Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 5 2019

 צילום לוויין מודיעיני שהגיע היום (שלישי) מסוריה, וצולם על ידי חברת ISI הישראלית, מצביע על התקדמות בהכנסת סוללות ה-S300 לשימוש מבצעי על ידי צבא סוריה

  מדובר במערכת אשר נחשבת לאחת מהמתקדמות בעולם מבחינה הגנתית, וכבר עבדה מספר פעמים ברוסיה, כשבעבר אף יוחסו לה הפלת טילים ישראליים

מדובר בעוד שלב קריטי לקראת מסירת המערכת לידיים מקומיות סוריות, כאשר כבר כאשר הודיעו הרוסים על העברת הסוללות לאחר הפלת המטוס שלהם, הם ניסו להכשיר את צבא סוריה לשימוש בהן

הסוללה עצמה הגיעה באוקטובר האחרון, וכעת, ארבעה חודשים אחרי, היא עוברת להיות מבצעית

  למרות זאת, לא ברור מדוע אחד המשגרים מכוסה, והסיטואציה הזאת, שהיא נדירה, מעלה שאלות לגבי מצבה המבצעי של כל הסוללה עצמה, וספציפית לגבי יכולת שיגור הטילים שלה

 מהחברה עצמה נמסר כי "יתכן שזקפת המשגרים הנה עוד ביטוי למתיחות בזירה הסורית כיום

כמו כן, אם אכן מדובר בפעם הראשונה שמשגרים אלה מוזקפים (ולא רק בפעם ראשונה שהם נתפסים בעדשת מצלמת הלוויין), הדבר ככל הנראה מסמל התקדמות בתהליך המבצוע של הסוללה"

 זוהי אינה הפעם הראשונה שחברת ImageSat Internationalׁׁ) ISI) חושפת את ההתקדמות הרוסית והסורית

פרטים נוספים מיד.

For more infomation >> צילום הלוויין מוכיח: שלושה משגרי S-300 זקופים לקראת מבצעיות סורית - Duration: 2:22.


Nightcore - Under The Pressure (The Score) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:04.

Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Under The Pressure (The Score) (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:04.



Mary said, "As Mother, I tell you, do you go with me, do you like

each other, testify! Do not have not afraid to defend, by your example,

the truth" Yes I make spelling errors ... yes

my translations are not so good ... yes I always show statues crying

.... yes I always ask for prayers with the heart …. yes yes yes ... but at least

I do something, I do what I do can ... Mary asks for good will

... I put good will ... yes I can deceive me ... yes the miracles are not

recognized by the church .... yes I do not know not very good things of god ... yes

I try to make my videos profitable ... yes I sell crosses ... but me ... at least

.... I fight as I can, to change France, to change the world ... and you

what do you do with all these messages ... and where are you with God? me I

I launched myself towards Mary, yes I had trouble starting ... now

as Mary says: I am in silence and I have a lot of hope and I pass on

my experience ... Mary asks us to do not be lukewarm ... do not hesitate

and answer a big "yes" to Mary ... a big "yes" to Jesus ...

Marie said, "But, unfortunately, many of my kids do not want

listen to me, many of my children are hesitant "get started and pass on

the messages, testify of your experience ... use all possible means ... if you

you are not good, it does not matter ... Marie said: "the sky is with you" .... yes you will

can be shame ... but it's for the good cause ... go for courage

what you can ...

To subscribe follow the white arrow, click on the logo now because you

can come back to the video after ...

A miracle …

The Catholic Church is the only religion that has

miracles, maybe also the orthodox ... there are stone statues crying,

the dancing sun, healings, people who have the wounds of Jesus,

flying hosts, wafting hosts ... there are many miracles among

Catholics ...

Subscribe and especially do not forget the small bell, to be alerted to each

new publication ...

On the left you can access our memories, by clicking on the link and on the right

you can see our best videos or more videos ...

Now you can subscribe ... next ... the red arrow ...

For more infomation >> COMMENT DONNER SON " OUI " ? .... VOUS AUREZ PEUT ETRE LA HONTE ... (MEDJUGORJE 2019- GOSPA) - Duration: 3:35.


SYLAS Top vs SHEN | Patch 9.2 | LOL KR Ranked - Duration: 21:11.

SYLAS Top vs SHEN | Patch 9.2 | LOL KR Ranked

For more infomation >> SYLAS Top vs SHEN | Patch 9.2 | LOL KR Ranked - Duration: 21:11.


SONIC THE HEDGEHOG sur MEGA DRIVE. 🦔 - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> SONIC THE HEDGEHOG sur MEGA DRIVE. 🦔 - Duration: 6:37.


La Commission Départementale de Préservation des Espaces Naturels, Agricoles et Forestiers en 2018 - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> La Commission Départementale de Préservation des Espaces Naturels, Agricoles et Forestiers en 2018 - Duration: 3:12.


💪 Comment avoir des ABDOS SANS EFFORT en seulement 4 semaines ? - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> 💪 Comment avoir des ABDOS SANS EFFORT en seulement 4 semaines ? - Duration: 2:08.


【今日はエントリーチャンス来るか!?】2019/2/5(火)FX実況ライブ生配信カニトレーダーが行く! 生放送269回目🎤★☆★現在収支+3,444,367円★☆★ - Duration: 3:37:39.

For more infomation >> 【今日はエントリーチャンス来るか!?】2019/2/5(火)FX実況ライブ生配信カニトレーダーが行く! 生放送269回目🎤★☆★現在収支+3,444,367円★☆★ - Duration: 3:37:39.


Live in the D: Road trip & camp in style with Michigan RV and Campgrounds - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Live in the D: Road trip & camp in style with Michigan RV and Campgrounds - Duration: 3:15.


Comment remplacer un filtre d'habitacle sur FIAT 500 ABARTH (312) [TUTORIEL AUTODOC] - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Comment remplacer un filtre d'habitacle sur FIAT 500 ABARTH (312) [TUTORIEL AUTODOC] - Duration: 3:04.


Live in the D: Get your veggie fix to your door with Doorganics - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Live in the D: Get your veggie fix to your door with Doorganics - Duration: 3:16.


Lezione D'inglese Di Ann Davies. Quinta Serie. lezione 6 - Duration: 17:20.

For more infomation >> Lezione D'inglese Di Ann Davies. Quinta Serie. lezione 6 - Duration: 17:20.


Meghan Markle, ce geste inattendu qui a changé la vie d'une de ses fans - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle, ce geste inattendu qui a changé la vie d'une de ses fans - Duration: 9:06.


Vanessa Paradis remuée, Lily-Rose Depp lui fait la plus belles des déclarations - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis remuée, Lily-Rose Depp lui fait la plus belles des déclarations - Duration: 1:35.


Sophie Davant, étonnante critique sur son style, sa réplique cash ! - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Sophie Davant, étonnante critique sur son style, sa réplique cash ! - Duration: 1:19.


MrBeast Sings Rap God - Duration: 0:43.

Lyrics coming at you at supersonic speed, (JJ Fad)

Uh, sama lamaa duma lamaa you assuming I'm a human

What I gotta do to get it through to you I'm superhuman

Innovative and I'm made of rubber So that anything you say is ricocheting off

of me and it'll glue to you I'm devastating, more than ever demonstrating

How to give a motherfuckin' audience a feeling like it's levitating

Never fading, and I know that the haters are forever waiting

For the day that they can say I fell off, they'd be celebrating

'Cause I know the way to get 'em motivated I make elevating music, you make elevator

music Oh, he's too mainstream

Well, that's what they do when they get jealous, they confuse it

It's not hip hop, it's pop, 'cause I found a hella way to fuse it

With rock, shock rap with Doc Throw on Lose Yourself and make 'em lose it

For more infomation >> MrBeast Sings Rap God - Duration: 0:43.


5 Used Sports Cars You Should Never Buy - Duration: 9:14.

Rev up your engines, today I'm going to talk about 5 used sports

cars that you should never buy, now buying a used sports car is one of the toughest things

to do correctly, with all used sports cars there's two main problems, the first one is,

people who buy sports cars tend to drive the heck out of them, so with any used sports

car you got to check it out to make sure that it's still in good shape, not also the resale

value of sports cars is often rather low, the go for a rather cheap price compared to

what a new one costs, and that's the second thing you got to worry about, over the last

51 years I can't think of how many customers I had who said, oh scotty look I got a really

good deal on this used sports car, to which I will often respond, you think you got a

really good deal, let's look a little bit further to see if you did or didn't, because

as one of my customers bought himself a porsche and thought, wow I only paid $8,000 for this

shinny porsche what a deal, and compared to the original price oh course that's a deal,

but what he didn't realize was, that particular porsche, hey you're going to expect to spend

$5-10k a year maintaining a used porsche like that, it's going to need transmission work

probably, eventually it's going to need engine work, you're looking at big money repairs,

that's why the used one was so cheap, so you always have to have a mechanic like me check

one of before you buy it of course, here are 5 used sports cars that you should

never even think about buying, but here I'm going to give you a little disclaimer, I'm

not going to be talking about exotic sports cars, or Italian sports cars, because really

never buy a used exotic sports car or a used Italian sports car, they are money pits when

their new and when their used their doubly so, so just stay away from all of those if

you value your money, now the first used sports car not to buy is

the mercedes sl600, you do not want to buy a used v12 mercedes sports car, now I have

had customers that did, and only one of them was ever happy, he got it cheap, he realized,

I'm only going to use this thing on the weekends for a knock around car, I know I can put a

ton of money into it if I have to, he was happy with the car that he kept for 2 years,

but then again he only put like 1-2 thousand miles on it total in two years, and it didn't

ride all that great because the struts were all wearing out on it and he didn't want to

spend the money to fix that, so he just stayed away from really bumpy road and he didn't

take long trips or anything in it, to him it was kind of a lawn ornament you know, but

if you're going to buy something like that and actually drive it around, the thing is

going to bankrupt you, that's why you can find cars like that, that originally went

for $100k+ and you can pick them up all day long for $15k or sometimes as little as $8k,

but there's a reason you can buy them so cheap used,

so stay away from that mercedes sports car if you're looking at a used sports car, now

the next used sports car not to buy is a gm product, the pontiac solstice they were kind

of cooling looking, and the were fun to drive, they put little engines in them but they were

all modded and they could really go, but they could also really fall apart, my customers

that owned them, the either go rid of them as they aged, or they bought them cheap second

hand and used them for a weekend toy, and the customers of mine that bought them as

weekend toy, they still tended to fall apart, it didn't matter if they only drove 1,000-3,000

miles a year they still starting falling apart as they got older, with gm's designs would

show and things started breaking, so as far as I'm concerned the pontiac solstice, hey

it's another lawn ornament, it looks cool you know, I mean if you want to have a collection

of cars and have them lying around and you look at them, yeah it's cool looking you know,

and they were fun to drive around, you'd go around the block a couple times hey it looks

cool, but it's not something that you want to buy used and expect to get a lot of life

out of, now the next used car not to buy is the porsche

911 m96, I wouldn't advice anybody to buy any kind of porsche second hand because of

their high parts costs, high repair labor because of their crazy designs, and basically

they do have a tendency of falling apart as they age, hey it had serious engine problems,

they didn't build the internals right, and a lot of the engines blew out, and if you

want to price a new engine in a porsche, you better have some money in your bank account,

I would have to say with the porsche 911s that's probably the worst used sports car

you could possibly buy, from my own customers experience I've had quite a few of them say,

hey look scotty I got a great deal on this 911 porsche, and then if they keep it for

a year or two or three years and they total what they have to spend on it or what they

will have to spend if they want it to run right, their like oh man I'm kicking myself

for buying that thing, I even had one customer who bought one new and then kept it for decades

thinking, I'm not going to drive it much, after decades he had like 20,000 miles on

the car, and he thought oh it's going to be worth money one day, then we went to try to

sell it when it was old and he was old too, and he found out nobody wanted to pay any

serious money for that thing everybody knows how much money it costs to fix them, and when

it was that old all the rubber parts went out, the ac went out, the steering bushings

went out, I mean those are expensive cars to maintain and buying a used one, is probably

one of the worst decisions anyone could ever make,

now the next used sports car not to buy is the dodge challenger, especially the 2013-2014

model, consumer reports, they said that it didn't even complete their reliability test,

the 2013-2014 challengers, yes they have a lot of horsepower, but v8 engines that are

screamers, they are a chrysler product and they do have a tendency of falling apart as

they age, people are always doing burnouts in them, the people who buy those cars with

the big v8 engines, they drive the heck out of them, the probably get the most abuse of

any sports car out there, if your buying a used one your taking a huge gamble that the

thing is going to last and it's not on it's final legs already, if you really have the

hots for one of those, lease the thing, then you know what you're going to pay out, your

leasing the vehicle, it's not something long term and you can have some fun with it, but

buying a used one, is that a gamble, my advice with that one is, get an older one, maybe

from the 60's, that at least will hold it's value, you take care of it, if you like it

you could keep it forever, if you don't you could sell it, if you get it at a good price,

the modern ones their values go down fast now the last used sports car never to buy

is the audi s5, yes another German car isn't that surprising, now I've had a lot of customers

that were suckered and they thought they'd buy one used because of the prices, a new

one when it went for $54k hey it loses over $34k of it's value if it's 4-5 years old,

so they thought hey, I can get a $54k car for $20k and it look great and it handles

and rides really well, at least for the time being, they are endless money pits as the

age, price some of the parts at an audi dealership, and at least here in the US it's not that

easy to get aftermarket parts that are any good for audis, they don't sell enough of

each model, like Toyota they sell million of camrys, corollas, aftermarket parts are

all over the place, but with the audis your often stuck to dealer only parts where they

just stick it to you with a crazy pricetag and half the time they don't even have it

in stock you have to order it and wait, as an example I was working on one time, and

I found out it needed a fuel pressure regulator, a little bitty thing you know it should be

$80-90 max right, so I go in and they say, well we don't sell the fuel pressure regulator

as a individual part, you got to buy this whole assembly for $900 something, and this

was on a customers car who had of course bought the thing used and thought he got a deal,

well at least I got it to run decently, I didn't put the part on it was so expensive

and he just sold the car, he said I can see it's a money pit and he got rid of the car,

and since he bought it used he only lost like $3-4,000 so that's a cheap lesson to learn

and not buy one of these audi in the first place when their used, so hopefully now I've

saved you guys a whole bunch of money and grief by telling you which used sports cars

that you should just run away from if you're even thinking about buying one,

so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring

that bell!

For more infomation >> 5 Used Sports Cars You Should Never Buy - Duration: 9:14.


I Copied A Famous Writer For My Homework And Got Caught - Duration: 2:57.

In English class of the 8th grade our teacher gave us an assignment to write a poem and

present it to the class we got about two to three weeks to write the poem but for some

reason I just couldn't pull any ideas together I just couldn't think of anything and I told

myself that I was bad at poems and that just really unmotivated me so I went on Google

and I looked up poems because I really just wanted to cheat now or teachers were really

big on plagiarism and that it was really important in our school that we don't plagiarize or

copy any big assignment but that just slipped my mind and I wasn't really thinking of it

at the moment so I went on Google and I found the perfect and I decided to change up a couple

words and the deadline was the next day

For more infomation >> I Copied A Famous Writer For My Homework And Got Caught - Duration: 2:57.


Isola, Alvin risponde al rimprovero di Barbara D'Urso: 'No al bullismo in generale' | Nuova Vita - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Isola, Alvin risponde al rimprovero di Barbara D'Urso: 'No al bullismo in generale' | Nuova Vita - Duration: 3:56.


Bri Martiznez...Plus Size Best Outfits Of The Day...Trendy Plus Size Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:21.

Bri Martiznez...Plus Size Best Outfits Of The Day...Trendy Plus Size Outfit Ideas

For more infomation >> Bri Martiznez...Plus Size Best Outfits Of The Day...Trendy Plus Size Outfit Ideas - Duration: 2:21.



Mary said, "As Mother, I tell you, do you go with me, do you like

each other, testify! Do not have not afraid to defend, by your example,

the truth" Yes I make spelling errors ... yes

my translations are not so good ... yes I always show statues crying

.... yes I always ask for prayers with the heart …. yes yes yes ... but at least

I do something, I do what I do can ... Mary asks for good will

... I put good will ... yes I can deceive me ... yes the miracles are not

recognized by the church .... yes I do not know not very good things of god ... yes

I try to make my videos profitable ... yes I sell crosses ... but me ... at least

.... I fight as I can, to change France, to change the world ... and you

what do you do with all these messages ... and where are you with God? me I

I launched myself towards Mary, yes I had trouble starting ... now

as Mary says: I am in silence and I have a lot of hope and I pass on

my experience ... Mary asks us to do not be lukewarm ... do not hesitate

and answer a big "yes" to Mary ... a big "yes" to Jesus ...

Marie said, "But, unfortunately, many of my kids do not want

listen to me, many of my children are hesitant "get started and pass on

the messages, testify of your experience ... use all possible means ... if you

you are not good, it does not matter ... Marie said: "the sky is with you" .... yes you will

can be shame ... but it's for the good cause ... go for courage

what you can ...

To subscribe follow the white arrow, click on the logo now because you

can come back to the video after ...

A miracle …

The Catholic Church is the only religion that has

miracles, maybe also the orthodox ... there are stone statues crying,

the dancing sun, healings, people who have the wounds of Jesus,

flying hosts, wafting hosts ... there are many miracles among

Catholics ...

Subscribe and especially do not forget the small bell, to be alerted to each

new publication ...

On the left you can access our memories, by clicking on the link and on the right

you can see our best videos or more videos ...

Now you can subscribe ... next ... the red arrow ...

For more infomation >> COMMENT DONNER SON " OUI " ? .... VOUS AUREZ PEUT ETRE LA HONTE ... (MEDJUGORJE 2019- GOSPA) - Duration: 3:35.


Align (Flutter Widget of the Week) - Duration: 1:23.

♪ (intro music) ♪

Being able to compose widgets together

is one of Flutter's most powerful features.

But how can you specify

how a child should be laid out or positioned inside its parent?

For example, if you have a Container widget,

how do you choose where a Text widget might show up inside it?

The simplest case is to center it using the Center widget.

But what if you want to place it in the bottom right, for example?

Here's where the Align widget comes in handy.

Align will let you place widgets in a defined area of its parent widget,

such as the bottomRight, or topLeft, or centerRight--

wherever you fancy.

You can also specify the alignment values

where -1 to 1 are the ranges

for both left to right and top to bottom.

This lets you precisely lay out your child widget within its parent.

You can also use Align to position widgets in a stack.

For more info on Align, head on over to flutter.io

♪ (music) ♪

For more infomation >> Align (Flutter Widget of the Week) - Duration: 1:23.


Origami Butterfly Tutorial (Hyo Ahn) - Duration: 16:56.

Let us start with a square paper. It would be nice if you can find a thin paper you can't easily tear. Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a vertical valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply a vertical valley-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a horizontal gate-fold and then unfold.

Apply a horizontal gate-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a vertical gate-fold and then unfold.

Apply a vertical gate-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a horizontal asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

Apply a horizontal asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply another horizontal asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

Apply another horizontal asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a vertical asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

Apply a vertical asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply another vertical asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

Apply another vertical asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

You have completed making a 8x8 matrix base.

Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.

Apply a horizontal valley-fold.

Prepare to turn the paper over.

Turn the paper over.

Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.

Apply a horizontal valley-fold.

Prepare to turn the paper over.

Turn the paper over.

Prepare to apply two horizontal valley-folds.

Apply two horizontal valley-folds.

Prepare to turn the model over.

Turn the model over.

Prepare to apply two vertical pleat-folds consisting of valley-fold and mountain-fold.

Apply two vertical pleat-folds consisting of valley-fold and mountain-fold.

Prepare to turn the model over.

Turn the model over.

Prepare to apply four valley-folds.

Apply four valley-folds.

Prepare to pull the upper layer up.

Pull the upper layer up.

Prepare to pull the lower layer down.

Pull the lower layer down.

Prepare to pull the upper layer up.

Pull the upper layer up.

Prepare to pull the lower layer down.

Pull the lower layer down.

Prepare to turn the model over.

Turn the model over.

Prepare to pull the right wing to the right direction.

Pull the right wing to the right direction.

Prepare to pull the left wing to the left direction.

Pull the left wing to the left direction.

Prepare to turn the model over.

Turn the model over.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold.

Apply a valley-fold.

Prepare to apply a valley-fold.

Apply a valley-fold.

Prepare to put the layer #2 and #3 under the layer #1.

Put the layer #2 and #3 under the layer #1.

Prepare to turn the model over.

Turn the model over.

Prepare to apply a set of valley-folds to smooth edges.

Apply a set of valley-folds to smooth edges.

Congratulation! You have completed making an origami butterfly.

For more infomation >> Origami Butterfly Tutorial (Hyo Ahn) - Duration: 16:56.


How To Be The Go To Realtor In Your Community - Duration: 1:44.

- Alright guys, today we're talking to you about

how you can become the go-to realtor in your community.

First up, we want to talk about

creating content around topical events.

And I'll give you guys and example

of what I mean by a topical event.

Amazon recently launched a second headquarters

in Virginia and New York.

And obviously that's very interesting to people

in those two cities about what it's going to do

for real estate prices, but it could also be interesting

to people in your local community.

If you did a video or an article

about what it would mean if Amazon launched

a second headquarters in your city,

that's something that people are going to be clicking on

and that's something that's gonna make them see you

as the local expert.

Alright guys, next up we want to talk to you

about getting involved in your community.

This could mean supporting local charities,

going to local events,

or even sponsoring a local sports team.

If you get involved in your community

and start establishing real connections

about things that you care about,

this is going to be a great way

to up your presence within your community.

It's a simple formula; give and you shall receive.

Next, we want to talk to you guys about

staying on top of what's going on in your community.

If a new restaurant or a new store opens up

that's trending around the community

be sure to write a blog post

or leave a review for those places.

If you keep sharing this relevant, local content

people around your community will start

to look to you as the local expert.

Lastly, we want to talk to you guys

about advertising locally.

This can be a mixture of digital,

print, and outdoor advertising.

Typically, what we recommend is that you use

Facebook ads to stay top of mind

and Google ads to protect your brand.

If you're interested in Facebook advertising

be sure to click the link below.

We're giving away the exact ad copy that we used

to generate thousands of leads every single month.

Alright guys, if you enjoyed this video

be sure to subscribe by clicking the button right here.

Until next time, I'm Justin Kerby.

Thanks so much for watching.

For more infomation >> How To Be The Go To Realtor In Your Community - Duration: 1:44.


Yamaha: Folger wildcards 'not in our programme' - Duration: 3:19.

Folger's rookie season in 2017 was cut short when he was diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome, and the German then skipped the entire 2018 season to recover before being signed by Yamaha as a test rider for 2019

He took part in the first of the two post-season tests in Valencia last year, where the German talked about a possibility to do wildcards in 2019

But Jarvis has now confirmed that Yamaha's programme doesn't currently include wildcard appearances for Folger, as he believes the German needs time to recover from his break from racing

Japanese veteran Katsuyuki Nakasuga has been the only rider to be handed wildcard races with the Iwata-based manufacturer in recent years at Motegi

"We have no plans at the moment to do wildcards [with Folger]. His priority and focus is testing," said Jarvis during the team's 2019 launch on Monday

"Should something happen later in the year that changes that, we will see but it's absolutely not in our programme at this moment

" Jarvis added that wildcard appearances would split the focus of test riders, echoing Aprilia newcomer Bradley Smith's suggestion that he will lose his test rider mindset when he races

"Of the wildcard riders, Bradley [Smith] is doing five. Maybe [that's] too much

If you're doing five races in a season, a lot of your focus will surely go towards prepping yourself for those races

"So let's wait and see. Jonas has been out of the game for an entire year. "Firstly he needs to get back into the game, ride regularly, then when he gets up to speed if then we find out he's very fast and that entering him as a wildcard will help, then maybe we can consider

" Yamaha fielded Folger and Nakasuga in the MotoGP shakedown at Sepang last week that precedes the official test, and Jarvis said he was encouraged by both test riders' performance there

"I was talking to [Yamaha Racing President Kouichi] Tsuji this morning, he was pretty happy with the Sepang shakedown test," he said

"That means the ideas we brought seem to be working well, which gives me a positive feeling going there


For more infomation >> Yamaha: Folger wildcards 'not in our programme' - Duration: 3:19.


'E' una tragedia…': Al Bano Carrisi col nodo alla gola, ecco cosa è successo. Barbara D'Urso ... - Duration: 12:33.

For more infomation >> 'E' una tragedia…': Al Bano Carrisi col nodo alla gola, ecco cosa è successo. Barbara D'Urso ... - Duration: 12:33.


SONIC THE HEDGEHOG sur MEGA DRIVE. 🦔 - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> SONIC THE HEDGEHOG sur MEGA DRIVE. 🦔 - Duration: 6:37.


Karine Le Marchand (L'amour est dans le pré) : son énorme boulette face à la mort du père d'un - Duration: 2:44.

Karine Le Marchand (L'amour est dans le pré) : son énorme boulette face à la mort du père d'un candidat

Karine Le Marchand avait sans doute oublié ses fiches ce jour-là.

Alors qu'elle se disait proche de la famille d'un candidat, l'animatrice a tout simplement oublié que le père de ses protégés était mort.

Les téléspectateurs ont longtemps fait de leur mieux pour pallier l'absence de L'amour est dans le pré.

Et en attendant le début de cette treizième saison – qui promet déjà de longues sessions de larmes – M6 a dévoilé l'intégralité des portraits de ses treize futurs candidats.

S'il est désormais possible d'écrire à chaque célibataire du programme, il est également venu le temps de faire le bilan sur ce casting 2019…

et sur les déboires habituels de leur présentatrice, Karine Le Marchand.

Elle, qui assume l'humour graveleux qu'elle divulgue sur la sixième chaîne tout au long de l'année, est restée fidèle à ses convictions.

Entre deux blagues coquines, elle a toutefois fait une boulette plus difficile à digérer entre le plat et le dessert.

Et c'est lors de la séquence filmée autour d'Yves que Karine Le Marchand a marché sur des braises en pleine campagne limousine.

Petit frère du légendaire Gégé, le jeune divorcé de 56 ans a dépeint bien malgré lui les nouveautés qui ont récemment fait frémir son arbre généalogique.

La famille, Karine Le Marchand la connaît plutôt bien puisque, pendant des semaines, elle a suivi l'idylle naissante entre Anne-Marie et son agriculteur-peloteur.

Un élément manquait pourtant à la ferme : la figure paternelle du clan. « Mais il est où ton père ? », s'est-elle alors demandée face à l'absence de celui qui, il y a peu, lui vantait les mérites de Gégé.

« Il est décédé malheureusement, a alors dévoilé Yves. Ça fait un an passé du 22 août. Mort dans son métier, par un accident provoqué par une vache.

Un drame. » Ce à quoi l'animatrice s'est contentée d'un « Meeeerde » avant d'enchaîner sur le champ. Heureusement qu'Yves n'est pas à cheval sur les principes…

For more infomation >> Karine Le Marchand (L'amour est dans le pré) : son énorme boulette face à la mort du père d'un - Duration: 2:44.


Liam Neeson insists he's 'not a racist' after wanting to kill black man - News Live - Duration: 3:38.

 Liam Neeson insisted Tuesday that he is "not a "racist" – a day after he admitted to having violent thoughts about killing a "black bastard" to avenge the rape of someone close to him about 40 years ago

 In an appearance on ABC's "God Morning America," the 66-year-old actor said he did feel a "primal urge to lash out" after learning about theual assault

 "I went out deliberately into black areas in the city, looking to be set upon," he said

"It shocked me and it hurt me … I did seek help, I went to a priest."  "Luckily no violence occurred," he said, adding that he likely would have attacked and possibly killed a man if confronted

 Neeson came under fire after revealing in an interview published Monday by the UK's Independent that he sought revenge after he found out about the rape

 "She handled the situation of the rape in the most extraordinary way," Neeson told the paper

"But my immediate reaction was… I asked, did she know who it was? No. 'What color were they?' She said it was a black person

"  "I went up and down areas with a (nightstick), hoping I'd be approached by somebody – I'm ashamed to say that – and I did it for maybe a week, hoping some 'black bastard' would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know, so that I could – kill him," he said

 Neeson – who is promoting his new movie, "Cold Pursuit" – described his thoughts as "horrible, horrible when I think back, that I did that

And I've never admitted that, and I'm saying it to a journalist. God forbid."  Neeson initially told The Independent about his decades-old thoughts after being asked to provide insight into his "Cold Pursuit" character Nels Coxman's need for revenge after his son is killed by a drug gang

 "It's awful, but I did learn a lesson from it, when I eventually thought, 'What the f–k are you doing?' you know?" the "Taken" star added

 On Tuesday, the Northern Ireland-born told GMA's Robin Roberts that if the woman had said her attacker was white, he would have searched for someone who fit that description

 "If she had said an Irish, or a Scot, or a Brit or a Lithuanian, I know I would've had the same effect

I was trying to show honor to (and) stand up for my dear friend in this terrible, medieval fashion," he said

 "I'm a fairly intelligent guy," he added. "That's why it kind of shocked me when I came down to earth after these horrible feelings

Luckily, no violence occurred ever, thanks be to God."  Some people reacted in social media by saying Neeson didn't do himself any favors Tuesday

 "Liam Neeson made it worse. What an awful interview," user Boney Bad Boy Rivers tweeted

 Jonathan Giello wrote: "I think Liam Neeson took that GMA interview to try to damage control his comments but uhhh he dug himself a deeper hole

"  Neeson said, "we all pretend we're all kind of politically correct. In this country, it's the same in my own country too, you sometimes just scratch the surface and you discover this racism and bigotry, and it's there

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For more infomation >> Liam Neeson insists he's 'not a racist' after wanting to kill black man - News Live - Duration: 3:38.


Jurgen Klopp in hot water with FA after comments about referee - Duration: 2:14.

 Jurgen Klopp has been asked by the Football Association to explain his comments about referee Kevin Friend following Liverpool's 1-1 draw with West Ham at the London Stadium

 The FA have requested written observations from the Reds boss, who could be hit with a second disciplinary charge of the season

  Klopp was critical of Friend after a frustrating stalemate with the Hammers in the capital

We're reacting to Liverpool's disappointing draw against West Ham HERE  He claimed that the official's performance was affected by the error made in the build up to Sadio Mane's opening goal

The flag stayed down despite James Milner clearly receiving the ball in an offside position

 Klopp believes that led to West Ham getting decisions in their favour in the second half

 "I heard our goal was offside, I am pretty sure the ref knew that," Klopp said.  "In 50-50 situations it was always a free-kick for the other team, which was hard and did not make life easy

 "As a human being, if I know I have made a big mistake in the first half, I don't want to open the gap any more

 "Referees are obviously human beings, and I understand that, but I didn't during the game because I had no clue that our goal was offside

"  Managers are not allowed to imply bias or question the integrity of officials

 There is no set sanction for breaching the regulations as the FA take into account a number of factors, including a manager's previous disciplinary record

 Klopp was fined £8,000 and warned about his future conduct by the FA in December after running onto the pitch following Liverpool's late derby winner against Everton

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