speaking to now it's my truth so it's gonna speak to somebody
might not speak to everybody everybody might not like this song with that song
but it's always gonna be my truth I'm always gonna do that
so it might have some heavy font it might have some slide guitar I might do
a whole thing that's orchestrated with strings where it sounds like Disney but
it's coming from what I feel you know and I'm not gonna let anybody outside of
me tell me how to create if I feel it cuz prince would do that he would create
and put out even what he wanted to you know and not ask you know is this is
this cool you know like before he released something like if you don't
like it he's not putting it out it's like no cuz everybody ain't know like
everything that's just the world but you have to be true to yourself you know and
really stand in that yes I and I had a very similar yeah I had a similar
upbringing like it's good to have upbringings like that I think definitely
I love my mama mama J and my father he's you know passed on but he's with me
every day Prince loved my parents as well and he was a he knew how much I
love family and a lot of people like did your mom ever meet Prince I'm like did
she maybe they ran up on Prince at 31 21 and hug him so tight it was like this
kind of world we are so she wasn't going to be with him any difference wasn't
gonna walk up and kneel or well that's just not who we are and so once he met
my mother he said I understand you now even more which is cool because they you
know he you come from your mom so you know he met her and he's like yep I get
you so now he mentioned my truth which is actually one of the tracks on your
album 10 yeah so I guess that's a great segue for us to shift over into talking
a little bit about 10 which I actually I reviewed 10 I think it was over a year
ago I thought oh you did owner no words for you two I got on a sermon
yes I do thank you for that I like honesty you know I like people to tell
the truth you know you're not just like oh I love everything you know that's not
real but you you know you speak to tell people how they can do things better and
things that an artist might not think of or you know something like that so I
watched it so you have the lyrics I got Jeff I had nowhere to put them online so
it'll be prominent everybody will be able to find them send them over I got
you now I listened to so I listened to it a bunch and of course I had to go
back and watch my review to be like what did I say but definitely I enjoyed the
album and I can tell that like those experiences were like from your soul
like you your your singing is so authentic on that album is there like
possibly and you don't have you know I know all songs are your children but is
there maybe one of those songs that you know even now just a little bit we're a
little bit separated from the album's you know official release which was a
you know in 2017 like our is there one of those songs that speaks to you even
now today like even more Wow I think who you are okay most definitely
um and also day in the Sun lyrically um as well with with Dan the son who you
are because you know Prince taught me a lot about trusting that you know really
trusting that and knowing that your strength comes from that you know that's
that's you there's only one you you know you're unique and so go go with that and
trust it and everybody might not get it enough so kay but that's what he always
did and he didn't care about if society was gonna get it at the time he was you
know wait ahead anyway but he helped me to realize to really trust that in
myself um after earlier you know things in my
career where you know people can can teach you to kind of doubt
like no you need to do it more like this or Shelby if you do it like this even
though that's not what you're feeling or not where you're going they're like no
no try this just trust in that and it's so easy to be who you are it's like
that's you can be who you are every day and and and really knowing that there's
power in that and and embracing that so that's how it speaks to me I listen to
it I'm like yes you know be yourself everybody else is taken you know I
really truly mean that and then the Sun speaks to me now even more because of
what I'm saying in the song you know um you have to go through some things in
life you know you have to have those valleys to really even appreciate the
peaks and day and the Sun speaks to that with me because I you know this last
year I went through a few valleys and day and the Sun truly speaks to me about
holding on staying strong in your faith and knowing that you know ain't no
progress without struggle that's a true lyric it's like ain't no progress
without struggling just telling myself that over and over again and knowing
that your day and the Sun will come and now what I'm doing musically and as I'm
continuing to grow it's like okay you get through this valley here we go you
know here's the Sun so I I was listening to that last night and it just really
touched me and it's me you know and I'm like no it really did I'm like oh yes
yeah you know yeah I told her I said you know I'm listening to my own music to
remind myself of the things that I know are true but sometimes we can forget
those things you know when life you know kiss you in the head you know what a
flying pan and just knocks you sideways you can forget that you know and when I
listen to those songs it helps me remember what I will say about the album
and just to throw compliments at you for a second here I would say that super
power is probably my favorite track on the album Thank You shout out to
Lassiter definitely day and the Sun would
actually be my second favorite so it's funny that you mentioned that one as
well me so in the beginning of that let me just
add that that's my niece Kayla who wrote that piece yes she wrote that poem and I
was like this has got to be part of this song and she was 16 at the time and I
said you have to do this I had you know so it was very cool and probably it was
a question that I had when I was listening to the album just recently I
was like who was that my favorite thing about day and the Sun specifically is I
think just the the way that you sang it it felt really deep and it also felt
like you hit you like you weren't afraid to kind of go up and down and kind of go
everywhere with your with your tones and stuff like I really really dug the way
that you delivered that song you know like the when you do like a my day in
the Sun like you weren't afraid I go up and down and I did it I butchered it
it's okay but you know I could probably do better but like I would be I would I
would be to stage Friday for me to sing and go - LBJ like oh my gosh and and
also it speaks to the the overwhelming kind of positive message of the album as
a whole you know it's like there there's some sadder tracks on there but you know
there's a lot of tracks that are like yes some stuff is bad but it's gonna get
better and like this is your time to make that happen and like I appreciate
that from a listener standpoint because there's a lot of negative music out
there I guess my question is like did you sit down to write kind of a
motivational album or was just just what you were feeling at the time and you
needed to like get it out oh wow I definitely needed to get it out my life
had gone through a major transition that a lot of people they had no idea that I
was going through a divorce at the time right before that had no clue I didn't
share it with people life happens and you know Prince was very helpful he said
you know write your truth you know write write what you're feeling right I mean
your lyrics from that album that have two stains on the sheets well that's you
know real talk from coin really deep and writing that and and even though I
couldn't record it at the time I had everything got kind of stopped you know
there was that moment like she put this out albums coming what happened and
people didn't know that was going on with that but he said you might not feel
like singing but at least writing someone I don't like ant I just can't I
can't I can't sing this stuff you know right now but he's but I had it ready so
that when I could go and sing those songs like run and I could see those
that I would know the right time that I could record them and there were other
songs that I wrote coming out of that storm so it's kind of like their songs
that reflect being right in the start of the storm and coming through the storm
and then those then the songs kind of shift as you're getting your strength
your coming out of it your understanding that you know life is about chapters and
their many chapters in your book and I'm trying you know you're you're coming out
of it you're going through it getting through it and coming into another place
and then those lyrics are different from works of when you're in it you dig that
you hear those you know that it's my times and everything got it lifting up
to boom moved on to the you know ah so it's cathartic I think in the way that
it takes you through that the valleys of things that people had no idea like I
said that I was going through into coming out of it like you know you can
you can get through this and I hope because I'm not the only woman or a man
or person that will go through any kind of hard heart aching heart I'm also you
know I just lost my dad you know right before and I was still you know you
that's a major loss and so there were there were things that were in me but
you have to face those things and and grow through those things so I'm hoping
that when people listen to that music and they see
you know Shelby went through this you know man she took some serious hits some
lumps and this is how she got through it and I can get through it too and I want
them to feel inspired and and uplifted to know like I can do this she did it
you know I can do it too life can be hard and just completely
surprise you and knock you silly but you know when you hold on to your faith and
you you look for your strength you can make it through you can you have to find
those things that help you make it through a music is definitely one of
those one of those tools oh yeah yeah oh man what I mean even with Prince's music
people talk about it got me through this I remember going through these trials in
my life and this music was the only thing that brought me through and that's
that's real music it's so powerful like that oh oh man and that's just part one
there's a whole bunch more that me and Shelby got to talk about I hope that you
come back for part two which will be launching tomorrow until then don't
forget to check us out on Twitter and Instagram they're both at Prince's
friend whitey you can become a patron and support the channel directly at slash princes friend and until next time may you live to see the
The Elder Scrolls Online - Wrathstone : Immersion avec les développeurs - Duration: 2:04.
¡Maluma disfruta de la Semana de la Moda en Nueva York! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:55.
Катарские авиалинии. Перелет на Бали. Qatar Airways. - Duration: 5:31.
friends, hello everyone, I am now in Bali near the Indian Ocean just today I flew here
we will make the following tour around the island the following videos and now I'll just tell you what I'm going to fly like
total how it all happened so let's go
I had to fly from the city of Zurich Switzerland
flight to Indonesia was 15 hours with one change in Doha
in general, it is six hours and then on the bam another 9 hours
I flew Qatar Airlines Company it is considered the coolest company in the world
but what will be so cool I could not even imagine
in general, when I entered the plane, I thought that I was in a fairy tale or some place from science fiction films
in general, each passenger had a super comfortable seat with built-in gadgets
it was possible all the way to entertain yourself in every way to choose from the movie
and music
and and games for kids and adults
and 3d flight route but the most impressive
it is spectacular to me that it was possible to follow the flight through external cameras that are installed in different parts
you could see the plane taking off as it behaves in flight
and the coolest thing was to watch him land
fed it was chic to choose a menu of fish meat and a vegetarian set just for lovers like me
these were various vegetables fruits and waffles with jam I preferred fruit a
there was also a bunch of different pastries croissants buns and so on
each passenger had a separate individual approach which also turned out to be a nice bonus
in the middle of the flight I found out that there is Wi-Fi on board
Internet on board the plane, that is, I flew and talked on skype with my friends and also
went online and read various information of interest to me
the toilet was surprisingly simple principle as everywhere else but more bottles and jars for hygiene
but the business class just struck me, it seems to me in the presidential plane about the same in
each individual chair that unfolds like a bed was a personal computer
people are given pajamas for sleep slippers feeds unlimited than the passenger wishes
coffee to choose smoothies various drinks and black blood sandwiches
In general, friends flew with comfort completely unnoticed and
I think that it was the best flight of my life thanks to the company which lines for such a warm welcome
you are really better
the airport in Bali resembled the Garden of Eden with its greenhouse and greenery
but a trip to Bali is another story not to miss
Hello all friends, I am now in Bali near the Indian Ocean. Today we have a sightseeing tour of the island here. We'll make the following videos and now I'll just tell you what I fly like or body and how it all happened so I had to go to fly from Zurich Switzerland the flight to indonesia was 15 hours with one change in the city of Doha in total six hours before it and then on the BAM I flew another 9 hours to Qatar airlines this is considered the coolest company in the world but what will be so cool I can't even imagine In general, when I went to the plane, I thought that I was in a fairy tale or some place from science fiction films. In general, each passenger had a super comfortable chair with built-in gadgets. You could entertain yourself in every way to choose from the movie and music and games for children and adults and 3d flight route, but the most impressive spectacular for me is that you could follow the flight through external cameras that are installed in different parts of the plane, you could see the plane take off, how it behaves in flight and the very top st had to watch as he lands smartly fed was on the menu choice of meat and fish and a vegetarian set just for such fans as I was
subscribe to the channel like and do not miss the next video all good luck and bye bye
How to Pay off Student Loans Faster 👨🎓 - Duration: 4:28.
- Some people are calling it a crisis,
some people are calling it just the reality of life
but no matter what you call it, student loans are here
and people have to use them.
So let me give you three tips
on how you can pay these things off faster
in this episode of Office Hours today.
Well, tip number one is a obvious one.
Don't spend any more money.
You're like, Dominique, that's too hard,
I'm already in classes.
This is what I mean by that.
Get your coursework or your degree path settled,
stick with it and try to graduate as soon as possible.
Look, I took out or I went back to school
for my grad studies while I was working
and I know it's hard.
While you're working and while you're going to school,
this is a very difficult thing
but the quicker you can graduate,
the quicker you can start to get a return on your investment
for spending that money
especially if you're going to take out loans.
So what I would say is find your degree path,
get the coursework, complete it as quickly as possible
so that you can leverage that experience
for the higher paying job
or whatever else you're trying to get into.
If you're working already,
you may wanna consider tapping your employer.
Now, here's a deal I made with my former employer
is I was about to go do two to three years
of a masters in finance
and it was going to help me do my job better.
So I sat down with him and said,
hey, would you mind helping me out with my tuition
and he said yes so he paid half.
Now, that was a particular arrangement
with a smaller company that you may not be able to do
if you work for a big Fortune 500 company.
However, I talk with clients all the time
and after I go through their benefits package,
I realize that they have tuition reimbursement programs
and things that their employer will help them out with
paying down those tuition bills or supplementing
or subsidizing some of the cost
and they just overlook them or they don't know about them.
So that's something you may wanna check out
if you are working for an employer.
You should also consider opening up a separate bank account
and this is how this would work.
Now, most people I know that have student loans
are typically having those payments autodrafted
out of their checking or savings account
and that's a fine thing to do.
I think you keep that going.
However, open up a separate bank account,
have your check, a portion of your check
deposited directly to that bank account
and what you're gonna do is accumulate
an extra $200 per paycheck, 150 or whatever you can afford
and then at the end of the month
you're gonna write a check to your student loan provider
or servicer for that amount that's accumulated.
So let's just say you did $150 per pay period
and you're getting paid twice a month.
That's an extra $300 a month.
That's gonna go directly to the student loan provider
but you're going to apply it directly to principal.
See, you're already paying your monthly bill on time.
So anything you put extra on that student loan
is gonna go directly to principal
and it's going to reduce the amortization
which is the amount of principal plus interest
that you have to pay back whenever you owe a loan.
So this is a quicker way to kinda accelerate
the payment schedule so that you won't have to be paying
so much interest out of pocket.
A couple other things you wanna keep in mind
is if you have a inheritance,
maybe you got some money from a grandma
or an uncle or something like that that you can use.
You may also want to watch a little Gary V.
He does a lot of the garage selling
and he uses his Saturday mornings even at his net worth
to go around finding things that he can flip on eBay
or Etsy or any of these other different types of sites
that allow him to basically take one thing
for $1 that he bought at a garage sale and sell it for $5.
Now, if you do that for a few months or several months
depending on how much student loan debt you have,
you can make some pretty good progress.
You can also consider student loan forgiveness programs.
There are several out there.
It depends on the type of work you do.
There's all types of parameters around there
and if you need some help with that,
check out my boy Travis Hornsby at Student Loan Planner.
Just tell him that Dominique Henderson sent ya.
Look, hopefully that was helpful.
Thank you for watching this episode of Office Hours.
Please give me a thumbs up or leave me a comment below
if you enjoyed it.
You can even leave me a question.
I'll take some time to read through those answers.
I would love to have you a part of the community
so please consider subscribing.
That's all for today.
We'll talk to ya later, bye bye.
LA THÉORIE DE PIAGET (4/6 LE STADE PRÉ-OPÉRATOIRE) - 60 secondes de PSY #49 - Duration: 1:35.
Today, I'm talking about the second stage from the Piaget scale,
It is between 2 and 7 years old.
This is the preoperative stage.
At the end of the sensorimotor period, sets up a representative intelligence
in the child.
He can now represent himself mentally what he evokes.
And even if his thought remains under dominance perceptive, the child is still capable
to analyze and coordinate these elements perceptive.
This will lead to the preoperative stage representations in the form of symbols
or signs that the child will be able to re-exploit thereafter.
We will go from sensorimotor schemes to conceptual schemes.
We observe this in the simultaneous appearance deferred imitation conduct,
symbolic games, drawing, language, as well that in the appearance of mental images,
which is also called internalized imitation ".
Up to 4 years, we will talk about symbolic thinking or pre-conceptual.
This stage is characterized by egocentrism childish, the child can not conceive that
others may think differently of him.
After 4 years, we will have an intuitive thought, which will show an absence of logic in the
For example, he will consider that there is more chips in the bottom line, because
it takes more space.
Egocentric thought, it will gradually regress until the appearance of the
reversibility at 7 years announcing the stadium concrete operations.
Do not forget your blue thumbs, think also to comment, If it's not done, subscribe
without delay and see you soon for another "60seconds of PSY".
Actualité TV - Marilou Berry (Mystère place Vendôme, France 2) : "Ma mère aime bien me regarder à l - Duration: 4:50.
L4.2 The uncoupled and coupled basis states for the spectrum - Duration: 17:12.
Schuppenflechte: So offen geht Kim K. mit Hautkrankheit um - Duration: 1:38.
Cut Up Stamping - Duration: 32:20.
What Is Your Purpose In Life Answer - Duration: 11:38.
We're talking on how to find your purpose and passion in life. Is that
something that you're looking at right now you know maybe you're going through
the day just punching the clock you're going to a job you're doing what you're
supposed to do but it's not fulfilling it's not satisfying you would like more
you'd like to live for something greater to have Purse purpose and passion and
just happiness fill your life well if that's where you're at where you're at
right now hey welcome to we have been calling it strategic beliefs and course
stories but you know what I think I'm gonna change that think I'm gonna change
it to tactical beliefs and course stories because really it's about what
we believe about ourselves about our identity that makes the biggest
difference so if you would like to have just an abundant life where you are
living to the fullest extent that you but you can that you have purpose that
you have passion that you have energy for life it really comes in choosing
your beliefs which is why I think they are tactical beliefs you pick these
beliefs that are going to serve you and get you where you want to go does that
make sense okay so today we're talking about how to find your purpose and
passion in your life I don't know where you're at right now but several years
ago a young man came and wanted to interview me he wanted to find out about
what it takes to be a filmmaker we sat out on on our front porch here and we
chatted for a little while and I listened to him and I looked into his
eyes and all of his questions were based on fear Scott is this a dangerous
occupation to be in meaning am I gonna lose my job as he's telling me this I'm
thinking back at all the times I've lost my job I started out in advertising and
I got let go from one agency and then one in-house group and then another
agency when they lost their clients and it was volatile I didn't feel like I had
control of my life and it was a challenge to be in this
industry but you know what I was thinking as I looked in his eyes and his
eyes just kind of seemed glazed over it was like it was like he was trying to
tiptoe through life to get safely to death how could I just
how could I be as safe as possible in life and I thought about the challenges
that I had with the different jobs and the different careers and what a
challenge that has been but you know because because I Know Who I am because
I know what I'm about and because I just love being able to serve others and
create media that will make their lives better I have just been filled with
passion and I looked at him and he was a really wealthy Kennedy came from
abundance I mean he grew up having everything and this idea of having a job
that could be risky kind of terrified him but I think he was also a little bit
worried about just having a regular job that sucks his life away I don't know if
you've ever felt that before you go to this job you you hate it you know Sunday
night comes along and you're you're dreading Monday coming because that
means it's the work week and you and you go there and you just feel like it's
sucking your soul away that each day you're getting a little bit better I
think that's why zombie movies are so popular is because people see them and
they go yeah that's how I feel just making it through life you know that's
not the right way to live you want to live with abundance you want to have
purpose you want to have passion you want to have excitement for life you
want to know who you are why you're here and what you're about you know those
three things and you have your identity Viktor Frankl he was he was a
psychologist I think is what he was he was sent to the Nazi concentration camps
and he observed the people there he observed where people gave up and died
before they actually died and he could tell when they were going to die too and
whether that was just passing away or whether that was getting so
frustrated that they would just walk into the fences where they knew they
would be machine gunned down he wrote a book called man's search for meaning
because of what he found was that the people who had a purpose had something
to live for outside of themselves those were the
people who survived those were the people who made it through these dark
horrible horrific conditions and those are the people that actually later on in
life after he got out of the Nazi concentration camps he began lecturing
he began teaching people and he found the suicide rates returned back in the
1950s and what was interesting was that the people who were committing suicide
again he's thinking back to Nazi concentration camp time the people who
were committing suicide at this time were the people who felt like their life
was meaningless that they didn't have a purpose they didn't have a reason to
being there so I hope that that's not where you're at I hope that you find out
who you are what you're about and that you really pursue that now let me share
a story with you this is about a friend well a guy I met named Bill he was a
three-time Olympian I guess it's is he's still alive he still has he still went
to three Olympics he won a silver medal in the bobsled anyway amazing guy and he
told me about his story of living on the streets as a little kid he had parents
that were addicted to drugs and had a really horrific growing up experience
and then in middle school somebody got him on the track and field team it was a
friend of his who was going out for track and he was like what are you doing
after school hanging around school he got really excited about it and found
out that was something he was really good at and that began this amazing
career where he was able to just compete at amazing levels once he got a coach
who believed in him and started painting the path for him to go to the Olympics
he had his life charted out for him he knew every month what he was supposed to
do every week what he was gonna do and everyday was kind of set on
how to train for this very specific goal you can kind of imagine what that would
be like right you know if you're training for the Olympics and he knew
exactly like what the end result was gonna be he could see himself bowing as
they put the gold medal around his neck which they did in his very first
Olympics with this silver medal he could see that in his eyes but then an amazing
thing happened he retired he retired from the Olympics he no longer had the
body that could compete at that level and so it was time to move to phase 2
now phase 2 was hard for him in fact he endured several years of turmoil because
now he has lost his identity he's lost his purpose he's lost his
passion he no longer has his life charted out for him and he's completely
lost maybe you feel like that you know now he's down kind of in the mortal
level with the rest of us he needs to figure out who he is why he's here and
what he's about well the interesting thing about Bill is he started off in
sales and was doing quite well in corporate sales made a lot of money a
lot of money for himself and a lot of money for other people but you know what
it wasn't it wasn't satisfying to him he wasn't happy and so he started to look
at who am i what am I about mmm if I were called to leave this earth right
now what I feel like I've made a difference and he didn't really like the
answers he was getting from that so he started to look at his life and kind of
a path that had gotten him there and one of the things that really I just always
always ate at him were the people who were living on the streets he had been
there he had experienced that and he wanted a better life for these people
and so he actually jumped out of the corporate world and started in the
nonprofit world helping homeless people he found that that was that just lit him
up that he now had a purpose and there was that there was a reason for his mess
it was just a phenomenal thing as he found out who he truly was so I have I
have a test for you that I want you to think of
I want you to get really serious about and think about this all day and the
test is this if you were free to do whatever you wanted what would it be
think about that if you could do whatever you wanted and yeah maybe
there's a little bit of selfishness of like you want to take trips you want to
do this but once that's done and you've finished with kind of the the first
little part if you wanted to have your life have meaning if you wanted to make
a contribution what would that be you know think about think about the mess
that you've you know had in your life the challenges think about bills mess
you know he grew up on the streets and he found that his passion was helping
people like like he was think about what
energizes you what just lights you up could that be part of your mission think
about you know who you would love to serve who would you love to help out and
think about if nobody paid you for stuff what would you still do even if you
wouldn't be like compensated for it so think about those things if you were
free to do whatever you wanted in life what would it be how would you live how
would you make a contribution and as you think about that that might give you
some ideas to figure out your purpose and your passion in life now I know this
has been just kind of a short video to explore these ideas make sure you hit
subscribe because we've got a lot more ideas for you to really figure out your
identity again we're talking about tactical beliefs what you believe about
yourself matters and you can believe you can be deliberate and intentional about
those beliefs and it's about your core stories the stories you tell about
yourself that impacts the things that you get so anyway hopefully that helps
you I hope you enjoyed this I hope you subscribe and I'll see you next time
what do you think you've heard my thoughts now let's hear yours in the
comment section below share what impressions came to your mind what did
you get out of this if you have had thoughts to take action please
so always listen to your inner voice it's your ultimate guidance system of
course the best place to take action is at Scot Wilhite comm because if you join
me for a free web class I will reward you by sending you my purpose planner so
you can have a physical guide to help you get in touch with your inner guide
your core story will serve you or shackle you it's up to you
choose your beliefs and pick your identity it is choice not chance that
determines your reality see you next time
What I'm Reading: Sophie Kinsella (author of I OWE YOU ONE) - Duration: 2:16.
najam shah 2019 new bayan - Rch naat tv - Duration: 1:06:00.
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Ako vymeniť lišty stieračov na FIAT 500 ABARTH (312) [NÁVOD AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:11.
K-Pop Stars Daisy & Yunhyeong Confuse Fans With Conflicting Statements After Dating Rumors - Breakin - Duration: 2:57.
Fans are freaking out over rumors that MOMOLAND's Daisy and iKON's Yunhyeong might be dating, but the K-Pop stars have left their loyal followers quite confused after releasing different statements about the rumors
Daisy form MOMOLAND and Yunhyeong from iKON are reportedly in a relationship! "Song Yunhyeong and Daisy are dating," Sports Seoul reported on Feb
14. "They met as a senior and junior in the industry, became friends and started dating about three to four months ago
They enjoy going on dates whenever they have free time, just like other couples." A second source confirmed to the outlet that the pair aren't able to see each other that often because of their busy schedules, but they "cherish one another
" Fans immediately began going nuts over this potential relationship, and finally, representatives from the duo's agencies released statements about the romance rumors
However, it looks like their clients had different things to say about what's going on
"With interest in each other, they met up a few times, but they are not dating," iKON's agency, YG Entertainment, said
However, MOMOLAND's agency responded, "After checking [with Daisy], we confirmed that they have been seeing each other for three months with interest in one another
" These conflicting responses immediately sent fans into quite a frenzy on Twitter
However, many made sure to stand up for both singers and point out that there shouldn't be a freak-out over the situation
"No one's allowed to hate on Yunhyeong nor Daisy," one fan wrote. "They're caught up in a very awkward situation
They must've been going out but not on THAT level yet hence the confusion and different statements
" Daisy: yeah we have been dating for 3 months Yunhyeong: I have met her a few times but we aren't dating ~~~~~~Me: yeah I have been dating Chanwoo for 3 years Chanwoo: I have met her a few times at fansigns but I don't even know her name I have no idea what she going on about — Mikaylah is a 찬구 (@ThisIsHotSwag) February 14, 2019 YUNHYEONG'S SIDE SAID THEY ARENT DATING
DAISY'S SIDE SAID THEY ARE DATING. WHO SAID YG WILL GIVE THEM SAME STATEMENT AS THE OTHER COMPANY HUH — shyn (@JINHWANVIBE) February 14, 2019 In the K-Pop music industry, dating is not encouraged, so it's no surprise that these two were trying to keep things on the down low if they are in a relationship
Data Scientist Salary 2019 - Duration: 4:00.
Data scientists continue to be one of the most in-demand jobs for 2019. In this
data scientist salary guide 2019, find out what you can expect to be paid based
on market predictions and hiring data. Hi, I'm Jen. Welcome to the channel!
Glassdoor ranked data scientist as the number one job for 2018 and there's an expectation
that will carry through into 2019 as well. With a substantial salary, high job
satisfaction, and an ever increasing number of open positions, data science is
a great career to enter or continue growing in during 2019. If you're curious
to find out the difference between a data scientist and a data analyst, check
out the linked video. I talked about data analyst salaries last week. I'll link to
that video in case you're really interested in a data analyst position.
Entry-level data scientist salaries for 2019 consistently hover around $100,000
with $103,000 as the median base pay.
This doesn't factor in bonuses, benefits, and other forms of compensation. At this
level, you're likely new to the role and still developing your skills. You have
some sort of an educational background that's prepared you for the role. You may
also be slightly more experienced, but in an area where there are few data
scientist jobs or at a small company who may not be paying as much to start out.
Mid-level data scientist salaries for 2019 have a median pay of $121,000
per year. At this level, you should have some
experience and be fully capable of performing the job on your own. You may
have to consult someone with more experience in extremely complex
situations, but most of the day-to-day work is stuff that you can do
independently. Data scientists with much higher levels of experience or
specialized experience can expect to make more. This is also true of markets
where there are a lot of job openings and few qualified data scientists to
fill the role. This could also apply if you're entering a large company and
especially one where there's a lot of complexity in the day-to-day work. For
these data scientists, the median salary is $147,000.
In extremely competitive markets or ones that require a significant amount of
experience or multiple, specialized certifications, pay can reach or exceed
$200,000 per year. All of these salaries are just base pay.
This means benefits, bonuses, profit sharing, those sorts of things, are all on
top of this and they can easily add up to tens of thousands of dollars or more.
These salary levels also don't account for location differences which may have
little difference or in certain locations can have massive differences.
For instance, if you're in New York City working as a data scientist, salary
levels are a full 40% than the numbers that I just shared.
In contrast, if you're one of the few data scientists working in El Paso, you're
making or can expect to make about 30% less than these salaries.
If you're working as a data scientist today, how does your salary compare?
Maybe your pay is lower, but you have benefits or bonuses that make up some of the
difference. If you want to know the total value of your compensation, check out the
compensation worksheet in the link below. You can input all of your financial
compensation and it will automatically calculate the value. If you're watching
this video as research because you're considering a data scientist job offer,
check out our negotiation coaching. I'll work with you one on one to create a
custom negotiation plan, walking you through the entire process and teaching
you the negotiation skills and tactics to help you land a higher salary
or more benefits and bonuses. This can make the difference of literally
hundreds of thousands of dollars throughout the course of your data
scientist career.
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