Monday, February 4, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 4 2019

 Chirurgové jsou zvyklí vyndávat z lidí leccos, zpravidla však jde o trávicí ústrojí

Jenže tenhle nešťastník měl párátko v srdci!  Jistý pan Čou (29) trpěl už několik let zápaly plic a horečkami, ale doktoři si nevěděli rady, tipovali nejrůznější příčiny od sepse po leukemii

Když v lednu přišel s horečkou kolem 40 °C, rozhodli se ho operovat. Až na sále mu v srdci objevili podivný útvar

Nešlo ovšem o nádor, našli mu tam šesticentimetrové párátko.  Čou si pak uvědomil, že ho musel vdechnout někdy v baru

Byl totiž zvyklý si párátkem označovat sklenici, aby si ji nespletl s jinými

Podle lékařů se párátko propíchlo plící a »propracovalo se« až do srdce

Banánové umění: Stačí párátko a lžička! Celý článek . 1

For more infomation >> ✅ V srdci měl párátko dlouhé 6 cm - Duration: 0:55.


Absolutely Gorgeous Seabreeze Park Model For Sale $61,886 in AL - Duration: 2:29.

Absolutely Gorgeous Seabreeze Park Model For Sale $61,886 in AL

For more infomation >> Absolutely Gorgeous Seabreeze Park Model For Sale $61,886 in AL - Duration: 2:29.


Noul concurent de la "Puterea Dragostei", Andrei, declarații surprinzătoare încă din prima zi: "Nu-m - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Noul concurent de la "Puterea Dragostei", Andrei, declarații surprinzătoare încă din prima zi: "Nu-m - Duration: 3:04.


Porsche Cayman - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Porsche Cayman - Duration: 0:49.


2019 | ALCALDESSA | Documental sobre Ada Colau | Pel·lícula completa + Subtítols - Duration: 1:25:26.

Watch out!

Good morning!

As a consequence of the economic crisis,

dramatic evictions have been carried out.

Thousands of families in Spain haven't been able to pay off their mortgages

and have lost their homes.

There was yet another suicide this week

of someone who was about to be evicted.

Why are you doing this? We're not criminals!

This is our home.

We will stop this eviction! We will stop this eviction!

The Platform for People Affected by Mortgages (PAH)

has stopped the eviction that was to take place this morning.

Nobody's coming in here!


We managed to stop the eviction.

Congratulations to everyone.

The president of the bank can make decisions,

and until he arrives,

we're not leaving.

Yes we can! Yes we can!

Ada has been the face of a movement

that has begun to go beyond the streets.

Congress invited her to speak alongside a representative of the banks.

I haven't thrown my shoe at this man

because it was important for me to stay here and tell you this,

but this man is a criminal.

We're talking about housing, but also about healthcare,

education, culture...

Fundamental rights are non-negotiable!

If they think they have something to contribute

and claim to represent the people, the best way to do that

is by running in an election.

A massive response to the new platform Guanyem Barcelona,

led by activist Ada Colau

who will be running in the upcoming municipal election.

The feeling is that people are saying,

"let's join forces because otherwise they'll finish us off".

We have more power than they let us believe.

We're proving that we can achieve what seemed impossible.

What you're doing, I call joining forces.

We have to kick them out!

We are the majority!

We who are less fortunate,

who lose our homes, our jobs, our money,

and our children, because they leave.

We are normal, everyday people

who talk to our neighbors every day,

who, unlike career politicians,

use public transport every day,

work in precarious jobs every day,

and we see what's going on every day.

Let us never forget who we are or why we are here.

Let's never forget it or change who we are.

Thank you.


On September 16th, 2014, the citizen platform Guanyem (Let's Win)

announces it will run in Barcelona's municipal election, to be held on May 24th, 2015.

Guanyem's first challenge will be to bring together different left-wing parties in just a few months.

Ada Colau, former spokesperson of the Platform for People Affected by Mortgages (PAH),

has been chosen to lead this process.

9 months before the election

September 17th, 2014

Headquarters of the citizen platform Guanyem Barcelona

-BAR-CE-LO... -I think this is the A.

The brand, or the concept, and not so much the design

has to transmit this message to the people, that's crucial.

You want Grandma to come and pick you up?

-Yes. -You're sure?

What I'm saying doesn't come from the activists,

it's what I've seen at the PAH.

The greatest difficulty we had when starting the PAH

was that people thought things couldn't change

and that we were doomed.

When the PAH put an end to that, and we started having small victories

that made people believe big victories were possible,

we started a revolution: the PAH revolution.

It has changed thousands of lives

utterly and completely.

This is the idea: win your life back, win an alternative,

win the idea that things can be different.

It's an idea that goes deeper than just winning an election.

You can truly feel that people are tired of losing,

tired of not being included, of being ignored.

October 3rd, 2014

Video diary sessions with Ada Colau begin

After decades of depoliticization,

all of us, myself included,

have begun to distrust institutional politics

and it's as if everyone who joins institutional politics

does it out of vanity or for the money.

It's a dirty business.

Just by going near it, even if you're a good person,

you're tarnished.

You've fallen, you've joined politics.

You hear that phrase a lot, I get it myself on Twitter.

I try to ignore it because I don't believe it

but it's not easy and sometimes it gets to me.

I don't feel guilty, but I do question myself

about why I've gotten so into politics.

It's a bit… I don't know...

like I'm paranoid.

October 11th, 2014

Open sessions to discuss Guanyem Barcelona's code of ethics

I believe companies should not be allowed

to financially support political activities in any way.

Legally or illegally.

After the campaign, if we win, we will have money.

If not, we'll continue to fight without money as usual.

It's very important to create decision-making spaces

that representatives will be accountable to.

Neighborhood assemblies can't be the only mechanism.

A lot of people can't participate.

My mother can't, she leaves work at 8pm,

has to go shopping, make dinner, look after her grandchildren...

The idea is to create a new space

where people can try to do politics differently.

We've called this confluence.

But now we have to specify what that means.

We need to talk about money, electoral lists

and decide on other important matters.

Of course, we know we don't want things to be carved up

between the parties.

But how will we do it?

Ada Colau, welcome.

The left is often criticized for being fragmented.

How does Guanyem plan to solve that?

I understand you aim to unite

as many people as possible behind your idea.

We can't be divided.

We can't have vote splitting

or low turnout due to voter disenchantment.

Our idea is a citizen platform that doesn't belong to any political party.

Guanyem Barcelona isn't another brand

seeking to compete, it's an offer to join forces,

generously and courageously, to win city hall

and win back Barcelona for the people.

Today Ada Colau and Pablo Iglesias,

the most high-profile anti-establishment leaders,

will negotiate the inclusion of the Podemos party

in the citizen platform Guanyem Barcelona.

Colau's platform is beginning a series of negotiations

with several left-wing political groups.

Their goal: to form a united front

for the upcoming municipal elections.

Pablo! Down here, please.

Ok, let's go inside.

We're here to turn the game of politics on its head

and to ensure that a majority of citizens vote for change,

whatever their background.

It's becoming clearer that a democratic revolution is taking place,

and that citizens are finally at the forefront.

November 7th, 2014

Internal meetings begin at Guanyem to evaluate the negotiations with political parties

We're negotiating, but at the same time

we are the result of that negotiation.

It's a bit complicated...

We are one party in the process

and we are the result of that process.

We could go with the option of Guanyem joining

as one more organization just like the others.

What do we want?

In an ideal world we would just have the logo of Guanyem,

not an alphabet soup.

That's Guanyem!

It's not about party quotas, the list of candidates must be inspiring.

I'm not talking about anti-party prejudice,

but about going back to the original objective of being genuine.

Do we have a plan? I'd like to hear it.

Do we have one or not?

There was a lot of tension because it was becoming clear

that the coming months will be difficult.

The deal that had already been made suddenly fell apart...

The big news is that the real negotiations started this week.

The Realpolitik negotiations.

The ones we haven't got a damn clue about.

And we got a serious wake-up call.

Up until now we've talked about the need to come together,

we've talked about common sense like everyday people,

we've said we need to unite around common goals,

and that our name is not a priority.

But the truth is, parties run like machines.

They need money, quotas...

And they know their stuff when negotiating,

unlike us.

It was a tough blow because our politics

is based on cooperation, not competition,

we're goal-oriented, we want a democratic revolution...

We had absolutely no idea

what we were getting ourselves into.

5 months before the election

December 17th, 2014

Urgent press conference called

Good morning and thank you for coming to this conference

on such short notice.

I will briefly outline the facts,

and Jaume Asens, our lawyer and spokesperson,

will give you more details

and afterwards we'll answer your questions.

We are here to publicly denounce the actions of a fake party

that is trying to steal the name Guanyem,

and that has unexplained links to and receives support from

the Ministry of the Interior.

We registered the association

and the Guanyem Barcelona web domain.

We have this office, we're a constant media presence.

We have the logo.

All of this put together shows that nobody can question

that we are the creators of the Guanyem brand in Barcelona.

We consider this to be backward political thinking.

It's dirty politics, extortion and unfair play.

It doesn't respect the rules of the game.

We knew they wouldn't make it easy for us,

that they would put up obstacles, but we still believe

that truth and consistency will triumph.

I'd throw in the towel right now.

With the experience of the PAH under my belt,

I thought I was ready.

The past five years have been unbelievably intense:

activism 24/7, being the spokesperson, being in the public eye,

confronting the bad guys, the banks, the police, the Popular Party...

They called us terrorists, they threatened our lives.

The media has criminalized us.

I thought that after that level of exposure, I was ready.

But the PAH has something special,

which is magic.

I get emotional when I talk about the PAH.

I miss the PAH.

It's that I'm tired, too.

December 20th, 2014

Christmas party of the Platform for People Affected by Mortgages (PAH) Barcelona

For Ada... Where are you, Ada?

Today you came home for Christmas.

Though we no longer see you so often,

you are with us every day.

We know you'll always be with us.

We love you, Ada.

Adria, where are you? I can't see you.

I'm with the PAH!

I'm with the PAH!

I just want to say

that you know I've gone in a new direction.

At Guanyem things aren't easy.

We're facing very powerful enemies

and we know it's not going to be easy.

-But you can do it! -You can do it!

When I have a bad day at Guanyem,

I remember how hard things were at the PAH in the beginning.

If we achieve even 10% of what the PAH has achieved,

we will have won.

I can't be the Ada I used to be.

When I was at the PAH it was easier to show

the political power that comes from admitting weakness,

contradiction, doubt...

In activism you can do that much more.

Initially I honestly thought this could be carried over into politics

and that it was necessary.

This is something that comes up when we talk about feminizing politics,

That you can be in politics without being a strong, arrogant male

who's ultra-confident, knows the answer to everything,

has no doubts...

There are other ways.

I had the goal of showing that you can be in politics,

aiming to win,

without those characteristics, and with doubts and contradictions

like normal people, and be able to show this

and talk about it openly.

But that doesn't work in politics

because your own people want you to always be there,

to be strong, to lead and to not have any doubts.

January 19th, 2015

Special meeting to ratify the confluence agreement reached with other political groups

After the debate we will vote.

We will vote Yes to the agreement, No to the agreement, or abstain.

The agreement will be considered ratified if there is a two-thirds majority in favor.

Today we vote on the confluence agreements,

that is, if we go ahead or we don't go ahead.

What we're doing here today has never been done before

and many people have dreamed of it for a long time.

The chance to win Barcelona by bringing together many different people

is real and represents hope for a lot of people.

Guanyem is Guanyem, it doesn't belong to anybody

and that needed to be reflected in this list.

Therefore, the number 2 spot will be held by Gerardo Pisarello.

I would have liked the agreement to have taken a different shape.

This is not what I was hoping for.

This isn't my preferred agreement either,

but the parties we wanted to merge with had demands.

If we compare their demands

with the original idea we had for Guanyem,

we have a very good agreement.

I hope that this list is only the visible part

of a larger family that wants to change Barcelona.

We've had a moment of introspection

but now it's time to move on.

We must seal the agreement and start building trust.

We must speak very clearly about the city we want

and about the city we don't want.

All those in favor of the proposal

And those opposed?

10 abstentions

5 oppose

148 in favor

The proposal has therefore been accepted.

Quite a declaration of intent:

In front of city hall, Ada Colau has presented her team

which hopes to govern after the May election.

Her platform, which in the end will be called Barcelona en Comú,

includes members of Guanyem,

Iniciativa per Catalunya, Esquerra Unida i Alternativa,

Podemos and Procés Constituent.

With elections three months away, Colau has assured

Barcelona en Comú is the alternative to the current government of Xavier Trias.

It's like people are asking me to behave like a mayor

and the truth is I haven't thought about it.

I ask myself every day in front of the mirror,

what would a good mayor do or say? How would she look?

That's on the outside, but strange things are also starting to happen

which I guess will increase.

I notice people treat me differently.

People who are close to you approach you

and their friend starts taking photos,

or I begin to get comments from within our organization

that a certain person feels they have no possibilities

of playing an important role in Guanyem

because I haven't given them enough recognition.

Oh, dear.

You start to realize that people are very aware

of the fact that you are, and might become even more so,

a powerful person.

I'd like to use quotation marks but let's not kid ourselves,

we're talking about power.

Protect quality public services, no cuts or privatization,

against an elitist Barcelona run by lobbyists.

Are we really able to change this?

Working conditions and economic problems?

Are we being too bold by proposing this?

Are we really going to change this stuff?

That's the plan of action, isn't it?

The goal is obviously to present the project.

And for Ada to have a brand behind her.

We're going to position Barcelona en Comú.

"Let's Win Barcelona" conveys the message

that we're going to get the city back and we're going to do it together.

Whether we've used it before or not.

Today the name Ada Colau says it all.

Do people know who Barcelona en Comú or Guanyem are?

People know who Ada Colau is.

Do we really know that or are we just assuming?

We know it.

My face already represents change, the PAH, activism, commitment...

The question is whether I'm capable of being Barcelona's mayor.

That's what people don't know.

February 18th, 2015

Presentation of the emergency plan of action for the first months in government.

The platform we're presenting has four lines of action:

the creation of good jobs,

the guarantee of basic rights,

revision of privatization and projects that go against the public interest,

and finally, an internal audit of the institution

to put an end to privileges.

The people of the unequal and unjust city of Xavier Trias and the CIU

will finally have an alternative on May 24th

and that's Barcelona en Comú.

Good evening, Ada Colau.

Thank you very much for being here tonight

to answer our questions about Barcelona en Comú.

With all due respect, you don't have any management experience.

You know about activism, which is totally legitimate...

I have experience with other types of management.

I'm talking about business management.

Barcelona has a €2.5 billion budget, 12,000 public officials...

I listen to you and your ideas

about self-management, neo-communism, etc.

Do you realize the impact they would have on Barcelona,

with the exodus of capital, of investors?

Are you aware that a radical leftist position like yours

would chase away investors?

Is it radically leftist to stop evictions?

To guarantee basic services, healthcare and education?

You know that's not the task of city hall.

It's common sense.

In a city with sufficient resources like Barcelona

it's incomprehensible and an embarrassment for citizens

that a few people are becoming richer and richer

at the expense of an impoverished majority.

That's not radicalism.

-Those are just catchphrases. -No they're not, this is people's reality.

How will you actually manage civil servants?

Xavier Trias or Ada Colau?

One of these two will be mayor of Barcelona

following the May 24th election,

according to a poll by La Vanguardia newspaper.

Let's have a look at the scenario this poll gives.

Trias wins but is weakened.

He gets 11 or 12 councilors, one or two less than he has now.

Ada Colau comes in strongly.

Barcelona en Comú would get 10 representatives.

Today I came with Luca

because my life is crazy

and this week I've been traveling.

I was in Zaragoza and Madrid for conferences,

so Luca hasn't seen me much.

This morning he woke up at 6am

and told me he wanted to be with Mommy

and not go to school.

He was so persistent I saw he really meant it,

so he stayed with Mommy, right?

We're both very tired.

We got up at 6am and we're very sleepy.

Are you sleepy?

3 months before the election

Hello, Rosa Maria?

I'm calling you from Barcelona en Comú.

My name is Eusebio, I'm calling from Barcelona en Comú.

I don't know if you've been in contact with us.

With Ada Colau's party...

It doesn't ring a bell?

We're calling to tell you about a crowdfunding campaign.

As you know,

our goal is to not depend on banks or financial players,

but on the people.

Cintia, Cintia Naka.. Nakatsuka?

My name is Eusebio.

I'm a volunteer calling on behalf of Barcelona en Comú.

We've already raised €40,000

but we need another €40,000 before May 8th.

That's one of the reasons we're calling you.

Would you be willing to help us with a small contribution?

It's great that Marta's doing the press releases now.

-That's me. -You're Marta?

That's fantastic because in the mornings,

when I get to the office, I can work.

Now they're talking about garbage disposal, photos and all.

And I've lost everything!

-What do you mean? -The logistics group sends so many emails,

now I don't know when the meeting is!

March 2nd, 2015

First campaign committee meeting

Trias has been around four years, people like him.

A month ago I thought defeating the CIU would be really difficult.

Now, with the polls, and the CIU getting nervous,

I think we have a chance.

Abstainers are a problem for us

but some abstainers are chronic cases

and they're very difficult to mobilize.

Let's not get obsessed with getting everyone to vote.

But then there are occasional abstainers

who vote in some elections.

It's important that these voters know about us,

that Podemos and Ada are involved, that there's a new option.

I think that will appeal to them.

They need to know it's worth getting involved in this election.

Ada needs to talk like a mayor, not an activist.

I think we have to make a clear shift.

-I've noticed a change. -Yes, me too.

Now that she's doing the press conferences...

How did we get so far?

I agree we should develop strategies and not behave like idiots.

But if we give up our strongest weapon in the name of strategy,

and then we fail,

we'll never forgive ourselves.

It's about consistency.

We know how to do what we know how to do.

When we talk about changing politics

we're not just talking about institutions, but about everything:

about how a party works,

how to participate,

how to run election campaigns...

We're dealing with some tension right now.

I will fight to maintain our unique voice and style.

We can't give in to the idea

that campaigns have always been run like this so we must conform.

That way doesn't work anymore.

We have to invent a new kind of campaigning.

But we have little time and it's risky to experiment

when so much is at stake.

-In the squares -In the squares

-In the houses -In the houses

-In the bars -In the bars

The buzz

We have more power

The buzz is defending the common good

The buzz is defending the common good

The buzz in the streets

The buzz in the squares

The buzz in the bars

The buzz is defending the common good

Ordinary people, everyday people,

honest people...

We have the power!

When this comes out, we'll be taking a risk.

It might be a big hit,

or the media might say we're being frivolous.

It's a matter of whether it goes viral or not,

and we can't know that.

We can only guess.

April 17th, 2015

Pre-campaign events begin

I am very pleased to hand over the mic to two people

who need no introduction:

the Great Wyoming and Ada Colau.

A year ago who would have thought I'd be on stage

with the Great Wyoming in front of so many people?

You've reached the top, Ada.

Now I can die.

Only becoming mayor surpasses this.

We need to be conscious of the power that citizens have.

Citizens are the ones who build things.

All the monuments tourists come to admire were built by people.

Everything around us: these chairs, the microphone...

We create it all.

We must be active witnesses and authors of our own history.

We must write it, no matter what.

We must share the responsibility, no one will do it for us.

We've got a ton of work to do, wonderful and exciting work

but which requires everyone to contribute what they can.

It's in our hands, it's just a matter of going for it.

Something that still happens to me is that

people tell me,

"you're such a good speaker",

"you're so brave",

"you're a natural",

but I see myself as if I were another person.

It's not me.

Ever since I was little

I thought I was weird, different...

My parents were hippies.

I did go to a progressive school with other children of hippies,

but I still became friends with the child of the biggest hippies

because we understood what went on at home.

But there was a disconnect between how the world worked

and what went on at home.

I got used to being the odd one, the different one,

the one who thinks and says unusual things.

I created my own little world.

My parents separated when I was three.

There are a number of reasons I may have been a shy child,

always in my room with my treasured books.

Even when I was really small, I was so strange,

I asked for the Larousse Encyclopedic Dictionary for Christmas.

I got it. I was so happy, and I still have it.

My hobby was looking up words in the dictionary

and then underlining them.

Afterwards I would look over all those words

and give myself tests to see if I remembered what they meant.

I'd better stop talking because I sound like a total freak!

But all things considered,

one could see why I was shy when I was little.

A bit odd and a bit shy.

But now I'm the public face of a platform

that wants to win an election in Barcelona.

So my image becomes an important and collective issue.

My colleagues told me, very tactfully,

that we'd have to take campaign photos

and we'd have to "work on my image".

That's how they put it.

I tend to just comb it back.

I'd like it if my hair were easier to style

but I'm a hopeless case.

I just can't be bothered.

Now what do we do? We're going?

-With this shirt?! -No, of course not.

I'd say no to all the red ones.

Some of them are good.

You could suggest a few for them to choose from.

Yes, let's pick a couple from each set.

We have 45 days

to either position a brand or a candidate.

It can't be both.

Our idea for solving the double slogan problem

is to create a logo with "Ada Colau Mayor"

to go with the main slogan "Let's Win Barcelona".

There's another photo that I like better, where she's smiling,

but it's more natural.

I have no opinion on this.

We're going to print 600,000 or 1.2 million of these photos.

It's an important issue.

What's the problem with Ada's face being on the ballot?

I don't understand.

Parties have been saying up until now

that the logo goes on the ballot.

Why should we have to do that if we can achieve our goal

by putting Ada's face on the ballot?

To me it screams personality cult, hierarchy,

and it doesn't reflect our discourse

of working together and collectively.

Putting this face here reinforces the idea that this is

"Ada Colau and her fans".

That's how it is.

This image solidifies the idea that this project is based on one person.

She is the greatest asset we have to win this city.

We have to take advantage of it and use this symbol.

Ada is not just a person,

she's a symbol that encompasses many values that can lead us to victory.

It's an element that we've used constantly.

Why the fuss about her face being on the ballot?

The day we make this logo public,

we anticipate the attacks by saying,

"we're not a personality cult,

we're a collective project, we're Barcelona en Comú,

but our name was stolen

and we're strategically putting Ada's face on the ballot".

It's just a communication tool and we have to use everything we have.

If we want to win...

-Have you come with Adria? -No, but Manu's here.

April 22nd, 2015

Series of talks with the mayoral candidates

Ada Colau, today we are one month and two days away

from you challenging Xavier Trias's incumbency,

according to the polls.

I'd like to talk about some news that came out yesterday

which some might find surprising.

You've always tried to avoid

becoming the center of a personality cult.

This is a good stance,

but it seems to contradict what we read yesterday

about your photo appearing on the ballot.

You criticize old-school politics for its cult of personality

but now you're taking part in it.

Who would have thought?

When there was the controversy with Pablo Iglesias

and Podemos when they ran for the European Parliament

and decided to put Pablo Iglesias's face on the ballot,

I was among those who criticized it.

I didn't understand how they could create a party

in such a short a time, centered on one public figure,

and even put his face on the ballot.

You know I think politics needs leaders.

There's a price to pay when everyone wants Ada Colau.

Will this overshadow the project?

It's not true that people only expect me to be a face.

Not even those within our organization.

People expect me to show authority,

and that includes the insiders who promote the idea

that I'm only the face of collective values and new ways of working.

When there's tension, my own people say to me,

"solve this, you have the final say".

But Manu, if they came to a function or to our office...

I don't agree.

Let's not go in there like fools.

We're going in blindly, with no fucking idea what to expect.

A serious party can't act like this.

We have to go as a group

and decide together where I should be,

so I don't end up at the mercy of the media.

That's what we have to do.

I agree we should go and take control of the situation.

That's what we've been saying the whole time.

So what? Now you've convinced me.

It's about time!

Some days are really hard.

Especially because lately I see Luca very little.

and that's starting to put me in a bad mood.

20 days before the election

On this 8th of May the election campaign is now underway.

The CIU kicked off its campaign in the neighborhood of Guinardo.

The party is lead by Xavier Trias for the fourth time,

but this is his first campaign as incumbent.

Whatever the polls say, don't believe them.

We will win!

Jaume Collboni defended the PSC's track record

and declared it the only left-wing party capable of governing.

Vote for the socialists! Vote for the PSC!

With this gesture the ERC candidates marked the start

of a race they believe will affect the future of the country

and strengthen Barcelona as the Catalan capital.

Whoever says Barcelona's role as a capital city is not important

hasn't done the math.

Barcelona en Comú and the CIU were the favorite targets for criticism

from the PP's Alberto Fernandez Diaz.

Xavier Trias wants independence for Catalonia,

I want a Barcelona independent from separatism

and from anti-establishment outsiders like Ada Colau and Pablo Iglesias.

Her candidature has caused upheaval in Barcelona's political arena.

Some polls have her leading,

while others put her in second place.

Clearly this is going to be an intense campaign.

I know some of you are keen to ask questions and take part

and that you represent important sectors of the city

that will be affected by the outcome on May 24th.

During the... interrogation...

Excuse me, the discussion! I will hand the mic over to you.

I must admit that when I first saw the notice for my event

carrying the logo of a financial institution,

I felt a certain unease.

But Barcelona en Comú is an inclusive party

that wants to give this city a government for everyone.

We're asking for a policy of rights.

Aside from housing, there are public utilities,

10% of residents suffer from energy poverty which is unacceptable.

At the same time, we need to create jobs,

and combat the rise of job insecurity.

I'll speed up.

There are two unfinished tramway lines that need to be completed.

And finally, since you'd probably like to finish your breakfast...

Culture is a clear priority,

It's a distinctive feature of this city.

Barcelona has great cultural wealth...

I don't need to prepare such long scripts.

Two pages max. The rest she fills in herself.

I got home at 10pm and found the 10 pages he'd sent me.

And without a printer. What did you expect me to do?

I'm growing into the role

yet I'm afraid of losing touch with reality

which is what happens to career politicians.

I empathize with them a bit now.

I don't want to be like them

or turn into what we consider to be a career politician,

but I understand them better.

If every day you talk about different subjects,

in different places, with different people,

it's hard to stay connected to reality, with your feet on the ground,

and truly feel everything that you say and do.

But I can't do politics any other way.

These have been counted.

We're well on track.

Tomorrow morning I can be here.

Looking good! What do you think?

His name is Mariano, Mariano Barril Gracia.

96 years old.

Former member of the POUM.

Tourism is one of Barcelona's main assets.

The problem is it's out of control.

There's a way to say,

"we will promote sustainable tourism and manage it"

without the "but..."

Nobody should be having days off.

Don't say you have days off because you don't.

There's always something to do.

OK, quickly before I take off:

there are two new posts on Facebook, one on feminism...

You have to look at the cause of the problem,

and in Barcelona the main cause of pollution

is private vehicles.

I wanted to show you what I received yesterday:

a letter from Ada Colau, addressed to Ada Colau.

It's funny.

We are at my home in the midst of the electoral battle.

We can't do the video confessionals like we used to

because this is truly a war

with a ton of appointments every day.

I barely have time to get dressed.

May 8th, 2015

First election debate

The five candidates will now come out for photos.

One piece of news is that I have now done two real debates.

If I'm not interested in something,

my attention lapses and you notice it immediately.

I've caught myself thinking,

"none of this is real".

Being in a debate on live TV and getting depressed

is the opposite of a winning strategy.

May 14th, 2015

Second election debate

To begin,

what model do you propose for the city?

Afterwards we will talk about what needs to be improved.

The city must respond to the needs of the people.

A place where people can live with all basic rights guaranteed.

A Barcelona that focuses on the people

in order to guarantee their basic rights to housing, education, healthcare...

They're all men who are on top of the situation,

have answers for everything,

agree on everything.

They're against poverty, for democracy, against corruption...

All of them agree on everything.

What is your relationship outside of the debates?

-It's wonderful. -Excellent.

I didn't know them, we met at the debates.

It's important to maintain good relationships.

Every time I've gone to a debate,

I've felt like an intruder, but without any desire to be accepted.

I've felt certain that I do not want to be part of their world.

I'm an animal, always have been.

I read three or four of yours at once, they were all quite good.

Mine was the gentlest.

He said I was insane.

He said something great about you, too.

He's always joking.

He's always got something to say.

Sometimes it's funny, sometimes not so much.

But he's a good guy.

I said you're hilarious, insane... You know, like off the wall!

I'm super pro-independence,

he's always saying things like that.

The separatist mayor.

I don't say separatist, I prefer pro-independence.

I've got to get my phone.

It's no longer just about budging in,

about crashing the party.

And we have crashed it.

Now we want to change the dance.

We want it to be our dance.

The only thing I've had time to think,

because they make it so fast-paced you can't think,

is that I want to be outside of city hall.

Inside the institution as little as possible,

and in the streets, talking to people,

and moving around as much as possible.

Because if you stay within the beautiful corridors of city hall,

with its stunning rooms,

with these men who have everything figured out

and who say all the right things,

where there are a lot of people who are used to things

always working the same way,

and where there is only one correct type of discourse,

even if you come in full force,

if you don't disregard the rules of the game,

the rules will beat you.

Are you sure I wasn't more useful where I was,

in the streets, together with thousands of allies,

fighting for our rights?

Was it necessary to take this step?

But then, after the debates,

the sleepless nights, the exhaustion,

I come to a square like this one,

full of people like you,

and my spirits are lifted!

Not only do we want equality for Barcelona,

we want it to be a model for the world.

A city capable of producing cultural change

that gives rise to new possibilities.

In the neighborhoods of Ciutat Meridiana and Nou Barris

people have been asking for justice, not charity.

What is Barcelona en Comú

and the experience behind our proposal?

There is real change taking place.

It's real because it comes from below.

It's perfectly viable. It's a question of political will.

That's why we need a party like ours led by citizens.

Until recently it was unthinkable to have an election

and not be able to predict the result.

There have been polls, there's a lot of excitement,

you can feel it in the air,

There's a buzz that keeps growing...

7 days before the election

We could talk about social services, housing...

But if they bring up separatism,

when you respond...

I voted Yes because we're at an impasse with the state

and I believe in the right to self-determination.

The arrogance of the PP motivated me to vote Yes.

In the next election, it depends.

If the rules are changed through a democratic process with no corruption,

I might vote Yes again.

If the CIU monopolizes the process

and uses the people to cover up its corruption,

I'd vote No.

When you answer, bring up another topic and say,

"I'd also like to talk about..."

"Colau's husband formerly on board with members accused of corruption"

Let me see that!

What site is this? They're left-wing separatists.

-You weren't on the board. -Obviously not! Give it back.

I want to respond.

Yes, but calm down first.

Breathe for a minute and think about the best possible comeback.

-My battery's dying. -Don't worry Adria, I have a charger.

You're terrifying with that hair.

They can't see my hair.

But I can!

"As the foundation will verify,

I am responsible for technical duties,

and was never on the board. Thank you."

Thank you for what?


Responsible is spelled ible or able?



Meanwhile on the campaign trail,

Barcelona is clearly split

between Xavier Trias and Ada Colau.

And if it was already looking this way,

today Xavier Trias made it official.

The polls have shown that one of them will become mayor,

but now Trias has made a plea to concentrate the votes

in order to avoid surprises.

Please, if we don't concentrate the votes,

others will.

We could get a big surprise that nobody wants.

Tonight at 10pm TV3 and Catalunya Radio

will broadcast the final debate.

May 20th, 2015

Preparation for the final debate

We're proposing something that is done in other European cities

which is a municipal credit union.

But they really know how to twist our words.

We're talking about supporting local business.

They're going to try to provoke you. They'll interrupt you.

Even before bringing up local business,

which sounds like beating around the bush,

I'd say, "we will investigate a measure

that has been successful throughout Europe".

Topic and solution. You already know it all.

I'd do criticism and solution.

Inequality: the emergency plan.

Unemployment and job insecurity: the quality seal.

Evictions and rent: social housing.

Plus food subsidies and healthcare.

I'd do it differently.

Instead of a list of things,

I'd think about the people who are watching us.

-OK, let's make a list. -The elderly.

-Women. -The middle class.

The middle class.

I'd go for green like Carmena the other day.

And Espe was in red, like the anti-eviction protesters.

She has to look nice.

Why not the white with the grey?

It looks good on her.

Come, Ada. I want to show you something.

For the debate...

Dear, dear Ada,

Today you have a very important debate.

We know you have very good male advisers

but you also need the very best female advisers.

That's us!

Speak slowly.

Wear a cool color.

Red or green.

Like the anti-eviction protesters!

Cheerful and spring-like.

And don't bite your nails!

And the hair, Ada, the hair.

Natural... and mussed!

Forget the cameras.

And most importantly,

be yourself, Ada.

Forget about the whole spiel.

You know what you're talking about.

If you hesitate,

or they try to make you nervous,

remember the first eviction we stopped,

the first assemblies,

that "criminal"

that arose from within you.

Remember how I joined the PAH,

and how I couldn't stop crying.

Think of the strength and hope you've given us.

You taught us how to be brave.

Now it's our turn to remind you

that you are not alone.

When you speak, we all speak.

Ada, today we can.

Go, Ada.

Darn you!

-Everybody's here. -Yes, we're all here.

-How are you? -Fine, you?

You have to go now.


You and two advisers.

We'll begin with your model for the city.

What's been said is that you don't listen to the community.

Yes, I do. All day long.

You practice a kind of demagoguery that soils everything.

You always talk about participation,

but you've rejected all public consultations.

The consultation on the luxury harbor

was rejected by you and the PP.

You talk about dialogue but you don't do it.

Great, Ada!

Ms. Colau, you talk a lot,

but say nothing.

I've told you already,

your discourse sounds sophisticated not because it's sensible

but because it's Venezuelan.

See how you interrupt?

You're used to Venezuelan and Cuban totalitarianism.

You and Pablo Iglesias love it.

It turns you on!

You talk about immigrants as if they weren't people,

like they're second-class citizens, you criminalize them.

But they're our neighbors

and they've contributed to the growth of this city

as much or more than you have.

They can't be deprived of healthcare and basic rights.

You don't want immigrants to respect the law like we do?

Why don't you start with your party?

Why aren't you concerned about your party disobeying the law and stealing?

Well done, Ada!

The other day I spoke with a Buddhist I know

and he gave me some advice that I think will be useful.

He said that in tense situations-

and during campaigns practically all are,

especially in debates with rivals looking for confrontation-

I should tell myself this Buddhist phrase:

I'm sorry, I forgive you, I love you, thank you.

This helps you to relax and be at peace with yourself.

Last one: Do you see yourself or not?

As mayor? Of course, now I do.

It hasn't been easy, but now I do.

Because the other parties see me as mayor.

They're hysterical, attacking us all day long

because they see we have a chance.

I can see myself because we have an amazing organization

that does miracles and works so hard.

The others haven't achieved what they want

despite all their money, connections and administrative knowledge.

Meanwhile, we were setting ourselves up for defeat,

and now we're like warriors gaining serious ground.

Final campaign event

Yes we can!

I've spoken in public many times now,

but this turnout today is very impressive.

As a woman, daughter, mother, partner and friend,

and with the greatest humility but also deep determination,

because I know what's at stake on May 24th,

I'm telling you that I want to be the next mayor of Barcelona.

Yes we can! Yes we can!

1 day before the election

10 months have passed since we started.

It feels like a lot more, with everything that's happened,

and the emotional turbulence.

It's been a roller-coaster,

we thought we were going to crash, that it was impossible,

that we were too chaotic to be able to do it.

But then we saw that we could do it,

and now we might win.

We don't know, but we might win.

I know for a fact that there are a lot of people

who are really hoping for this victory.

No matter what, the responsibility is huge.

But I don't have the slightest doubt

that we did what we had to do.

May 24th, 2015

Election day

"Provocations", "Outrageous",

"The news is not all good"...

Shoot, our ID...

-It would be just like us to forget them. -Do you have yours?

I'll check.

Many people are wishing us luck.

Let's go!

-Well done! I hope you win. -We'll see! Thank you!

Well done! We'll show up with a trumpet!

Election night

That's perfect!

We'll see if Ada Colau's coalition pulls through,

a coalition that includes Iniciativa per Catalunya Greens...

We'll go to Nuria and Carles now

so they can fill us in.

Starting in Barcelona, where only 1.5% of votes have been counted

Ada Colau is currently winning.

We mustn't get ahead of ourselves,

but Ada Colau is in the lead.

We're winning by a landslide in Lower Guinardo.

The CUP has 4! And voter turnout is up.

This could lead to a historic result.

It would mean a rise to power in Barcelona

and new leadership in city hall.

Yes we can! Yes we can!

Keep calm, let's be cautious.

-We've got new data. -The CIU gets 1 for a total of 9.

Barcelona en Comú stays at 12.

-The CIU is up 1. -Of course!

This'll be heart-stopping!

Have a look at the tally as it has changed.

You can see it now, with 87.5% of votes counted.

It's a very tight race: Barcelona en Comú 11, the CIU 10.

It's still very tight in Barcelona,

with almost 90% of votes counted.

90% already.

I'm going to have a heart attack.

My god!

94%! My god this is crazy.

Could we have some silence, please?

-Trias is calling me. -Call from Xavier Trias!


How are you?

How is it going?

Thank you very much.

Yes, indeed, it's been a tough contest.

Alright, well thank you very much.

Of course.


Great, thank you for calling.

Take care. Bye.

Yes we can! Yes we can!

Yes we can! Yes we can!

Mayor! Mayor!

You made this happen!

Thank you for proving that nothing is impossible!

That normal people from low-income neighborhoods

without money, influence or power,

can organize and win!

Yes we can! Yes we can!

June 13h, 2015

Swearing-in ceremony

In accordance with these results,

and with the candidate Ms. Ada Colau Ballano

having obtained 21 votes,

an absolute majority of the city council,

the presidency hereby proclaims councilor Ada Colau

mayor-elect of Barcelona.

Mayor! Mayor!

Let us never forget who we are or why we are here.

For more infomation >> 2019 | ALCALDESSA | Documental sobre Ada Colau | Pel·lícula completa + Subtítols - Duration: 1:25:26.


20.000 l/h River Stream Flow Tank Aquarium - Double Bottom Aquascape explained - Duration: 11:35.

hey guys - what's up welcome to a new video

in this video as you can see behind me I'm here at Sebastian his place and we're filming the

I dont know, kind of update for you

You've been asking how is the whole hardware working? What is in the bottom part of the tank?

Like in this double bottom, how is the flow working?

What filter is he using? The Light, the Co2 basically all the hardware of this aquarium

and it's gonna be probably another video I will show you how the plants have developed

and now without any further ado let's go over to Sebastian

and check out all the hardware part

Okay guys, by now you know how it works I will go behind the camera and ask Sebastian

the questions about the tank. By the way, all the questions that you have submitted

within the community tab and on my Instagram channel and I guess

I got a couple from Facebook as well

Here we have from a German brand AquaGrow: DIY LED bars

you can put them together with the controller

and then you have up to six channels to change the color you like

it's customizable, you can choose from different colors or RGB LED bars

and then with the controller, you can adjust them

the wiring you have to do by your own

so you have the cables running out from the LED bars

to the controller and you have to match them in the controller on the right direction

and then plugging in power supply and it works

its really easy,

but some guy with "two left hands" I don't know... but the most common guys can handle this

This is a custom build tank from Aquarienbau Emmel.

We have here a fake bottom and here's the real bottom

and between there are some support with glass

so that the water can run through it

on one side we have a strong pump from seawater aquaristics

who sucks in one side the water and pump it through all the double bottom

on the other side where the water comes out

so this generates

circular laminar flow, like in the nature.

You have a river from one side to the other side the flow is coming

and here is the same. So it's really natural.

On the two sides

I've tried on my own, to make some support for the fish.

That the fish didn't start suck into the pump on the bottom layer

but the flow was not good, it was really terrible.

And then I contacted Panta Rhei,

because this whole project is do-it-yourself

with a lot of help from the aquarium builder

and Panta Rhei was so nice to print for me

the original protection for each side

for that there's enough flow coming through this, but it's small enough to hold on the fish

and give the fish safety that they didn't go to the pump

the tank is 150 centimeters long we have a depth of 45 centimeters

and the overall size from bottom to the high are 35 centimeters

and the double fake bottom is round about 10 centimeters, 11 centimeters where it sits

so we have only 21 centimeters from the bottom to the waterline

and I think it's really natural

total volume 236 liters

236 and I guess about 1/3 you can deduct, because of the double bottom

scaping purpose, yeah of course maybe 180/170 liters

the marine pump should get 20,000 liters per hour when it runs on 100%

now we have 40%

because of the fish are new and not every plant is really sitting strong on the hardscape

Okay, so this is round about 100 times turnover of the aquarium!

Why doesn't it look like everything is flushed away and the sand is not flushed away?!

The hardscape is glued together

and I think of the height of the water line

so you can see it here you have in the upper part of the water

you have more strength from the flow

and if you go lower it's less strength

it sucks it on the whole dimension the whole depth of the tank, it sucks the water on

and then pump it through the double bottom and raise out on the other side

and on the whole depth of the aquarium, not only a small spot like in most cases of a pump

on the whole aquarium, it rises up and then it's make some small waves, curves

and on the whole side, it pushes the whole volume of the tank.

So this is the reason, why not everything is flushed away.

It's possible to raise the mesh on both sides,

but in most cases

if there's a little bit dirt, something else,

power up the pump, and the dirt comes back up again on the other side

and there's a canister filter also sitting, who sucks up the dirt

and it's sitting in the normal filter

and then power off the pump,

make some water change like everything, clean the window, cut the plants.

So guys now we know how the whole structure works, if not - check out the Panta Rhei video.

I will link it up here, it also explains it once again

Guys, now it's time to dive deeper into the cabinet

and see the real hardware underneath the aquarium

basically what is there? Co2, canister filter?

yeah, Co2, canister filter, LED controller, pump controller

okay let's check it out

so here's the first side, magic light, it's from IKEA

and this is a external filter

Tetra EX 1200, I choose it because of the huge volume to put 3 or 4

parts with Sera Siporax, good structure for bacteria, some sponge, filter wool

and the last is Seachem Purigen. It's perfect for the tannins from the driftwood

here in this side, this is for the air pump,

this is for the other aquariums for my daughters

let's move on to the other side

here we have pressurized dual stage co2, 2 kg bottle,

here we can turn off the co2 at night

last chamber

so, we have here the LED controller from -AquaGrow

and you see it, it's the cords coming from the LED bars and then you have to plug in at the right direction

so you can use every channel of the controller

and here on the left side, it's for the pump controller

how strong, maybe you want to feed, or something else, you can make some short break

this was the first try of the mesh, to protect the pump and the fish,

but you see, there's too much material here, so the flow wasn't good

move on to the DIY cabinet I build it completely on my own.

it's a strong wooden structure as a frame. It's a little bit like a German "Fachwerk" house

a lot of the wood is coming from the left to the right, from the front to the back

to support the whole structure

on the outside we have some nice wood, painted

the inside and the outside really nice

and this is a special slide

so it's really heavy support, for big stones hardscape, or when you do maintenance

I used round about 400 screws to support it, a lot of wooden glue

it's really strong for much much bigger aquarium but...

I'm German - Safety's first! 😃👍

this is it guys, I hope we covered all of your questions

if we didn't - please apologize, make use of the comment section down below

I will check, Sebastian might check as well

and if necessary, we will just make another Q&A video, just for you

to make sure we get all your questions answered 😉

and as always if you like this video don't forget to hit the like button 👍

smash this little bell 🛎 so you get notified, every time I put out a new video


we're gonna see you in the next video 😆

For more infomation >> 20.000 l/h River Stream Flow Tank Aquarium - Double Bottom Aquascape explained - Duration: 11:35.


CONSEGUIMOS e vocês tem total participação nisso :) - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> CONSEGUIMOS e vocês tem total participação nisso :) - Duration: 6:35.


7 English Phrases You Should Know To Be A Great Guest. English Speaking Lesson | Learn English - Duration: 10:13.

For more infomation >> 7 English Phrases You Should Know To Be A Great Guest. English Speaking Lesson | Learn English - Duration: 10:13.


Das alles verrät der "Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw"-Trailer - Aktuelle Nachrichten - Duration: 1:39.

Es wird wieder mal schnell und spektakulär! Im Fast & Furious-Spin-off "Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw" begeistern Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (46) und Jason Statham (51) endlich wieder gemeinsam mit reichlich Muckis und rasanten Actionszenen

Diesmal geht es jedoch nicht vor allem um schnelle Autos, sondern um eine überraschende Zweckbeziehung

Auch wenn der Film erst im August in die Kinos kommt, können sich Fans schon jetzt freuen: Der neue Trailer verspricht eine Menge Action!Bösewicht Brixton – gespielt von Idris Elba (46) – bedroht die Zukunft der Menschheit und zwingt somit die beiden Erzfeinde Hobbs und Shaw, sich zu verbünden und ihn gemeinsam zu bekämpfen

Die Charaktere der Hollywood-Superstars sind von ihrem besonderen Auftrag zuerst natürlich wenig begeistert, willigen dann aber ein und bilden schlussendlich ein unschlagbares Team

Jason und Dwayne wären nicht zwei der beliebtesten Actiondarsteller der Traumfabrik, wenn es nicht auch in ihrem neuen gemeinsamen Film ordentlich krachen würde: Der neue Streifen bietet wieder jede Menge actiongeladene Kampfszenen, viele Muskeln und ab und zu natürlich auch den ein oder anderen schicken Flitzer

Wie gefällt euch der neueste Trailer? Stimmt in der Umfrage ab!

For more infomation >> Das alles verrät der "Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw"-Trailer - Aktuelle Nachrichten - Duration: 1:39.


20.000 l/h River Stream Flow Tank Aquarium - Double Bottom Aquascape explained - Duration: 11:35.

hey guys - what's up welcome to a new video

in this video as you can see behind me I'm here at Sebastian his place and we're filming the

I dont know, kind of update for you

You've been asking how is the whole hardware working? What is in the bottom part of the tank?

Like in this double bottom, how is the flow working?

What filter is he using? The Light, the Co2 basically all the hardware of this aquarium

and it's gonna be probably another video I will show you how the plants have developed

and now without any further ado let's go over to Sebastian

and check out all the hardware part

Okay guys, by now you know how it works I will go behind the camera and ask Sebastian

the questions about the tank. By the way, all the questions that you have submitted

within the community tab and on my Instagram channel and I guess

I got a couple from Facebook as well

Here we have from a German brand AquaGrow: DIY LED bars

you can put them together with the controller

and then you have up to six channels to change the color you like

it's customizable, you can choose from different colors or RGB LED bars

and then with the controller, you can adjust them

the wiring you have to do by your own

so you have the cables running out from the LED bars

to the controller and you have to match them in the controller on the right direction

and then plugging in power supply and it works

its really easy,

but some guy with "two left hands" I don't know... but the most common guys can handle this

This is a custom build tank from Aquarienbau Emmel.

We have here a fake bottom and here's the real bottom

and between there are some support with glass

so that the water can run through it

on one side we have a strong pump from seawater aquaristics

who sucks in one side the water and pump it through all the double bottom

on the other side where the water comes out

so this generates

circular laminar flow, like in the nature.

You have a river from one side to the other side the flow is coming

and here is the same. So it's really natural.

On the two sides

I've tried on my own, to make some support for the fish.

That the fish didn't start suck into the pump on the bottom layer

but the flow was not good, it was really terrible.

And then I contacted Panta Rhei,

because this whole project is do-it-yourself

with a lot of help from the aquarium builder

and Panta Rhei was so nice to print for me

the original protection for each side

for that there's enough flow coming through this, but it's small enough to hold on the fish

and give the fish safety that they didn't go to the pump

the tank is 150 centimeters long we have a depth of 45 centimeters

and the overall size from bottom to the high are 35 centimeters

and the double fake bottom is round about 10 centimeters, 11 centimeters where it sits

so we have only 21 centimeters from the bottom to the waterline

and I think it's really natural

total volume 236 liters

236 and I guess about 1/3 you can deduct, because of the double bottom

scaping purpose, yeah of course maybe 180/170 liters

the marine pump should get 20,000 liters per hour when it runs on 100%

now we have 40%

because of the fish are new and not every plant is really sitting strong on the hardscape

Okay, so this is round about 100 times turnover of the aquarium!

Why doesn't it look like everything is flushed away and the sand is not flushed away?!

The hardscape is glued together

and I think of the height of the water line

so you can see it here you have in the upper part of the water

you have more strength from the flow

and if you go lower it's less strength

it sucks it on the whole dimension the whole depth of the tank, it sucks the water on

and then pump it through the double bottom and raise out on the other side

and on the whole depth of the aquarium, not only a small spot like in most cases of a pump

on the whole aquarium, it rises up and then it's make some small waves, curves

and on the whole side, it pushes the whole volume of the tank.

So this is the reason, why not everything is flushed away.

It's possible to raise the mesh on both sides,

but in most cases

if there's a little bit dirt, something else,

power up the pump, and the dirt comes back up again on the other side

and there's a canister filter also sitting, who sucks up the dirt

and it's sitting in the normal filter

and then power off the pump,

make some water change like everything, clean the window, cut the plants.

So guys now we know how the whole structure works, if not - check out the Panta Rhei video.

I will link it up here, it also explains it once again

Guys, now it's time to dive deeper into the cabinet

and see the real hardware underneath the aquarium

basically what is there? Co2, canister filter?

yeah, Co2, canister filter, LED controller, pump controller

okay let's check it out

so here's the first side, magic light, it's from IKEA

and this is a external filter

Tetra EX 1200, I choose it because of the huge volume to put 3 or 4

parts with Sera Siporax, good structure for bacteria, some sponge, filter wool

and the last is Seachem Purigen. It's perfect for the tannins from the driftwood

here in this side, this is for the air pump,

this is for the other aquariums for my daughters

let's move on to the other side

here we have pressurized dual stage co2, 2 kg bottle,

here we can turn off the co2 at night

last chamber

so, we have here the LED controller from -AquaGrow

and you see it, it's the cords coming from the LED bars and then you have to plug in at the right direction

so you can use every channel of the controller

and here on the left side, it's for the pump controller

how strong, maybe you want to feed, or something else, you can make some short break

this was the first try of the mesh, to protect the pump and the fish,

but you see, there's too much material here, so the flow wasn't good

move on to the DIY cabinet I build it completely on my own.

it's a strong wooden structure as a frame. It's a little bit like a German "Fachwerk" house

a lot of the wood is coming from the left to the right, from the front to the back

to support the whole structure

on the outside we have some nice wood, painted

the inside and the outside really nice

and this is a special slide

so it's really heavy support, for big stones hardscape, or when you do maintenance

I used round about 400 screws to support it, a lot of wooden glue

it's really strong for much much bigger aquarium but...

I'm German - Safety's first! 😃👍

this is it guys, I hope we covered all of your questions

if we didn't - please apologize, make use of the comment section down below

I will check, Sebastian might check as well

and if necessary, we will just make another Q&A video, just for you

to make sure we get all your questions answered 😉

and as always if you like this video don't forget to hit the like button 👍

smash this little bell 🛎 so you get notified, every time I put out a new video


we're gonna see you in the next video 😆

For more infomation >> 20.000 l/h River Stream Flow Tank Aquarium - Double Bottom Aquascape explained - Duration: 11:35.


YENİ TEHLİKE SALGIN HASTALIKLAR - Mutant Virüs ve Zombi - Duration: 11:23.

For more infomation >> YENİ TEHLİKE SALGIN HASTALIKLAR - Mutant Virüs ve Zombi - Duration: 11:23.


Opening SAO : Alicization Lirik Indonesia | ADAMAS - LISA - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Opening SAO : Alicization Lirik Indonesia | ADAMAS - LISA - Duration: 3:44.


Sonay Di Chori || Wajid Ali Baghdadi || Latest Punjabi And Saraiki Song 2019 || New Saraiki 2019 - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> Sonay Di Chori || Wajid Ali Baghdadi || Latest Punjabi And Saraiki Song 2019 || New Saraiki 2019 - Duration: 7:30.


Watercoloured Florals - Duration: 8:39.

For more infomation >> Watercoloured Florals - Duration: 8:39.


10 Clever Closet Systems Worth Copying - Duration: 9:47.

How many times do you reorganize your closet in a month due to its messy look?

If you've done it for countless time,

it means you need to fix your closet system soon.

Fixing your closet system is crucial

because it can help you keep your clothes organized for a longer period of time.

And to do this, you need to check these clever closet systems worth copying.

No matter what size your closet is whether small or large these closet

systems will work like a charm. Next, this is 10 Clever Closet Systems you can copy and try

listed by

10. DIY Wooden Closet with Galvanized Pipes Making a perfect closet system doesn't have

to be arduous. You can make one in just a day or even a couple of hours depending on

your skills. To make this awesome closet, you need to get

lumber. You can save more bucks if you've got some in your storage room. But if you

don't have any, you can get it at hardware store for about $120. You will also need pipes

and screws. The first thing you need to do is building

4 leg supports. Make sure each leg support has to be placed every 3 feet to prevent it

from sagging. But if your closet is pretty tight, you can shorten the legs a few inches

so that the closet system can fit in. After cutting and threading the shelving boards

to the bottom and top shelf, you can install the galvanized pipes to hang your clothes.

Not that hard, right?

9. Closet Shelves with Fabric Storage Cubes on A Budget

This closet system will be a great project for your weekend. It is easy to make and inexpensive.

You only need to make the cube shelves out of a sheet of MDF cut into 14" strips, 1x2

pine boards, finishing nails, caulk, and wood filler.

The first thing you need to do is attaching three MDF cuttings on the wall. To make it

sturdier, add 1x2 boards as the supports and nail them into the studs on each side wall.

Then, you can make the cubie dividers from MDF that has been cut into the size you need.

To perfect the look, add poplar facing. And for the storage cubes, you can make them

from cardboard to save more time. But if it doesn't fit in your shelves, you can use

foam boards to make some cubes. Then wrap the cubes with fabric of your choice, and

secure the fabric using spray adhesive. 8. Expandable and Adjustable Shelf

Wire closet system is a top-notch choice if you want to get your clothes organized without

breaking a sweat. These closet systems come in various sizes and designs depending on

the brand that you will purchase. All brands are installed by attaching the

kits on the wall. Then, you can set up the rods and shelves to any height you want. That's

what makes it wonderful. And some brands also feature divider or drawer cube.

7. Plumbing Pipe Closet Organizer If you are a big fan of the industrial look

of steampunk style, try incorporating these shelves in your closet system. The good thing

is you can repurpose the plumbing pipes you have to cut down on expense. But if you don't

have any, you can make it from scratch. To make this closet system, you're going

to need some black iron plumbing pipes, elbow pipe fittings, 3-way pipe fittings, ¾"

pine boards, pipe clamps, and screws. Do not forget to sand down the board before staining

them. Tip: Use gel stain for an upscale glossy look

for your closet system.

6. Wardrobe with Full-Length Mirror Doors Having a walk-in closet is such a blessing.

Even if it is not that big, you should be grateful for that. But if you think the limited

space is the biggest problem you have in your closet, try incorporating full-length mirrors

on your closet door. Full-length mirror will reflect the light

in your walk-in closet, making it appear to be more spacious. Besides, they can help you

see your look, from head to toe, to make sure whether or not you are ready to go with that


5. Rotatable Closet Don't have enough space for your shoes and

accessories? Try this custom closet organizer system. The idea of this closet system is

derived from the fabulous lazy Susan shoe rack that can be rotated so you'll find

your shoes easier. This closet feature two rotatable shelves

which means you can store more shoes and accessories without gobbling up a lot of space. The other

sides of the shelves are hidden so the closet will look tidy and organized.

One of the rotatable shelves features a full-length mirror that you can use to double-check your

look. When you're finished, you can hide it away so it will be out of your sight.

4. Use Up Every Space You Have Eyeball every space in your small closet.

Don't let any potential space lie dormant if you want to make the most of a tiny closet.

You can turn your closet doors into a perfect additional storage solution by adding some

racks. You can make the racks yourself out of boards,

or you can just get some adjustable racks from IKEA or amazon. These racks will turn

out well as they help you to host the essentials you use on a regular basis.

3. Bold and Modern Shelf Add the touch of boldness and luxury in your

closet by applying this closet system. Sometimes being luxurious doesn't have to be exaggerating.

A simple design featuring clean-line edges and monochromatic hues can be a perfect way

to add an upscale look to your closet.

2. Mirrors are Everywhere Why do you have to stick to just one or two

mirrors if you can have more in your closet? Having more mirrors means you can double-check

your look quickly and easily from any angle. You don't have to get many full-length mirrors

and have them lean against the wall. All you need to do is just installing mirrors as a

part of your closet doors. Combining with white hues and sufficient light, the mirrors

will do a magic that makes your closet look bigger.

Before we get to number 1, I suggest you to press subscribe button if this channel is

new to you. Get new updates automatically every time I upload new video and let's

find out last idea sitting on our top chart. 1.Transparent Glass Doors

Consider replacing your wooden closet doors with transparent glass doors. The glass doors

will allow you to see what's inside the closet without even opening it. Try adding

LED light in your closet to provide sufficient light to the closet. Besides, the light will

also infuse the closet with an elegant look so that you will feel more comfortable when

lingering in it. Clever closet systems are all about getting

things organized. It is not always about the size. Even if your closet is pretty small,

you can make it look fabulous and chic with one of these mind-blowing ideas.

That's it for now, before you leave, like this video (if you truly enjoy it), comment

it, or share it with anyone close to you in your social media account or email list. Browse

and follow Simphome website for more home décor and makeover ideas.

Lastly, see you again later with more video like this in a near future.

And, Until that time…. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> 10 Clever Closet Systems Worth Copying - Duration: 9:47.


2019 का सबसे हिट AUDIO SONG | सब के पानी झारा दिहलू |Ajmal Tiger सुपरहिट Bhojpuri 2019 Songs - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> 2019 का सबसे हिट AUDIO SONG | सब के पानी झारा दिहलू |Ajmal Tiger सुपरहिट Bhojpuri 2019 Songs - Duration: 4:10.


Ключи к акварели #11 "Этапы работы над рисунком" - Duration: 4:09.

Hi, I'm Beetroot Art and today will tell,

what stages can be broken work on any watercolor drawing.

1. We are determined by the fact that we draw.

After the object of drawing is chosen, we pay attention to what it attracted us with -

what is particularly like about him.

For example: what attracted me to these peppers?

Their contrast to each other, glossy surface or shape ..

All these features need to be fixed in the head or on paper.

2. The choice of composition.

We determine how the objects will be located in relation to each other and on the sheet

I make a sketch on a sheet of writing paper, where there are peppers,

to make sure the correct composition.

3. Decomposition by tone.

Very important stage.

It is necessary to decide which object in the image will be the lightest,

which one is the darkest, as well as highlight the tones between them.

It is very useful and convenient to make a tone sketch with a soft pencil,

where the brightest areas to leave open;

and the darkest highlight very dense color.

I have a special notebook where I make similar sketches.

4. Layering and order of work on the picture.

We need to make a clear outline of the drawing sequence.

Based on the previous 3rd paragraph, we determine that we will paint with the first layer,

second, where and how we will specify in the final work.

Usually in watercolor, work begins with light objects.

For example In the peppers, I will begin work on the highlights.

I recommend to see any object stained.

This will facilitate the work on any plot, and also doesn't take much time for its execution.

Detailed masterclass on these peppers you can find on the link above.

I hope these tips can help you too.

Inspiration to you and successful creativity.

For more infomation >> Ключи к акварели #11 "Этапы работы над рисунком" - Duration: 4:09.


「W′z《ウィズ》」竹中凌平のビジュアル解禁、追加キャストに古畑恵介ら - Duration: 2:57.

写真拡大 (全2 )  4月に上演 れる「SPECTA LE STAGE『 'z《ウィズ》』」 り、竹中凌平扮する キヤのビジュアルが 開された。 【この 事の画像(全2件) もっと見る】  ま このたび追加キャス も明らかに

ハルカ役の山田麻莉 、ハナ役の田野優花 タヅナ役の古畑恵介 コヨリ役の平松可奈 らの出演が新たに決 した。 現在放送中 テレビアニメ「W' 《ウィズ》」は、「 」シリーズや「ハン シェイカー」などで られるアニメーショ 制作会社・GoHa dsが手がける新作 ニメ

舞台版「SPECT CLE STAGE W'z《ウィズ》』 では、吉田武寛が脚 ・演出を担当する。 演は4月10日から 4日まで東京・シア ーサンモールにて。 ケットのILLUM NUS CREW先 販売は、2月12日 2:00から17日 3:59まで受け付 られ、一般販売は2 日12:00に開始 れる

「SPECTACL STAGE『W' 《ウィズ》』」 2 19年4月10日( )~14日(日)東 都 シアターサンモ ル原案:GoHan s(テレビアニメ「 'z《ウィズ》」) 作:GoHands FrontierW rks(テレビアニ 「W'z《ウィズ》 )脚本・演出:吉田 寛キャスト ユキヤ 竹中凌平ミドリ:? バ:奥田圭悟ガイ: 井俊輝マサタカ:H KU(SUPER ANTASY)フミ キ:田中彪レイジロ :及川洸ハルカ:山 麻莉奈センリ:遠藤 香ハナ:田野優花タ リ:Fukiユキネ 谷茜子タヅナ:古畑 介コヨリ:平松可奈 マキハラ:中谷智昭 リ:千歳ゆうマサル 堀ノ内翼チヅル:秋 悠里ハヤテ:森川大

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